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  • 模拟停车场问题


    设停车场是一个可停放 n 辆汽车的狭长通道,且只有一个大门可供汽车进出。汽车在停车场内按车辆到达时间的先后顺序,依次由北向南排列(大门在最南端,最先到达的第一辆车停放在车场的最北端),若车场内已停满 n 辆汽车,则后来的汽车只能在门外的便道上等候,一旦有车开走,则排在便道上的第一辆车即可开入;当停车场内某辆车要离开时,在它之后进入的车辆必须先退出车场为它让路,待该辆车开出大门外,其他车辆再按原次序进入车场,每辆停放在车场的车在它离开停车场时必须按它停留的时间长短交纳费用。试为停车场编制按上述要求进行管理的模拟程序。





    n = 2,输入数据为:(‘A’,1,5),(‘A’,2,10),(‘D’,1,15),(‘A’,3,20),(‘A’,4,25),(‘A’,5,30),(‘D’,2,35),(‘D’,4,40),(‘E’,0,0)。其中:‘A’表示车辆到达;‘D’表示车辆离去;‘E’表示输入结束。



      1 #include<iostream>
      2 using namespace std;
      4 class node {                           //节点类
      5 public:
      6     int num;
      7     int time;
      8 };
      9 class AStack :public node {                  //栈类
     10 private:
     11     int size;
     12     int top;
     13     node *listArray;
     14 public:
     15     AStack(int sz) {
     16         size = sz;top = 0;listArray = new node[sz];
     17     }
     18     ~AStack() { delete[] listArray; };
     19     bool push(node a) {
     20         if (top == size)    return false;
     21         listArray[top++]=a;
     22         return true;
     23     }
     24     bool pop(node &a) {
     25         if (top == 0)    return false;
     26         else {
     27             a=listArray[--top];return true;
     28         }
     29     }
     30     int length() {
     31         return top;
     32     }
     33     bool topValue(node &a) {
     34         if (top == 0)return false;
     35         a = listArray[top - 1];
     36         return true;
     37     }
     38 };
     39 class  AQueue :public node {             //队列类
     40 private:
     41     int size;
     42     int front;
     43     int rear;
     44     node *listArray;
     45 public:
     46     AQueue(int sz) {
     47         size = sz + 1;
     48         rear = 0;front = 1;
     49         listArray = new node[size];
     50     }
     51     ~AQueue() { delete[] listArray; };
     52     bool enqueue(node it) {
     53         if (((rear + 2) % size) == front)return false;
     54         rear = (rear + 1) % size;
     55         listArray[rear] = it;
     56         return true;
     57     }
     58     bool dequeue(node &it) {
     59         if (length() == 0) return false;
     60         it = listArray[front];
     61         front = (front + 1) % size;
     62         return true;
     63     }
     64     int length() {
     65         return ((rear + size) - front + 1) % size;
     66     }
     67 };
     68 void input(AStack &parking1, AQueue &wait,node s) {                //进停车场
     69     if (parking1.push(s)) {
     70         cout << "在停车场第" <<parking1.length()<<""<< endl;
     71         return;
     72     }
     73     else {
     74         cout << "在便道第" << wait.length()+1 << "" << endl;
     75         wait.enqueue(s);
     76     }
     77 }
     78 int output(AStack &parking1, AStack &parking2,AQueue &wait, node s) {            //出停车场
     79     node temp;int time;
     80     while ((parking1.topValue(temp))&&(temp.num!=s.num)) {
     81         parking1.pop(temp);
     82         parking2.push(temp);
     83     }
     84     if (parking1.topValue(temp)) {                     //判断该车是否存在于停车场中
     85         parking1.pop(temp);
     86         time = s.time - temp.time;
     87     }
     88     else time = -1;
     89     while (parking2.pop(temp))
     90         parking1.push(temp);
     91     if (time) {
     92         if (wait.length()) {
     93             wait.dequeue(temp);
     94             temp.time = s.time;
     95             parking1.push(temp);
     96         }
     97     }
     98     return time;
     99 }
    100 int main() {
    101     cout << "请输入停车场容量和每分钟的停车费:" << endl;
    102     int maxSize, money,parkTime;
    103     cin >> maxSize >> money;
    104     AStack parking1(maxSize), parking2(maxSize);
    105     AQueue wait(100);
    106     char a; node s;
    107     while (1) {
    108         cout << "输入命令:" << endl;
    109         cin >> a >> s.num >> s.time;
    110         while (!((a == 'A' || a == 'D' || a == 'E') && s.num >= 0 && s.time >= 0)){
    111             cout << "输入错误请重新输入:" << endl;
    112             cin >> a >> s.num >> s.time;
    113         };
    114         if (a == 'E') break;
    115         else if (a == 'A') {
    116             input(parking1, wait,s);
    117             continue;
    118         }
    119         else {
    120             parkTime = output(parking1, parking2,wait,s);
    121             if (parkTime == -1)
    122                 cout << "该车不在本停车场,请重新输入!" << endl;
    123             else 
    124                 cout << "停车时间为:" << parkTime << ends << "应缴纳费用为:" << parkTime*money << endl;
    125         }        
    126     }
    127     system("pause");
    128     return 0;
    129 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wuyoucao/p/4996245.html
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