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  • 创建存储过程,包及包体

    1 --创建包
    2 create or replace package PAK_ExecuteAttendingDoctor is
    3 type cp_results is ref cursor;
    4 procedure ExecuteAttendingDoctor(start_time  in varchar2,end_time in  varchar2,cp_results  out cp_results);
    5 end PAK_ExecuteAttendingDoctor;
     1 --创建包体
     2 create or replace package body PAK_ExecuteAttendingDoctor is
     3   procedure ExecuteAttendingDoctor(start_time in varchar2,
     4                           end_time   in varchar2,
     5                           cp_results out cp_results) is
     6   begin
     7     open cp_results for
     8      select distinct *
     9   from (select t.dept_code, t.dept_name
    10           from dcp_sys_user t
    11          where t.dept_code > 0
    12            and t.dept_code is not null
    13          group by t.dept_code, t.dept_name) mm,
    14        (select a.execute_dept,
    15                a.attending_doctor,
    16                nvl(a.fhrs, 0) fhrs,
    17                nvl(b.nrrs, 0) nrrs,
    18                nvl(c.wcrs, 0) wcrs,
    19                round(nvl(b.nrrs  / a.fhrs, 0), 4) nrl,
    20                round(nvl(c.wcrs  / b.nrrs, 0), 4) wcl,
    21                nvl(d.xdyzzs, 0) xdyzzs,
    22                nvl(xdlcljyzs, 0) xdlcljyzs,
    23                round(nvl(xdlcljyzs / d.xdyzzs, 0), 4) xdl
    24           from --按医生统计符合人数
    25                 (select execute_dept, attending_doctor, count(patient_no) fhrs
    26                    from lcp_patient_visit v
    27                   where v.conform_master_id > 0
    28                     and v.admission_date >=
    29                         to_date(start_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    30                     and v.admission_date <=
    31                         to_date(end_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
    32                   group by v.execute_dept, v.attending_doctor) a,
    33                ----纳入人数---
    34                (select execute_dept,
    35                        v1.attending_doctor,
    36                        count(patient_no) nrrs
    37                   from lcp_patient_visit v1
    38                  where v1.cp_master_id > 0
    39                    and v1.admission_date >=
    40                        to_date(start_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    41                    and v1.admission_date <=
    42                        to_date(end_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
    43                  group by v1.execute_dept, v1.attending_doctor) b,
    44                ----完成人数-----
    45                (select execute_dept,
    46                        v2.attending_doctor,
    47                        count(patient_no) wcrs
    48                   from lcp_patient_visit v2
    49                  where v2.cp_master_id > 0
    50                    and v2.cp_state = 11
    51                    and v2.admission_date >=
    52                        to_date(start_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    53                    and v2.admission_date <=
    54                        to_date(end_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')
    55                  group by v2.execute_dept, v2.attending_doctor) c,
    56                ----下达医嘱总数-----
    57                (select count(*) xdyzzs, v.execute_dept, v.attending_doctor
    58                   from lcp_patient_log_order t, lcp_patient_visit v
    59                  where t.patient_no in
    60                        (select t.patient_no
    61                           from lcp_patient_visit t
    62                          where t.cp_state in (1, 11, 21)
    63                            and t.admission_date >=
    64                                to_date(start_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    65                            and t.admission_date <=
    66                                to_date(end_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))
    67                    and t.patient_no = v.patient_no
    68                  group by v.execute_dept, v.attending_doctor) d,
    69                ----下达临床路径医嘱数-----     
    70                (select count(*) xdlcljyzs, v.execute_dept, v.attending_doctor
    71                   from lcp_patient_log_order t, lcp_patient_visit v
    72                  where t.patient_no in
    73                        (select t.patient_no
    74                           from lcp_patient_visit t
    75                          where t.cp_state in (1, 11, 21)
    76                            and t.admission_date >=
    77                                to_date(start_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd')
    78                            and t.admission_date <=
    79                                to_date(end_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'))
    80                    and t.cp_node_order_item_id > 0
    81                    and t.patient_no = v.patient_no
    82                  group by v.execute_dept, v.attending_doctor) e
    84          where a.execute_dept = b.execute_dept(+)
    85            and a.attending_doctor = b.attending_doctor(+)
    86            and a.execute_dept = c.execute_dept(+)
    87            and a.attending_doctor = c.attending_doctor(+)
    88            and a.execute_dept = d.execute_dept(+)
    89            and a.attending_doctor = d.attending_doctor(+)
    90            and a.execute_dept = e.execute_dept(+)
    91            and a.attending_doctor = e.attending_doctor(+)) aa
    92  where mm.dept_name = aa.execute_dept
    93  order by aa.execute_dept, nrrs desc;
    94   end ExecuteAttendingDoctor;
    96 end PAK_ExecuteAttendingDoctor;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuhailong/p/5137254.html
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