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  • China AZURE Infniband Powered GPU VM

            最近 China Azure 上刚刚发布了 NCv3 系列的 GPU 虚拟主机,细心的小伙伴可能注意到,NCv3 中有一款型号为 NC24rs 的虚拟主机,这个字母 r 来的些许蹊跷,代表什么意思呢?通过查阅官网对于该主机的介绍说明可见,原来 r 代表 RDMA,表示该虚拟主机支持 infiniband 来加持的 RDMA 网络。infiniband 可以帮计算节点获得高带宽低延迟的加持,在集群计算场景下可以大大提成效率。今天我们一起来看一下 infiniband 加持后节点通信性能几何。

            我们准备两台 NC24rsv3 的虚拟主机,为保证两台主机可以通过 infiniband 进行互通,我们需要讲两台虚拟主机部署在同一可用性集中(availability set)。部署完成后,登陆虚拟主机安装 RDMA 相关组件,本文以 ubuntu 16.04 LTS 为例,操作步骤如下:

    1. 安装 RDMA 相关组件

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libdapl2 libmlx4-1

    2. 使能 RDMA

    通过 root 权限修改 /etc/waagent.conf  文件


    3. 打开内存限制

    通过 root 权限修改 /etc/security/limits.conf

    * hard memlock unlimited
    * soft memlock unlimited

    4. 重启主机生效配置

    sudo reboot

    5. 安装 Intel MPI 驱动


    wget http://registrationcenter-download.intel.com/akdlm/irc_nas/tec/9278/l_mpi_p_5.1.3.223.tgz


    tar -xzf l_mpi_p_5.1.3.223.tgz


    cd l_mpi_p_5.1.3.223/

    选择 1, 并按照提示输入 root 密码

    Please make your selection by entering an option.
    Root access is recommended for evaluation.
    1. Run as a root for system wide access for all users [default]
    2. Run using sudo privileges and password for system wide access for all users
    3. Run as current user to limit access to user level
    h. Help
    q. Quit

    确认,并接受 EULA

    Step 1 of 6 | Welcome
    Welcome to the Intel(R) MPI Library 5.1 Update 3 for Linux* setup program.
    You will complete the steps below during setup process:
    Step 1 : Welcome
    Step 2 : License agreement
    Step 3 : Activation
    Step 4 : Options
    Step 5 : Installation
    Step 6 : Complete
    Press "Enter" key to continue or "q" to quit:
    Step 2 of 6 | License agreement
    To continue with the installation of this product you are required to accept
    the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement (EULA). The EULA
    is displayed using the 'more' utility. Press the spacebar to advance to the
    next page or enter 'q' to skip to the end. After reading the EULA, you must
    enter 'accept' to continue the installation or 'decline' to return to the
    previous menu.
    This Agreement forms a legally binding contract between you, or the company or
    other legal entity ("Legal Entity") for which you represent and warrant that you
    have the legal authority to bind that Legal Entity, are agreeing to this
    Agreement (each, "You" or "Your") and Intel Corporation and its subsidiaries
    (collectively "Intel") regarding Your use of the Materials.  By copying,
    installing, distributing, publicly displaying, or otherwise using the Materials,
    You agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.  If You do not agree to
    the terms of this Agreement, do not copy, install, distribute, publicly display,
    or use the Materials. You affirm that You are 18 years old or older or, if not,
    Your parent, legal guardian or Legal Entity must agree and enter into this
    DATA COLLECTION.  The Materials may contain certain features that generate,
    collect, and transmit data to Intel about the installation, setup, and use of
    the Materials.  The purposes of data collection are: 1) to verify compliance
    with the terms of this Agreement; and 2) to enable Intel to develop, improve,
    and support Intel's products and services.  When data is collected to verify
    compliance with the terms of this Agreement, this collection may be mandatory
    and a condition of using the Materials.  This data includes the Material's
    unique serial number combined with other information about the Materials and
    Your computer.
    When Materials are made available for use free of charge, the collection of
    usage data (such as randomly generated unique identifier and
    component/feature/function usage) may also be mandatory and a condition of using
    the Materials.  Data collected about the installation, setup, and use of the
    Materials may be collated with other available data only if: 1) the purpose is
    to develop, improve, and support Intel's products and services, and 2) the data
    will not be used to identify or contact You or other individuals.
    To learn more about Intel's data collection for these Materials, please visit:
    https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/data-collection.  To learn more about
    Intel's privacy practices, please visit http://www.intel.com/privacy.
    Third Party Programs (as defined below), even if included with the distribution
    of the Materials, are governed by separate license terms, including without
    limitation, third party license terms, other Intel software license terms, and
    open source software license terms.  Such separate license terms (and not this
    Agreement) solely govern Your use of the Third Party Programs.
       A. "Confidential Information" means all Materials (as defined below),
       including any portions thereof, that are identified (in the product release
       notes, on Intel's download website for the Materials or elsewhere) or labeled
       as Intel confidential information or a similar legend.
       B. "Excluded License" means a license that requires, as a condition of use,
       modification, or distribution, that the licensed software or other software
       incorporated into, derived from or distributed with such software (a) be
       disclosed or distributed in Source Code form; (b) be licensed by the user to
       third parties for the purpose of making and/or distributing derivative works;
       or (c) be redistributable at no charge.  Excluded Licenses include, without
       limitation, licenses that license or distribute software under any of the
       following licenses or distribution models, or licenses or distribution models
       substantially similar to any of the following: (a) GNU's General Public
       License (GPL) or Lesser/Library GPL (LGPL), (b) the Artistic License (e.g.,
       PERL), (c) the Mozilla Public License, (d) the Netscape Public License, (e)
       the Sun Community Source License (SCSL), (f) the Sun Industry Source License
       (SISL), and (g) the Common Public License (CPL).
       C. "Licensed Patent Claims" means the claims of Intel's patents that are
       necessarily and directly infringed by the reproduction and distribution of
       the Materials that is authorized in Section 2 below, when the Materials is in
       its unmodified form as delivered by Intel to You and not modified or combined
       with anything else.  Licensed Patent Claims are only those claims that Intel
       can license without paying, or getting the consent of, a third party.
       D. "Materials" are defined as the software, documentation, the software
       product serial number and license key codes (if applicable), and other
       materials, including any modifications, updates and upgrades thereto, that
       are provided to You under this Agreement.  Materials also include any
       Redistributables, Source Code, and Pre-Release Materials, as defined below
       but do not include Third Party Programs.
       E. "Microsoft Platforms" means any current and future Microsoft operating
       system products, Microsoft run-time technologies (such as the .NET
       Framework), and Microsoft application platforms (such as Microsoft Office or
       Microsoft Dynamics) that Microsoft offers.
       F. "Pre-Release Materials" means the Materials, or portions thereof, that are
       identified (in the product release notes, on Intel's download website for the
       Materials or elsewhere) or labeled as pre-release, and as such the
       Pre-Release Materials are deemed to be pre-release code (e.g., alpha or beta
       release, etc.), which may not be fully functional and which Intel may
       substantially modify in development of a  commercial version, and for which
       Intel makes no assurances that it will ever develop or make generally
       available a commercial version.
       G. "Redistributables" (if any) are the files listed in the following text
       files that may be included in the Materials for the applicable Intel Software
       Development Product: clredist.txt, credist.txt, fredist.txt, redist.txt, and
       H. "Sample Source Code" is those portions of the Materials that are Source
       Code files and are identified as sample source code, including without
       limitation, the IPP Sample Source.
       I. "Source Code" is defined as the software (and not documentation or text)
       portion of the Materials provided in human readable format, and includes
       modifications to the Source Code that You make or are made on Your behalf as
       expressly permitted under the terms of this Agreement.
       J. "Third Party Programs" (if any) are the files listed in the
       "third-party-programs.txt" text file that may be included in the Materials
       for the applicable software.
       K. "Your Product" means one or more applications or products developed by or
       for You using the Materials.
    2.1     Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and timely
    payment of any fees (if applicable), Intel grants You a non-exclusive,
    worldwide, perpetual (subject to Section 11 below), non-assignable (except as
    expressly permitted hereunder), limited right and license:
    A. under its copyrights, to:
       (1) reproduce copies of the Materials for Your internal business use in
       accordance with the documentation included as part of the Materials, and
       subject to the applicable license rights and restrictions specified in
       Section 3 below; provided, however, that this license does not include the
       right to sublicense and may only be exercised by You or Your employees;
       (2) use the Materials solely for Your internal business use to develop
       Your Product, in accordance with the applicable license rights and
       restrictions specified in Section 3 below and the documentation or text files
       included as part of the Materials; provided, however, that this license does
       not include the right to sublicense and may only be exercised by You or Your
       (3) modify or create derivative works of the Materials, or any portions
       thereof, that are provided in Source Code form, provided, however, that this
       license does not include the right to sublicense and may be exercised only by
       You or Your employees;
       (4) publicly perform, display, and distribute (directly and through Your
       distributors, resellers and other channel partners) or otherwise make
       publicly available the Redistributables, including any modifications to or
       derivative works of the Redistributables made pursuant to Section 2.1.A(3),
       or any portions thereof, subject to the following restrictions:
          (i) any distribution of the Redistributables must only be as part of
          Your Product which must add significantly more functionality than the
          Redistributables themselves;
          (ii) any additional restrictions which may appear in the
          Redistributables text files specified in Section 1.G above and in Section
          3 below; and
          (iii) the license under Section 2.1.A(4) includes the right to
          sublicense the Redistributables, but the sublicense rights are
          limited to sublicensing of any Intel copyrights in the
          Redistributables and only to the extent necessary to perform,
          display, and distribute the Redistributables (including Your
          modifications and derivative works thereto) solely as incorporated
          (iv) Distribution of the Redistributables is also subject to the
          following limitations:  You (a) will be solely responsible to Your
          customers for any update, support obligation or other liability
          which may arise from the distribution, (b) will not make any
          statement that Your Product is "certified" or that its performance
          is guaranteed by Intel, (c) will not use Intel's name or
          trademarks to market Your Product without written permission from
          Intel, (d) will provide the Redistributables subject to a license
          agreement that prohibits disassembly and reverse engineering of
          the Redistributables except in cases when you provide Your Product
          subject to an open source license that is not an Excluded License,
          for example, the BSD license, or the MIT license, (e) will
          indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Intel and its suppliers from
          and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorney's fees,
          that arise or result from Your modifications, derivative works or
          Your distribution of Your Product.
    B. under Intel's Licensed Patent Claims, to:
       (1) make copies of the Materials only as specified in Section 2.1.A(1);
       (2) use the Materials only as specified in Section 2.1.A(2); and
       (3) offer to distribute, and distribute, but not sell, the Redistributables
       only as part of Your Product, under Intel's copyright license granted in
       Section 2.1(A), but only under the terms of that copyright license and not as
       a sale (but this right does not include the right to sub-license);
       (4) provided, further, that the license under the Licensed Patent Claims does
       not and will not apply to any modifications to, or derivative works of, the
       Materials, whether made by You, Your customer (which, for all purposes under
       this Agreement, will mean either a customer, reseller, distributor or other
       channel partner), or any third party even if the modification and derivative
       works are permitted under 2.1(A)(3).
    2.2 If the Materials You receive are packaged, as a single orderable item (i.e.,
    as a single SKU), with hardware that includes one or more Intel manufactured
    microprocessors ("Intel Target Hardware"), then the licenses granted in Section
    2.1 above are restricted to the sole purpose of producing and releasing Your
    Product to execute on computer systems that include the same or new versions of
    the Intel manufactured microprocessor included in the Intel Target Hardware.
    Intel expressly does not grant You a patent license in this Agreement to any
    modifications or derivative works of the Materials, whether made by You, Your
    contractor, Your customer, or any other third party in creating the derivative
    works even to the extent creation of derivative works is permitted under Section
    2.1(A)(3) above.
       A. If You are an entity, each of Your employees and Your contractors may use
       the Materials as specified in Section 2 above, provided: (i) their use of the
       Materials is solely on behalf of and in support of Your business, (ii) they
       agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and (iii) You are solely
       responsible for their use of the Materials.
       B. If Your Product is a software development library, then attribution (if
       any), as specified in the product release notes of the corresponding
       Materials shall be displayed prominently in Your Product's associated
       documentation and on the web site (if any) for Your Product.
       C. If You receive Your first copy of the Materials electronically, and a
       second copy on media, then you may use the second copy only in accordance
       with Your applicable license stated in this Agreement, or for backup or
       archival purposes.  You may not provide the second copy to another user.
       D. If the Materials You received are identified as Pre-Release Materials, (i)
       You have the right to use the Pre-Release Materials only for the duration of
       the pre-release term, which is specified in the product release notes, on
       Intel's download website for the Materials or elsewhere, or until the
       commercial release, if any, of the Pre-Release Materials, whichever is
       shorter, and (ii) You may not disclose to any third party any benchmarks,
       performance results, or other information relating to the Pre-Release
       E. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, if the
       Materials include the text file named "site_license_materials.txt" the files
       specified in that text file may be installed on computer systems located only
       at a single site (unless multiple sites are specified in the purchase order
       accepted by Intel or its resellers), and those files may be accessed or used
       by unlimited and simultaneous users, subject to their compliance with all of
       the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
       F. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, You may NOT: (i) use,
       copy, distribute, or publicly display the Materials; (ii) rent or lease the
       Materials to any third party; (iii) assign this Agreement or transfer the
       Materials; (iv) modify, adapt, or translate the Materials in whole or in
       part; (v) reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Materials; (vi)
       attempt to modify or tamper with the normal function of any license manager
       that may regulate usage of the Materials; (vii) distribute, sublicense or
       transfer the Source Code form of any components of the Materials or
       derivatives thereof to any third party; (viii) distribute Redistributables
       except as part of a larger program that adds significant primary
       functionality different from that of the Redistributables; (ix) distribute
       the Redistributables to run on a platform other than a Microsoft Platform if
       according to the accompanying user documentation the Materials are meant to
       execute only on a Microsoft Platform; (x) include the Redistributables in
       malicious, deceptive, or unlawful programs or products; or (xi) modify,
       create a derivative work, link, or distribute the Materials so that any part
       of it becomes subject to an Excluded License.
       G. The scope and term of Your license depends on the type of license You are
       provided by Intel.  The variety of license types are set forth below, which
       may not be available for all "Intel(R) Software Development Products" and
       therefore may not apply to the particular Materials You are licensing.  For
       more information on the types of licenses, please contact Intel or Your sales
       i. EVALUATION LICENSE: If You obtained the Materials pursuant to an
       evaluation license, You may use the Materials only for internal evaluation
       purposes and only for the term of the evaluation period, as specified on
       Intel's download website or which may be controlled by the license key for
       may install copies of the Materials on a reasonable number of computers to
       conduct Your evaluation provided that You are the only individual using the
       Materials and only one copy of the Materials is in use at any one time.  A
       separate license key is required for each additional use and/or individual
       user in all other cases, including without limitation, use by persons,
       computer systems, and other use methods known now and in the future.  Intel
       may provide You with a license key that enables the Materials for an
       evaluation license.  If You are an entity, Intel grants You the right to
       designate one individual within Your organization to have the sole right to
       use the Materials in the manner provided above.
       ii. NONCOMMERCIAL USE LICENSE:  If You obtained the Materials under a
       noncommercial use license, You may use the Materials only for non-commercial
       use where You receive no fee, salary or any other form of compensation.  The
       Materials may not be used for any other purpose, whether "for profit" or "not
       for profit."  Any work performed or produced as a result of use of the
       Materials cannot be performed or produced for the benefit of other parties
       for a fee, compensation or any other reimbursement or remuneration.  You may
       install copies of the Materials on an unlimited number of computers provided
       that You are the only individual using the Materials and only one copy of the
       Materials is in use at any one time.  A separate license is required for each
       additional use and/or individual user in all other cases, including without
       limitation, use by persons, computer systems, and other methods of use known
       now and in the future.  Intel will provide You with a license key that
       enables the Materials for a noncommercial-use license.  If You obtained a
       time-limited noncommercial-use license, the duration (time period) of Your
       license and Your ability to use the Materials is limited to the time period
       of the obtained license, which is specified on Intel's download website,
       specified in the applicable documentation or controlled by the license key
       for the Materials.
       iii. NAMED-USER LICENSE: If You obtained the Materials under a named-user
       license, You may allow only one (1) individual to install and use the
       Materials on no more than three (3) computers provided that same individual
       is using the Materials only on one (1) computer at a time.  If You obtained a
       time-limited named-user license, the term of Your license and your ability to
       use the Materials is limited to the time period of the obtained license,
       which is specified on Intel's download website, specified in the applicable
       documentation or controlled by the license key for the Materials.
       iv. NODE-LOCKED LICENSE: If You obtained the Materials under a node-locked
       license, You may use the Materials only on a single designated computer by no
       more than the authorized number of concurrent users. If You obtained a
       time-limited node-locked license, the term of Your license and Your ability
       to use the Materials is limited to the time period of the obtained license,
       which is specified on Intel's download website, specified in the applicable
       documentation or controlled by the license key for the Materials.
       v. FLOATING LICENSE: If You obtained the Materials under a floating license,
       you may (a) install the Materials on an unlimited number of computers that
       are connected to the designated network and (b) use the Material by no more
       than the authorized number of concurrent individual users.  If You obtained a
       time-limited Floating license key, the term of Your license and Your ability
       to use the Materials is limited to the time period of the obtained license,
       which is specified on Intel's download website, specified in the applicable
       documentation or controlled by the license key for the Materials.
       agree that your use of the Materials or distribution of the Materials with
       Your Product as permitted by this license may require you to procure
       license(s) from one or more third parties that may hold intellectual property
       rights applicable to any media decoding, encoding or transcoding technology
       (such as, for example, through use of an audio or video codec) and/or digital
       rights management capabilities of the Materials, if any.  Should any such
       additional licenses be required, You are solely responsible for obtaining any
       such licenses and agree to obtain any such licenses at Your own expense.
       I. MATERIALS TRANSFER:  Except for the Pre-Release Licenses or Evaluation
       Licenses or Non-Commercial Licenses, as specified above, You may permanently
       transfer the Materials you received pursuant to a license type listed in
       Section 4(G) above, and all of Your rights under this Agreement, to another
       party ("Recipient") solely in conjunction with a change of ownership, merger,
       acquisition, sale or transfer of all or substantially all of Your business or
       assets, either voluntarily, by operation of law or otherwise subject to the
       following: You must notify Intel of the transfer by sending a letter to Intel
       (i) identifying the legal entities of Recipient and You, (ii) identifying the
       Materials (i.e., the specific Intel software and version) and the associated
       serial numbers to be transferred, (iii) certifying that You retain no copies
       of the Materials or portions thereof, (iv) certifying that the Recipient has
       agreed in writing to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this
       Agreement, (v) certifying that the Recipient has been notified that in order
       to receive support from Intel for the Materials they must notify Intel in
       writing of the transfer and provide Intel with the information specified in
       subsection (ii) above along with the name and email address of the individual
       assigned to use the Materials, and (vi) providing Your email address so that
       Intel may confirm receipt of Your letter.  Please send such letter to:
    Intel Corporation
    2111 NE 25th Avenue
    Hillsboro, OR 97124
    Attn: DPD Contracts Management, JF1-15
    4. PRIVACY:
       A. Data Collection:  Based on the personal information You provided to Intel
       when You registered the license to the Materials with Intel, Intel has
       collected or will collect certain personal information from You in order to
       contact You regarding updates to the Materials, and regarding Your experience
       with obtaining, installing and otherwise using Materials, including sending
       You surveys to obtain the aforementioned information.
       B. Revoking Consent to Data Collection:  You can revoke Your consent to this
       collection of personal information at any time by clicking on the link to
       "unsubscribe" at the bottom of any communication from Intel related to the
       Materials which will allow You to opt-out of receiving future messages
       related to the Materials.
       C. Intel's Privacy Notice:  Intel is committed to respecting Your privacy. To
       learn more about Intel's privacy practices, please visit
    5. OWNERSHIP: Title to the Materials and all copies thereof remain with Intel or
    its suppliers.  The Materials are protected by intellectual property rights,
    including without limitation, United States copyright laws and international
    treaty provisions.  You will not remove any copyright or other proprietary
    notice from the Materials.  You agree to prevent any unauthorized copying of the
    Materials.  Except as expressly provided herein, no license or right is granted
    to You directly or by implication, inducement, estoppel or otherwise;
    specifically Intel does not grant any express or implied right to You under
    Intel patents, copyrights, trademarks, or trade secrets.
    6. NO WARRANTY AND NO SUPPORT:  Disclaimer.  Intel disclaims all warranties of
    any kind and the terms and remedies provided in this Agreement are instead of
    any other warranty or condition, express, implied or statutory, including those
    regarding merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, non-infringement
    or any warranty arising out of any course of dealing, usage of trade, proposal,
    specification or sample.  Intel does not assume (and does not authorize any
    person to assume on its behalf) any other liability.
    Intel may make changes to the Materials, or to items referenced therein, at any
    time without notice, but is not obligated to support, update or provide training
    for the Materials. Intel may in its sole discretion offer such support, update
    or training services under separate terms at Intel's then-current rates. You may
    request additional information on Intel's service offerings from an Intel sales
    7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:  Neither Intel nor its suppliers shall be liable for
    any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of
    business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other
    loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the Materials, even if Intel
    has been advised of the possibility of such damages.  Because some jurisdictions
    prohibit the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or
    incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
    8. UNAUTHORIZED USE:  The Materials are not designed, intended, or authorized
    for use in any type of a system or application in which the failure of the
    Materials could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur
    (e.g.,  medical systems, life sustaining or lifesaving systems).  Should You use
    the Materials for any such unintended or unauthorized use, You hereby indemnify,
    defend, and hold Intel and its officers, subsidiaries and affiliates harmless
    against all claims, costs, damages, expenses, and reasonable attorney fees
    arising out of, directly or indirectly, such use and any claim of product
    liability, personal injury or death associated with such unintended or
    unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that Intel was negligent regarding
    the design or manufacture of the Materials.
    9. USER SUBMISSIONS:  This Agreement does not obligate You to provide Intel with
    materials, information, comments, suggestions or other communication regarding
    the Materials.  However, You agree that any material, information, comments,
    suggestions or other communication You transmit or post to an Intel website
    (including but not limited to, submissions to the Intel Premier Support and/or
    other customer support websites or online portals) or provide to Intel under
    this Agreement are not controlled by the International Traffic in Arms
    Regulations (ITAR) or the Export Administration Regulation (EAR), and if related
    to the features, functions, performance or use of the Materials are deemed
    non-confidential and non-proprietary ("Communications").  Intel will have no
    obligations with respect to the Communications.  You hereby grant to Intel a
    non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, copyright license to copy,
    modify, create derivative works, publicly display, disclose, distribute, license
    and sublicense through multiple tiers of distribution and licensees, incorporate
    and otherwise use the Communications and all data, images, sounds, text, and
    other things embodied therein, including derivative works thereto, for any and
    all commercial or non-commercial purposes. You are prohibited from posting or
    transmitting to or from an Intel website or provide to Intel any unlawful,
    threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, or other material that
    would violate any law.  If You wish to provide Intel with information that You
    intend to be treated as confidential information, Intel requires that such
    confidential information be provided pursuant to a non-disclosure agreement
    ("NDA"), so please contact Your Intel representative to ensure the proper NDA is
    in place.
    Nothing in this Agreement will be construed as preventing Intel from reviewing
    Your Communications and errors or defects in Intel products discovered while
    reviewing Your Communications. Furthermore, nothing in this Agreement will be
    construed as preventing Intel from implementing independently-developed
    enhancements to Intel's own error diagnosis methodology to detect errors or
    defects in Intel products discovered while reviewing Your Communications or to
    implement bug fixes or enhancements in Intel products. The foregoing may include
    the right to include Your Communications in regression test suites.
    10.  NON-DISCLOSURE: The following provisions will apply if there is no existing
    non-disclosure agreement between You and Intel. You will maintain the
    confidentiality of the Confidential Information (if any) with at least the same
    degree of care that You use to protect Your own confidential and proprietary
    information, but no less than a reasonable degree of care under the
    circumstances.  You will not disclose the Confidential Information to any
    employees or to any third parties except to Your employees who have a need to
    know and who agree to abide by nondisclosure terms at least as comprehensive as
    those set forth herein; provided that You will be liable for breach by any such
    entity.  For the purposes of this Agreement, the term "employee" will include
    Your independent contractors, who have signed confidentiality agreements with
    You.  You will not make any copies of the Confidential Information except as
    necessary for Your employees with a need to know.  Any copies which are made
    will be identified as belonging to Intel and marked "confidential",
    "proprietary" or with similar legend.  You will not be liable for the disclosure
    of any Confidential Information which is (a) generally made available publicly
    or to third parties by Intel without restriction on disclosure; (b) rightfully
    received from a third party without obligation of confidentiality; (c)
    rightfully known to You without any limitation on disclosure prior to Your
    receipt from Intel; (d) independently developed by Your employees; or (e)
    required to be disclosed in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, court,
    judicial or other government order, provided that You will give Intel reasonable
    notice prior to such disclosure and will comply with any applicable protective
    11. TERMINATION OF THIS LICENSE: This Agreement becomes effective on the date
    You accept this Agreement and will continue until terminated as provided for in
    this Agreement.  If You are using the Materials under a time-limited license,
    for example an Evaluation License, this Agreement terminates without notice on
    the last day of the time period, which is specified in the Materials or on
    Intel's website, and/or controlled by the license key code for the Materials.
    Intel may terminate this license immediately if You are in breach of any of its
    terms and conditions and such breach is not cured within thirty (30) days of
    written notice from Intel.  Upon termination, You will immediately return to
    Intel or destroy the Materials and all copies thereof.  In the event of
    termination of this Agreement, the license grant to any Materials or
    Redistributables distributed by You in accordance with the terms and conditions
    of this Agreement, prior to the effective date of such termination, will survive
    any such termination of this Agreement. Sections 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
    12, and 13 will survive expiration or termination of this Agreement.
    12. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS: The technical data and computer software
    covered by this license is a "Commercial Item," as such term is defined by the
    FAR 2.101 (48 C.F.R. 2.101) and is "commercial computer software" and
    "commercial computer software documentation" as specified under FAR 12.212 (48
    C.F.R. 12.212) or DFARS 227.7202 (48 C.F.R. 227.7202), as applicable. This
    commercial computer software and related documentation is provided to end users
    for use by and on behalf of the U.S. Government, with only those rights as are
    granted to all other end users pursuant to the terms and conditions herein. Use
    for or on behalf of the U.S. Government is permitted only if the party acquiring
    or using this software is properly authorized by an appropriate U.S. Government
    official. This use by or for the U.S. Government clause is in lieu of, and
    supersedes, any other FAR, DFARS, or other provision that addresses Government
    rights in the computer software or documentation covered by this license.  All
    copyright licenses granted to the U.S. Government are coextensive with the
    technical data and computer software licenses granted herein. The U.S.
    Government will only have the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display,
    and prepare derivative works as needed to implement those rights.
       A. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement contains the complete and exclusive
       agreement and understanding between the parties concerning the subject matter
       of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous proposals,
       agreements, understanding, negotiations, representations, warranties,
       conditions, and communications, oral or written, between the parties relating
       to the same subject matter. This Agreement, including without limitation its
       termination, has no effect on any signed non-disclosure agreements between
       the parties, which remain in full force and effect as separate agreements to
       their terms. Each party acknowledges and agrees that in entering into this
       Agreement it has not relied on, and will not be entitled to rely on, any oral
       or written representations, warranties, conditions, understanding, or
       communications between the parties that are not expressly set forth in this
       Agreement. The express provisions of this Agreement control over any course
       of performance, course of dealing, or usage of the trade inconsistent with
       any of the provisions of this Agreement. The provisions of this Agreement
       will prevail notwithstanding any different, conflicting, or additional
       provisions that may appear on any purchase order, acknowledgement, invoice,
       or other writing issued by either party in connection with this Agreement. No
       modification or amendment to this Agreement will be effective unless in
       writing and signed by authorized representatives of each party, and must
       specifically identify this Agreement by its title and version (e.g., "End
       User License Agreement for the Intel(R) Software Development Products
       (Version March 2016)).  If You received a copy of this Agreement translated
       into another language, the English language version of this Agreement will
       prevail in the event of any conflict between versions.  Intel may make
       changes to the Agreement as it distributes new versions of the Materials.
       When these changes are made, Intel will make a new version of the Agreement
       available on its website:
       B. EXPORT. You acknowledge that the Materials and all related technical
       information are subject to export controls under the laws and regulations of
       the United States and any other applicable governments. You agree to comply
       with these laws and regulations governing export, re-export, import,
       transfer, distribution, and use of the Materials. In particular, but without
       limitation, the Materials may not be exported or re-exported (a) into any
       U.S. embargoed countries or (b) to any person or entity listed on a denial
       order published by the U.S. government or any other applicable governments.
       By using the Materials, you represent and warrant that you are not located in
       any such country or on any such list. You also agree that you will not use
       the Materials for any purposes prohibited by the U.S. government or other
       applicable governments, including, without limitation, the development,
       design, manufacture or production of nuclear, missile, chemical or biological
       weapons. You confirm that the Materials will not be re-exported or sold to a
       third party who is known or suspected to be involved in activities including,
       without limitation, the development, design, manufacture, or production of
       nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons.
       C. GOVERNING LAW, JURISDICTION, AND VENUE: All disputes arising out of or
       related to this Agreement, whether based on contract, tort, or any other
       legal or equitable theory, will in all respects be governed by, and construed
       and interpreted under, the laws of the United States of America and the State
       of Delaware, without reference to conflict of laws principles. The parties
       agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
       Sale of Goods (1980) is specifically excluded from and will not apply to this
       Agreement. All disputes arising out of or related to this Agreement, whether
       based on contract, tort, or any other legal or equitable theory, will be
       subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the State of Delaware
       or of the Federal courts sitting in that State. Each party submits to the
       personal jurisdiction of those courts and waives all objections to that
       jurisdiction and venue for those disputes.
       D. SEVERABILITY: The parties intend that if a court holds that any provision
       or part of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law,
       the court will modify the provision to the minimum extent necessary to make
       it valid and enforceable, or if it cannot be made valid and enforceable, the
       parties intend that the court will sever and delete the provision or part
       from this Agreement. Any change to or deletion of a provision or part of this
       Agreement under this Section will not affect the validity or enforceability
       of the remainder of this Agreement, which will continue in full force and
    Document Title and Version: End User License Agreement for the Intel(R) Software
    Development Products (Version March 2016)
    * Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others
    Do you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this license agreement?
    Type 'accept' to continue or 'decline' to go back to the previous menu: accept

    选择使用 evaluation 授权

    Step 3 of 6 | Activation
    If you have purchased this product and have the serial number and a connection
    to the internet you can choose to activate the product at this time.
    Alternatively, you can choose to evaluate the product or defer activation by
    choosing the evaluate option. Evaluation software will time out in about one
    month. You can also use license file or Intel(R) Software License Manager.
    1. Use existing trial license (31 day(s) left) [default]
    2. I want to activate my product using a serial number
    3. I want to activate by using a license file, or by using Intel(R) Software
    License Manager
    h. Help
    b. Back to the previous menu
    q. Quit
    Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:


    Step 4 of 6 | Options > Configure Cluster Installation
    This product can be installed on cluster nodes.
    1. Finish configuring installation target [default]
    2. Installation target                           [ Current system only ]
    h. Help
    b. Back to the previous menu
    q. Quit
    Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:

    选择 start installation, 记录安装路径 /opt/intel

    Step 4 of 6 | Options > Pre-install Summary
    Install location:
    Component(s) selected:
        Intel(R) MPI Library 5.1 Update 3                                      763MB
            Intel MPI Benchmarks
            Intel MPI Library, Runtime Environment for applications running on
    Intel(R) 64 Architecture
            Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) 64 Architecture
            Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) Many Integrated
    Core Architecture
    Install Space Required:  840MB
    Installation target:
        Install on the current system only
    1. Start installation Now [default]
    2. Customize installation
    h. Help
    b. Back to the previous menu
    q. Quit
    Please type a selection or press "Enter" to accept default choice [1]:


    Step 5 of 6 | Installation
    Each component will be installed individually. If you cancel the installation,
    some components might remain on your system. This installation may take several
    minutes, depending on your system and the options you selected.
    Installing Intel MPI Benchmarks component... done
    Installing Intel MPI Library, Runtime Environment for applications running on
    Intel(R) 64 Architecture component... done
    Installing Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) 64
    Architecture component... done
    Installing Intel MPI Library for applications running on Intel(R) Many
    Integrated Core Architecture component... done
    Finalizing product configuration...
    Press "Enter" key to continue


    Step 6 of 6 | Complete
    Thank you for installing and for using Intel(R) MPI Library 5.1 Update 3
    for Linux*.
    Support services start from the time you install or activate your product. If
    you have not already done so, please create your support account now to take
    full advantage of your product purchase.
    Your support account gives you access to free product updates and upgrades as
    well as interactive technical support at Intel(R) Premier Support.
    Press "Enter" key to quit:

    6. 允许节点自动 ssh 登陆

    通过此步设置以满足后续 benchmark 测试程序可以在主节点上跨节点操作

    sudo apt-get nmap sshpass

    创建下述脚本 ./user_authentication.sh,并替换下述脚本中 chown azureuser:azureuser /home/azureuser/.ssh/config 的用户名和用户组为当前环境的用户名和用户组 

    # For CentOS user must first install epel-release, sshpass, and nmap (sshpass and nmap are available from epel-release for CentOS)
    # usage ./user_authentication.sh [username] [password] [internalIP prefix]
    # ./user_authentication.sh azureuser Azure@123 10.32.0
    mkdir -p .ssh
    echo -e  'y
    ' | ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''
    echo 'Host *' >> .ssh/config
    echo 'StrictHostKeyChecking no' >> .ssh/config
    chmod 400 .ssh/config
    chown azureuser:azureuser /home/azureuser/.ssh/config
    nmap -sn $IPPRE.* | grep $IPPRE. | awk '{print $5}' > nodeips.txt
    for NAME in `cat nodeips.txt`; do sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'hostname' >> nodenames.txt;done
    NAMES=`cat nodenames.txt` #names from names.txt file
    for NAME in $NAMES; do
        sshpass -p $PASS scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o ConnectTimeout=2 /home/$USER/nodenames.txt $USER@$NAME:/home/$USER/
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME "mkdir .ssh && chmod 700 .ssh"
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME "echo -e  'y
    ' | ssh-keygen -f .ssh/id_rsa -t rsa -N ''"
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'touch /home/'$USER'/.ssh/config'
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'echo "Host *" >  /home/'$USER'/.ssh/config'
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'echo StrictHostKeyChecking no >> /home/'$USER'/.ssh/config'
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'chmod 400 /home/'$USER'/.ssh/config'
        cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
        sshpass -p $PASS scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME:/home/$USER/.ssh/id_rsa.pub .ssh/sub_node.pub
        for SUBNODE in `cat nodeips.txt`; do
             sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$SUBNODE 'mkdir -p .ssh'
             cat .ssh/sub_node.pub | sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$SUBNODE 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'chmod 700 .ssh/'
        sshpass -p $PASS ssh -o ConnectTimeout=2 $USER@$NAME 'chmod 640 .ssh/authorized_keys'


    ifconfig eth0 | grep -w inet | awk '{print $2}'

    执行 ./user_authentication.sh <myusername> <mypassword> 10.1.3, myusername 填入测试集群中 ssh 登陆的用户名,mypassword 填入测试集群中 ssh 登陆的密码, 后面填入测试集群所在子网

    7. 验证配置完成

    关联 mpi 程序

    source /opt/intel/impi/

    将 vm1ipaddress 和 vm2ipaddress 地址替换为测试集群主机的 vnet 内的地址

    mpirun -ppn 1 -n 2 -hosts <vm1ipaddress>,<vm2ipaddress> -env I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:dapl -env I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER=ofa-v2-ib0 -env I_MPI_DYNAMIC_CONNECTION=0 hostname

    如果运行正常会分别在本机和远端主机上执行 hostname 命令,所以即打印出测试集群中主机的主机名称

    8. 进行 Benchmark 测试

    Intel 的 MPI 程序包中已经携带安装了 benchmark 工具,可以通过如下指令执行

     mpirun -hosts <vm1ipaddress>,<vm2ipaddress> -ppn 1 -n 2 -env I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:dapl -env I_MPI_DAPL_PROVIDER=ofa-v2-ib0 -env I_MPI_DYN

    上述命令只是执行了 benchmark 中的 pingpong 测试,该测试可以给出延迟和带宽在 infiniband 网络上的表现,以下是测试环境中的实测结果。 结果中的延迟时间是一个 oneway 的测试延迟,从结果可见 oneway 延迟在 0 字节负载时 1.82 us,带宽最大可到 44Gbps。

    MPI benchmark 包含很多其它的测试项目,关于 MPI benchmark 的更多详情可以参阅如下文档: https://software.intel.com/en-us/imb-user-guide-mpi-1-benchmarks

    # PingPong
    # Benchmarking PingPong
    # #processes = 2
           #bytes #repetitions      t[usec]   Mbytes/sec
                0         1000         1.82         0.00
                1         1000         1.85         0.52
                2         1000         1.98         0.96
                4         1000         1.84         2.08
                8         1000         1.84         4.14
               16         1000         1.84         8.29
               32         1000         2.76        11.05
               64         1000         2.77        22.05
              128         1000         2.83        43.11
              256         1000         2.99        81.60
              512         1000         3.13       155.95
             1024         1000         3.46       282.40
             2048         1000         4.01       487.49
             4096         1000         5.29       738.15
             8192         1000         6.67      1171.02
            16384         1000         8.97      1742.70
            32768         1000        14.70      2125.27
            65536          640        18.43      3391.43
           131072          320        31.41      3980.12
           262144          160        54.78      4563.61
           524288           80        98.57      5072.55
          1048576           40       185.34      5395.56
          2097152           20       359.73      5559.79
          4194304           10       715.24      5592.50
    # All processes entering MPI_Finalize

    这个延迟大概是什么量级呢,我们跟某厂家的 40G/100G 限速的以太网交换机比较一下


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wekang/p/9557801.html
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