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  • mybatis按时间条件搜索


    @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
    private Date contractStartDt;
    @DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
    private Date contractEndDt;


    private Date proCreateDt;

    private Date proCompleteDt;

    private String proCreateDtStr;

    private String proCompleteDtStr;

    mybatis mapper.xml部分

    <if test="entity.proName != null and entity.proName !=''">,
    <![CDATA[ AND pro_name = #{entity.proName} ]]>
    <if test="entity.proCreateDtStr != null and entity.proCreateDtStr !=''">
    <![CDATA[ AND pro_create_dt Like CONCAT('${entity.proCreateDtStr}','%' )]]>
    <if test="entity.proCompleteDtStr != null and entity.proCompleteDtStr !=''">
    <![CDATA[ AND pro_complete_dt Like CONCAT('${entity.proCompleteDtStr}','%' )]]>
    <if test="entity.contractStartDtStr != null and entity.contractStartDtStr != ''">
    <![CDATA[ and contract_start_dt >= #{entity.contractStartDtStr,jdbcType=VARCHAR}]]>
    <if test="entity.contractEndDtStr != null and entity.contractEndDtStr != ''">
    <![CDATA[ and DATE_FORMAT(contract_end_dt, '%Y-%m-%d') <= #{entity.contractEndDtStr,jdbcType=VARCHAR}]]>
    <if test="entity.ownIds != null and entity.ownIds.size > 0">
    <![CDATA[ and contract_own_id in]]>
    <foreach collection="entity.ownIds" item="item" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")">
    <if test="entity.supplierIds != null and entity.supplierIds.size > 0">
    <![CDATA[ and contract_supplier_id in]]>
    <foreach collection="entity.supplierIds" item="item" index="index" open="(" separator="," close=")">

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/whb11/p/6126221.html
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