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  • 1. JVM内存区块


    采集可以使用JavaMXBean(采集文档参考 -- JMX获取jvm参数,cpu使用率,内存,线程,类等信息,实现一个简单的web版jvisualvm




    1. 程序计算器


      程序计数器(Program Counter Register),是一块较小的内存空间,可以看作是当前线程所执行的字节码的行号指示器。在虚拟机的概念模型中字节码解释器的工作就是通过改变这个计数器的值来选取下一条需要执行的字节码指令,分支、循环、跳转、异常处理、线程恢复等基础功能都依赖于此计数器。JVM中的程序计数器也是在Java虚拟机规范中唯一一个没有规定任何OutOfMemoryError情况的区域。在任意时刻一个JVM线程只能执行一个方法的代码,方法可以是Java方法,或者是native方法。







    2. Java方法栈(也称为 Java虚拟机栈(Java Virtual Machine Stacks))

    Java方法栈和线程同时创建,用于存储栈帧。每个方法在执行时都会创建一个栈帧(Stack Frame),用于存储局部变量表操作数栈、动态链接、方法出口等信息。每一个方法从调用直到执行完成的过程就对应着一个栈帧在虚拟机栈中从入栈到出栈的过程

















    2.1 局部变量表

    局部变量表(Local Variable Table)是一组变量值存储空间,用于存放方法参数和方法内定义的局部变量。




    2.2 操作数栈

    操作数栈(Operand Stack)也常称为操作栈,它是一个后入先出栈(LIFO)。同局部变量表一样,操作数栈的最大深度也在编译的时候写入到方法的Code属性的max_stacks数据项中。




    2.3 动态连接



    Java虚拟机栈中,每个栈帧都包含一个指向运行时常量池中该栈所属方法的符号引用,持有这个引用的目的是为了支持方法调用过程中的动态连接(Dynamic Linking)。




    2.4 方法返回







    2.5 附加信息






    如上,代码中序号0的指令——0: iinc对应test2源码中try块中:b += 20。此处test2()方法是在主函数main()中被调用的,在main()方法栈帧中操作数出栈一个int型值10,作为test2()方法调用的参数。test2()方法调用时,会新构建test2方法的栈帧(从而成为当前栈帧),10作为参数就存到了当前栈帧的局部变量表0号位置。所以在0: iinc 0, 20执行时,test2()方法栈帧中局部变量表0号位置已经是有了10这个值的。然后,指令一行行地执行过程如上述注释↑。


    这种栈帧有两个主要的组成部分,分别是局部变量区,以及字节码的操作数栈。这里的局部变量是广义的,除了普遍意义下的局部变量之外,它还包含实例方法的“this 指针”以及方法所接收的参数。

    Java 虚拟机规范中,局部变量区等价于一个数组,并且可以用正整数来索引。除了 long、double 值需要用两个数组单元来存储之外,其他基本类型以及引用类型的值均占用一个数组单元。


    Java 虚拟机的算数运算几乎全部依赖于操作数栈。也就是说,我们需要将堆中的 boolean、byte、char 以及 short 加载到操作数栈上,而后将栈上的值当成 int 类型来运算。

    对于 boolean、char 这两个无符号类型来说,加载伴随着零扩展。举个例子,char 的大小为两个字节。在加载时 char 的值会被复制到 int 类型的低二字节,而高二字节则会用 0 来填充。


    3. 本地方法栈

     native method stack


    前面所说的程序计数器、Java虚拟机栈、本地方法栈通常只占很小一部分的内存空间,对与大多数应用来说,Java堆(Java Heap)才是JVM管理的内存空间中最大的一块。此区域存在的唯一目的就是存放对象实例,几乎所有的对象实例都会在这被分配内存,而且Java堆是被所有线程共享的一块内存区域

    Java堆是Java中垃圾收集器管理的主要区域,因此也被称为GCGarbage Collected Heap.



    1) Par Eden Space : Most new java objects are created in Par Eden Space. Once this heap area is exhausted(耗尽), JVM initiates a stop the world garbage collection (GC) in the Eden space. At this point, based on the GC algorithm, jvm will clean all unreachable objects and will recover memory in young gen. But there would be reachable objects and these objects will be moved over to Survivor Space.

    2) Par Survivor Space : As reachable objects are moved to Survivor space, at some point this survivor space would also get filled. When this space gets filled,  and in some case even where this space is not full, GC would run in this region, cleaning up memory for unreachable objects and reachable objects will be moved to CMS Old Gen on Heap. This is another stop the world GC.

    3) CMS Old Gen : Any objects surviving the GC in par Survivor space will be move to the old gen. This is the heap area meant for permanent objects. Ideally(理想情况下) a GC should never run in this region. So, you need to decide on the size of this region on the basis of the memory occupied by your permanent objects. And also the size of Par Eden and Survivor space should be such that temporary objects do not end up in this region(Par Eden and Survivor 的空间大小应确保临时对象不会出现在 CMS Old gen).


    (图为1.7之前的内存布局,在java8之后,移除了方法区permanent generation)。

    Java 虚拟机将堆划分为新生代和老年代。其中,新生代又被划分为 Eden 区,以及两个大小相同的 Survivor 区,其中一个 Survivor 区会一直为空。

    5. 方法区(MetaSpace)



    方法区(Method Area),与Java堆一样是各个线程共享的内存区域。用于存储被JVM加载的类信息常量静态变量、即时编译器编译后的代码等数据。虽然Java虚拟机规范将方法区描述为堆的一个逻辑部分,但是它却有个别名叫做Non-Heap(非堆),目的就是和Java堆区分开来。



    Java7以前HotSpot虚拟机中,方法区也被称为“永久代”,因为在物理上,方法区使用的是由JVM开辟的堆内存,由于和Java堆共享内存且内存空间由垃圾收集器统一分配和管理,自然的垃圾收集也拓展到了方法区上。此时,Java堆中分区为青年代Young Generation老年代Old Generation,而方法区自然地被称为永久代Permanent Generation




    • 分类:
      • Klass Metaspace:用来存klass的,klass是我们熟知的class文件在jvm里的运行时数据结构
      • NoKlass Metaspace:专门来存klass相关的其他的内容,比如method,constantPool等等
    • 何时分配MetaSpace?:
      • When a class is loaded and its runtime representation in the JVM is being prepared, Metaspace is allocated by its class loader to store the class’ metadata.

    • 何时回收MetaSpace?:
      • The allocated Metaspace for a class is owned by its class loader 1. It is only released when that class loader itself is unloaded, not before.

        That in turn happens only after all classes loaded by this loader have no live instances anymore, and there are no references to these classes and its class loader, and a GC did run (see: JLS 12.7. Unloading of Classes and Interfaces).

    5.1 Klass Metaspace->Compressed Class Cache

      在 64 位平台上,HotSpot 使用了两个压缩优化技术,Compressed Object Pointers (“CompressedOops”--这里暂不讨论) 和 Compressed Class Pointers。
      压缩指针,指的是在 64 位的机器上,使用 32 位的指针来访问数据(堆中的对象或 Metaspace 中的元数据)的一种方式。
      这样有很多的好处,比如 32 位的指针占用更小的内存,可以更好地使用缓存,在有些平台,还可以使用到更多的寄存器。
      当然,在 64 位的机器中,最终还是需要一个 64 位的地址来访问数据的,所以这个 32 位的值是相对于一个基准地址的值。

    每个 Java 对象,在它的头部,有一个引用指向 Metaspace 中的 Klass 结构。

    当使用了 compressed class pointers,这个引用是 32 位的值,为了找到真正的 64 位地址,需要加上一个 base 值:

    为了复用已有的 Metaspace 空间,使用了一个小技巧:
    在 Class Space 和 Non-Class Space 中,分别都有 VirtualSpaceList 和 ChunkManager 两个结构。
    但是对于 Class Space,既然我们需要一个连续的空间我们不能使用一个链表来存放所有的 Node,所以这个链表退化为只有一个节点,并且不能扩展。这个 Node 就是 compressed class space,和 Non-Class Space 中的 Node 相比,它可是巨大无比。

    5.2 运行时常量池(NoKlass Space中的一部分)

    运行时常量池(Runtime Constant Pool)是.class文件中每一个类或接口的常量池表(constant pool table)的运行时表示形式,属于方法区的一部分。每一个运行时常量池都在Java虚拟机的方法区中分配,在加载类和接口到虚拟机后,就创建对应的运行时常量池。常量池的作用是:






    符号引用(Symbolic References)则是属于编译原理中的概念,包括了下面三类常量:





    JVM基础 -- 基本类型



    public class Foo{

     public static void main(String[] args) {

      boolean flag = true;

      if (flag) System.out.println("Hello, Java!");

      if (flag == true) System.out.println("Hello, JVM!");






    Java 的基本类型除了上面提到的 boolean 类型外,Java 的基本类型还包括整数类型 byte、short、char、int 和 long,以及浮点类型 float 和 double


    Java 的基本类型都有对应的值域和默认值。可以看到,byte、short、int、long、float 以及 double 的值域依次扩大,而且前面的值域被后面的值域所包含。因此,从前面的基本类型转换至后面的基本类型,无需强制转换。另外一点值得注意的是,尽管他们的默认值看起来不一样,但在内存中都是 0


    6. Code Cache


    在Java中提到“编译”,自然很容易想到 javac 编译器将.java文件编译成为.class文件的过程,这里的 javac 编译器称为前端编译器,其他的前端编译器还有诸如Eclipse,JDT中的增量式编译器ECJ等。相对应的还有 后端编译器,它在程序运行期间将字节码转变成机器码(现在的Java程序在运行时基本都是 解释执行加编译执行),如HotSpot虚拟机自带的JIT(Just In Time Compiler)编译器(分Client端和Server端)。

    Java程序最初是仅仅通过解释器解释执行的,即对字节码逐条解释执行,这种方式的执行速度相对会比较慢,尤其当某个方法或代码块运行的特别频繁时,这种方式的执行效率就显得很低。于是后来 在虚拟机中引入了JIT编译器(即时编译器),当虚拟机发现某个方法或代码块运行特别频繁时,达到某个阈值,就会把这些代码认定为“Hot Spot Code”(热点代码),为了提高热点代码的执行效率,在运行时,虚拟机将会把这些代码编译成与本地平台相关的机器码,并进行各层次的优化,完成这项任务的正是JIT编译器。

    现在主流的商用虚拟机(如:Sun HotSpot、IBM J9)中几乎 都同时包含解释器和编译器,三大商用虚拟机之一的JRockit是个例外,它内部没有解释器,因此会有启动相应时间长之类的缺点,但它主要是面向服务端的应用,这类应用一般不会重点关注启动时间。


    1. 当程序需要迅速启动和执行时,解释器可以首先发挥作用,省去编译的时间,立即执行;
    2. 当程序运行后,随着时间的推移,编译器逐渐会发挥作用,把越来越多的代码编译成本地代码后,可以获取更高的执行效率;
    3. 解释执行可以节约内存,而编译执行可以提升效率


    1. 被多次调用的方法
    2. 被多次调用的循环体

    7. Direct Memory

    Java NIO中,关于DirectBuffer,HeapBuffer的疑问?

    Java IO 学习(六)Java的Direct Memory与IO

    一文让你彻底理解 Java NIO 核心组件

    Java NIO中的direct buffer(主要是DirectByteBuffer)其实是分两部分的:

           Java        |      native
     DirectByteBuffer  |     malloc'd
     [    address   ] -+-> [   data    ]

    其中 DirectByteBuffer 自身是一个Java对象,在Java堆中;而这个对象中有个long类型字段address,记录着一块调用 malloc() 申请到的native memory。

      JDK1.4中引入了NIO(New Input/Output),引入了一种基于通道和缓冲区(Buffer)的IO方式,可以直接基于Native函数库分配堆外内存,然后通过一个存储在Java堆中的DirectByteBuffer对象作为这块内存的引用进行操作。这样能在一些场景中显著提高性能,因为避免了在Java堆和Native堆中来回复制数据。

    8. 附录:JVM performance tuning

    英文博客JVM performance tuning

    Objective: Java applications can run into performance issues if garbage collection is not tuned(调整) properly. You may have experienced that your JVM is not responding, its taking a lot of time for garbage collection or there are out of memory errors in your logs. If you are facing the same problems, then you would need to know on how to analyse heap dumps and on how to dive into deep heap dumps, thread dumps and much more.

    Basics: Let understand some basics about JVM and simple techniques in its performance tuning(性能调优).

    Firstly, its important to understand the structure of Java Heap Memory. Java heap is always divided into three major regions. The three regions are young, survivor and permanent generation.

    You can analyse java heap by using tools like console or visual vm. Before your analysis you would need to understand heap regions and their purpose :-

    1) Heap Memory Pool "Par Eden Space"
    2) Heap Memory Pool "Par Survivor Space"
    3) Heap Memory Pool "CMS Old  Gen"
    4) Non Heap Memory Pool "Metaspace"
    5) Non Heap Memory Pool "Code Cache"
    6) Non Heap Memory Pool "Compressed Class Cache"

    Lets look at each heap/non heap memory division one by one.

    1) Par Eden Space : Most new java objects are created in Par Eden Space. Once this heap area is exhausted(耗尽), JVM initiates a stop the world garbage collection (GC) in the Eden space. At this point, based on the GC algorithm, jvm will clean all unreachable objects and will recover memory in young gen. But there would be reachable objects and these objects will be moved over to Survivor Space.

    2) Par Survivor Space : As reachable objects are moved to Survivor space, at some point this survivor space would also get filled. When this space gets filled,  and in some case even where this space is not full, GC would run in this region, cleaning up memory for unreachable objects and reachable objects will be moved to CMS Old Gen on Heap. This is another stop the world GC.

    3) CMS Old Gen : Any objects surviving the GC in par Survivor space will be move to the old gen. This is the heap area meant for permanent objects. Ideally(理想情况下) a GC should never run in this region. So, you need to decide on the size of this region on the basis of the memory occupied by your permanent objects. And also the size of Par Eden and Survivor space should be such that temporary objects do not end up in this region(Par Eden and Survivor 的空间大小应确保临时对象不会出现在 CMS Old gen).


    (图为1.7之前的内存布局,在java8之后,移除了方法区permanent generation)。

    4) Metaspace : From JDK 8 hot spot, this new memory space region was created. This region holds memory for your live class metadata and classloaders. JVM argument MaxMetaspaceSize will limit this memory space. If this memory space is filled upto the max specified, then a GC would run in this region. By default there is no such max size and this region can grow upto the maximum native memory available to the operating system.
    5) Code Cache :  All native codes and compiled methods lie here. Size of this memory space can be set by JVM argument ReservedCodeCacheSize. Typically its value is 48M.(JIT编译的代码(机器码)之外,Java所使用的本地方法代码(JNI)也会存在codeCache中。)

    6) Compressed Class Cache :  Class Cache is another memory region. When you enable UseCompressedOops and/or UseCompressedClassPointers via JVM arguments, this still memory space starts filling up. It stores metaspace data but in a different way.

    Now that we have a basic idea on the memory spaces in JVM, we can look at the performance tuning basics one by one. They are as follows:-

    1) Young generation size and its ratio to Perm Gen : In an ideal scenario, when a young gen gc runs, then it recovers memory for all objects and a very few will be moved to survivor space. And once survivor space is full, a GC on survivor space should recover all temporary objects and only permanent objects should be moved to Perm gen. And If temporary objects are getting move to Perm Gen then, you may not be having a properly tuned GC. You would like to increase the size of young ten memory space. This is because in your case GC in Young and Survivor space is happening too quickly and as a result temporary objects are getting moved to Perm gen. A typical young gen to perm gen ratio is 1: 4. And to tune you to simulate appropriate load for your application. On the other hand, young gen space should not be very large as there will be longer pauses for GC on the same.

    2) Choose GC Algorithm : UseG1GC when using jdk8 and having heap size greater than 4 GB. Also, use string de-duplication along with G1GC to ensure more memory is cleanup by G1. Strings and character array take up the most memory on most JVM heaps. G1 would detect duplicate strings and make them point to the same internal character array. This G1 collector divides heap into smaller region and identifies regions with most garbage collectible objects. The background threads of garbage collector (Garbage first) G1 , will scan the most garbage collectible region first, thereby reducing the overall GC time. This GC compacts the objects and has other benefits. This is the preferred GC also in most scenarios. Concurrent Mark Sweep and ParNew are other widely used GC algorithms.
    3) Tune Your Processes which take up most memory : Identifying the process which is causes memory spikes is the most critical. You may need to run processes in isolation to do the same. Use jmap command or use a tool like Visual VM to create heap dumps. It would generate the heap dump in hprof format. Analyse it in Eclipse MAT to get deep heap dumps. This will help you evaluate on the objects occupying the most memory. This is not possible when analysing upon shallow stats on heap usage. 

    Also, Oracle's flight recorder is a very useful profiler. 

    More to follow soon...........

    Questions :- 

    1) How can i monitor the memory performance of my JVM ?
    Just tap into the the mbean java.lang.Memory.HeapMemoryUsage. You can monitor all performance metrics for JVM by tapping into jvm mbeans. Also, do consider pushing your own mbeans to make sure that the monitoring is robust.

    2) Give me one major cause of high GC overheads in java applications ?
    Object serialisation and deserialisation is one of the major causes of gc overhead. Java serialization and deserialization, by default has a performance overhead. A custom serializer like kyro serializer is recommended.

    3) What is the size of a heap dump file?
    A typical heap dump file size is around 1.5x of your heap size of JVM after full garbage collection.

    4) Which tool should be used to analyze heap dumps?
    Eclipse MAT is a very good option to analyse JVM heap dumps and generate deep heap profiles. Oracle's flight recorder is another option.

    5) Does ObjectMapper in jackson create a lot of GC overhead ?
    Yes ObjectMapper's convert method should be used as minimum as possible. Do not convert your stream of bytes to String and then to your POJO. The stream of bytes should be de-serialized directly to your POJO.

    6) How do I benchmark my code ?
    Yes. For an important piece of code, we should benchmark in the unit testing phase itself. I have noted down the best benchmarking techniques by unit testing in the below link.

    Other Links:
    GC Tuning
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wxdlut/p/14025697.html
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