For each prefix of a given string S with N characters (each character has an ASCII code between 97 and 126, inclusive), we want to know whether the prefix is a periodic string. That is, for each i (2 <= i <= N) we want to know the largest K > 1 (if there is one) such that the prefix of S with length i can be written as AK ,that is A concatenated K times, for some string A. Of course, we also want to know the period K.
对于找重复串的问题,用扩展KMP就可以解决。然后就是对于每个前缀,可以证明后面的前缀的最小重复串的长度一定大于等于前面的,因为形成重复串的必要条件就是i+next1[i]>=length 这样的话如果前面不符合这个式子,后面就更不用说了,必须让i增大才可能。

// ━━━━━━神兽出没━━━━━━ // ┏┓ ┏┓ // ┏┛┻━━━━━━━┛┻┓ // ┃ ┃ // ┃ ━ ┃ // ████━████ ┃ // ┃ ┃ // ┃ ┻ ┃ // ┃ ┃ // ┗━┓ ┏━┛ // ┃ ┃ // ┃ ┃ // ┃ ┗━━━┓ // ┃ ┣┓ // ┃ ┏┛ // ┗┓┓┏━━━━━┳┓┏┛ // ┃┫┫ ┃┫┫ // ┗┻┛ ┗┻┛ // // ━━━━━━感觉萌萌哒━━━━━━ // Author : WhyWhy // Created Time : 2015年07月18日 星期六 10时01分22秒 // File Name : 1961.cpp #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <map> #include <string> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> using namespace std; const int MaxN=1000006; void EKMP_pre(int m,char s[],int next1[]) { int p=0,a=1,L; next1[0]=m; while(p+1<m && s[p]==s[p+1]) ++p; next1[1]=p; for(int k=2;k<m;++k) { L=next1[k-a]; p=next1[a]+a-(next1[a]!=0); if(k+L-1<p) next1[k]=L; else { ++p; while(p<m && s[p]==s[p-k]) ++p; next1[k]=p-k; a=k; } } next1[m]=0; } int next1[MaxN]; char s[MaxN]; int N; int main() { //freopen("in.txt","r",stdin); //freopen("out.txt","w",stdout); int cas=1; int minn; while(~scanf("%d",&N) && N) { minn=1; scanf("%s",s); EKMP_pre(N,s,next1); printf("Test case #%d ",cas++); for(int i=1;i<N;++i) { while(minn<=i && next1[minn]+minn<i+1) ++minn; if(minn<=i && (i-minn+1)%minn==0) printf("%d %d ",i+1,(i-minn+1)/minn+1); } puts(""); } return 0; }