var Wechat = { token: null, to: null, message: null, parse_mode: null, sendMessage: function() { var params = { msgtype: "text", chat_id: Wechat.to, text: { content:Wechat.message }, disable_web_page_preview: true, disable_notification: false }, data, response, request = new CurlHttpRequest(), url = 'https://qyapi.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/webhook/send?key=' + Wechat.token; if (Wechat.parse_mode !== null) { params['parse_mode'] = Wechat.parse_mode; } request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json'); data = JSON.stringify(params); // Remove replace() function if you want to see the exposed token in the log file. Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] URL: ' + url.replace(Wechat.token, '<TOKEN>')); Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] params: ' + data); response = request.Post(url, data); Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] HTTP code: ' + request.Status()); Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] response: ' + response); try { response = JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { response = null; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] response parse error'); } if (request.Status() !== 200 || response.errcode !== 0 || response.errmsg !== 'ok') { if (typeof response.errmsg === 'string') { throw response.errmsg; } else { throw 'Unknown error. Check debug log for more information.' } } } } try { var params = JSON.parse(value); if (typeof params.Token === 'undefined') { throw 'Incorrect value is given for parameter "Token": parameter is missing'; } Wechat.token = params.Token; if (['Markdown', 'HTML', 'MarkdownV2'].indexOf(params.ParseMode) !== -1) { Wechat.parse_mode = params.ParseMode; } Wechat.to = params.To; Wechat.message = params.Subject + ' ' + params.Message; Wechat.sendMessage(); return 'OK'; } catch (error) { Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] notification failed: ' + error); throw 'Sending failed: ' + error + '.'; }
var Wechat = { tel: null, calluser: function (){ var response, request = new CurlHttpRequest(), url = 'http://phone_server.com/TRinterfaceYun/CheckSystem.aspx?phone=' + Wechat.tel + '&guid=1234'; // 此处URL 为电话接口 Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] URL: ' + url.replace(Wechat.tel, '<Tel>')); response = request.Post(url); Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] HTTP code: ' + request.Status()); Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] response: ' + response); try { response = JSON.parse(response); } catch (error) { response = null; Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] response parse error'); } } } try { var params = JSON.parse(value); if (typeof params.Tel === 'undefined') { throw 'Incorrect value is given for parameter "Tel": parameter is missing'; } Wechat.tel = params.Tel; Wechat.calluser(); return 'OK'; } catch (error) { Zabbix.Log(4, '[Wechat Webhook] notification failed: ' + error); throw 'Sending failed: ' + error + '.'; }