高级语言分为编译型与解释型两种,分别从执行速度、开发效率、跨平台性三个方面说它们的区别。 编译型语言因为执行的是机器码文件,所以执行速度快且不依赖解释器,但每次修改源代码都需要重新编译,所以导致开发效率低,不同的操作系统,调用的底层机器指令不同,所以跨平台性差。 解释型语言需要解释器边把源文件解释成机器指令边交给cpu执行,所以执行速度要比编译型慢很多,但是每次修改时立刻见效,所以开发效率很高,解释器已经做好了对不同操作系统的交互处理,天生跨平台。 C/C++/C#/Delphi/Go属于编译型,PHP/Java/JavaScript/Python/Perl/Ruby属于解释型。
2.执行 Python 脚本的两种方式?
(1).交互方式:启动python解释器,执行命令 (2).脚本方式:Python xxx.py 或者 chmod +x xxx.py && ./xxx.py
单行注释:#要注释内容 多行注释:"""要注释内容""" 或者'''要注释内容'''
(1).变量由数字、字母和下划线组成 (2).变量不能以数字开头 (3).变量不能使用Python关键字 (4).变量区分大小写
模块名,包名 :小写字母, 单词之间用_分割。 类名:首字母大写。 全局变量: 大写字母, 单词之间用_分割。 普通变量: 小写字母, 单词之间用_分割。 函数: 小写字母, 单词之间用_分割。 实例变量: 以_开头,其他和普通变量一样 。 私有实例变量(外部访问会报错): 以__开头(2个下划线),其他和普通变量一样 。 专有变量: __开头,__结尾,一般为python的自有变量(不要以这种变量命名)。
a. 实现用户输入用户名和密码,当用户名为 seven 且 密码为 123 时,显示登陆成功,否则登陆失败!
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import getpass _username = "seven" _password = "123" username = input("username:") password = getpass.getpass("password:") if username == _username and password == _password: print("hello,seven") else: print("error,input again")
b. 实现用户输入用户名和密码,当用户名为 seven 且 密码为 123 时,显示登陆成功,否则登陆失败,失败时允许重复输入三次
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import getpass _username = "seven" _password = "123" count = 0 while count < 3: count += 1 username = input("username:") password = getpass.getpass("password:") if username == _username and password == _password: print("hello,seven") break else: print("error,input again")
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import getpass _username = 'seven' _password = '123' count = 0 def login(): username = input('username:') password = getpass.getpass('password:') return username,password while count<3: username,password = login() if username == _username and password == _password: print('hello,seven') break else: count += 1 print ('error,input again')
c. 实现用户输入用户名和密码,当用户名为 seven 或 alex 且 密码为 123 时,显示登陆成功,否则登陆失败,失败时允许重复输入三次
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import getpass _username = ['seven','alex'] _password = "123" count = 0 while count < 3: count += 1 username = input("用户名:") # password = input("密码:") password = getpass.getpass("密码:") if username in _username and password == _password: print("登陆成功!") break else: print("登陆失败!")
a. 使用while循环实现输出2-3+4-5+6...+100 的和
# 2+4+6...+100 # -3-5...-99 count = 1 sum = 0 while count < 100: count += 1 if count % 2 == 0 : sum += count else: sum -= count print(sum)
sum = 0 for count in range(2,101): # print(count) if count % 2 == 0 : sum += count else: sum -= count print(sum)
b. 使用 while 循环实现输出 1,2,3,4,5, 7,8,9, 11,12
count = 0 while count <= 12: if count == 6 or count == 10: pass # 换成continue不行,因为会跳过本次循环,count不能+1,count永远==6,永远跳过本次循环。 else: print(count) count += 1
count = 0 while count < 12: count += 1 if count == 6 or count == 10: pass # 换成continue可以,因为虽然跳出了本次循环,但是下次循环的时候count可以+1。 else: print(count)
c. 使用while 循环输出100-50,从大到小,如100,99,98...,到50时再从0循环输出到50,然后结束
count = 101 while count > 50: count -= 1 print(count) if count == 50: count = 0 while count < 51: print(count) count += 1 break
d. 使用 while 循环实现输出 1-100 内的所有奇数
count = 0 while count < 100: count += 1 if count % 2 == 1: print(count)
for count in range(1,101,2): print(count)
e. 使用 while 循环实现输出 1-100 内的所有偶数
count = 0 while count < 100: count += 1 if count % 2 == 0: print(count)
for count in range(2,101,2): print(count)
8.现有如下两个变量,请简述 n1 和 n2 是什么关系?
n1 = 123456
n2 = n1
#方法一: name = input("请输入姓名:") address = input("请输入地点:") hobby = input("请输入爱好:") info = """ 敬爱可爱的%s,最喜欢在%s地方干%s """% (name,address,hobby) print(info) #方法二: name = input("请输入姓名:") address = input("请输入地点:") hobby = input("请输入爱好:") info = """ 敬爱可爱的{0},最喜欢在{1}地方干{2} """ print(info.format(name,address,hobby))
注:凡符合下面两个条件之一的年份是闰年。 (1) 能被4整除但不能被100整除。 (2) 能被400整除。
year = int(input("Please input the year:")) if year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0: print(year,"is a leap year") else: print(year,"is not a leap year")
money = 10000 years = 0 rate = 0.0325 while money <= 20000: years += 1 money = money * (1+rate) print(str(years)+"年以后,一万元的一年定期存款连本带息能翻番")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf8 -*- # 输错用户名和输错密码的次数总共最多为3次 import getpass exit_flag = False count = 0 while count < 3 and not exit_flag: user = input(' 请输入用户名:') if user != "wss": count += 1 print(" 用户名错误") else: while count < 3 and not exit_flag: pwd = getpass.getpass(' 请输入密码:') # pwd = input(' 请输入密码:') if pwd == "123": print(' 欢迎登陆') print('..........') exit_flag = True else: count += 1 print(' 密码错误') continue if count >= 3: # 尝试次数大于等于3时锁定用户 if user == "": print(" 您输入的错误次数过多,且用户为空") elif user != "wss": print(" 您输入的错误次数过多,且用户 %s 不存在" % user) else: print(" 您输入的错误次数过多")
#!/usr/bin/python3 #-*- coding:utf-8 -*- # 输错用户名和输错密码的次数分别最多为3次 # import getpass _username = "wss" _password = "123" count = 0 exit_flag = False while count < 3 and not exit_flag: count += 1 username = input(" Please input your username:") if username == _username: exit_flag = True # 当密码正确时,跳过第一层循环,不再询问用户名 count = 0 while count < 3: count += 1 password = input(" Please input your password:") # password = getpass.getpass(" Please input your password:") if password == _password: print(" hello,%s" % username) break # 密码正确,跳过第二层循环,不再询问密码 else: print(" Your password is wrong") else: print(" Your username is wrong") if count >= 3: # 尝试次数大于等于3时强制退出 print(" You try more than 3 times,be forced to quit")
可以支持多个用户登录 (提示,通过列表存多个账户信息)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf8 -*- # 输错用户名和输错密码的次数总共最多为3次 import getpass user_list = { "wss": "123", "alex": "456", "jay": "789" } f = open("deny_user_list.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") # 没有此文件时创建 f.close() with open("deny_user_list.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as deny_user_list_file: deny_user_list = deny_user_list_file.readlines() exit_flag = False count = 0 while count < 3 and not exit_flag: user = input(' 请输入用户名:') if user not in user_list: count += 1 print(" 用户名错误") elif user + " " in deny_user_list: print(" 用户已被锁定,请联系管理员解锁后重新尝试") break else: while count < 3 and not exit_flag: pwd = getpass.getpass(' 请输入密码:') # pwd = input(' 请输入密码:') if pwd == user_list[user]: print(' 欢迎登陆') print('..........') exit_flag = True else: count += 1 print(' 密码错误') continue if count >= 3: # 尝试次数大于等于3时锁定用户 if user == "": print(" 您输入的错误次数过多,且用户为空") elif user not in user_list: print(" 您输入的错误次数过多,且用户 %s 不存在" % user) else: with open("deny_user_list.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as deny_user_list_file: if user + " " not in deny_user_list: deny_user_list_file.write(user + " ") print(" 您输入的错误次数过多,%s 已经被锁定" % user)
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # 输错用户名和输错密码的次数分别最多为3次 # import getpass user_dict = dict([("wss", "123"), ("alex", "456"), ("jay", "789")]) # 存储用户信息 deny_user_list = [] # 初始化拒绝用户列表 f = open("deny_user_list.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") # 没有此文件时创建 f.close() with open("deny_user_list.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8") as deny_user_list_txt: for deny_user in deny_user_list_txt.readlines(): # 将文件内容转换为列表 deny_user = deny_user.strip() # 去掉换行符 deny_user_list.append(deny_user) count = 0 exit_flag = False while count < 3 and not exit_flag: count += 1 username = input(" Please input your username:") if username in user_dict and username not in deny_user_list: exit_flag = True # 当用户名正确时,跳过第一层循环,不再询问用户名 count = 0 while count < 3: count += 1 password = input(" Please input your password:") # password = getpass.getpass(" Please input your password:") if password == user_dict[username]: print(" hello,%s" % username) break # 当密码正确时,跳过第二层循环,不再循环密码 else: print(" Your password is wrong") elif username in deny_user_list: print(" %s is locked,please contact the administrator" % username) break else: print(" Your username is wrong") if count >= 3: # 当尝试次数大于等于3时强制退出并锁定用户 if username not in user_dict or username == "": print(" You try more than 3 times,be forced to quit") else: with open("deny_user_list.txt", "a", encoding="utf-8") as deny_user_list_file: if username not in deny_user_list: deny_user_list_file.write(username + " ") print(" You try more than 3 times,%s has been locked" % username)