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  • Spring MVC之视图呈现

         在Spring MVC DispatcherServlet.doDispatch中请求在经过handler处理返回一个ModelAndView.



    /**   根据ModelAndView中的视图名称进行解析,得到具体的视图对象
    	 * Render the given ModelAndView.
    	 * <p>This is the last stage in handling a request. It may involve resolving the view by name.
    	 * @param mv the ModelAndView to render
    	 * @param request current HTTP servlet request
    	 * @param response current HTTP servlet response
    	 * @throws ServletException if view is missing or cannot be resolved
    	 * @throws Exception if there's a problem rendering the view
    	protected void render(ModelAndView mv, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
    		// 确定请求的位置,并将位置信息应用到响应中
    		Locale locale = this.localeResolver.resolveLocale(request);
    		View view;
    		// 如果只是一个视图的引用,则需要解析视图
    		if (mv.isReference()) {
    			// 解析视图名
    			view = resolveViewName(mv.getViewName(), mv.getModelInternal(), locale, request);
    			if (view == null) {
    				throw new ServletException(
    						"Could not resolve view with name '" + mv.getViewName() + "' in servlet with name '" +
    								getServletName() + "'");
    		else {
    			// 不需要解析视图名,从ModleAndView中获取实际的视图对象
    			view = mv.getView();
    			if (view == null) {
    				throw new ServletException("ModelAndView [" + mv + "] neither contains a view name nor a " +
    						"View object in servlet with name '" + getServletName() + "'");
    		// 将视图的渲染委派给视图对象,并通过HttpResponse把视图呈现给Http客户端
    		if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
    			logger.debug("Rendering view [" + view + "] in DispatcherServlet with name '" + getServletName() + "'");
    		view.render(mv.getModelInternal(), request, response);


    	 * 将给定的视图名称解析成一个将被渲染的视图对象
             *  默认的实现要求调用所有的视图解析器。也可以基于特定的模型参数或请求参数使用自定义
             *  策略重写。 
    	 * <p>The default implementations asks all ViewResolvers of this dispatcher.
    	 * Can be overridden for custom resolution strategies, potentially based on
    	 * specific model attributes or request parameters.
    	 * @param viewName the name of the view to resolve
    	 * @param model the model to be passed to the view
    	 * @param locale the current locale
    	 * @param request current HTTP servlet request
    	 * @return the View object, or <code>null</code> if none found
    	 * @throws Exception if the view cannot be resolved
    	 * (typically in case of problems creating an actual View object)
    	 * @see ViewResolver#resolveViewName
    	protected View resolveViewName(String viewName, Map<String, Object> model, Locale locale,
    			HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
    		for (ViewResolver viewResolver : this.viewResolvers) {
    			View view = viewResolver.resolveViewName(viewName, locale);
    			if (view != null) {
    				return view;
    		return null;


     * @author zhangwei_david
     * @version $Id: JsonViewResolver.java, v 0.1 2014��11��30�� ����12:09:44 zhangwei_david Exp $
    public class JsonViewResolver implements ViewResolver, Ordered {
        private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(JsonViewResolver.class);
        private int                 order  = Ordered.HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE;
        private UrlPathHelper       urlPathHelper;
         * @see org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewResolver#resolveViewName(java.lang.String, java.util.Locale)
        public View resolveViewName(String viewName, Locale locale) throws Exception {
            RequestAttributes attrs = RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
            Assert.isInstanceOf(ServletRequestAttributes.class, attrs);
            HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) attrs).getRequest();
            String uri = urlPathHelper.getRequestUri(request);
            if (uri.contains(".json")) {
                LogUtils.info(logger, "Handler the Uri {0} and Return A JSON View", uri);
                return new MappingJacksonJsonView();
            return null;
         * Getter method for property <tt>urlPathHelper</tt>.
         * @return property value of urlPathHelper
        public UrlPathHelper getUrlPathHelper() {
            return urlPathHelper;
         * Setter method for property <tt>urlPathHelper</tt>.
         * @param urlPathHelper value to be assigned to property urlPathHelper
        public void setUrlPathHelper(UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper) {
            this.urlPathHelper = urlPathHelper;
         * @see org.springframework.core.Ordered#getOrder()
        public int getOrder() {
            return order;
         * Setter method for property <tt>order</tt>.
         * @param order value to be assigned to property order
        public void setOrder(int order) {
            this.order = order;
  • 相关阅读:
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wei-zw/p/8797806.html
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