import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class Partition {
* @param s: A string
* @return: A list of lists of string
* <p>
* 136. 分割回文串
* 给定一个字符串s,将s分割成一些子串,使每个子串都是回文串。
* <p>
* 返回s所有可能的回文串分割方案。
* <p>
* 样例
* 给出 s = "aab",返回
* <p>
* [
* ["aa", "b"],
* ["a", "a", "b"]
* ]
public List<List<String>> partition(String s) {
// write your code here
List<List<String>> result = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> partList = new ArrayList<>();
if (s == null||s.length() == 0) {
return result;
int startIndex = 0;
dfs(result, partList, startIndex, s);
return result;
private void dfs(List<List<String>> result, List<String> partList, int startIndex, String s) {
if (startIndex == s.length()) {
result.add(new ArrayList<>(partList));
for (int i = startIndex; i < s.length(); i++) {
String subString = s.substring(startIndex, i + 1);
if (isHuiWen(subString)) {
dfs(result, partList, i + 1, s);
partList.remove(partList.size() - 1);
public boolean isHuiWen(String str) {
String reverseStr = new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString();
return reverseStr.equals(str);
public void testPartition() {
List<List<String>> result = partition("aab");
for (List<String> partList : result) {