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  • watcher 基础语法与使用

    watcher 基础语法与使用

    1. Xpack-Watchs基本使用:


      ## 创建一个watcher,比如定义一个trigger 每个10s钟看一下input里的数据
      PUT _xpack/watcher/watch/school_watcher
        "trigger": {
          "schedule": {
            "interval": "10s"
        ## 查看任务信息
        "input": {
          "search": {
            "request": {
              ## 监控具体索引
              "indices": ["school*"],
              ## body里面具体些搜索语句
              "body": {
                "size": 0,
                "query": {
                  "match": {
                    ## 比如索引里面name 有 hello 则进行报警
                    "name": "hello"
        ## 对于上面的查询结果进行比较:
        "condition": {
          ## compare进行比较
          "compare": {
            ## 上面的query查询的结果会放入到ctx.payload中:
            ## 比如获取 ctx.payload.hits.total  ctx.payload._shards.total 等等
            "ctx.payload.hits.total": {
              "gt": 0
        ## transform作用:重新查询出文档内容赋值给ctx.payload
        "transform": {
          "search": {
            "request": {
              "indices": ["school*"],
              "body": {
                "size": 10,
                "query": {
                  "match": {
                    "name": "hello"
        ## 根据上面的查询、比较结果,执行actions里面定义的动作(定义多种报警类型)
        "actions": {
          ## 报警名字
          "log_hello": {
            ## 防止报警风暴: 设置阈值 15m内曾经报警过, 则不报警
            "throttle_period": "15m",
            ## 报警方式:logging、mail、http等
            "logging": {
              ## 报警具体内容:使用 {{ 查询参数 }} 进行赋值:
              "text": "Found {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} hello in the school"
    2. ctx.payload取值规范:


      ## payload取值规范:比如我们进行search搜索school:
      GET school/_search
        "query": {
          "match": {
            "name": "zhangsan"


        "took": 14,
        "timed_out": false,
        "_shards": {
          "total": 2,
          "successful": 2,
          "skipped": 0,
          "failed": 0
        "hits": {
          "total": 1,
          "max_score": 1.5404451,
          "hits": [
              "_index": "school",
              "_type": "student",
              "_id": "1",
              "_score": 1.5404451,
              "_source": {
                "name": "zhangsan",
                "age": 25,
                "course": "elasticsearch",
                "study_date": "2018-06-15T20:30:50",
                "mark": "today is a good day"


      ## 表示查询:ctx.payload结果集:
      {{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}} {{_source.name}} {{_source.course}} {{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}

      比如我们进行search搜索school并采用聚合的方式来查询terms course数据:

      GET school/_search
        "size": 0, 
        "aggs": {
          "myterms": {
            "terms": {
              "field": "course",
              "size": 10


        "took": 11,
        "timed_out": false,
        "_shards": {
          "total": 2,
          "successful": 2,
          "skipped": 0,
          "failed": 0
        "hits": {
          "total": 10,
          "max_score": 0,
          "hits": []
        "aggregations": {
          "myterms": {
            "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
            "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
            "buckets": [
                "key": "elasticsearch",
                "doc_count": 7
                "key": "good",
                "doc_count": 1
                "key": "spring",
                "doc_count": 1
                "key": "spring elasticsearch",
                "doc_count": 1


      ## 表示查询:ctx.payload结果集:
      {{#ctx.payload.aggregations.aggsname.buckets}} {{key}} {{doc_count}} {{/ctx.payload.aggregations.aggsname.buckets}}
      ## 针对这里内容就是:
      {{#ctx.payload.aggregations.myterms.buckets}} {{key}} {{doc_count}} {{/ctx.payload.aggregations.myterms.buckets}}
    3. watcher API使用:

      # GET _xpack/watcher/watch/school_watcher
      # DELETE _xpack/watcher/watch/school_watcher
      # POST _xpack/watcher/watch/school_watcher/_execute
      GET /.watcher-history*/_search?pretty
        "sort" : [
          { "result.execution_time" : "desc" }
        "query": {
          "match": {
            "watch_id": "school_watcher"
    4. triggers的几种类型

         #例如:12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45, 1:00, 1:15
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "hourly" : { "minute" : [ 0, 15, 30, 45 ] }
         #每天00:00, 12:00, and 17:00
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "daily" : { "at" : [ "midnight", "noon", "17:00" ] }
         #每天00:00, 00:30, 12:00, 12:30, 17:00 and 17:30
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "daily" : {
                 "at" {
                   "hour" : [ 0, 12, 17 ],
                   "minute" : [0, 30]
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "weekly" : [
                 { "on" : "tuesday", "at" : "noon" },
                 { "on" : "friday", "at" : "17:00" }
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "weekly" : {
                 "on" : [ "tuesday", "friday" ],
                 "at" : [ "noon", "17:00" ]
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "monthly" : [
                 { "on" : 10, "at" : "noon" },
                 { "on" : 20, "at" : "17:00" }
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "monthly" : {
                 "on" : [ 10, 20 ],
                 "at" : [ "midnight", "noon" ]
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "yearly" : [
                 { "in" : "january", "on" : 10, "at" : "noon" },
                 { "in" : "july", "on" : 20, "at" : "17:00" }
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "yearly" : {
                 "in" : [ "jan", "dec" ],
                 "on" : [ 10, 20 ],
                 "at" : [ "midnight", "noon" ]
         <seconds> <minutes> <hours> <day_of_month> <month> <day_of_week> [year]
         0 5 9 * * ?
         0 0-5 9 * * ?
         0 0/15 9 * * ?
    5. input的几种类型:

         #Simple Input-静态数据
           "trigger" : {
             "schedule" : {
               "daily" : { "at" : "noon" }
           "input" : {
             "simple" : {
               "name" : "John"
           "actions" : {
             "reminder_email" : {
               "email" : {
                 "to" : "to@host.domain",
                 "subject" : "Reminder",
                 "body" : "Dear {{ctx.payload.name}}, by the time you read these lines, I'll be gone"
           "input" : {
             "search" : {
               "request" : {
                 "indices" : [ "logs" ],
                 "body" : {
                   "query" : { "match_all" : {} }
           "condition" : {
             "compare" : { "ctx.payload.hits.total" : { "gt" : 5 }}
      #request.url:request.scheme, request.host, request.port and request.params
      #response_content_type:json, yaml and text
         	"input" : {
         	  "http" : {
         	    "request" : {
         	      "host" : "example.com",
         	      "port" : 9200,
         	      "path" : "/idx/_search"
         	"input" : {
         		"http" : {
         			"request" : {
         			  "host" : "host.domain",
         			  "port" : 9200,
         			  "path" : "/idx/_search",
         			  "body" :  "{"query" :  {  "match" : { "category" : "event"}}}"
         	"input" : {
         	  "http" : {
         	    "request" : {
         	      "host" : "host.domain",
         	      "port" : "9200",
         	      "path" : "/_cluster/stats",
         	      "params" : {
         	        "human" : "true" 
         	"input" : {
         	  "http" : {
         	    "request" : {
         	      "host" : "host.domain",
         	      "port" : "9200",
         	      "path" : "/myservice",
         	      "auth" : {
         	        "basic" : {
         	          "username" : "user",
         	          "password" : "pass"
         	"input" : {
         	  "http" : {
         	    "request" : {
         	      "url" : "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather",
         	      "params" : {
         	        "lat" : "52.374031",
         	        "lon" : "4.88969",
         	        "appid" : "<your openweathermap appid>"
         	"input" : {
         	  "chain" : {
         	    "inputs" : [ 
         	      ## 第一步input
         	        "first" : {
         	          "simple" : { "path" : "/_search" }
         	      ## 第二步input (可以去使用第一步input返回的结果)
         	        "second" : {
         	          "http" : {
         	            "request" : {
         	              "host" : "localhost",
         	              "port" : 9200,
         	              "path" : "{{ctx.payload.first.path}}" 
    6. condition条件设置:如果condition条件返回true 则会触发action 如果返回 false 则就停止,不执行action

      #Always Condition
      "condition" : {
           "always" : {}
      #Never Condition
         "condition" : {
           "never" : {}
      #Compare Condition (进行和查询的结果进行比较语法如下:)
      # eq:、not_eq、gt、gte、lt、lte
      ## 比如错误条数超过了5条进行报警、响应长时间超过多少毫秒进行报警等
           "condition" : {
             "compare" : {
               "ctx.payload.hits.total" : { 
                 "gte" : 5 
      #<{expression}> 正则表达式 使用 <> 中写正则表达式: 比如 当前时间 - 5分钟 进行比较,如下:
           "condition" : {
             "compare" : {
               "ctx.execution_time" : {
                 "gte" : "<{now-5m}>"
      #{{path}} 比较,这个就是最开始的示例里面的获取参数方式,如下:
           "condition" : {
             "compare" : {
               "ctx.payload.aggregations.status.buckets.error.doc_count" : {
                 "not_eq" : "{{ctx.payload.aggregations.handled.buckets.true.doc_count}}"
      #Array Compare Condition 数组比较: 比如当前的doc_count大于25 就进行报警
           "condition": {
             "array_compare": {
               "ctx.payload.aggregations.top_tweeters.buckets" : { 
                 "path": "doc_count" ,
                 "gte": { 
                   "value": 25, 
      #Script Condition 脚本方式
           "input" : {
             "search" : {
               "indices" : "log-events",
               "body" : {
                 "size" : 0,
                 "query" : { "match" : { "status" : "error" } }
           "condition" : {
             "script" : {
               ## 当前返回的条数是否大于阈值,进行报警
               "inline" : "return ctx.payload.hits.total > threshold",
               "params" : {
                 "threshold" : 5
    7. Action 触发器

      #Email Action--发送邮件 
         default_account: gmail_account
               profile: gmail
                   auth: true
                   starttls.enable: true
                   host: smtp.gmail.com
                   port: 587
                   user: <username>
                   password: <password>
               profile: outlook
                   auth: true
                   starttls.enable: true
                   host: smtp-mail.outlook.com
                   port: 587
                   user: <username>
                   password: <password>:
               profile: outlook
                   from: <email address of service account> 
                   auth: true
                   starttls.enable: true
                   host: <your exchange server>
                   port: 587
                   user: <email address of service account> 
                   password: <password>
      "actions" : {
           ## actions名字
           "send_email" : { 
             "email" : { 
               "to" : "'Recipient Name <recipient@example.com>'", 
               #"to" : ['Personal Name <user1@host.domain>', 'user2@host.domain'], 
               "subject" : "Watcher Notification", 
               "body" : "{{ctx.payload.hits.total}} error logs found" 
      "actions" : {
           "email_admin" : {
             "email": {
               "to": "'John Doe <john.doe@example.com>'",
               "attachments" : {
                 ## 附件方式
                 "my_image.png" : { 
                   "http" : { 
                     "content_type" : "image.png",
                     "request" : {
                       "url": "http://example.org/foo/my-image.png" 
                 ## xpack reporting插件生成方式:
                 "dashboard.pdf" : {
                   "reporting" : {
                     "url": "http://example.org:5601/api/reporting/generate/dashboard/Error-Monitoring"
                 ## 自定义附件
                 "data.yml" : {
                   "data" : {
                     "format" : "yaml" 
      #Webhook Action,发送一个http请求
      "actions" : {
           "create_github_issue" : {
             ## 因为发邮件到达率不是特别高,所以可以使用外部的接口调用方式
             ## 比如这里调用url为外部的手机短信接口进行发送 
             "webhook" : {
               ## 请求方式
               "method" : "POST",
               ## 外部请求地址
               "url" : "https://api.github.com/repos/<owner>/<repo>/issues",
               ## 请求报文
               "body" : "{
                 "title": "Found errors in 'contact.html'",
                 "body": "Found {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} errors in the last 5 minutes",
                 "assignee": "web-admin",
                 "labels": [ "bug", "sev2" ]
               ## 用户名密码
               "auth" : {
                 "basic" : {
                   "username" : "<username>", 
                   "password" : "<password>"
      "actions" : {
           "my_webhook" : {
             "webhook" : {
               "method" : "POST",
               "host" : "mylisteningserver",
               "port" : 9200,
               "path": ":/alert",
               "params" : {
                 "watch_id" : "{{ctx.watch_id}}" 
      "actions" : {
           "my_webhook" : {
             "webhook" : {
               "method" : "POST",
               "host" : "mylisteningserver",
               "port" : 9200,
               "path": ":/alert/{{ctx.watch_id}}",
               "headers" : {
                 "Content-Type" : "application/yaml" 
               "body" : "count: {{ctx.payload.hits.total}}"
      #Index Action--创建索引文档
      "actions" : {
           "index_payload" : { 
             "index" : {
               "index" : "my-index", 
               "doc_type" : "my-type", 
               "doc_id": "my-id" 
      #Logging Action--记录日志
      #level:error, warn, info, debug and trace
      ## 日志种类:
      "actions" : {
           "log" : { 
             "transform" : { ... }, 
             ## 日志报警
             "logging" : {
               "text" : "executed at {{ctx.execution_time}}",
               ## 日志级别
               "level": "info"
      #Jira Action 与jira集成
      #HipChat Action
      #Slack Action
      #PagerDuty Action
    8. 使用接口的形式创建一个watcher, 进行模拟:

      1. 执watcher脚本:

        ## 查询school
        GET school/student/_search
          "query": {
        ## 创建school_watcher
        PUT _xpack/watcher/watch/school_watcher
          "trigger": {
            "schedule": {
              "interval": "10s"
          "input": {
            "search": {
              "request": {
                "indices": ["school*"],
                "body": {
                  "size": 0,
                  "query": {
                    "match": {
                      "name": "hello"
          "condition": {
            "compare": {
              "ctx.payload.hits.total": {
                "gt": 0
          "transform": {
            "search": {
              "request": {
                "indices": ["school*"],
                "body": {
                  "size": 10,
                  "query": {
                    "match": {
                      "name": "hello"
          "actions": {
            "log_hello": {
              "throttle_period": "15m",
              "logging": {
                "text": "Found {{ctx.payload.hits.total}} hello in the school"
        ## 查看watcher执行结果
        GET /.watcher-history*/_search?pretty
          "sort" : [
            { "result.execution_time" : "desc" }
          "query": {
            "match": {
              "watch_id": "school_watcher"
        ## 进行数据测试:
        POST /school/student
         "name": "hello",
         "age": 18,
         "course": "elasticsearch",
         "study_date": "2018-08-20T20:30:50",
         "mark": "take care day day"
      2. 可视化操作watcher,可以启用、禁用、添加修改、删除watcher

      ## watch使用文章:https://www.cnblogs.com/reboot51/p/8328720.html


    ## 创建一个watcher,比如定义一个trigger 每个10s钟看一下input里的数据
    PUT _xpack/watcher/watch/applog_error_watcher
      "trigger": {
        "schedule": {
          "interval": "10s"
      "input": {
        "search": {
          "request": {
            "indices": ["javalog-app-*"],
            "body": {
              "size": 0,
              "query": {
                "match": {
                  "level": "ERROR"
      "condition": {
        "compare": {
          "ctx.payload.hits.total": {
            "gt": 0
      "transform": {
        "search": {
          "request": {
            "indices": ["javalog-app-*"],
            "body": {
              "size": 10,
              "query": {
                "match": {
                  "name": "hello"
      "actions": {
        "test_error": {
        "throttle_period": "1m",
        "webhook" : {
          "method" : "POST",
          "url" : "",
          "body" : "{
            "title": "异常错误告警",
            "traceId": "{{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}} {{_source.traceId}} {{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}", 
            "spanId" : "{{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}} {{_source.spanId}} {{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}",
            "body": "{{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}} {{_source.messageInfo}} {{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}"
    ## {{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}} {{_source.traceId}} {{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}
    ## {{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}} {{_source.spanId}} {{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}
    ## {{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}} {{_source.messageInfo}} {{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}
    ## 查询error
    GET javalog-app-2019.01.24/_search
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "level.keyword": "ERROR"
    # 查看一个watcher
    # GET _xpack/watcher/watch/applog_error_watcher
    # DELETE _xpack/watcher/watch/applog_error_watcher
    # POST _xpack/watcher/watch/applog_error_watcher/_execute
    GET /.watcher-history*/_search?pretty
      "sort" : [
        { "result.execution_time" : "desc" }
      "query": {
        "match": {
          "watch_id": "applog_error_watcher"
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wjx6270/p/13431087.html
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