Given two integer arrays arr1
and arr2
, and the integer d
, return the distance value between the two arrays.
The distance value is defined as the number of elements arr1[i]
such that there is not any element arr2[j]
where |arr1[i]-arr2[j]| <= d
可以n2 2层for循环求一边
class Solution(object): def findTheDistanceValue(self, arr1, arr2, d): """ :type arr1: List[int] :type arr2: List[int] :type d: int :rtype: int """ arr2 = sorted(arr2) ans = 0 for value in arr1: l = 0 r = len(arr2) - 1 while l <= r: mid = (l + r) / 2 if arr2[mid] <= value: l = mid + 1 else: r = mid - 1 ok = True if l - 1 >= 0: ok = abs(arr2[l - 1] - value) > d if l < len(arr2) and ok: ok = abs(arr2[l] - value) > d if ok: ans += 1 return ans