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  • storm kafkaSpout 踩坑问题记录! offset问题!






    How KafkaSpout stores offsets of a Kafka topic and recovers in case of failures

    As shown in the above KafkaConfig properties, you can control from where in the Kafka topic the spout begins to read by setting KafkaConfig.startOffsetTime as follows:

    1. kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime(): read from the beginning of the topic (i.e. from the oldest messages onwards)
    2. kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime(): read from the end of the topic (i.e. any new messsages that are being written to the topic)
    3. A Unix timestamp aka seconds since the epoch (e.g. via System.currentTimeMillis()): see How do I accurately get offsets of messages for a certain timestamp using OffsetRequest? in the Kafka FAQ

    As the topology runs the Kafka spout keeps track of the offsets it has read and emitted by storing state information under the ZooKeeper path SpoutConfig.zkRoot+ "/" + SpoutConfig.id. In the case of failures it recovers from the last written offset in ZooKeeper.

    Important: When re-deploying a topology make sure that the settings for SpoutConfig.zkRoot and SpoutConfig.id were not modified, otherwise the spout will not be able to read its previous consumer state information (i.e. the offsets) from ZooKeeper -- which may lead to unexpected behavior and/or to data loss, depending on your use case.

    This means that when a topology has run once the setting KafkaConfig.startOffsetTime will not have an effect for subsequent runs of the topology because now the topology will rely on the consumer state information (offsets) in ZooKeeper to determine from where it should begin (more precisely: resume) reading. If you want to force the spout to ignore any consumer state information stored in ZooKeeper, then you should set the parameter KafkaConfig.ignoreZkOffsets to true. If true, the spout will always begin reading from the offset defined by KafkaConfig.startOffsetTime as described above.




      public int fetchSizeBytes = 1024 * 1024; //发给Kafka的每个FetchRequest中,用此指定想要的response中总的消息的大小
        public int socketTimeoutMs = 10000;//与Kafka broker的连接的socket超时时间
        public int fetchMaxWait = 10000;   //当服务器没有新消息时,消费者会等待这些时间
        public int bufferSizeBytes = 1024 * 1024;//SimpleConsumer所使用的SocketChannel的读缓冲区大小
        public MultiScheme scheme = new RawMultiScheme();//从Kafka中取出的byte[],该如何反序列化
        public boolean forceFromStart = false;//是否强制从Kafka中offset最小的开始读起
        public long startOffsetTime = kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime();//从何时的offset时间开始读,默认为最旧的offset
        public long maxOffsetBehind = Long.MAX_VALUE;//KafkaSpout读取的进度与目标进度相差多少,相差太多,Spout会丢弃中间的消息 
       public boolean useStartOffsetTimeIfOffsetOutOfRange = true;//如果所请求的offset对应的消息在Kafka中不存在,是否使用startOffsetTime
       public int metricsTimeBucketSizeInSecs = 60;//多长时间统计一次metrics
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wsss/p/6745493.html
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