如果使用linux 下,busybox自带的rdate命令 去ipv6 的ntp server 同步时间的话,会提示invalid argument ;无效参数。
那么现在下载rdate的源码并对其进行修改。源码地址 http://download.csdn.net/detail/wanhl1990/6823025
修改内容如下,下载源码后解压,进入解压后的文件,修改src/ntp.c 的sync_ntp() 函数的内容。
struct ntp_data data; struct sockaddr_in6 *peer1 ; // define peer1 +++; deadline = current_time(JAN_1970) + delay; *offset = 0.0; *error = NTP_INSANITY; //change peer to _in6 , ; peer1 = (struct sockaddr_in6 *)peer ;//++++++ if (connect(fd, peer1, SA_LEN(peer1)) < 0) { //modify
IPv6的结构体sockaddr_in6比sockaddr_in的结构要大,可以存储来自IPv4的连接的ip等信息 。所以按照这个方式来进行修改。
修改完成后,对整个rdate文件进行编译,得到rdate可执行命令后,就可以安装帮助信息中的操作方法进行信息同步了。例如:rdate -n 或者rdate -n 2001:288:5400::2.
out=`exec /sur/bin/rdate -n 2001:288:5400::2 -v -p` res=$? adjustment=`echo $out | grep adjust | sed -e 's/^.*local clock by //g' | sed -e 's/.[0-9]* seconds.*$//g' | sed -e 's/-0/0/'`
static int sntp_restart_adjustment(int adjustment) { struct timeval tv_old = {}, tv_new = {}; /* Get current system's time. */ if (gettimeofday(&tv_old, NULL) < 0) { printf ("gettimeofday() failed "); return 1 ; } /* Add the adjustment (measured in seconds) to the current system's time. */ tv_new.tv_sec = tv_old.tv_sec + adjustment; /* Change system's time with the newly adjusted time. */ if (settimeofday(&tv_new, NULL) < 0) { printf ("settimeofday() failed "); return 1 ; } system("/usr/sbin/rtc %s", "up2chip"); return 0; }