Problem Description
A number of rectangular posters, photographs and other pictures of the same shape are pasted on a wall. Their sides are all vertical or horizontal. Each rectangle can be partially or totally covered by the others. The length of the boundary of the union of all rectangles is called the perimeter.
Write a program to calculate the perimeter. An example with 7 rectangles is shown in Figure 1.
The corresponding boundary is the whole set of line segments drawn in Figure 2.
The vertices of all rectangles have integer coordinates.
Write a program to calculate the perimeter. An example with 7 rectangles is shown in Figure 1.
The corresponding boundary is the whole set of line segments drawn in Figure 2.
The vertices of all rectangles have integer coordinates.
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<algorithm> #define lc po*2 #define rc po*2+1 #define lson L,M,lc #define rson M+1,R,rc using namespace std; const int maxn=20004; struct BIAN { int x,y1,y2; short state; }; BIAN bian[10004]; bool vis[maxn]; int BIT[maxn*4]; int COL[maxn*4]; bool lBIT[maxn*4],rBIT[maxn*4]; int coubian[maxn*4]; void pushUP(int L,int R,int po) { if(COL[po]) { BIT[po]=R-L+1; lBIT[po]=rBIT[po]=1; coubian[po]=2; } else if(L==R) { BIT[po]=0; lBIT[po]=rBIT[po]=0; coubian[po]=0; } else { BIT[po]=BIT[lc]+BIT[rc]; lBIT[po]=lBIT[lc]; rBIT[po]=rBIT[rc]; coubian[po]=coubian[lc]+coubian[rc]; if(lBIT[rc]&&rBIT[lc]) coubian[po]-=2; } } void update(int ul,int ur,int ut,int L,int R,int po) { if(ul<=L&&ur>=R) { COL[po]+=ut; pushUP(L,R,po); return; } int M=(L+R)/2; if(ul<=M) update(ul,ur,ut,lson); if(ur>M) update(ul,ur,ut,rson); pushUP(L,R,po); } bool cmp(BIAN a,BIAN b) { return a.x<b.x; } int main() { int N; int x1,x2,y1,y2; int ans,last; while(~scanf("%d",&N)) { ans=0; last=0; memset(COL,0,sizeof(COL)); memset(BIT,0,sizeof(BIT)); memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); memset(lBIT,0,sizeof(lBIT)); memset(rBIT,0,sizeof(rBIT)); memset(coubian,0,sizeof(coubian)); for(int i=1;i<=N;++i) { scanf("%d %d %d %d",&x1,&y1,&x2,&y2); bian[i*2-1].x=x1; bian[i*2-1].y1=y1+10001; bian[i*2-1].y2=y2+10001; bian[i*2-1].state=1; bian[i*2].x=x2; bian[i*2].y1=y1+10001; bian[i*2].y2=y2+10001; bian[i*2].state=-1; } sort(bian+1,bian+2*N+1,cmp); for(int i=1;i<=2*N;++i) { ans+=coubian[1]*(bian[i].x-bian[i-1].x); update(bian[i].y1,bian[i].y2-1,bian[i].state,1,20001,1); ans+=abs(BIT[1]-last); last=BIT[1]; } printf("%d ",ans); } return 0; }