对于so动态库及可执行文件,可以直接调用不带参数的strip (-s, 即--strip-all)去除大多数不必要的信息。因为so库非常标准,所以strip之后仍然可以进行完美的动态连接;而可执行文件已经进行了链接,所以也可以用strip进行完美的strip。
对于a库,可以先采用编译优化 -O3,将某些不必要的信息进行掩盖或去除:
Use of the GCC optimization flags will help make the code look much less readable to a human. When you compile with the highest level of optimization gcc -O3
the compiler will move things around such that the "flow" might not be at all what you expect.
Remove debugging symbols only.
Remove all symbols that are not needed for relocation processing.