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    1. 基本定义
    从min到max的闭合区间:[min, max]
    a. min和max为2的幂;
    b. min <= max;
    c. min和max为非负整数;
    d. min和max必须同时为0;
    2. none
    3. contains
    4. containsLg
    5. intersect
    6. 伴生对象
    a. 构造方法:min = max = x;
    b. none对象:min = max = 0;
    c. asBool:x是否为空;
    7. 附录
    // An potentially empty inclusive range of 2-powers [min, max] (in bytes)
    case class TransferSizes(min: Int, max: Int)
    def this(x: Int) = this(x, x)
    require (min <= max, s"Min transfer $min > max transfer $max")
    require (min >= 0 && max >= 0, s"TransferSizes must be positive, got: ($min, $max)")
    require (max == 0 || isPow2(max), s"TransferSizes must be a power of 2, got: $max")
    require (min == 0 || isPow2(min), s"TransferSizes must be a power of 2, got: $min")
    require (max == 0 || min != 0, s"TransferSize 0 is forbidden unless (0,0), got: ($min, $max)")
    def none = min == 0
    def contains(x: Int) = isPow2(x) && min <= x && x <= max
    def containsLg(x: Int) = contains(1 << x)
    def containsLg(x: UInt) =
    if (none) Bool(false)
    else if (min == max) { UInt(log2Ceil(min)) === x }
    else { UInt(log2Ceil(min)) <= x && x <= UInt(log2Ceil(max)) }
    def contains(x: TransferSizes) = x.none || (min <= x.min && x.max <= max)
    def intersect(x: TransferSizes) =
    if (x.max < min || max < x.min) TransferSizes.none
    else TransferSizes(scala.math.max(min, x.min), scala.math.min(max, x.max))
    override def toString() = "TransferSizes[%d, %d]".format(min, max)
    object TransferSizes {
    def apply(x: Int) = new TransferSizes(x)
    val none = new TransferSizes(0)
    implicit def asBool(x: TransferSizes) = !x.none
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wjcdx/p/10669788.html
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