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  • AMBER: CPPTRAJ Tutorial C0





    Loading a Topology and Trajectory


    $ cpptraj 
    CPPTRAJ: Trajectory Analysis. V16.16
    ___ ___ ___ ___
     | / | / | / | 
    | Date/time: 03/01/19 11:14:02
    | Available memory: 393.146 MB
    # 载入拓扑文件(topology file) > parm trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7
    # 可以使用list parm命令查看刚刚载入的拓扑文件,详细信息使用parminfo命令查看
    > list parm PARAMETER FILES: 0: 'trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7', 220 atoms, 13 res, box: None, 1 mol
    > parminfo 0 Topology trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7 contains 220 atoms. 13 residues. 1 molecules. 227 bonds (104 to H, 123 other). 402 angles (233 with H, 169 other). 853 dihedrals (481 with H, 372 other). Box: None GB radii set: modified Bondi radii (mbondi)
    # 载入NetCDF格式的轨迹文件(trajetory file)
    >trajin trpzip2.gb.nc Reading 'trpzip2.gb.nc' as Amber NetCDF
    # 同样,可以使用list trajin命令查看刚刚载入的轨迹文件
    > list trajin INPUT TRAJECTORIES: 0: 'trpzip2.gb.nc' is a NetCDF AMBER trajectory, Parm trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7 (reading 1201 of 1201) Coordinate processing will occur on 1201 frames.

    Specifying an Action

    # 打印帮助信息
    > help distance   [<name>] <mask1> <mask2> [out <filename>] [geom] [noimage] [type noe]   Options for 'type noe':   [bound <lower> bound <upper>] [rexp <expected>] [noe_strong] [noe_medium] [noe_weak]   Calculate distance between atoms in <mask1> and <mask2> > resinfo #Res Name First Last Natom #Orig 1 SER 1 13 13 1 2 TRP 14 37 24 2 3 THR 38 51 14 3 4 TRP 52 75 24 4 5 GLU 76 90 15 5 6 ASN 91 104 14 6 7 GLY 105 111 7 7 8 LYS 112 133 22 8 9 TRP 134 157 24 9 10 THR 158 171 14 10 11 TRP 172 195 24 11 12 LYS 196 217 22 12 13 NHE 218 220 3 13
    > atominfo :13 #Atom Name #Res Name #Mol Type Charge Mass GBradius El 218 N 13 NHE 1 N -0.4630 14.0100 1.5500 N 219 HN1 13 NHE 1 H 0.2315 1.0080 1.3000 H 220 HN2 13 NHE 1 H 0.2315 1.0080 1.3000 H
    > distance end-to-end :1 :13 out dist-end-to-end.agr DISTANCE: :1 to :13, center of mass.
    > list actions ACTIONS: 0: [distance end-to-end :1 :13 out dist-end-to-end.agr]

    Processing the Trajectory

    # 前面的action操作是不会执行的,需要使用run命令或者go命令来执行,执行内容包括导入拓扑文件及轨迹文件,根据action (distance)处理轨迹文件,产生DATASETS及结果文件DATAFILES(dist-end-to-end.agr)等。

    > run
    ---------- RUN BEGIN -------------------------------------------------
     0: 'trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7', 220 atoms, 13 res, box: None, 1 mol, 1201 frames
     0: 'trpzip2.gb.nc' is a NetCDF AMBER trajectory, Parm trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7 (reading 1201 of 1201)
      Coordinate processing will occur on 1201 frames.
    TIME: Run Initialization took 0.0000 seconds.
    ACTION SETUP FOR PARM 'trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7' (1 actions):
      0: [distance end-to-end :1 :13 out dist-end-to-end.agr]
        :1 (13 atoms) to :13 (3 atoms), imaging off.
    ----- trpzip2.gb.nc (1-1201, 1) -----
     0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Complete.
    Read 1201 frames and processed 1201 frames.
    TIME: Trajectory processing: 0.0094 s
    TIME: Avg. throughput= 127372.9982 frames / second.
      1 data set:
        end-to-end "end-to-end" (double, distance), size is 1201
      dist-end-to-end.agr (Grace File):  end-to-end
    ---------- RUN END ---------------------------------------------------

    # 可以直接在CPPTRAJ里执行xmgrace查看结果
    > xmgrace dist-end-to-end.agr ...

    Working With Data Sets

    # 我们可以对前面产生的DATASET进行处理,如前面产生的”end-to-end“,我们可以使用writedata命令把数据写成标准列格式。

    > writedata end-to-end.dat end-to-end
    # 同样,我们可以直接在CPPTRAJ中使用linux的head命令,对数据进行查看。
    > head end-to-end.dat 
    #Frame     end-to-end
           1       6.4251
           2       5.9250
           3       6.7926
           4       6.3125
           5       5.7580
           6       5.4389
           7       6.1086
           8       6.5588
           9       5.6949

    # 最后我们可以使用quit命令退出CPPTRAJ。 >quit TIME: Total execution time: 131.2112 seconds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To cite CPPTRAJ use: Daniel R. Roe and Thomas E. Cheatham, III, "PTRAJ and CPPTRAJ: Software for Processing and Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Trajectory Data". J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2013, 9 (7), pp 3084-3095.

    Running in Batch Mode

    # 与tleap一样,我们也可以使用batch模式,直接提交cpptraj的参数文件。

    # cpptraj.in
    parm trpzip2.ff10.mbondi.parm7
    trajin trpzip2.gb.nc
    distance end-to-end :1 :13 out dist-end-to-end.agr
    writedata end-to-end.dat end-to-end


    $ cpptraj -i cpptraj.in




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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wq242424/p/10455470.html
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