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  • uC/OS-II汇编代码

    ;                                               uC/OS-II
    ;                                         The Real-Time Kernel
    ;                          (c) Copyright 1992-2002, Jean J. Labrosse, Weston, FL
    ;                                          All Rights Reserved
    ;                                       80x86/80x88 Specific code
    ;                                 LARGE MEMORY MODEL WITH FLOATING-POINT
    ;                                          Borland C/C++ V4.51
    ; File         : OS_CPU_A.ASM
    ; By           : Jean J. Labrosse


                PUBLIC _OSStartHighRdy
                PUBLIC _OSCtxSw
                PUBLIC _OSIntCtxSw
                PUBLIC _OSFPRestore
                PUBLIC _OSFPSave
                PUBLIC _OSTickISR

                EXTRN  _OSIntExit:FAR
                EXTRN  _OSTimeTick:FAR
                EXTRN  _OSTaskSwHook:FAR
                EXTRN  _OSIntNesting:BYTE
                EXTRN  _OSTickDOSCtr:BYTE
                EXTRN  _OSPrioHighRdy:BYTE
                EXTRN  _OSPrioCur:BYTE
                EXTRN  _OSRunning:BYTE
                EXTRN  _OSTCBCur:DWORD
                EXTRN  _OSTCBHighRdy:DWORD

    .MODEL      LARGE
                PAGE                                    ; /*$PAGE*/
    ;                                          START MULTITASKING
    ;                                       void OSStartHighRdy(void)
    ; The stack frame is assumed to look as follows:
    ; OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBStkPtr --> DS                               (Low memory)
    ;                               ES
    ;                               DI
    ;                               SI
    ;                               BP
    ;                               SP
    ;                               BX
    ;                               DX
    ;                               CX
    ;                               AX
    ;                               OFFSET  of task code address
    ;                               SEGMENT of task code address
    ;                               Flags to load in PSW             
    ;                               OFFSET  of task code address
    ;                               SEGMENT of task code address
    ;                               OFFSET  of 'pdata'
    ;                               SEGMENT of 'pdata'               (High memory)
    ; Note : OSStartHighRdy() MUST:
    ;           a) Call OSTaskSwHook() then,
    ;           b) Set OSRunning to TRUE,
    ;           c) Switch to the highest priority task.

    _OSStartHighRdy  PROC FAR

                CALL   FAR PTR _OSTaskSwHook            ; Call user defined task switch hook
                MOV    AX, SEG _OSTCBHighRdy            ; Reload DS
                MOV    DS, AX                           ;
                MOV    AL, 1                            ; OSRunning = TRUE;
                MOV    BYTE PTR DS:_OSRunning, AL       ;   (Indicates that multitasking has started)
                LES    BX, DWORD PTR DS:_OSTCBHighRdy   ; SS:SP = OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBStkPtr
                MOV    SS, ES:[BX+2]                    ;
                MOV    SP, ES:[BX+0]                    ;
                POP    DS                               ; Load task's context
                POP    ES                               ;
                POPA                                    ;
                IRET                                    ; Run task

    _OSStartHighRdy  ENDP

                PAGE                                    ; /*$PAGE*/
    ;                                PERFORM A CONTEXT SWITCH (From task level)
    ;                                           void OSCtxSw(void)
    ; Note(s): 1) Upon entry,
    ;             OSTCBCur     points to the OS_TCB of the task to suspend
    ;             OSTCBHighRdy points to the OS_TCB of the task to resume
    ;          2) The stack frame of the task to suspend looks as follows:
    ;                 SP -> OFFSET  of task to suspend    (Low memory)
    ;                       SEGMENT of task to suspend      
    ;                       PSW     of task to suspend    (High memory)  
    ;          3) The stack frame of the task to resume looks as follows:
    ;                 OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBStkPtr --> DS                               (Low memory)
    ;                                               ES
    ;                                               DI
    ;                                               SI
    ;                                               BP
    ;                                               SP
    ;                                               BX
    ;                                               DX
    ;                                               CX
    ;                                               AX
    ;                                               OFFSET  of task code address
    ;                                               SEGMENT of task code address
    ;                                               Flags to load in PSW             (High memory)

    _OSCtxSw    PROC   FAR
                PUSHA                                   ; Save current task's context
                PUSH   ES                               ;
                PUSH   DS                               ;
                MOV    AX, SEG _OSTCBCur                ; Reload DS in case it was altered
                MOV    DS, AX                           ;
                LES    BX, DWORD PTR DS:_OSTCBCur       ; OSTCBCur->OSTCBStkPtr = SS:SP
                MOV    ES:[BX+2], SS                    ;
                MOV    ES:[BX+0], SP                    ;
                CALL   FAR PTR _OSTaskSwHook            ; Call user defined task switch hook
                MOV    AX, WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBHighRdy+2  ; OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy
                MOV    DX, WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBHighRdy    ;
                MOV    WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBCur+2, AX      ;
                MOV    WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBCur, DX        ;
                MOV    AL, BYTE PTR DS:_OSPrioHighRdy   ; OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy
                MOV    BYTE PTR DS:_OSPrioCur, AL       ;     
                LES    BX, DWORD PTR DS:_OSTCBHighRdy   ; SS:SP = OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBStkPtr
                MOV    SS, ES:[BX+2]                    ;
                MOV    SP, ES:[BX]                      ;
                POP    DS                               ; Load new task's context
                POP    ES                               ;
                POPA                                    ;
                IRET                                    ; Return to new task
    _OSCtxSw    ENDP

                PAGE                                    ; /*$PAGE*/
    ;                                PERFORM A CONTEXT SWITCH (From an ISR)
    ;                                        void OSIntCtxSw(void)
    ; Note(s): 1) Upon entry,
    ;             OSTCBCur     points to the OS_TCB of the task to suspend
    ;             OSTCBHighRdy points to the OS_TCB of the task to resume
    ;          2) The stack frame of the task to suspend looks as follows:
    ;             OSTCBCur->OSTCBStkPtr ------>  DS                              (Low memory)
    ;                                            ES
    ;                                            DI
    ;                                            SI
    ;                                            BP
    ;                                            SP
    ;                                            BX
    ;                                            DX
    ;                                            CX
    ;                                            AX
    ;                                            OFFSET  of task code address
    ;                                            SEGMENT of task code address
    ;                                            Flags to load in PSW            (High memory)
    ;          3) The stack frame of the task to resume looks as follows:
    ;             OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBStkPtr --> DS                               (Low memory)
    ;                                           ES
    ;                                           DI
    ;                                           SI
    ;                                           BP
    ;                                           SP
    ;                                           BX
    ;                                           DX
    ;                                           CX
    ;                                           AX
    ;                                           OFFSET  of task code address
    ;                                           SEGMENT of task code address
    ;                                           Flags to load in PSW             (High memory)

    _OSIntCtxSw PROC   FAR
                CALL   FAR PTR _OSTaskSwHook            ; Call user defined task switch hook
                MOV    AX, SEG _OSTCBCur                ; Reload DS in case it was altered
                MOV    DS, AX                           ;
                MOV    AX, WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBHighRdy+2  ; OSTCBCur = OSTCBHighRdy
                MOV    DX, WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBHighRdy    ;
                MOV    WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBCur+2, AX      ;
                MOV    WORD PTR DS:_OSTCBCur, DX        ;
                MOV    AL, BYTE PTR DS:_OSPrioHighRdy   ; OSPrioCur = OSPrioHighRdy
                MOV    BYTE PTR DS:_OSPrioCur, AL         
                LES    BX, DWORD PTR DS:_OSTCBHighRdy   ; SS:SP = OSTCBHighRdy->OSTCBStkPtr
                MOV    SS, ES:[BX+2]                    ;
                MOV    SP, ES:[BX]                      ;
                POP    DS                               ; Load new task's context
                POP    ES                               ;
                POPA                                    ;
                IRET                                    ; Return to new task
    _OSIntCtxSw ENDP

                PAGE                                    ; /*$PAGE*/
    ;                                           RESTORE FPU REGISTERS
    ;                                       void OSFPRestore(void *pblk)
    ; Description : This function is called to restore the contents of the FPU registers during a context
    ;               switch.  It is assumed that a pointer to a storage area for the FPU registers is placed
    ;               in the task's TCB (i.e. .OSTCBExtPtr).
    ; Arguments   : pblk    is passed to this function when called.
    ; Note(s)     : 1) The stack frame upon entry looks as follows:
    ;                      SP + 0 -> OFFSET  of caller             (Low memory)
    ;                         + 2    SEGMENT of caller
    ;                         + 4    OFFSET  of pblk
    ;                         + 6    SEGMENT of pblk               (High memory)  

    _OSFPRestore PROC   FAR
                 PUSH   BP                              ; Save work registers
                 MOV    BP,SP
                 PUSH   ES                              
                 PUSH   BX
                 LES    BX, DWORD PTR [BP+6]            ; Point to 'pblk'
                 FRSTOR ES:[BX]                         ; Restore FPU context
                 POP    BX                              ; Restore work registers
                 POP    ES
                 POP    BP
                 RET                                    ; Return to caller
    _OSFPRestore ENDP

                 PAGE                                   ; /*$PAGE*/
    ;                                           SAVE FPU REGISTERS
    ;                                        void OSFPSave(void *pblk)
    ; Description : This function is called to save the contents of the FPU registers during a context
    ;               switch.  It is assumed that a pointer to a storage area for the FPU registers is placed
    ;               in the task's TCB (i.e. .OSTCBExtPtr).
    ; Arguments   : pblk    is passed to this function when called.
    ; Note(s)     : 1) The stack frame upon entry looks as follows:
    ;                      SP + 0 -> OFFSET  of caller             (Low memory)
    ;                         + 2    SEGMENT of caller
    ;                         + 4    OFFSET  of pblk
    ;                         + 6    SEGMENT of pblk               (High memory)  

    _OSFPSave    PROC   FAR
                 PUSH   BP                              ; Save work registers
                 MOV    BP,SP
                 PUSH   ES                              
                 PUSH   BX
                 LES    BX, DWORD PTR [BP+6]            ; Point to 'pblk'
                 FSAVE  ES:[BX]                         ; Save FPU context
                 POP    BX                              ; Restore work registers
                 POP    ES
                 POP    BP
                 RET                                    ; Return to caller
    _OSFPSave    ENDP

                 PAGE                                   ; /*$PAGE*/
    ;                                            HANDLE TICK ISR
    ; Description: This function is called 199.99 times per second or, 11 times faster than the normal DOS
    ;              tick rate of 18.20648 Hz.  Thus every 11th time, the normal DOS tick handler is called.
    ;              This is called chaining.  10 times out of 11, however, the interrupt controller on the PC
    ;              must be cleared to allow for the next interrupt.
    ; Arguments  : none
    ; Returns    : none
    ; Note(s)    : The following C-like pseudo-code describe the operation being performed in the code below.
    ;              Save all registers on the current task's stack;
    ;              OSIntNesting++;
    ;              if (OSIntNesting == 1) {
    ;                  OSTCBCur->OSTCBStkPtr = SS:SP
    ;              }
    ;              OSTickDOSCtr--;
    ;              if (OSTickDOSCtr == 0) {
    ;                  OSTickDOSCtr = 11;
    ;                  INT 81H;               Chain into DOS every 54.925 mS
    ;                                         (Interrupt will be cleared by DOS)
    ;              } else {
    ;                  Send EOI to PIC;       Clear tick interrupt by sending an End-Of-Interrupt to the 8259
    ;                                         PIC (Priority Interrupt Controller)
    ;              }
    ;              OSTimeTick();              Notify uC/OS-II that a tick has occured       
    ;              OSIntExit();               Notify uC/OS-II about end of ISR
    ;              Restore all registers that were save on the current task's stack;
    ;              Return from Interrupt;
    _OSTickISR  PROC   FAR
                PUSHA                                   ; Save interrupted task's context
                PUSH   ES
                PUSH   DS
                MOV    AX, SEG(_OSIntNesting)           ; Reload DS
                MOV    DS, AX
                INC    BYTE PTR DS:_OSIntNesting        ; Notify uC/OS-II of ISR
                CMP    BYTE PTR DS:_OSIntNesting, 1        ; if (OSIntNesting == 1)
                JNE    SHORT _OSTickISR1             
                MOV    AX, SEG(_OSTCBCur)               ;     Reload DS
                MOV    DS, AX
                LES    BX, DWORD PTR DS:_OSTCBCur       ;     OSTCBCur->OSTCBStkPtr = SS:SP
                MOV    ES:[BX+2], SS                    ;
                MOV    ES:[BX+0], SP                    ;
                MOV    AX, SEG(_OSTickDOSCtr)           ; Reload DS
                MOV    DS, AX
                DEC    BYTE PTR DS:_OSTickDOSCtr
                CMP    BYTE PTR DS:_OSTickDOSCtr, 0
                JNE    SHORT _OSTickISR2                ; Every 11 ticks (~199.99 Hz), chain into DOS
                MOV    BYTE PTR DS:_OSTickDOSCtr, 11
                INT    081H                             ; Chain into DOS's tick ISR
                JMP    SHORT _OSTickISR3

                MOV    AL, 20H                          ; Move EOI code into AL.
                MOV    DX, 20H                          ; Address of 8259 PIC in DX.
                OUT    DX, AL                           ; Send EOI to PIC if not processing DOS timer.
                CALL   FAR PTR _OSTimeTick              ; Process system tick
                CALL   FAR PTR _OSIntExit               ; Notify uC/OS-II of end of ISR
                POP    DS                               ; Restore interrupted task's context
                POP    ES
                IRET                                    ; Return to interrupted task
    _OSTickISR  ENDP

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