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  • 《图像处理实例》 之 局部极值提取
















            •   首先对找到的最大值进行排序--从大到小
            •   按照从大到小的顺序去寻找每个最大值的领地
            •   领地按照“目标范围”和“目标深度”两个原则,具体表现形式为:“不重合”、“不包括”、“领主大于等于领地”             



                    下图A1这个最大最他所占领的范围由用户输入,假设半径为y,则 x1 = x2 = y ,x1和x2的范围就是A1的范围,P点虽然很低,但是不属于A1的范围,所以不去占领。


                    下图A1的深度也又用户输入,假设输入为y,则 y1 = y,高度确定之后,那么P点虽然也在山脊上,但是不会被A1所占领。






















              A.每一层的最大值都大于外面一层,sum[0]>=sum[1] && sum[1]>sum[2] && sum[2]>sum[3],这里使用到9X9的内核

              B.记录每一层最大值出现的位置X0和X1,然后最大值的距离(abs(x0.x - x1.x) <= 2 && abs(x0.y - x1.y) <= 2)小于等于2,这里不严谨,因为每层最大值不止一个。

              C.记录最大值出现的数量n_count >= 3

     1        float sum[4] = { 0 };//存储最大值进行对比、在这里说不清楚看博客2017.10.17更新
     2             sum[0] = img[3][j];
     3             Point x0 = Point(0, 0);
     4             Point x1 = Point(0, 0);
     5             uchar n_count = 0;
     6             for (int m = 2; m < 5; m++)
     7             {
     8                 for (int n = -1; n < 2; n++)
     9                 {
    10                     if (m == 3 && n == 0) continue;
    11                     sum[1] = sum[1] < img[m][j + n] ? img[m][j + n] : sum[1];
    12                     x0 = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? Point(m, n) : x0;
    13                     n_count = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? n_count+1 : n_count;
    14                     //flag = img[3][j + 0] < img[m][j + n] ? true : flag;//如果目标像素小于周围任何一个像素就说明这个一定不是最大值
    15                 }
    16             }
    17             for (int m = 1; m < 6; m++)
    18             {
    19                 for (int n = -2; n < 3; n++)
    20                 {
    21                     if (2 <= m && m <= 4 && -1 <= n && n <= 1) continue;
    22                     sum[2] = sum[2] < img[m][j + n] ? img[m][j + n] : sum[2];
    23                     x1 = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? Point(m, n) : x1;
    24                     n_count = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? n_count+1 : n_count;
    25                     //flag = img[3][j + 0] < img[m][j + n] ? true : flag;//如果目标像素小于周围任何一个像素就说明这个一定不是最大值
    26                 }
    27             }
    28             for (int m = 0; m < 7; m++)
    29             {
    30                 for (int n = -3; n < 4; n++)
    31                 {
    32                     sum[3] = sum[3] < img[m][j + n] && !(1 <= m && m <= 5 && -2 <=n && n <= 2) ? img[m][j + n] : sum[3];
    33                     //flag = img[3][j+0] < img[m][j + n] ? true : flag;//如果目标像素小于周围任何一个像素就说明这个一定不是最大值
    34                 }
    35             }
    36             x1 = (x1.x == 0 && x1.y == 0) || n_count >= 3 ? x0 : x1;//判断是否存在5X5的最大值(和目标点相同)
    37             int tmp = sum[0] >= sum[1] && sum[1] >= sum[2] && sum[2] >= sum[3] && (abs(x0.x - x1.x) <= 2 && abs(x0.y - x1.y) <= 2)
    38                 ? 0 : FillBlock(src, mask_tmp, Point(j, i));//tmp没意义,就是为了调用后面的函数而已
    39         }


            A.搜索过程遇到边界,那就把这个最大值点去除if (img[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 2 || msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 0) max_point[k].data = 1;



               1 Find_Max(img, mask,0, 5000); 

                   1 Find_Max(img, mask,5000, 0); 

                   1 Find_Max(img, mask,5000, 5000); 

                   1 Find_Max(img, mask,10, 20); 

                   1 Find_Max(img, mask,10, 50); 

      1 import scipy.ndimage as ndimg
      2 import numpy as np
      3 from numba import jit
      4 import cv2
      6 def neighbors(shape):
      7     dim = len(shape)
      8     block = np.ones([3] * dim)
      9     block[tuple([1] * dim)] = 0
     10     idx = np.where(block > 0)
     11     idx = np.array(idx, dtype=np.uint8).T
     12     idx = np.array(idx - [1] * dim)
     13     acc = np.cumprod((1,) + shape[::-1][:-1])
     14     return np.dot(idx, acc[::-1])
     17 @jit  # trans index to r, c...
     19 def idx2rc(idx, acc):
     20     rst = np.zeros((len(idx), len(acc)), dtype=np.int16)
     21     for i in range(len(idx)):
     22         for j in range(len(acc)):
     23             rst[i, j] = idx[i] // acc[j]
     24             idx[i] -= rst[i, j] * acc[j]
     25     return rst
     28 #@jit  # fill a node (may be two or more points)
     30 def fill(img, msk, p, nbs, buf):
     31     msk[p] = 3
     32     buf[0] = p
     33     back = img[p]
     34     cur = 0
     35     s = 1
     36     while cur < s:
     37         p = buf[cur]
     38         for dp in nbs:
     39             cp = p + dp
     40             if img[cp] == back and msk[cp] == 1:
     41                 msk[cp] = 3
     42                 buf[s] = cp
     43                 s += 1
     44                 if s == len(buf):
     45                     buf[:s - cur] = buf[cur:]
     46                     s -= cur
     47                     cur = 0
     48         cur += 1
     49     #msk[p] = 3
     52 #@jit  # my mark
     54 def mark(img, msk, buf, mode):  # mark the array use (0, 1, 2)
     55     omark = msk     
     56     nbs = neighbors(img.shape)
     57     idx = np.zeros(1024 * 128, dtype=np.int64)
     58     img = img.ravel()  # 降维
     59     msk = msk.ravel()  # 降维
     60     s = 0
     61     for p in range(len(img)):
     62         if msk[p] != 1: continue  
     63         flag = False             
     64         for dp in nbs:
     65             if mode and img[p + dp] > img[p]: 
     66                 flag = True
     67                 break
     68             elif not mode and img[p + dp] < img[p]:
     69                 flag = True
     70                 break
     72         if flag : continue
     73         else    : fill(img, msk, p, nbs, buf)
     74         idx[s] = p
     75         s += 1
     76         if s == len(idx): break
     77     plt.imshow(omark, cmap='gray')
     78     return idx[:s].copy()
     82 def filter(img, msk, idx, bur, tor, mode):
     83     omark = msk  
     84     nbs = neighbors(img.shape)
     85     acc = np.cumprod((1,) + img.shape[::-1][:-1])[::-1]
     86     img = img.ravel()
     87     msk = msk.ravel()
     89     arg = np.argsort(img[idx])[::-1 if mode else 1] 
     91     for i in arg:
     92         if msk[idx[i]] != 3:    
     93             idx[i] = 0
     94             continue
     95         cur = 0
     96         s = 1
     97         bur[0] = idx[i] 
     98         while cur < s:
     99             p = bur[cur]
    100             if msk[p] == 2:     
    101                 idx[i] = 0
    102                 break
    104             for dp in nbs:
    105                 cp = p + dp
    106                 if msk[cp] == 0 or cp == idx[i] or msk[cp] == 4: continue
    107                 if mode and img[cp] < img[idx[i]] - tor: continue
    108                 if not mode and img[cp] > img[idx[i]] + tor: continue
    109                 bur[s] = cp
    110                 s += 1
    111                 if s == 1024 * 128:
    112                     cut = cur // 2
    113                     msk[bur[:cut]] = 2
    114                     bur[:s - cut] = bur[cut:]
    115                     cur -= cut
    116                     s -= cut
    118                 if msk[cp] != 2: msk[cp] = 4    
    119             cur += 1
    120         msk[bur[:s]] = 2    
    121         #plt.imshow(omark, cmap='gray')
    123     return idx2rc(idx[idx > 0], acc)
    126 def find_maximum(img, tor, mode=True):
    127     msk = np.zeros_like(img, dtype=np.uint8)  
    128     msk[tuple([slice(1, -1)] * img.ndim)] = 1  
    129     buf = np.zeros(1024 * 128, dtype=np.int64)
    130     omark = msk
    131     idx = mark(img, msk, buf, mode)
    132     plt.imshow(msk, cmap='gray')
    133     idx = filter(img, msk, idx, buf, tor, mode)
    134     return idx
    137 if __name__ == '__main__':
    138     from scipy.misc import imread
    139     from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
    140     from time import time
    141     import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    143     img = cv2.imread('123.png')
    144     img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    145     ret2, img = cv2.threshold(img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
    146     img[:] = ndimg.distance_transform_edt(img)
    147     plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    148     pts = find_maximum(img, 20, True)
    149     start = time()
    150     pts = find_maximum(img, 10, True)
    151     print(time() - start)
    152     plt.imshow(img, cmap='gray')
    153     plt.plot(pts[:, 1], pts[:, 0], 'y.')
    154     plt.show()



      1 //---fill black value
      2 int FillBlock(Mat src, Mat &mask, Point center)
      3 {
      4     uchar back = src.at<uchar>(center.y, center.x);
      5     vector<Point> fill_point;
      6     int count = 0, count_mount = 1;
      7     fill_point.push_back(center);
      8     while (count < count_mount)
      9     {
     10         vector<uchar*> img;
     11         vector<uchar*> msk;
     12         for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
     13         {
     14             img.push_back(src.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
     15             msk.push_back(mask.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
     16         }
     17         for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
     18         {
     19             for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
     20             {
     21                 if (img[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == back && !(j == 0 && i == 1) && msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 255)
     22                 {
     23                     fill_point.push_back(Point(fill_point[count].x + j, fill_point[count].y + i - 1));
     24                     msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] = 1;
     25                 }
     26             }
     27         }
     28         msk[1][fill_point[count].x] = 1;
     29         count_mount = fill_point.size() - 1;
     30         fill_point.erase(fill_point.begin());
     31     }
     32     return 0;
     33 }
     34 //---cal mask
     35 //---@_src        
     36 //---@mask        
     37 void MaskImage(InputArray _src, Mat &mask)
     38 {
     39     Mat src = _src.getMat(),mask_tmp = Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_8UC1);
     40     mask_tmp.setTo(255);
     41     Mat rows = Mat::zeros(Size(src.cols, 1), CV_8UC1), cols = Mat::zeros(Size(1, src.rows), CV_8UC1);
     42     Mat src_rows_beg = mask_tmp.row(0);
     43     Mat src_rows_end = mask_tmp.row(src.rows - 1);
     44     Mat src_cols_beg = mask_tmp.col(0);
     45     Mat src_cols_end = mask_tmp.col(src.cols - 1);
     46     rows.copyTo(src_rows_beg); rows.copyTo(src_rows_end);
     47     cols.copyTo(src_cols_beg); cols.copyTo(src_cols_end);
     48     for (size_t i = 1; i < src.rows-1; i++)
     49     {
     50         uchar *img0 = src.ptr<uchar>(i - 1);
     51         uchar *img  = src.ptr<uchar>(i);
     52         uchar *img1 = src.ptr<uchar>(i + 1);
     53         uchar *msk  = mask_tmp.ptr<uchar>(i);    
     54         for (size_t j = 1; j < src.cols-1; j++)
     55         {
     56             bool flag = false;
     57             //msk[j] = img[j] == 0 ? 0 : msk[j];
     58             if (msk[j] != 255) continue;
     59             flag = (img[j] < img[j - 1] || img[j] < img[j + 1]
     60                 || img[j] < img0[j] || img[j] < img0[j - 1]
     61                 || img[j] < img0[j + 1] || img[j] < img1[j]
     62                 || img[j] < img1[j - 1] || img[j] < img1[j + 1])
     63                 ? true : false;
     64             int tmp = flag == true ? FillBlock(src, mask_tmp, Point(j, i)) : 0;
     65         }
     66     }
     67     mask = mask_tmp.clone();
     68 }
     69 //---filter parts max value
     70 //---@
     71 //---@
     72 //---@gap        
     73 //---@radius    
     75 vector<Point> Find_Max(InputArray _src, Mat&mask,int gap,int radius)
     76 {
     77     Mat src = _src.getMat();
     79     typedef struct MyStruct
     80     {
     81         Point position;
     82         float data;
     83     }MyStruct;
     85     MaskImage(src, mask);
     86     vector<MyStruct> max_point;
     87     for (size_t i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
     88     {
     89         uchar *img = src.ptr<uchar>(i);
     90         uchar *msk = mask.ptr<uchar>(i);
     91         for (size_t j = 0; j < src.cols; j++)
     92         {
     93             if (msk[j] != 255) continue;
     94             MyStruct my_struct;
     95             my_struct.data = img[j];
     96             my_struct.position = Point(j, i);
     97             max_point.push_back(my_struct);
     98         }
     99     }
    100     for (size_t i = 0; i < max_point.size(); i++)
    101     {
    102         for (size_t j = i; j < max_point.size(); j++)
    103         {
    104             MyStruct temp;
    105             if (max_point[i].data <= max_point[j].data)
    106             {
    107                 if (max_point[j].data == 0) continue;
    108                 temp = max_point[j];
    109                 max_point[j] = max_point[i];
    110                 max_point[i] = temp;
    111             }
    112         }
    113     }
    114     //---find max
    115     for (size_t k = 0; k < max_point.size(); k++)//---
    116     {
    117         uchar back = src.at<uchar>(max_point[k].position.y, max_point[k].position.x);
    118         vector<Point> fill_point;
    119         int count = 0, count_mount = 1;
    120         fill_point.push_back(max_point[k].position);
    122         while (count < count_mount &&  max_point[k].data != 1)
    123         {
    124             vector<uchar*> img;
    125             vector<uchar*> msk;
    126             for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
    127             {
    128                 img.push_back(src.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
    129                 msk.push_back(mask.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
    130             }
    131             for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    132             {
    133                 for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
    134                 {
    135                     //---
    136                     uchar x = pow((max_point[k].position.x - fill_point[count].x + j), 2); //(max_point[k].position.x - img[i][fill_point[count].x + j])*(max_point[k].position.x - img[i][fill_point[count].x + j]);
    137                     uchar y = pow((max_point[k].position.y - (fill_point[count].y + i - 1)) , 2); // (max_point[k].position.y - img[i][fill_point[count].y + j])*(max_point[k].position.y - img[i][fill_point[count].x + j]);
    138                     uchar distance = sqrt(x + y);
    139                     if (img[i][fill_point[count].x + j] <= img[1][fill_point[count].x] - gap 
    140                         || msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 3
    141                         || msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 0
    142                         || (j == 0 && i == 1)
    143                         || distance >= radius) continue;
    144                     if (img[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 2) max_point[k].data = 1;
    145                     msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] = 3;
    146                     fill_point.push_back(Point(fill_point[count].x + j, fill_point[count].y + i - 1));
    147                     count_mount++;
    148                 }
    149             }
    150             count++;
    151         }    
    152         if (max_point[k].data == 1)
    153         {
    154             for (size_t i = 0; i < fill_point.size(); i++)
    155             {
    156                 mask.at<uchar>(fill_point[i]) = 1;
    157             }
    158         }
    159         else
    160         {
    161             for (size_t i = 0; i < fill_point.size(); i++)
    162             {
    163                 mask.at<uchar>(fill_point[i]) = 2;
    164             }
    165             max_point[k].data = 255;
    166             mask.at<uchar>(max_point[k].position) = 255;
    167         }
    168     }
    169 }
    View Code



      1 int FillBlock(Mat src, Mat &mask, Point center)
      2 {
      3     uchar back = src.at<uchar>(center.y, center.x);
      4     vector<Point> fill_point;
      5     int count = 0, count_mount = 1;
      6     fill_point.push_back(center);
      7     while (count < count_mount)
      8     {
      9         vector<uchar*> img;
     10         vector<uchar*> msk;
     11         for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
     12         {
     13             img.push_back(src.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
     14             msk.push_back(mask.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
     15         }
     16         for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
     17         {
     18             for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
     19             {
     20                 if (img[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == back && !(j == 0 && i == 1) && msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 255)
     21                 {
     22                     fill_point.push_back(Point(fill_point[count].x + j, fill_point[count].y + i - 1));
     23                     msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] = 1;
     24                 }
     25             }
     26         }
     27         msk[1][fill_point[count].x] = 1;
     28         count_mount = fill_point.size() - 1;
     29         fill_point.erase(fill_point.begin());
     30     }
     31     return 0;
     32 }
     34 void MaskImage(InputArray _src, Mat &mask)
     35 {
     36     Mat src = _src.getMat(),mask_tmp = Mat::zeros(src.size(), CV_8UC1);
     37     mask_tmp.setTo(255);
     38     Mat rows = Mat::zeros(Size(src.cols, 1), CV_8UC1), cols = Mat::zeros(Size(1, src.rows), CV_8UC1);
     39     Mat src_rows_beg = mask_tmp.row(0);
     40     Mat src_rows_end = mask_tmp.row(src.rows - 1);
     41     Mat src_cols_beg = mask_tmp.col(0);
     42     Mat src_cols_end = mask_tmp.col(src.cols - 1);
     43     rows.copyTo(src_rows_beg); rows.copyTo(src_rows_end);
     44     cols.copyTo(src_cols_beg); cols.copyTo(src_cols_end);
     46     for (size_t i = 3; i < src.rows-3; i++)
     47     {
     48         vector<uchar*> img;
     49         uchar* msk = mask_tmp.ptr(i);
     50         uchar* img1 = src.ptr(i);
     51         for (int k = -3; k < 4; k++)
     52         {
     53             img.push_back(src.ptr<uchar>(k + i));
     54         }
     55         for (size_t j = 3; j < src.cols-3; j++)
     56         {
     57             bool flag = false;
     58             if (msk[j] != 255) continue;
     59             float sum[4] = { 0 };
     60             sum[0] = img[3][j];
     61             Point x0 = Point(0, 0);
     62             Point x1 = Point(0, 0);
     63             uchar n_count = 0;
     64             for (int m = 2; m < 5; m++)
     65             {
     66                 for (int n = -1; n < 2; n++)
     67                 {
     68                     if (m == 3 && n == 0) continue;
     69                     sum[1] = sum[1] < img[m][j + n] ? img[m][j + n] : sum[1];
     70                     x0 = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? Point(m, n) : x0;
     71                     n_count = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? n_count+1 : n_count;
     72                     //flag = img[3][j + 0] < img[m][j + n] ? true : flag;//如果目标像素小于周围任何一个像素就说明这个一定不是最大值
     73                 }
     74             }
     75             for (int m = 1; m < 6; m++)
     76             {
     77                 for (int n = -2; n < 3; n++)
     78                 {
     79                     if (2 <= m && m <= 4 && -1 <= n && n <= 1) continue;
     80                     sum[2] = sum[2] < img[m][j + n] ? img[m][j + n] : sum[2];
     81                     x1 = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? Point(m, n) : x1;
     82                     n_count = sum[0] == img[m][j + n] ? n_count+1 : n_count;
     83                     //flag = img[3][j + 0] < img[m][j + n] ? true : flag;//如果目标像素小于周围任何一个像素就说明这个一定不是最大值
     84                 }
     85             }
     86             for (int m = 0; m < 7; m++)
     87             {
     88                 for (int n = -3; n < 4; n++)
     89                 {
     90                     sum[3] = sum[3] < img[m][j + n] && !(1 <= m && m <= 5 && -2 <=n && n <= 2) ? img[m][j + n] : sum[3];
     91                     //flag = img[3][j+0] < img[m][j + n] ? true : flag;
     92                 }
     93             }
     94             x1 = (x1.x == 0 && x1.y == 0) || n_count >= 3 ? x0 : x1;
     95             int tmp = sum[0] >= sum[1] && sum[1] >= sum[2] && sum[2] >= sum[3] && (abs(x0.x - x1.x) <= 2 && abs(x0.y - x1.y) <= 2)
     96                 ? 0 : FillBlock(src, mask_tmp, Point(j, i));
     97         }
     98     }
     99     mask = mask_tmp.clone();
    100 }
    102 vector<Point> Find_Max(InputArray _src, Mat&mask,int gap,int radius)
    103 {
    104     Mat src = _src.getMat();
    106     typedef struct MyStruct
    107     {
    108         Point position;
    109         float data;
    110     }MyStruct;
    112     MaskImage(src, mask);
    113     vector<MyStruct> max_point;
    114     for (size_t i = 0; i < src.rows; i++)
    115     {
    116         uchar *img = src.ptr<uchar>(i);
    117         uchar *msk = mask.ptr<uchar>(i);
    118         for (size_t j = 0; j < src.cols; j++)
    119         {
    120             if (msk[j] != 255) continue;
    121             MyStruct my_struct;
    122             my_struct.data = img[j];
    123             my_struct.position = Point(j, i);
    124             max_point.push_back(my_struct);
    125         }
    126     }
    127     for (size_t i = 0; i < max_point.size(); i++)
    128     {
    129         for (size_t j = i; j < max_point.size(); j++)
    130         {
    131             MyStruct temp;
    132             if (max_point[i].data <= max_point[j].data)
    133             {
    134                 if (max_point[j].data == 0) continue;
    135                 temp = max_point[j];
    136                 max_point[j] = max_point[i];
    137                 max_point[i] = temp;
    138             }
    139         }
    140     }
    142     for (size_t k = 0; k < max_point.size(); k++)//---
    143     {
    144         uchar back = src.at<uchar>(max_point[k].position.y, max_point[k].position.x);
    145         vector<Point> fill_point;
    146         int count = 0, count_mount = 1;
    147         fill_point.push_back(max_point[k].position);
    149         while (count < count_mount &&  max_point[k].data != 1)
    150         {
    151             vector<uchar*> img;
    152             vector<uchar*> msk;
    153             for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
    154             {
    155                 img.push_back(src.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
    156                 msk.push_back(mask.ptr<uchar>(fill_point[count].y + i));
    157             }
    158             for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    159             {
    160                 for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
    161                 {
    162                     //---
    163                     double x = pow((max_point[k].position.x - fill_point[count].x + j), 2); //(max_point[k].position.x - img[i][fill_point[count].x + j])*(max_point[k].position.x - img[i][fill_point[count].x + j]);
    164                     double y = pow((max_point[k].position.y - (fill_point[count].y + i - 1)), 2); // (max_point[k].position.y - img[i][fill_point[count].y + j])*(max_point[k].position.y - img[i][fill_point[count].x + j]);
    165                     int distance = sqrt(x + y);
    166                     if (img[i][fill_point[count].x + j] <= img[0][fill_point[count].x] - gap 
    167                         || msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 3
    168                         //|| msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 0 
    169                         || (j == 0 && i == 1)
    170                         || distance >= radius) continue;
    171                     if (img[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 2 || msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] == 0) max_point[k].data = 1;
    172                     msk[i][fill_point[count].x + j] = 3;
    173                     fill_point.push_back(Point(fill_point[count].x + j, fill_point[count].y + i - 1));
    174                     count_mount++;
    175                 }
    176             }
    177             count++;
    178         }    
    179         if (max_point[k].data == 1)
    180         {
    181             for (size_t i = 0; i < fill_point.size(); i++)
    182             {
    183                 mask.at<uchar>(fill_point[i]) = 1;
    184             }
    185         }
    186         else
    187         {
    188             for (size_t i = 0; i < fill_point.size(); i++)
    189             {
    190                 mask.at<uchar>(fill_point[i]) = 2;
    191             }
    192             max_point[k].data = 255;
    193             mask.at<uchar>(max_point[k].position) = 255;
    194         }
    195     }
    196     vector<Point> print_wjy;
    197     for (size_t i = 0; i < mask.rows; i++)
    198     {
    199         uchar *msk = mask.ptr<uchar>(i);
    200         for (size_t j = 0; j < mask.cols; j++)
    201         {
    202             if (msk[j] == 255)
    203                 print_wjy.push_back(Point(j, i));
    204         }
    206     }
    207     return print_wjy;
    208 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wjy-lulu/p/7416135.html
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