"only commands for license handling are allowed in current state"
Can you confirm if license is installed. Please check steps below
1705694 - SAP DBTech JDBC: ~only commands for license handling are allowed in current state,,,
2619291 - The System Has No Valid License. Execute Failed (437)
2728984 - System Has No Valid License. Execute failed (437) - Instance is registered with permanent license
If license is installed and you still get error from application, a restart is required - check SAP note 2607801 - Connection Needs to be Restarted After Installing New License for more details.
Regards to the dumps on ABAP since 12:00 this afternoon, there appear to be no more issue with licensed memory or connection from app server 01 & 02 to SOL system.
SQL error "SQL code: 437" occurred while accessing table "MT001W".
What happened?
Database error text: "SQL message: only commands for license handling are
allowed in current state"
437: only commands for license handling are allowed in current state
This termination indicates that either no valid license is installed or that the application servers weren't restarted after having installed the license.
Ref :
2619291 - The System Has No Valid License. Execute Failed (437)
2670267 - Error: Get server node failed on connection 0 :
2645528 - How to install license for tenant database
For any further inquiries on licenses with HANA,
Open an incident with XX-SER-LIKEY or an expert chat on SMP Q.