AsyncTask的设计目标是比较短的操作(最多几秒),如果希望执行更长时间,使用 java.util.concurrent 中的 Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor, FutureTask更合适。
- Params:发送给Asyntask的执行参数类型
- Progress:the type of the progress units published during the background computation
- Result: background计算阶段的结果类型
- onPreExecute() : 任务执行前执行,一般用途例如显示加载框,进度条
- doInBackground(Params...) : 执行后台任务(途中可更新进度条)
- onProgressUpdate(Progress...) : 更新进度条
- onPostExecute(Result) :
- Asyntask实例必须在UI线程中简历
- execute(Params...)必须在UI线程中调用。
new DownloadFilesTask().execute(urlStr);
- 不要手动调用onPreExecute(), onPostExecute()..等方法
- The task can be executed only once(an exception will be thrown if a second execution is attempted)
AsyncTask guarantees that all callback calls are synchronized in such a way that the following operations are safe without explicit synchronizations.
- Set member fields in the constructor or onPreExecute(), and refer to them in doInBackground(Params...)
- Set member fields in doInBackground(Params...), and refer to them in onProgressUpdate(Progress...) and onPostExecute(Result)