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  • Java题库——Chapter14 JavaFX基础

    Chapter 14 JavaFX Basics

    Section 14.2 JavaFX vs Swing and AWT
    1. Why is JavaFX preferred?
    a. JavaFX is much simpler to learn and use for new Java programmers.
    b. JavaFX provides a multi-touch support for touch-enabled devices such as tablets and smart phones.
    c. JavaFX has a built-in 3D, animation support, video and audio playback, and runs as a standalone application or from a browser.
    d. JavaFX incorporates modern GUI technologies to enable you to develop rich Internet applications.

    Section 14.3 The Basic Structure of a JavaFX Program
    2. Every JavaFX main class __________.
    a. implements javafx.application.Application
    b. extends javafx.application.Application
    c. overrides start(Stage s) method
    d. overrides start() method

    覆盖一个start(Stage s)方法

    3. Which of the following statements are true?
    a. A primary stage is automatically created when a JavaFX main class is launched.
    b. You can have multiple stages displayed in a JavaFX program.
    c. A stage is displayed by invoking the show() method on the stage.
    d. A scene is placed in the stage using the addScene method
    e. A scene is placed in the stage using the setScene method
    当应用程序启动时,一个 primary stage会由JVM自动创建




    4. What is the output of the following JavaFX program?

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class Test extends Application {      
      public Test() {
        System.out.println("Test constructor is invoked.");
      @Override // Override the start method in the Application class
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        System.out.println("start method is invoked.");
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("launch application.");

    a. launch application. start method is invoked.
    b. start method is invoked. Test constructor is invoked.
    c. Test constructor is invoked. start method is invoked.
    d. launch application. start method is invoked. Test constructor is invoked.
    e. launch application. Test constructor is invoked. start method is invoked.
    Section 14.4 Panes, UI Controls, and Shapes
    5. Which of the following statements are true?
    a. A Scene is a Node.
    b. A Shape is a Node.
    c. A Stage is a Node.
    d. A Control is a Node.
    e. A Pane is a Node.

    6. Which of the following statements are true?
    a. A Node can be placed in a Pane.
    b. A Node can be placed in a Scene.
    c. A Pane can be placed in a Control.
    d. A Shape can be placed in a Control.
    7. Which of the following statements are correct?
    a. new Scene(new Button("OK"));
    b. new Scene(new Circle());
    c. new Scene(new ImageView());
    d. new Scene(new Pane());

    8. To add a circle object into a pane, use _________.
    a. pane.add(circle);
    b. pane.addAll(circle);
    c. pane.getChildren().add(circle);
    d. pane.getChildren().addAll(circle);

    9. Which of the following statements are correct?
    a. Every subclass of Node has a no-arg constructor.
    b. Circle is a subclass of Node.
    c. Button is a subclass of Node.
    d. Pane is a subclass of Node.
    e. Scene is a subclass on Node.
    Section 14.5 Binding Properties
    10. Which of the following are binding properties?
    a. Integer
    b. Double
    c. IntegerProperty
    d. DoubleProperty
    e. String

    11. Which of the following can be used as a source for a binding properties?
    a. Intege
    b. Double
    c. IntegerProperty
    d. DoubleProperty
    e. String

    12. Suppose a JavaFX class has a binding property named weight of the type DoubleProperty. By convention, which of the following methods are defined in the class?
    a. public double getWeight()
    b. public void setWeight(double v)
    c. public DoubleProperty weightProperty()
    d. public double weightProperty()
    e. public DoubleProperty WeightProperty()

    setWeight(double )值的设置方法

    13. What is the output of the following code?

    import javafx.beans.property.IntegerProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty;
    public class Test {
      public static void main(String[] args) {       
        IntegerProperty d1 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(1);
        IntegerProperty d2 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(2);
        System.out.print("d1 is " + d1.getValue()
          + " and d2 is " + d2.getValue());
        System.out.println(", d1 is " + d1.getValue()
          + " and d2 is " + d2.getValue());

    a. d1 is 2 and d2 is 2, d1 is 3 and d2 is 3
    b. d1 is 2 and d2 is 2, d1 is 2 and d2 is 3
    c. d1 is 1 and d2 is 2, d1 is 1 and d2 is 3
    d. d1 is 1 and d2 is 2, d1 is 3 and d2 is 3
    14. What is the output of the following code?

    import javafx.beans.property.IntegerProperty;
    import javafx.beans.property.SimpleIntegerProperty;
    public class Test {
      public static void main(String[] args) {       
        IntegerProperty d1 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(1);
        IntegerProperty d2 = new SimpleIntegerProperty(2);
        System.out.print("d1 is " + d1.getValue()
          + " and d2 is " + d2.getValue());
        System.out.println(", d1 is " + d1.getValue()
          + " and d2 is " + d2.getValue());

    a. d1 is 2 and d2 is 2, d1 is 3 and d2 is 3
    b. d1 is 2 and d2 is 2, d1 is 2 and d2 is 3
    c. d1 is 1 and d2 is 2, d1 is 1 and d2 is 3
    d. d1 is 1 and d2 is 2, d1 is 3 and d2 is 3
    Section 14.6 Common Properties and Methods for Nodes
    15. Which of the following statements correctly sets the fill color of circle to black?
    a. circle.setFill(Color.BLACK);
    b. circle.setFill(Color.black);
    c. circle.setStyle("-fx-fill: black");
    d. circle.setStyle("fill: black");
    e. circle.setStyle("-fx-fill-color: black");

    16. Which of the following statements correctly rotates the button 45 degrees counterclockwise?
    a. button.setRotate(45);
    b. button.setRotate(Math.toRadians(45));
    c. button.setRotate(360 - 45);
    d. button.setRotate(-45);
    Section 14.7 The Color Class
    17. Which of the following statements correctly creates a Color object?
    a. new Color(3, 5, 5, 1);
    b. new Color(0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1);
    c. new Color(0.3, 0.5, 0.5);
    d. Color.color(0.3, 0.5, 0.5);
    e. Color.color(0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.1);

    Section 14.8 The Font Class
    18. Which of the following statements correctly creates a Font object?
    a. new Font(34);
    b. new Font("Times", 34);
    c. Font.font("Times", 34);
    d. Font.font("Times", FontWeight.NORMAL, 34);
    e. Font.font("Times", FontWeight.NORMAL, FontPosture.ITALIC, 34);

    19. Which of the following statements are correct?
    a. A Color object is immutable.
    b. A Font object is immutable.
    c. You cannot change the contents in a Color object once it is created.
    d. You cannot change the contents in a Font object once it is created.
    Section 14.9 The Image and ImageView Classes
    20. Which of the following statements correctly creates an ImageView object?
    a. new ImageView("http://www.cs.armstrong.edu/liang/image/us.gif");
    b. new ImageView(new Image("http://www.cs.armstrong.edu/liang/image/us.gif"));
    c. new ImageView("image/us.gif");
    d. new ImageView(new Image("image/us.gif"));

    21. Analyze the following code:

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.scene.layout.Pane;
    import javafx.geometry.Insets;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.image.Image;
    import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
    public class Test extends Application {
      @Override // Override the start method in the Application class
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        // Create a pane to hold the image views
        Pane pane = new HBox(10);
        pane.setPadding(new Insets(5, 5, 5, 5));
        Image image = new Image("www.cs.armstrong.edu/liang/image/us.gif");
        pane.getChildren().addAll(new ImageView(image), new ImageView(image));
        // Create a scene and place it in the stage
        Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
        primaryStage.setTitle("ShowImage"); // Set the stage title
        primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage
        primaryStage.show(); // Display the stage
       * The main method is only needed for the IDE with limited
       * JavaFX support. Not needed for running from the command line.
      public static void main(String[] args) {

    a. The program runs fine and displays two images.
    b. new Image("www.cs.armstrong.edu/liang/image/us.gif") must be replaced by new Image("http://www.cs.armstrong.edu/liang/image/us.gif").
    c. The image object cannot be shared by two ImageViews.
    d. The addAll method needs to be replaced by the add method.

    Section 14.10 Layout Panes
    22. To add a node into a pane, use ______.
    a. pane.add(node);
    b. pane.addAll(node);
    c. pane.getChildren().add(node);
    d. pane.getChildren().addAll(node);

    23. To add two nodes node1 and node2 into a pane, use ______.
    a. pane.add(node1, node2);
    b. pane.addAll(node1, node2);
    c. pane.getChildren().add(node1, node2);
    d. pane.getChildren().addAll(node1, node2);

    24. To remove a node from the pane, use ______.
    a. pane.remove(node);
    b. pane.removeAll(node);
    c. pane.getChildren().remove(node);
    d. pane.getChildren().removeAll(node);

    25. To remove two nodes node1 and node2 from a pane, use ______.
    a. pane.remove(node1, node2);
    b. pane.removeAll(node1, node2);
    c. pane.getChildren().remove(node1, node2);
    d. pane.getChildren().removeAll(node1, node2);

    26. Which of the following statements are correct to create a FlowPane?
    a. new FlowPane()
    b. new FlowPane(4, 5)
    c. new FlowPane(Orientation.VERTICAL);
    d. new FlowPane(4, 5, Orientation.VERTICAL);

    27. To add a node to the the first row and second column in a GridPane pane, use ________.
    a.    pane.getChildren().add(node, 1, 2);
    b.    pane.add(node, 1, 2);
    c.    pane.getChildren().add(node, 0, 1);
    d.    pane.add(node, 0, 1);
    e.    pane.add(node, 1, 0);

    28. To add two nodes node1 and node2 to the the first row in a GridPane pane, use ________.
    a.    pane.add(node1, 0, 0); pane.add(node2, 1, 0);
    b.    pane.add(node1, node2, 0);
    c.    pane.addRow(0, node1, node2);
    d.    pane.addRow(1, node1, node2);
    e.    pane.add(node1, 0, 1); pane.add(node2, 1, 1);

    29.    To place a node in the left of a BorderPane p, use ___________.
    a.    p.setEast(node);
    b.    p.placeLeft(node);
    c.    p.setLeft(node);
    d.    p.left(node);

    30.    To place two nodes node1 and node2 in a HBox p, use ___________.
    a.    p.add(node1, node2);
    b.    p.addAll(node1, node2);
    c.    p.getChildren().add(node1, node2);
    d.    p.getChildren().addAll(node1, node2);

    31. Analyze the following code:

    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.layout.HBox;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
    public class Test extends Application {
      @Override // Override the start method in the Application class
      public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
        HBox pane = new HBox(5);
        Circle circle = new Circle(50, 200, 200);   
        // Create a scene and place it in the stage
        Scene scene = new Scene(pane);
        primaryStage.setTitle("Test"); // Set the stage title
        primaryStage.setScene(scene); // Place the scene in the stage
        primaryStage.show(); // Display the stage
       * The main method is only needed for the IDE with limited
       * JavaFX support. Not needed for running from the command line.
      public static void main(String[] args) {

    a.    The program has a compile error since the circle is added to a pane twice.
    b.    The program has a runtime error since the circle is added to a pane twice.
    c.    The program runs fine and displays one circle.
    d.    The program runs fine and displays two circles.

    Section 14.11 Shapes
    32.    The _________ properties are defined in the javafx.scene.shape.Shape class.
    a.    stroke
    b.    strokeWidth
    c.    fill
    d.    centerX



    33. The _________ properties are defined in the javafx.scene.text.Text class.
    a. text
    b. x
    c. y
    d. underline
    e. strikethrough

    34. The _________ properties are defined in the javafx.scene.shape.Line class.
    a. x1
    b. x2
    c. y1
    d. y2
    e. strikethrough

    35. The _________ properties are defined in the javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle class.
    a. width
    b. x
    c. y
    d. height
    e. arcWidth

    36. The _________ properties are defined in the javafx.scene.shape.Ellipse class.
    a. centerX
    b. centerY
    c. radiusX
    d. radiusY

    37. To construct a Polygon with three points x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, and y3, use _________.
    a. new Polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
    b. new Polygon(x1, y2, x3, y1, y2, y3)
    c. Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); polygon.getPoints().addAll(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
    d. Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); polygon.getPoints().addAll(x1, y2, x3, y1, y2, y3)

    38. To construct a Polyline with three points x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, and y3, use _________.
    a. new Polyline(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
    b. new Polyline(x1, y2, x3, y1, y2, y3)
    c. Polyline polyline = new Polygon(); polyline.getPoints().addAll(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)
    d. Polyline polyline = new Polygon(); polyline.getPoints().addAll(x1, y2, x3, y1, y2, y3)

    39. Assume p is a Polygon, to add a point (4, 5) into p, use _______.
    a. p.getPoints().add(4); p.getPoints().add(5);
    b. p.getPoints().add(4.0); p.getPoints().add(5.0);
    c. p.getPoints().addAll(4, 5);
    d. p.getPoints().addAll(4.0, 5.0);

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