Flex DashBoard功能支持在一个界面中显示多个小窗口,窗口中分别显示不同的内容;且各小窗口支持位置拖拽、最小化、最大化、关闭。对于搞Flex开发的,应该会很有用的,有时间准备分析学习一下源代码。
The dashboard, built by WASI, is a demo application which displays data using draggable drill down charts, forms, DataGrids, and links in a pod layout. You can modify layouts by dragging and dropping pods to a different location and minimizing, maximizing, and restoring pod windows. Layout changes are saved using a LocalSharedObject. Layout data is loaded from /data/pods.xml with values in pod.xml indicating which data files to load for a particular pod. You will need the datavisualization.swc to run this application.
这是示例演示地址: http://examples.adobe.com/flex3/devnet/dashboard/main.html 可右击示例,查看源码