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  • Substring with Concatenation of All Words

    You are given a string, S, and a list of words, L, that are all of the same length. Find all starting indices of substring(s) in S that is a concatenation of each word in L exactly once and without any intervening characters.

    For example, given:
    L["foo", "bar"]

    You should return the indices: [0,9].
    (order does not matter).






     1     vector<int> findSubstring(string S, vector<string> &L) {
     2         int ls = S.length(), n = L.size();
     3         vector<int> result;
     4         if(n == 0)
     5             return result;
     6         int ll = L[0].length();
     7         int index[ls];
     8         memset(index, -1, sizeof(int)*ls);
     9         int needNum[n], hasNum[n];
    10         for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    11             needNum[i] = 1;
    12         int i, j, k;
    13         const char *s = S.c_str();
    14         for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
    15             const char *l = L[i].c_str();
    16             char *tmp = strstr(s, l);
    17             if(tmp != NULL){
    18                 if(index[tmp-s] != -1){
    19                     needNum[index[tmp-s]]++;
    20                     needNum[i] = 0;
    21                     continue;
    22                 }
    23             }
    24             while(tmp){
    25                 index[tmp-s] = i;
    26                 tmp = strstr(tmp+1, l);
    27             }
    28         }
    29         for(i = 0; i < ls; i++){
    30             if(index[i] == -1)
    31                 continue;
    32             memset(hasNum, 0, sizeof(int)*n);
    33             for(j = i; j < (ls<(i+n*ll)?ls:(i+n*ll)); j+=ll){
    34                 if(needNum[index[j]] == hasNum[index[j]]){
    35                     break;
    36                 }
    37                 hasNum[index[j]]++;
    38             }
    39             for(k = 0; k < n; k++){
    40                 if(needNum[k] != -1 && hasNum[k] != needNum[k])
    41                     break;
    42             }
    43             if(k == n)
    44                 result.push_back(i);
    45         }
    46         return result;
    47     }


     1         vector<int> findSubstring(string S, vector<string> &L) {  
     2             // Start typing your C/C++ solution below  
     3             // DO NOT write int main() function  
     4             map<string, int> words;  
     5             map<string, int> count;  
     6             vector<int> result;  
     7             int wordNum = L.size();  
     8             if (wordNum == 0) return result;  
     9             for (int i = 0; i < wordNum; ++i)  
    10                 ++words[L[i]];  
    12             int wordSize = L[0].size();  
    13             int slength = S.size();  
    14             for (int i = 0; i <= slength - wordSize*wordNum; ++i)  
    15             {  
    16                 count.clear();  
    17                 int j = 0;  
    18                 for (; j < wordNum; ++j)  
    19                 {  
    20                     string w = S.substr(i+j*wordSize, wordSize);   
    21                     if(words.find(w) == words.end())    
    22                         break;    
    23                     ++count[w];    
    24                     if(count[w] > words[w])    
    25                         break;    
    26                 }  
    27                 if (j == wordNum) result.push_back(i);  
    28             }  
    29             return result;  
    30         }  
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/waruzhi/p/3456579.html
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