is an array of durations, E
is a either boolean or binary array representing whether the “death” was observed (alternatively an individual can be censored).
import lifelines from lifelines.datasets import load_waltons df = load_waltons() # returns a Pandas DataFrame T = df['T'] E = df['E'] from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter kmf = KaplanMeierFitter(), event_observed=E) # more succiently,,E) kmf.survival_function_ ''' Out[7]: KM_estimate timeline 0.0 1.000000 6.0 0.993865 7.0 0.987730 9.0 0.969210 13.0 0.950690 15.0 0.938344 17.0 0.932170 19.0 0.913650 22.0 0.888957 26.0 0.858090 29.0 0.827224 32.0 0.821051 33.0 0.802531 36.0 0.790184 38.0 0.777837 41.0 0.734624 43.0 0.728451 45.0 0.672891 47.0 0.666661 48.0 0.616817 51.0 0.598125 ''' kmf.median_ ''' Out[8]: 56.0 ''' kmf.plot()
import lifelines from lifelines.datasets import load_waltons from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter df = load_waltons() # returns a Pandas DataFrame kmf = KaplanMeierFitter() T = df['T'] E = df['E'] groups = df['group'] ix = (groups == 'miR-137')[~ix], E[~ix], label='control') ax = kmf.plot()[ix], E[ix], label='miR-137') kmf.plot(ax=ax)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from lifelines.plotting import plot_lifetimes from numpy.random import uniform, exponential N = 25 current_time = 10 actual_lifetimes = np.array([[exponential(12), exponential(2)][uniform()<0.5] for i in range(N)]) observed_lifetimes = np.minimum(actual_lifetimes,current_time) observed= actual_lifetimes < current_time plt.xlim(0,25) plt.vlines(10,0,30,lw=2, linestyles="--") plt.xlabel('time') plt.title('Births and deaths of our population, at $t=10$') plot_lifetimes(observed_lifetimes, event_observed=observed) print "Observed lifetimes at time %d: "%(current_time), observed_lifetimes
import pandas as pd import lifelines from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = lifelines.datasets.load_dd() kmf = KaplanMeierFitter() T = data["duration"] C = data["observed"], event_observed=C ) plt.title('Survival function of political regimes') kmf.survival_function_.plot() kmf.plot() kmf.median_
import pandas as pd import lifelines from lifelines import KaplanMeierFitter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt data = lifelines.datasets.load_dd() kmf = KaplanMeierFitter() T = data["duration"] C = data["observed"], event_observed=C ) plt.title('Survival function of political regimes') kmf.survival_function_.plot() kmf.plot() ax = plt.subplot(111) dem = (data["democracy"] == "Democracy")[dem], event_observed=C[dem], label="Democratic Regimes") kmf.plot(ax=ax, ci_force_lines=True)[~dem], event_observed=C[~dem], label="Non-democratic Regimes") plt.ylim(0,1); plt.title("Lifespans of different global regimes") kmf.plot(ax=ax, ci_force_lines=True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Import standard packages import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy.random import uniform, exponential import os # additional packages from lifelines.plotting import plot_lifetimes import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', '..', 'Utilities')) try: # Import formatting commands if directory "Utilities" is available from ISP_mystyle import setFonts except ImportError: # Ensure correct performance otherwise def setFonts(*options): return # Generate some dummy data np.set_printoptions(precision=2) N = 20 study_duration = 12 # Note: a constant dropout rate is equivalent to an exponential distribution! actual_subscriptiontimes = np.array([[exponential(18), exponential(3)][uniform()<0.5] for i in range(N)]) observed_subscriptiontimes = np.minimum(actual_subscriptiontimes,study_duration) observed= actual_subscriptiontimes < study_duration # Show the data setFonts(18) plt.xlim(0,24) plt.vlines(12, 0, 30, lw=2, linestyles="--") plt.xlabel('time') plt.title('Subscription Times, at $t=12$ months') plot_lifetimes(observed_subscriptiontimes, event_observed=observed) print("Observed subscription time at time %d: "%(study_duration), observed_subscriptiontimes)
where k > 0 is the shape parameter and > 0 is the scale parameter of the
distribution. (It is one of the rare cases where we use a shape parameter different
from skewness and kurtosis.) Its complementary cumulative distribution function is
a stretched exponential function.
If the quantity x is a “time-to-failure,” theWeibull distribution gives a distribution
for which the failure rate is proportional to a power of time. The shape parameter, k,
is that power plus one, and so this parameter can be interpreted directly as follows:
• Avalueofk < 1 indicates that the failure rate decreases over time. This happens
if there is significant “infant mortality,” or defective items failing early and the
failure rate decreasing over time as the defective items are weeded out of the
• Avalueofk D 1 indicates that the failure rate is constant over time. This might
suggest random external events are causing mortality, or failure.
• Avalueofk > 1 indicates that the failure rate increases with time. This happens
if there is an “aging” process, or parts that are more likely to fail as time goes on.
An example would be products with a built-in weakness that fail soon after the
warranty expires.
In the field of materials science, the shape parameter k of a distribution of
strengths is known as the Weibull modulus.
瑞典工程师威布尔从30年代开始研究轴承寿命,以后又研究结构强度和疲劳等问题。他采用了“链式”模型来解释结构强度和寿命问题。这个模型假设一个结构 是由若干小元件(设为n个)串联而成,于是可以形象地将结构看成是由n个环构成的一条链条,其强度(或寿命)取决于最薄弱环的强度(或寿命)。单个链的强 度(或寿命)为一随机变量,设各环强度(或寿命)相互独立,分布相同,则求链强度(或寿命)的概率分布就变成求极小值分布问题,由此给出威布尔分布函数。 由于零件或结构的疲劳强度(或寿命)也应取决于其最弱环的强度(或寿命),也应能用威布尔分布描述。
威布尔分布有多种形式,包括一参数威布尔分布、二参数威布尔分布、三参数威布尔分布或混合威布尔分布。三参数的威布尔分布由形状、尺度(范围)和位置三 个参数决定。其中形状参数是最重要的参数,决定分布密度曲线的基本形状,尺度参数起放大或缩小曲线的作用,但不影响分布的形状。通过改变形状参数可以表示 不同阶段的失效情况;也可以作为许多其他分布的近似,如,可将形状参数设为合适的值以近似正态、对数正态、指数等分布。