class Student: """ 1.tom是实例化的对象,反射:对象的属性、方法 2.Student是类,反射:类的静态属性和类方法 3.反射方法:获取的值要加(),有参数时,要添加参数 4.hasattr()用于判断和getattr()可以看成夫妻档,一般成对出现 """ country = 'china' def __init__(self, name, grade): self.name = name self.grade = grade def info(self, new_grade): if self.grade < new_grade: return "恭喜" else: return "遗憾" @classmethod def coun(cls, new_country): Student.country = new_country tom = Student('tom', 70) if hasattr(tom, 'name'): # 对象属性反射 print(getattr(tom, 'name')) # 结果:tom if hasattr(tom, 'info'): ret = getattr(tom, 'info') # 对象方法的反射 print(ret(80)) # 结果:恭喜 if hasattr(Student, 'coun'): ret = getattr(Student, 'coun') # 静态属性/类属性的反射 ret('USA') if hasattr(Student, 'country'): # 类方法的反射 print(getattr(Student, 'country')) # 结果:USA
import sys """ 1.反射自己的模块,实质是.py文件命令、函数的反射 2.sys.modules[__name__],获取当前文件对象 3.python一切皆对象 """ name = 'tom' def output(): return "Hello World!" # print(sys.modules[__name__]) # 获取当前文件,python一切皆对象 if hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'name'): print(getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'name')) # 结果:tom if hasattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'output'): ret = getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'output') # print(ret()) # 结果:Hello World!
""" 1.setattr(),Sets the named attribute on the given object to the specified value 2.delattr(), Deletes the named attribute from the given object. """ class Test: def sb(self): return 'sb' t1 = Test() setattr(t1, 'name', 'china_lead') # 设置对象t1的属性name和值china_lead if hasattr(t1, 'name'): print(getattr(t1, 'name')) # 结果:china_lead try: delattr(t1, 'name') # 通过反射删除对象的属性 getattr(t1, 'name') except Exception as error: print('result: %s' % error) # result: 'Test' object has no attribute 'name'