E:workspacems-selection-servicems-selection-api>mvn clean install [INFO] Scanning for projects... [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Detecting the operating system and CPU architecture [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] os.detected.name: windows [INFO] os.detected.arch: x86_64 [INFO] os.detected.version: 10.0 [INFO] os.detected.version.major: 10 [INFO] os.detected.version.minor: 0 [INFO] os.detected.classifier: windows-x86_64 [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building ms-selection-api 1.0.18061 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ ms-selection-api --- [INFO] Deleting E:workspacems-selection-servicems-selection-api arget [INFO] [INFO] --- protobuf-maven-plugin:0.5.0:compile (default) @ ms-selection-api --- [INFO] Compiling 84 proto file(s) to E:workspacems-selection-servicems-selection-api argetgenerated-sourcesprotobufjava [ERROR] PROTOC FAILED: recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:34:16: "BookList.bookName" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto". recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:35:16: "BookList.authorName" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto". recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:36:16: "BookList.bookCover" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto". recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:37:16: "BookList.bookUrl" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto". recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:38:16: "BookList.coPercent" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto". recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:39:16: "BookList.contentType" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto". recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:33:9: "BookList" is already defined in file "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto". recommend/RecommendResponse.proto:13:19: "BookList" seems to be defined in "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto", which is not imported by "recommend/RecommendResponse.proto". To use it here, please add the necessary import.
syntax = "proto3"; option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base"; message RecommendResponse { string pluginCode=1; string status=2; string isvisable=3; string isShowLine=4; Recommend data=5; string messageDesc=6; repeated BookList bookList= 7; } message Recommend{ repeated RecommendData buttons=1; map<string, string> ctag = 2; string isMarginTop=3; string isMarginBottom=4; } message RecommendData{ string name=1; string url=2; } message BookList{ string bookName=1; string authorName=2; string bookCover=3; string bookUrl=4; string coPercent=5; string contentType=6; }
syntax = "proto3"; option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base"; message ContentRecommendResponse { string pluginCode=1; string status=2; string isvisable=3; string messageDesc=4; ContentRecommendData data=5; } message ContentRecommendData{ string isMarginTop = 1; string isMarginBottom = 2; string isPaddingTop = 3; string isShowLine = 4; string dataFrom = 5; string title = 6; string style = 7; repeated BookList bookList=8; BiData biData = 9; } message BookList{ string bookName=1; string authorName=2; string bookCover=3; string bookUrl=4; string coPercent=5; string contentType=6; } message BiData{ string msisdn = 1; string bid = 2; string pageNo = 3; string showNum = 4; string clientVersion = 5; string instanceId = 6; }
syntax = "proto3"; option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base"; import "contentrecommend/ContentRecommendResponse.proto"; message RecommendResponse { string pluginCode=1; string status=2; string isvisable=3; string isShowLine=4; Recommend data=5; string messageDesc=6; repeated BookList bookList= 7; } message Recommend{ repeated RecommendData buttons=1; map<string, string> ctag = 2; string isMarginTop=3; string isMarginBottom=4; } message RecommendData{ string name=1; string url=2; }
syntax = "proto3"; option java_package = "cn.wlf.selection.proto.base"; message RecommendResponse { string pluginCode=1; string status=2; string isvisable=3; string isShowLine=4; Recommend data=5; string messageDesc=6; repeated BookListNew bookList= 7; } message Recommend{ repeated RecommendData buttons=1; map<string, string> ctag = 2; string isMarginTop=3; string isMarginBottom=4; } message RecommendData{ string name=1; string url=2; } message BookListNew{ string bookCover=1; }