# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Import standard packages import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats import pandas as pd import os # additional packages import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', '..', 'Utilities')) try: # Import formatting commands if directory "Utilities" is available from ISP_mystyle import showData except ImportError: # Ensure correct performance otherwise def showData(*options): return # Other required packages from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import (pairwise_tukeyhsd, MultiComparison) from statsmodels.formula.api import ols from statsmodels.stats.anova import anova_lm from statsmodels.stats.libqsturng import psturng def setData(): ''' Set up the data, as a structured array. ''' # The first and last field are 32-bit intergers; the second field is an # 8-byte string. Note that here we can also give names to the individual # fields! data = np.rec.array([ ( 1, 'mental', 2 ), ( 2, 'mental', 2 ), ( 3, 'mental', 3 ), ( 4, 'mental', 4 ), ( 5, 'mental', 4 ), ( 6, 'mental', 5 ), ( 7, 'mental', 3 ), ( 8, 'mental', 4 ), ( 9, 'mental', 4 ), ( 10, 'mental', 4 ), ( 11, 'physical', 4 ), ( 12, 'physical', 4 ), ( 13, 'physical', 3 ), ( 14, 'physical', 5 ), ( 15, 'physical', 4 ), ( 16, 'physical', 1 ), ( 17, 'physical', 1 ), ( 18, 'physical', 2 ), ( 19, 'physical', 3 ), ( 20, 'physical', 3 ), ( 21, 'medical', 1 ), ( 22, 'medical', 2 ), ( 23, 'medical', 2 ), ( 24, 'medical', 2 ), ( 25, 'medical', 3 ), ( 26, 'medical', 2 ), ( 27, 'medical', 3 ), ( 28, 'medical', 1 ), ( 29, 'medical', 3 ), ( 30, 'medical', 1 )], dtype=[('idx', '<i4'), ('Treatment', '|S8'), ('StressReduction', '<i4')]) return data def doAnova(data): '''one-way ANOVA''' df = pd.DataFrame(data) model = ols('StressReduction ~ C(Treatment)',df).fit() anovaResults = anova_lm(model) print(anovaResults) if anovaResults['PR(>F)'][0] < 0.05: print('One of the groups is different.') def doTukey(data, multiComp): '''Do a pairwise comparison, and show the confidence intervals''' print((multiComp.tukeyhsd().summary())) # Calculate the p-values: res2 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(data['StressReduction'], data['Treatment']) df = pd.DataFrame(data) numData = len(df) numTreatments = len(df.Treatment.unique()) dof = numData - numTreatments # Show the group names print((multiComp.groupsunique)) # Generate a print ------------------- # Get the data xvals = np.arange(3) res2 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(data['StressReduction'], data['Treatment']) errors = np.ravel(np.diff(res2.confint)/2) # Plot them plt.plot(xvals, res2.meandiffs, 'o') plt.errorbar(xvals, res2.meandiffs, yerr=errors, fmt='o') # Put on labels pair_labels = multiComp.groupsunique[np.column_stack(res2._multicomp.pairindices)] plt.xticks(xvals, pair_labels) # Format the plot xlim = -0.5, 2.5 plt.hlines(0, *xlim) plt.xlim(*xlim) plt.title('Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05' + ' Pairwise Mean Differences') # Save to outfile, and show the data outFile = 'multComp.png' showData(outFile) def Holm_Bonferroni(multiComp): ''' Instead of the Tukey's test, we can do pairwise t-test ''' # First, with the "Holm" correction rtp = multiComp.allpairtest(stats.ttest_rel, method='Holm') print((rtp[0])) # and then with the Bonferroni correction print((multiComp.allpairtest(stats.ttest_rel, method='b')[0])) # Any value, for testing the program for correct execution checkVal = rtp[1][0][0,0] return checkVal def main(): # Get the data data = setData() # Do a one-way ANOVA doAnova(data) #Then, do the multiple testing multiComp = MultiComparison(data['StressReduction'], data['Treatment']) doTukey(data, multiComp) # Tukey's HSD test checkVal = Holm_Bonferroni(multiComp) # Alternatives to Tukey's HSD test return checkVal # this is only for regression testing of the program if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scipy,math from scipy.stats import f import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats # additional packages from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import lillifors #多重比较 from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests #用于排列组合 import itertools #独立T检验 from scipy.stats import ttest_ind #配对T检验 from scipy.stats import ttest_rel #mental group1=[2,2,3,4,4,5,3,4,4,4] #physical group2=[4,4,3,5,4,1,1,2,3,3] #medical group3=[1,2,2,2,3,2,3,1,3,1] list_groups=[group1,group2,group3] list_total=group1+group2+group3 a=0.05 #one within group error,also know as random error def SE(group): se=0 mean1=np.mean(group) for i in group: error=i-mean1 se+=error**2 return se ''' >>> SE(group1) 22.0 >>> SE(group2) 18.0 >>> SE(group3) 14.0 ''' #sum of squares within group error,also know as random error def SSE(list_groups): sse=0 for group in list_groups: se=SE(group) sse+=se return sse #误差总平方和 def SST(list_total): sst=0 mean1=np.mean(list_total) for i in list_total: error=i-mean1 sst+=error**2 return sst #SSA,between-group sum of squares 组间平方和,公式1:ssa=sst-sse def SSA(list_groups,list_total): sse=SSE(list_groups) sst=SST(list_total) ssa=sst-sse return ssa #SSA,between-group sum of squares 组间平方和 def SSA1(list_groups,list_total): mean_total=np.mean(list_total) ssa=0 for group in list_groups: group_mean=np.mean(group) distance=(mean_total-group_mean)**2 ssa+=distance ssa=ssa*5 return ssa #处理效应均方 def MSA(list_groups,list_total): ssa=SSA(list_groups,list_total) msa=ssa/(len(list_groups)-1)*1.0 return msa # 误差均方 def MSE(list_groups,list_total): sse=SSE(list_groups) mse=sse/(len(list_total)-1*len(list_groups))*1.0 return mse #F score def F(list_groups,list_total): msa=MSA(list_groups,list_total) mse=MSE(list_groups,list_total) ratio=msa/mse*1.0 return ratio ''' >>> F(list_groups,list_total) 22.592592592592595 ''' #LSD检验有问题,需要核对,不如配对T检验准确 #LSD(least significant difference)最小显著差异 def LSD(list_groups,list_total,sample1,sample2): mean1=np.mean(sample1) mean2=np.mean(sample2) distance=abs(mean1-mean2) print"distance:",distance #t检验的自由度 df=len(list_total)-1*len(list_groups) mse=MSE(list_groups,list_total) print"MSE:",mse t_value=stats.t(df).isf(a/2) print"t value:",t_value lsd=t_value*math.sqrt(mse*(1.0/len(sample1)+1.0/len(sample2))) print "LSD:",lsd if distance<lsd: print"no significant difference between:",sample1,sample2 else: print"there is significant difference between:",sample1,sample2 #正态分布测试 def check_normality(testData): #20<样本数<50用normal test算法检验正态分布性 if 20<len(testData) <50: p_value= stats.normaltest(testData)[1] if p_value<0.05: print"use normaltest" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print"use normaltest" print "data are normal distributed" return True #样本数小于50用Shapiro-Wilk算法检验正态分布性 if len(testData) <50: p_value= stats.shapiro(testData)[1] if p_value<0.05: print "use shapiro:" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print "use shapiro:" print "data are normal distributed" return True if 300>=len(testData) >=50: p_value= lillifors(testData)[1] if p_value<0.05: print "use lillifors:" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print "use lillifors:" print "data are normal distributed" return True if len(testData) >300: p_value= stats.kstest(testData,'norm')[1] if p_value<0.05: print "use kstest:" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print "use kstest:" print "data are normal distributed" return True #对所有样本组进行正态性检验 def NormalTest(list_groups): for group in list_groups: #正态性检验 status=check_normality(group1) if status==False : return False #排列组合函数 def Combination(list_groups): combination= [] for i in range(1,len(list_groups)+1): iter = itertools.combinations(list_groups,i) combination.append(list(iter)) #需要排除第一个和最后一个 return combination[1:-1][0] ''' Out[57]: [[([2, 3, 7, 2, 6], [10, 8, 7, 5, 10]), ([2, 3, 7, 2, 6], [10, 13, 14, 13, 15]), ([10, 8, 7, 5, 10], [10, 13, 14, 13, 15])]] ''' #多重比较 def Multiple_test(list_groups): combination=Combination(list_groups) for pair in combination: LSD(list_groups,list_total,pair[0],pair[1]) #discriptive statistcs print "discriptive statistcs----------------------------------------------" print "group1 mean",np.mean(group1) print "group2 mean",np.mean(group2) print "group3 mean",np.mean(group3) #对所有样本组进行正态性检验 print"M=Normality test:-----------------------------------" NormalTest(list_groups) #方差齐性检测 print"levene test:-----------------------------------" leveneResult=scipy.stats.levene(group1,group2,group3) leveneScore=leveneResult[0] p_levene=leveneResult[1] if p_levene<0.05: print"levene test is not fit,be attention!" else: print"levene test is ok" ''' H0成立,三组数据方差无显著差异 Out[9]: LeveneResult(statistic=0.24561403508771934, pvalue=0.7860617221429711) ''' print "result--------------------------------------------------" f_score=F(list_groups,list_total) print"F score:",f_score #sf 为生存函数survival function #组数自由度 df1=len(list_groups)-1 #所有样本的自由度 df2=len(list_total)-1*len(list_groups) probability=f.sf(f_score,df1,df2) print"p value:",probability ''' Out[28]: 8.5385924542746692e-05 ''' if probability<0.05: print"there is significance,H1 win" else: print"there is no significance,H0 win" #多重比较 print"multiple test----------------------------------------------" print"Multiple test",Multiple_test Multiple_test(list_groups)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Import standard packages import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import stats import pandas as pd import os # additional packages import sys sys.path.append(os.path.join('..', '..', 'Utilities')) try: # Import formatting commands if directory "Utilities" is available from ISP_mystyle import showData except ImportError: # Ensure correct performance otherwise def showData(*options): return # Other required packages from statsmodels.stats.multicomp import (pairwise_tukeyhsd, MultiComparison) from statsmodels.formula.api import ols from statsmodels.stats.anova import anova_lm from statsmodels.stats.libqsturng import psturng def setData(): ''' Set up the data, as a structured array. ''' # The first and last field are 32-bit intergers; the second field is an # 8-byte string. Note that here we can also give names to the individual # fields! data = np.rec.array([ ( 1, 'resident', 265 ), ( 2, 'resident', 310 ), ( 3, 'resident', 220 ), ( 4, 'resident', 290 ), ( 5, 'resident', 350 ), ( 6, 'resident', 300 ), ( 7, 'resident', 445 ), ( 8, 'resident', 480 ), ( 9, 'resident', 500 ), ( 10, 'resident', 430), ( 11, 'resident', 428), ( 12, 'resident', 530 ), ( 13, 'commercial', 410 ), ( 14, 'commercial', 305 ), ( 15, 'commercial', 450 ), ( 16, 'commercial', 380 ), ( 17, 'commercial', 310 ), ( 18, 'commercial', 390 ), ( 19, 'commercial', 590 ), ( 20, 'commercial', 480 ), ( 21, 'commercial', 510 ), ( 22, 'commercial', 470 ), ( 23, 'commercial', 415 ), ( 24, 'commercial', 390 ), ( 25, 'officeBuilding', 180 ), ( 26, 'officeBuilding', 290 ), ( 27, 'officeBuilding', 330 ), ( 28, 'officeBuilding', 220 ), ( 29, 'officeBuilding', 170), ( 30, 'officeBuilding', 256), ( 31, 'officeBuilding', 290 ), ( 32, 'officeBuilding', 283 ), ( 33, 'officeBuilding', 260), ( 34, 'officeBuilding', 246), ( 35, 'officeBuilding', 275), ( 36, 'officeBuilding', 320), ], dtype=[('idx', '<i4'), ('Treatment', '|S8'), ('StressReduction', '<i4')]) return data def doAnova(data): '''one-way ANOVA''' df = pd.DataFrame(data) model = ols('StressReduction ~ C(Treatment)',df).fit() anovaResults = anova_lm(model) print(anovaResults) if anovaResults['PR(>F)'][0] < 0.05: print('One of the groups is different.') def doTukey(data, multiComp): '''Do a pairwise comparison, and show the confidence intervals''' print((multiComp.tukeyhsd().summary())) # Calculate the p-values: res2 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(data['StressReduction'], data['Treatment']) df = pd.DataFrame(data) numData = len(df) numTreatments = len(df.Treatment.unique()) dof = numData - numTreatments # Show the group names print((multiComp.groupsunique)) # Generate a print ------------------- # Get the data xvals = np.arange(3) res2 = pairwise_tukeyhsd(data['StressReduction'], data['Treatment']) errors = np.ravel(np.diff(res2.confint)/2) # Plot them plt.plot(xvals, res2.meandiffs, 'o') plt.errorbar(xvals, res2.meandiffs, yerr=errors, fmt='o') # Put on labels pair_labels = multiComp.groupsunique[np.column_stack(res2._multicomp.pairindices)] plt.xticks(xvals, pair_labels) # Format the plot xlim = -0.5, 2.5 plt.hlines(0, *xlim) plt.xlim(*xlim) plt.title('Multiple Comparison of Means - Tukey HSD, FWER=0.05' + ' Pairwise Mean Differences') # Save to outfile, and show the data outFile = 'multComp.png' showData(outFile) def Holm_Bonferroni(multiComp): ''' Instead of the Tukey's test, we can do pairwise t-test ''' # First, with the "Holm" correction rtp = multiComp.allpairtest(stats.ttest_rel, method='Holm') print((rtp[0])) # and then with the Bonferroni correction print((multiComp.allpairtest(stats.ttest_rel, method='b')[0])) # Any value, for testing the program for correct execution checkVal = rtp[1][0][0,0] return checkVal def main(): # Get the data data = setData() # Do a one-way ANOVA doAnova(data) #Then, do the multiple testing multiComp = MultiComparison(data['StressReduction'], data['Treatment']) doTukey(data, multiComp) # Tukey's HSD test checkVal = Holm_Bonferroni(multiComp) # Alternatives to Tukey's HSD test return checkVal # this is only for regression testing of the program if __name__ == '__main__': main()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import scipy,math from scipy.stats import f import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.stats as stats # additional packages from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import lillifors #多重比较 from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests #用于排列组合 import itertools #独立T检验 from scipy.stats import ttest_ind #配对T检验 from scipy.stats import ttest_rel #居民区 group1=[265,310,220,290,350,300,445,480,500,430,428,530] #商业区 group2=[410,305,450,380,310,390,590,480,510,470,415,390] #写字楼 group3=[180,290,330,220,170,256,290,283,260,246,275,320] list_groups=[group1,group2,group3] list_total=group1+group2+group3 a=0.05 #one within group error,also know as random error def SE(group): se=0 mean1=np.mean(group) for i in group: error=i-mean1 se+=error**2 return se ''' >>> SE(group1) 22.0 >>> SE(group2) 18.0 >>> SE(group3) 14.0 ''' #sum of squares within group error,also know as random error def SSE(list_groups): sse=0 for group in list_groups: se=SE(group) sse+=se return sse #误差总平方和 def SST(list_total): sst=0 mean1=np.mean(list_total) for i in list_total: error=i-mean1 sst+=error**2 return sst #SSA,between-group sum of squares 组间平方和,公式1:ssa=sst-sse def SSA(list_groups,list_total): sse=SSE(list_groups) sst=SST(list_total) ssa=sst-sse return ssa #SSA,between-group sum of squares 组间平方和 def SSA1(list_groups,list_total): mean_total=np.mean(list_total) ssa=0 for group in list_groups: group_mean=np.mean(group) distance=(mean_total-group_mean)**2 ssa+=distance ssa=ssa*5 return ssa #处理效应均方 def MSA(list_groups,list_total): ssa=SSA(list_groups,list_total) msa=ssa/(len(list_groups)-1)*1.0 return msa # 误差均方 def MSE(list_groups,list_total): sse=SSE(list_groups) mse=sse/(len(list_total)-1*len(list_groups))*1.0 return mse #F score def F(list_groups,list_total): msa=MSA(list_groups,list_total) mse=MSE(list_groups,list_total) ratio=msa/mse*1.0 return ratio ''' >>> F(list_groups,list_total) 22.592592592592595 ''' #LSD检验有问题,需要核对,不如配对T检验准确 #LSD(least significant difference)最小显著差异 def LSD(list_groups,list_total,sample1,sample2): mean1=np.mean(sample1) mean2=np.mean(sample2) distance=abs(mean1-mean2) print"distance:",distance #t检验的自由度 df=len(list_total)-1*len(list_groups) mse=MSE(list_groups,list_total) print"MSE:",mse t_value=stats.t(df).isf(a/2) print"t value:",t_value lsd=t_value*math.sqrt(mse*(1.0/len(sample1)+1.0/len(sample2))) print "LSD:",lsd if distance<lsd: print"no significant difference between:",sample1,sample2 else: print"there is significant difference between:",sample1,sample2 #正态分布测试 def check_normality(testData): #20<样本数<50用normal test算法检验正态分布性 if 20<len(testData) <50: p_value= stats.normaltest(testData)[1] if p_value<0.05: print"use normaltest" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print"use normaltest" print "data are normal distributed" return True #样本数小于50用Shapiro-Wilk算法检验正态分布性 if len(testData) <50: p_value= stats.shapiro(testData)[1] if p_value<0.05: print "use shapiro:" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print "use shapiro:" print "data are normal distributed" return True if 300>=len(testData) >=50: p_value= lillifors(testData)[1] if p_value<0.05: print "use lillifors:" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print "use lillifors:" print "data are normal distributed" return True if len(testData) >300: p_value= stats.kstest(testData,'norm')[1] if p_value<0.05: print "use kstest:" print "data are not normal distributed" return False else: print "use kstest:" print "data are normal distributed" return True #对所有样本组进行正态性检验 def NormalTest(list_groups): for group in list_groups: #正态性检验 status=check_normality(group1) if status==False : return False #排列组合函数 def Combination(list_groups): combination= [] for i in range(1,len(list_groups)+1): iter = itertools.combinations(list_groups,i) combination.append(list(iter)) #需要排除第一个和最后一个 return combination[1:-1][0] ''' Out[57]: [[([2, 3, 7, 2, 6], [10, 8, 7, 5, 10]), ([2, 3, 7, 2, 6], [10, 13, 14, 13, 15]), ([10, 8, 7, 5, 10], [10, 13, 14, 13, 15])]] ''' #多重比较 def Multiple_test(list_groups): combination=Combination(list_groups) for pair in combination: LSD(list_groups,list_total,pair[0],pair[1]) #discriptive statistcs print "discriptive statistcs----------------------------------------------" print "group1 mean",np.mean(group1) print "group2 mean",np.mean(group2) print "group3 mean",np.mean(group3) #对所有样本组进行正态性检验 print"M=Normality test:-----------------------------------" NormalTest(list_groups) #方差齐性检测 print"levene test:-----------------------------------" leveneResult=scipy.stats.levene(group1,group2,group3) leveneScore=leveneResult[0] p_levene=leveneResult[1] if p_levene<0.05: print"levene test is not fit,be attention!" else: print"levene test is ok" ''' H0成立,三组数据方差无显著差异 Out[9]: LeveneResult(statistic=0.24561403508771934, pvalue=0.7860617221429711) ''' print "result--------------------------------------------------" f_score=F(list_groups,list_total) print"F score:",f_score #sf 为生存函数survival function #组数自由度 df1=len(list_groups)-1 #所有样本的自由度 df2=len(list_total)-1*len(list_groups) probability=f.sf(f_score,df1,df2) print"p value:",probability ''' Out[28]: 8.5385924542746692e-05 ''' if probability<0.05: print"there is significance,H1 win" else: print"there is no significance,H0 win" #多重比较 print"multiple test----------------------------------------------" print"Multiple test",Multiple_test Multiple_test(list_groups)