如果使用的提交按钮是button 不是submit 以及服务器控件 可以在ajax返回结果之后document.getElementById('form').submit();
function BeginSubmit() { var txt = ""; jQuery.ajax({ type:"POST", async:false,//是否异步
url: "GetTotalAmount.aspx", success:function(result){ if (result.text == "false") { DIVAlert('alert', 'Valor\'s Minimum Order Policy is $25.00. We welcome you to continue to browse and shop on our website, and thank you for your business!', null, null); return false; } else { if (validateForm() && GetTotalAmount()) { if (jQuery('[name=outOfStack]').length > 0) { if (!confirm('Out of stock Or offline products will add to backorder,Do you want to submit Order?')) return false; } else { if (!confirm('Do you want to submit Order?')) return false; } } else { return false; } ProcessOrder(); } } }) }