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  • python 初级

    # 定义一个类:MyNum,它包含:
    # 1个实例属性:num用户由键盘随机输入一个正整数数字,如:100,将该值作为 MyNum类__init__方法的一个参数传入,并赋给类的实例属性num
    # 6个实例方法:
    # 1)show_num()
    # 打印从1到属性num之间所有的数字,如:如果属性num为100,则打印“1 2 3 4 ...99 100”

    # 2)calc_sum()
    # 计算从1-num之间所有数字的和并输出,如:如果属性num的值为100,则计算 1+2+3+...+99+100的值

    # 3)calc_odd_sum()
    # 计算从1-num之间所有奇数的和并输出,如:如果属性num的值为100,则计算 1+3+5+7+...+99的值

    # 4)calc_even_sum()
    # 计算从1-num之间所有偶数的和并输出,如:如果属性num的值为100,则计算 2+4+6+8+...+100的值

    # 5)show_num_div()
    # 打印出从1-num之间所有能被7整除的数或者包含7的数字,如果找到了输出 例:“找到了 7 , 过”,如果未找到不用输出

    # 6)check_num()
    # 判断num是否是回文数(即是给定一个数,这个数顺读和逆读都是一样的)并输出 判断结果,
    # 如:如果属性num的值为101,则输出“101是回文数”;如果属性 num的值为123,则输出 “123不是回文数”

    # 7)show_sanjiao()
    # 打印倒三角demo(使用至少三种方法实现)

    # 8)replace_item()
    # my_list = [1,2,3,4,5] 交换相邻元素,索引为奇数和索引为偶数位置元素 ----》 my_list = [2,1,4,3,5] (要求使用两种方法完成)

    # 9) isleap()
    # 打印1998--2200年之间的所有闰年(能被4整除但不能被100整除,或者能被400整除的年份)

    # 10)定义方法
    # 使用两种方法实现99乘法表的输出

    # 11)封装方法实现
    # 倒着打印99乘法表

    # 12)封装一个方法实现模拟演示两个玩家之间的猜拳游戏

    # 13)输入数字打印倒三角。
    # 案例完成思路要求: 分别通过for循环和while循环

    # 14) 使用for循环输出所有三位数的水仙花数?(成立条件:水仙花数是指一个 n 位数 ( n≥3 ),它的每个位上的数字的 n 次幂之和等于它本身。
    # (例如:1^3 + 5^3 + 3^3 = 153)
    # )

    # 15) 使用循环,循环判断1-12月属于哪个季节?(3-5春季,6-8夏季,9-11秋季,12-2冬季)

    # 16) 有列表my_list = [3,1,4,6,5,2],先将列表中的元素顺序排列并输出;再将列表中的元素倒序排列并输出。

    # 17) 使用键盘随机输入5个整数,添加到列表中,并输出最终列表并展示效果。

    # 18) 有列表list = [9,8,7,6,5,4,3,21],删除列表中的最后一个元素并输出,删除列表中的第1个元素并输出列表展示效果,删除列的指定元素5并输出展示效果。

    # 19) my_str = “hello world hello python”,使用字符串的常见操作方法,找出该字符串中长度最长的单词并输出展示?

    # 20) 有列表my_list = [1,[2,3],[4,5,6[7,8,9]]],使用列表的嵌套的相关知识取出元素8

    # 21) my_list = [3,5,7,9,3,5,7],使用集合相关知识完成my_list列表的去重,并输出去重之后的my_list

    # 22) my_dict = {“name”:”xiaoming”,”age”:18},分别使用字典的增删改查相关方法完成练习

    # 23) list = [1,2,3,4,5,6666,7,8,9],使用python内置函数计算元素个数、最大值、最小值

    # 24) 静态初始化一个列表,分别向列表中添加0-10,求和(依次累加数组中的每一个元素)

    # 25) 随机输入五个数,存入列表中,取得最大值和最小值

    # 26) 随机输入五个数,存入列表中,找到最大值和最小值所在的位置

    # 27) 随机输入五个数,存入列表中,将最大值和最小值互换位置

    # 28) 将原列表中符合条件的元素存入到新列表,求新列表中的元素的和。

    # 29) 随机输入五个数,存入列表中,取得平均值
    # 30) 分别使用while嵌套循环和for嵌套循环打印九九乘法表

    # 31) 静态初始化一个空列表,分别使用while循环和for循环向该空列表中添加1--100之间的所有整数(循环录入),
    # 完成将列表中所有偶数求和,并输出结果;将列表中所有奇数求和,并输出结果;

    # 32) 使用函数封装闰年demo:要求使用函数输出指定年份区间的闰年(998-2020年),特别声明使用参数传递年份,并使用格式化输出,输出该区间中的全部闰年

    # 33) 请用列表推导式写出一段 Python 代码,实现分组一个 list 里面的元素,比如 [2,4,6,8,10,...100](1--100之间所有偶数)

    # 34) 3请用列表推导式写出一段 Python 代码,实现分组一个 list 里面的元素,比如 [1,3,5,7,9,...99](1--100之间所有奇数)

    # 35) 使用递归函数实现输出斐波那契数列

    # 36) 定义一个类:Person,它用来表示一个人,它包含:
    # 2个实例属性:name和age(分别表示一个人的姓名和年龄)
    # 用户由键盘随机输入一个字符串和正整数数字,将输入的这两个值作为Person类 __init__方法的两个参数传入,并赋给类的实例属性name和age
    # 5个实例方法:
    # 1)show_my_info()
    # 格式化打印出“我是xx,今年xx岁”,姓名和年龄由属性name和age提供

    # 2)show_my_birth()
    # 打印出我是哪一年出生的,比如今年是2018年,age是10岁,那么可得知我是2008 年出生的,输出“我是2008年出生”

    # 3)show_my_life()
    # 打印我的成长历程,比如如果我是2008年出生,今年10岁,则打印出类似如下结 果:
    # 2008年 出生
    # 2009年 1岁
    # ...
    # 2018年 10岁

    # 4)show_leap_year()
    # 判断从我出生那一年到今年(2018年),是否含有闰年(能被4整除但不能被100整 除,或者能被400整除的年份),如果有,打印出全部闰年,如果没有,则打印“没 有闰年”

    # 5)can_recite()
    # 表示我能背诵九九乘法表,打印出倒的9*9乘法表

    # 6)can_recitet()
    # 实现输出如下图形:
    # 1, 9 2, 9 3, 9 4, 9 5, 9 6, 9 7, 9 8, 9 9, 9
    # 1, 8 2, 8 3, 8 4, 8 5, 8 6, 8 7, 8 8, 8
    # 1, 7 2, 7 3, 7 4, 7 5, 7 6, 7 7, 7
    # 1, 6 2, 6 3, 6 4, 6 5, 6 6, 6
    # 1, 5 2, 5 3, 5 4, 5 5, 5
    # 1, 4 2, 4 3, 4 4, 4
    # 1, 3 2, 3 3, 3
    # 1, 2 2, 2
    # 1, 1

    # 定义一个类:MyString,它包含:
    # 1个实例属性:mystr用户由键盘随机输入一个英文字符串(只包含英文字母和空 格),如:”I am a student”,将该值作为MyString类__init__方法的一个参数传入,并 赋给类的实例属性mystr
    # 6个实例方法:
    # 1)show_counts()
    # 打印出字符串总字符数(包括空格),如:如果属性mystr为”I am a student”,则输 出14
    # 2)show_char_counts()
    # 打印出打印出字符串包含英文字母的个数(不包括空格),如:如果属性mystr为”I am a student”,则输出11
    # 3)show_cap()
    # 将字符串中英文字母全部转换成大写并输出

    # 4)show_word_counts()
    # 统计字符串中单词的个数并输出,如:如果属性mystr为”I am a student”,则输出4

    # 5)判断show_last_word_len()
    # 计算字符串中最后一个单词的长度,如:如果属性mystr为”I am a student”,则输出7

    # 6)show_long_word()
    # 找到字符串中长度最长的单词并输出,如:如果属性mystr为”I am a student”,则输 出 “student”

    # 定义一个类:MyYear,它包含:
    # 1个实例属性:year用户由键盘随机输入一个年份,如:2018,将该值作为MyYear 类__init__方法的一个参数传入,并赋给类的实例属性year
    # 4个实例方法:
    # 1)show_season()
    # 打印该年所有月份,并显示所属季节,如:“1月 冬季 2月 冬季 3月 春季”等

    # 2)isleap()
    # 打印该年是否是闰年(能被4整除但不能被100整除,或者能被400整除的年份), 如:如果属性year的值为2018,则输出:“2018年不是闰年”

    # 3)year_sum()
    # 打印从1到该年所在数字之间所有整数的和,如:如果属性year的值为2018,则计 算1+2+3+4+5+...+2018的值并输出结果。

    # 4)check_num()
    # 判断该年所在数字是否是回文数(即是给定一个数,这个数顺读和逆读都是一样的)并输出判断
    # 结果,如:如果属性year的值为2002,则输出“2002是回文数”;如果属性year的值为2018, 则输出“2018不是回文数”。

    # class MyNum(object):
    # def __init__(self,num):
    # self.num=num
    # def show_num(self):
    # for i in range(1,self.num+1):
    # print(i,end=" ")
    # print()
    # def calc_sum(self):
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,self.num+1):
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--num之间的和为:%d"%sum)
    # def calc_odd_sum(self):
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,self.num+1):
    # if i%2!=0:
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--num之间的奇数和为:%d"%sum)
    # def calc_even_sum(self):
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,self.num+1):
    # if i%2==0:
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--num之间的偶数和为:%d"%sum)
    # def show_num_div(self):
    # for i in range(1,self.num+1):
    # if i%7==0 or "7" in str(i):
    # print("%d找到了7,过"%i)
    # else:
    # pass
    # def check_num(self):
    # if self.num==int(str(self.num)[::-1]):
    # print("%d是回文数"%self.num)
    # else:
    # print("%d不是回文数"%self.num)
    # def show_sanjiao(self):
    # for i in range(5,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print("*",end=" ")
    # print()

    # i=5
    # for a in range(5):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print("*",end=" ")
    # print()
    # i-=1

    # i=5
    # while i>=1:
    # j=1
    # while j<=i:
    # print("*",end=" ")
    # j+=1
    # print()
    # i-=1
    # def replace_item(self):
    # my_list=[1,2,3,4,5]
    # my_alist=[1,2,3,4,5]
    # for i in range(len(my_list)):
    # if i%2==0 and i==len(my_list)-1:
    # pass
    # elif i%2==0:
    # my_list[i]=my_list[i+1]
    # else:
    # my_list[i]=my_alist[i-1]
    # print(my_list)

    # my_list[0],my_list[1]=my_list[1],my_list[0]
    # my_list[2],my_list[3]=my_list[3],my_list[2]
    # print(my_list)
    # def isleap(self):
    # for i in range(1998,2201):
    # if i%4==0 and i%100!=0 or i%400==0:
    # print("%d是闰年"%i)
    # def jiujiu(self):
    # for i in range(1,10):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()

    # i=1
    # while i<=9:
    # j=1
    # while j<=i:
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # j+=1
    # print()
    # i+=1
    # def daojiujiu(self):
    # for i in range(9,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # def daosanjiao(self):
    # for i in range(5,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print("*",end=" ")
    # print()

    # i=5
    # while i>=1:
    # j=1
    # while j<=i:
    # print("*",end=" ")
    # j+=1
    # print()
    # i-=1
    # def sxh_num(self):
    # sxh=[]
    # for x in range(1,10):
    # for y in range(0,10):
    # for z in range(0,10):
    # if x**3+y**3+z**3==100*x+10*y+1*z:
    # a=100*x+10*y+1*z
    # sxh.append(a)
    # print(sxh)
    # def jijie(self):
    # for i in range(1,13):
    # if i>=3 and i<=5:
    # print("%d月为春季"%i)
    # elif i>=6 and i<=8:
    # print("%d月为夏季"%i)
    # elif i>=9 and i<=11:
    # print("%d月为秋季"%i)
    # else:
    # print("%d月为冬季"%i)
    # def list(self):
    # my_list=[3,1,4,6,5,2]
    # my_list.sort()
    # print(my_list)
    # my_list.reverse()
    # print(my_list)
    # def name(self):
    # list=[]
    # for num in range(5):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # list.append(num)
    # print(list)
    # def alist(self):
    # list=[9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1]
    # list.pop()
    # print(list)
    # del list[0]
    # print(list)
    # list.remove(5)
    # print(list)
    # def str(self):
    # my_str="hello world hello python"
    # ret=my_str.split(" ")
    # longest=""
    # for i in ret:
    # if len(i)>len(longest):
    # longest=i
    # print(longest)
    # def liebiao(self):
    # my_list=[1,[2,3],[4,5,6,[7,8,9]]]
    # print(my_list[2][1][1])
    # def qc(self):
    # my_list=[3,5,7,9,3,5,7]
    # my_alist=set(my_list)
    # my_list=list(my_alist)
    # print(my_list)
    # def blist(self):
    # list=[1,2,3,4,5,6666,7,8,9]
    # print(len(list))
    # print(max(list))
    # print(min(list))
    # def jingtai(self):
    # alist=list()
    # for i in range(10):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # alist.append(num)
    # print(sum(alist))
    # def five(self):
    # list=[]
    # for i in range(5):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # list.append(num)
    # print(max(list))
    # print(min(list))
    # def zui(self):
    # list=[]
    # for i in range(5):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # list.append(num)
    # a=max(list)
    # b=min(list)
    # c=list.index(a)
    # d=list.index(b)
    # list[c]=b
    # list[d]=a
    # print(list)
    # def new(self):
    # alist=[2,4,6,8,"w"]
    # blist=[]
    # for i in alist:
    # if type(i)==int:
    # blist.append(i)
    # print(sum(blist))
    # def set(self):
    # list=[]
    # for i in range(5):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # list.append(num)
    # print(sum(list)/len(list))
    # def cfb(self):
    # for i in range(1,10):
    # for j in range(1,i+1):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # def ret(self):
    # alist=list()
    # for i in range(1,101):
    # alist.append(i)
    # print(alist)
    # i=0
    # while i<=100:
    # i+=1
    # alist.append(i)
    # print(alist)
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,101):
    # if i%2==0:
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--100之间的偶数和为:%d"%sum)
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,101):
    # if i%2!=0:
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--100之间的奇数和为:%d"%sum)
    # def run_year(self):
    # for i in range(998,2021):
    # if i%4==0 and i%100!=0 or i%400==0:
    # print("%d年是闰年"%i)
    # def python(self):
    # print([i for i in range(1,101) if i%2!=0])
    # print([i for i in range(1,101) if i%2==0])
    # def dg(self):
    # def digui(n):
    # if n==0:
    # return 0
    # if n==1:
    # return 1
    # else:
    # return digui(n-1)+digui(n-2)
    # for i in range(10):
    # print(digui(i))
    # m=MyNum(int(input("请输入数字:")))
    # m.show_num()
    # m.calc_sum()
    # m.calc_odd_sum()
    # m.calc_even_sum()
    # m.show_num_div()
    # m.check_num()
    # m.show_sanjiao()
    # m.replace_item()
    # m.isleap()
    # m.jiujiu()
    # m.daojiujiu()
    # m.daosanjiao()
    # m.sxh_num()
    # m.jijie()
    # m.list()
    # m.name()
    # m.alist()
    # m.str()
    # m.liebiao()
    # m.qc()
    # m.blist()
    # m.jingtai()
    # m.five()
    # m.zui()
    # m.new()
    # m.set()
    # m.cfb()
    # m.ret()
    # m.run_year()
    # m.python()
    # m.dg()

    # class Person(object):
    # def __init__(self,name,age):
    # self.name=name
    # self.age=age
    # def show_my_info(self):
    # print("我是%s,今年%d岁"%(self.name,self.age))
    # def show_my_birth(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # print("我是%d年出生"%year)
    # def show_my_life(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # print("我是%d年出生"%year)
    # j=0
    # for i in range(year+1,2019):
    # j+=1
    # print("%d年%s岁"%(i,j))
    # def show_leap_year(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # alist=[]
    # for i in range(year,2019):
    # if i%4==0 and i%100!=0 or i%400==0:
    # alist.append(i)
    # print("%d是闰年"%i)
    # if len(alist)==0:
    # print("没有闰年")
    # def can_recite(self):
    # print("%s能背诵九九乘法表"%self.name)
    # for i in range(9,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,i+1):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # def can_recitet(self):
    # for i in range(9,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,i+1):
    # print(" %d, %d "%(j,i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # p=Person(input("请输入姓名:"),int(input("请输入年龄:")))
    # p.show_my_info()
    # p.show_my_birth()
    # p.show_my_life()
    # p.show_leap_year()
    # p.can_recite()
    # p.can_recitet()

    # class MyString(object):
    # def __init__(self,mystr):
    # self.mystr=mystr
    # def show_counts(self):
    # print(len(self.mystr))
    # def show_char_counts(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.replace(" ","")
    # print(len(mystr))
    # def show_cap(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.upper()
    # print(mystr)
    # def show_word_counts(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.split(" ")
    # print(len(mystr))
    # def show_last_word_len(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.split(" ")
    # word=mystr[-1]
    # print(len(word))
    # def show_long_word(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.split(" ")
    # longest=""
    # for i in mystr:
    # if len(i)>len(longest):
    # longest=i
    # print(longest)

    # m=MyString(input("请输入字符串:"))
    # m.show_counts()
    # m.show_char_counts()
    # m.show_cap()
    # m.show_word_counts()
    # m.show_last_word_len()
    # m.show_long_word()

    # class MyYear(object):
    # def __init__(self,year):
    # self.year=year
    # def show_season(self):
    # for i in range(1,13):
    # if i>=3 and i<=5:
    # print("%d月为春季"%i)
    # elif i>=6 and i<=8:
    # print("%d月为夏季"%i)
    # elif i>=9 and i<=11:
    # print("%d月为秋季"%i)
    # else:
    # print("%d月为冬季"%i)
    # def isleap(self):
    # if self.year%4==0 and self.year%100!=0 or self.year%400==0:
    # print("%d年是闰年"%self.year)
    # else:
    # print("%d年不是闰年"%self.year)
    # def year_sum(self):
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,self.year+1):
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--self.year之间的整数和为:%d"%sum)
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,self.year+1):
    # if i%2==0:
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--self.year之间的偶数和为:%d"%sum)
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,self.year+1):
    # if i%2!=0:
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--self.year之间的奇数和为:%d"%sum)
    # def check_num(self):
    # if self.year==int(str(self.year)[::-1]):
    # print("%d是回文数"%self.year)
    # else:
    # print("%d不是回文数"%self.year)
    # m=MyYear(int(input("请输入年份:")))
    # m.show_season()
    # m.isleap()
    # m.year_sum()
    # m.check_num()

    # class Wyf(object):
    # def __init__(self,gsc):
    # self.gsc=gsc
    # def wenjian(self):
    # # f.close()
    # f=open("999","w",encoding="utf-8")
    # f.write("余生我陪你走,李晓慧")
    # f.close()
    # w=Wyf(int(input("请输入:")))
    # w.wenjian()

    # class Person(object):
    # def __init__(self,name,age):
    # self.name=name
    # self.age=age
    # def show_my_info(self):
    # print("我是%s,今年%d岁"%(self.name,self.age))
    # def show_my_birth(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # print("我是%d年出生"%year)
    # def show_my_life(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # print("%d年出生"%year)
    # j=0
    # for i in range(year+1,2019):
    # j+=1
    # print("%d年%d岁"%(i,j))
    # def show_leap_year(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # alist=[]
    # for i in range(year,2019):
    # if i%4==0 and i%100!=0 or i%400==0:
    # print("%d是闰年"%i)
    # alist.append(i)
    # if len(alist)==0:
    # print("没有闰年")
    # def can_recite(self):
    # print("%s能背诵九九乘法表--倒背如流"%self.name)
    # for i in range(1,10):
    # for j in range(1,i+1):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d " %(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # print("-"*120)
    # for i in range(9,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,i+1):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # def make_file(self):
    # f=open("baobao.txt","w")
    # for i in range(20):
    # f.write("hello world hello python ")
    # f.close()
    # def check_num(self):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # if num==int(str(num)[::-1]):
    # print("%d是回文数"%num)
    # else:
    # pass
    # def show_num_div(self):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # for num in range(1,num+1):
    # if num%7==0 or "7" in str(num):
    # print("找到了%d,过"%num)
    # else:
    # pass
    # def show_long_word(self):
    # mystr=input("请输入字符串:")
    # ret=mystr.split(" ")
    # longest=""
    # for i in ret:
    # if len(i)>len(longest):
    # longest=i
    # print(longest)
    # def replace_num(self):
    # alist=[1,2,3,4,5,66,77,88,9,0,99]
    # print(alist)
    # for i in range(len(alist)):
    # if i%2==0 and i==len(alist)-1:
    # pass
    # elif i%2==0:
    # alist[i],alist[i+1]=alist[i+1],alist[i]
    # else:
    # pass
    # print(alist)
    # blist=[1,2,3,4,5,66,77,88,9,0,99]
    # for i in range(len(alist)):
    # if i%2==0 and i==len(alist)-1:
    # pass
    # elif i%2==0:
    # alist[i]=blist[i+1]
    # else:
    # alist[i]=blist[i-1]
    # print(alist)
    # def wenjian(self):
    # str=input("请输入:")
    # f=open("wyf.txt","w")
    # for i in range(10):
    # f.write("wangyifei ")
    # f.close()
    # p=Person(input("请输入姓名:"),int(input("请输入年龄:")))
    # p.show_my_info()
    # p.show_my_birth()
    # p.show_my_life()
    # p.show_leap_year()
    # p.can_recite()
    # p.make_file()
    # p.check_num()
    # p.show_num_div()
    # p.show_long_word()
    # p.replace_num()
    # p.wenjian()

    # class Person(object):
    # def __init__(self, name, age):
    # self.name = name
    # self.age = age

    # def show_my_info(self):
    # print("我是%s,今年%d岁" % (self.name, self.age))
    # def show_my_birth(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # print("我是%d年出生"%year)
    # def show_my_life(self):
    # year=2018-self.age
    # print("%d年出生"%year)
    # j=0
    # for i in range(year+1,2019):
    # j+=1
    # print("%d年%d岁"%(i,j))
    # def show_leap_year(self):
    # alist=[]
    # year=2018-self.age
    # for i in range(year,2019):
    # if i%4==0 and i%100!=0 or i%400==0:
    # alist.append(i)
    # print("%d是闰年"%i)
    # if len(alist)==0:
    # print("没有闰年")
    # def can_recite(self):
    # print("%s能背诵九九乘法表--倒背如流"%self.name)
    # for i in range(1,10):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # for i in range(9,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d * %d = %-2d " %(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # def make_file(self):
    # f=open("baobao.txt","w")
    # for i in range(10):
    # f.write("hello world hello python ")
    # f.close()
    # def check_num(self):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # if num==int(str(num)[::-1]):
    # print("%d是回文数"%num)
    # else:
    # pass
    # def show_num_div(self):
    # num=int(input("请输入数字:"))
    # for i in range(1,num):
    # if i%7==0 or "7" in str(i):
    # print("%d找到了7,过"%i)
    # def show_long_word(self):
    # str=input("请输入字符串:")
    # mystr=str.split(" ")
    # longest=""
    # for i in mystr:
    # if len(i)>len(longest):
    # longest=i
    # print(longest)
    # def replace_num(self):
    # alist=[1,2,3,4,5,66,77,88,9,0,99]
    # blist=[1,2,3,4,5,66,77,88,9,0,99]
    # for i in range(len(alist)):
    # if i%2==0 and i==len(alist)-1:
    # pass
    # elif i%2==0:
    # alist[i]=blist[i+1]
    # else:
    # alist[i]=blist[i-1]
    # print(alist)
    # p = Person(input("请输入字符串:"), int(input("请输入数字:")))
    # p.show_my_info()
    # p.show_my_birth()
    # p.show_my_life()
    # p.show_leap_year()
    # p.can_recite()
    # p.make_file()
    # p.check_num()
    # p.show_num_div()
    # p.show_long_word()
    # p.replace_num()

    # class MyString(object):
    # def __init__(self,mystr):
    # self.mystr=mystr
    # def find_num(self):
    # list=[1,4,2,8,7,3,9]
    # if 8 in list:
    # print(8)
    # else:
    # print("没找到")
    # def show_char_counts(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.replace(" ","")
    # print(len(mystr))
    # def show_cap(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.upper()
    # print(mystr)
    # def show_word_counts(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr
    # ret=mystr.split(" ")
    # print(len(ret))
    # def show_last_word_len(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.split(" ")
    # word=mystr[-1]
    # print(len(word))
    # def can_recite(self):
    # for i in range(1,10):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(j,end=" ")
    # j+=i
    # print()
    # m=MyString(input("请输入字符串:"))
    # m.find_num()
    # m.show_char_counts()
    # m.show_cap()
    # m.show_word_counts()
    # m.show_last_word_len()
    # m.can_recite()

    # class MyYear(object):
    # def __init__(self,year):
    # self.year=year
    # def print_str(self):
    # Str="Hello Word"
    # str=Str.lower()
    # print(str)
    # def isleap(self):
    # if self.year%4==0 and self.year%100!=0 or self.year%400==0:
    # print("%d年是闰年"%self.year)
    # else:
    # print("%d年不是闰年"%self.year)
    # def year_sum(self):
    # sum=0
    # for i in range(1,self.year+1):
    # sum+=i
    # print("1--self.year之间的整数和为:%d"%sum)
    # def can_recite(self):
    # for i in range(5,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print("*",end="")
    # print()
    # m=MyYear(int(input("请输入年份:")))
    # m.print_str()
    # m.isleap()
    # m.year_sum()
    # m.can_recite()

    # class MyString(object):
    # def __init__(self,mystr):
    # self.mystr=mystr
    # def show_counts(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr
    # print(len(mystr))
    # def show_char_counts(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.replace(" ","")
    # ret=mystr
    # print(len(ret))
    # def show_cap(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.upper()
    # print(mystr)
    # def show_word_counts(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.split(" ")
    # print(len(mystr))
    # def show_last_word_len(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.split(" ")
    # word=mystr[-1]
    # print(len(word))
    # def show_long_word(self):
    # mystr=self.mystr.split(" ")
    # longest=""
    # for i in mystr:
    # if len(i)>len(longest):
    # longest=i
    # print(longest)
    # m=MyString(input("请输入字符串:"))
    # m.show_counts()
    # m.show_char_counts()
    # m.show_cap()
    # m.show_word_counts()
    # m.show_last_word_len()
    # m.show_long_word()

    # class A(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.num=10
    # def print(self):
    # print(self.num+10)
    # # a=A()
    # # print(a.num)
    # # a.print()
    # class B(A):
    # pass
    # b=B()
    # print(b.num)
    # b.print()

    # #单继承;
    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="古法煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照%s配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class Prentice(Master):
    # pass
    # laoli=Master()
    # print(laoli.peifang)
    # laoli.make_cake()
    # print("*"*30)
    # damao=Prentice()
    # print(damao.peifang)
    # damao.make_cake() ()

    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="古法煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照%s配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # def dayandai(self):
    # print("师傅爱抽烟,喜欢大烟袋")
    # class School(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="现代煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照(%s)配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class Prentice(School,Master):
    # pass
    # damao=Prentice()
    # print(damao.peifang)
    # damao.make_cake()
    # damao.dayandai()
    # print(Prentice.__mro__) #顺序表

    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="古法煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照%s配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class School(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="现代煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照(%s)配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class Prentice(School,Master):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="猫氏煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照(%s)配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # damao=Prentice()
    # print(damao.peifang)
    # damao.make_cake()
    # print(Prentice.__mro__)

    # 多继承;
    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="古法煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class School(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="现代煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class Prentice(Master,School):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="猫氏煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # def make_new_cake(self):
    # Master.__init__(self)
    # Master.make_cake(self)
    # def make_old_cake(self):
    # School.__init__(self)
    # School.make_cake(self)
    # damao=Prentice()
    # damao.make_cake()
    # damao.make_new_cake()
    # damao.make_old_cake()

    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="古法煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class School(Master):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="现代煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # super().__init__()
    # super().make_cake()
    # class Prentice(School,Master):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="猫氏煎饼果子配方"
    # self.money=10000
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # def make_old_cake(self):
    # School.__init__(self)
    # School.make_cake(self)
    # def make_new_cake(self):
    # Master.__init__(self)
    # Master.make_cake(self)
    # class PrenticePrentice(Prentice):
    # pass
    # xiaomao=PrenticePrentice()
    # xiaomao.make_cake()
    # xiaomao.make_old_cake()
    # xiaomao.make_new_cake()
    # print(xiaomao.money)


    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="古法煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class School(Master):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang = "现代煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子" % self.peifang)
    # super().__init__()
    # super().make_cake()
    # class Prentice(School,Master):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="猫氏煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # self.__init__()
    # print("按照《%s》配方制作一份煎饼果子" % self.peifang)
    # def make_all_cake(self):
    # School.__init__(self)
    # School.make_cake(self)
    # Master.__init__(self)
    # Master.make_cake(self)
    # self.__init__()
    # self.make_cake()
    # if __name__ == '__main__':
    # damao=Prentice()
    # damao.make_all_cake()

    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="古法煎饼果子"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照(%s)制作一份煎饼果子"%self.peifang)
    # class School(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang = "现代煎饼果子"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照(%s)制作一份煎饼果子" % self.peifang)
    # class Prentice(Master,School):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.peifang="猫氏煎饼果子"
    # self.__money=10000000
    # def __print_money(self):
    # print(self.__money)
    # def run(self):
    # self.__print_money()
    # def getter(self): #获取
    # print(self.__money)
    # def setter(self): #修改
    # self.__money=10000
    # print(self.__money)
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("按照(%s)制作煎饼果子配方"%self.peifang)
    # def make_old_cake(self):
    # Master.__init__(self)
    # Master.make_cake(self)
    # def make_new_cake(self):
    # School.__init__(self)
    # School.make_cake(self)
    # # class PrenticePrentice(Prentice):
    # # pass
    # damao=Prentice()
    # # print(damao.__money)
    # # damao.__print_money()
    # damao.getter()
    # damao.setter()
    # damao.run()

    # class F1(object):
    # def show(self):
    # print("F1.show")
    # class S1(F1):
    # def show(self):
    # print("S1.show")
    # class S2(F1):
    # def show(self):
    # print("S2.show")
    # s1=S1()
    # s2=S2()
    # s1.show()
    # s2.show()

    # class People(object):
    # name="Tom" #共有类属性;
    # __age=188 #私有类属性;
    # p=People()
    # print(p.name)
    # print(People.name) #公有的类属性,在类外可以通过类对象和实例对象访问
    # print(p.__age)
    # print(People.__age) #公有的类属性,在类外可以通过类对象和实例对象访问

    class People(object):
    address="河南" #类属性
    def __init__(self):
    self.name="宝宝" #实例属性
    if __name__=='__main__': #程序入口
    # print(p.name)
    # print(p.age)
    # print(p.address)
    # print("*"*30)
    # p.age=18
    # print(p.age)

    # class People(object):
    # country="china" #类属性
    # print(People.country)
    # p=People()
    # print(p.country)
    # p.country="wojia"
    # print(p.country) #实例属性会屏蔽掉同名的类属性
    # print(People.country)
    # del p.country #删除实例属性
    # print(p.country)

    # class People(object):
    # __counry="China"
    # @classmethod
    # def get_country(cls):
    # print(cls.__counry)
    # p=People()
    # # print(p.get_country())
    # # print(People.get_country())
    # p.get_country()
    # People.get_country()

    # class People(object):
    # #私有类属性
    # __counry="China"
    # #类方法,用classmethod来进行修饰
    # @classmethod
    # def get_country(cls): #获取类的私有属性
    # return cls.__counry
    # @classmethod
    # def set_country(cls,country): #获取类的私有属性
    # cls.__counry=country
    # p=People()
    # print(p.get_country())
    # print(People.get_country())
    # p.set_country("河南驻马店")
    # print(p.get_country())
    # print(People.get_country())

    # class Sun(object):
    # name="草原红太阳"
    # @staticmethod
    # def moon():
    # return Sun.name
    # s=Sun()
    # print(s.moon())
    # print(Sun.moon())

    # class Sun(object):
    # name="阿成"
    # @staticmethod
    # def moon():
    # return Sun.name
    # sun=Sun()
    # print(sun.moon())
    # print(Sun.moon())

    # class Dog(object):
    # def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
    # #__new__必须要有返回值,返回实例化出来的实例,
    # # 这点在自己实现__new__时要特别注意,
    # # 可以return父类__new__出来的实例,
    # # 或者直接是object的__new__出来的实例
    # print("__new__()实例")
    # return object.__new__(cls)
    # def __init__(self):
    # print("__init__()方法")
    # a=Dog()

    # class DanLi(object):
    # """ 单例类"""
    # a=None
    # def __new__(cls,age,name):
    # if cls.a is None:
    # cls.a=object.__new__(cls)
    # return cls.a
    # b=DanLi(18,"wangfei")
    # c=DanLi(38,"xuyuan")
    # d=DanLi(28,"maming")
    # print(id(b))
    # print(id(c))
    # print(id(d))
    # print(b)
    # print(c)
    # print(d)
    # b.atk=8888
    # print(b.atk)
    # print(c.atk)
    # print(d.atk)

    # try:
    # f=open("text.txt")
    # f.close()
    # except FileNotFoundError:
    # print("异常已捕获")

    # try:
    # name="wangyifei"
    # print(age)
    # except IOError: #错误的演示;
    # print("异常已捕获")

    # try:
    # name="wangyifei"
    # #需要捕获异常的代码
    # print(nam)
    # #捕获异常
    # except Exception as e: #as e ---将捕获的异常保存到e变量中
    # print(e)

    # try:
    # name="wangyifei"
    # #需要捕获异常的代码
    # #捕获异常
    # except Exception as e: #as e ---将捕获的异常保存到e变量中
    # print(e)
    # else:
    # print("没有异常")

    # try:
    # name="weubfv"
    # # f=open("text","w")
    # f=open("text","r")
    # # print(nam)
    # except Exception as e:
    # print(e)
    # #如果没有异常走else
    # else:
    # print("没有异常")
    # #不管有没有异常都会走finally
    # finally:
    # print("f.close()")
    # # f.close()

    # import os
    # import time
    # f=open("1.txt","w")
    # f.write("qewefvrfvf")
    # f.close()
    # with open("2.txt","w") as f:
    # f.write("hello")

    # from 模块 import 方法;从哪个模块导入哪个方法
    # import time
    # import socket
    # from socket import socket
    # from time import sleep
    # sleep(5)
    # print("88888")

    # import time
    # print("6666")
    # time.sleep(10)
    # print("999999")
    # from time import sleep
    # sleep(5)
    # print("8888")

    # from time import sleep
    # print("666666")
    # sleep(5)
    # print("8888")

    # import mofa
    # print(mofa.add2num(1,2))

    # alist=[1,2,3,4,5,66,77,88,0]
    # max_num=max(alist)
    # min_num=min(alist)
    # print(max_num,min_num)

    # max_num=0
    # for i in alist:
    # if i>max_num:
    # max_num=i
    # print(max_num)
    # min_num=0
    # for x in alist:
    # if x<min_num:
    # min_num=x
    # print(min_num)

    # alist=[1,2,3,4,5,66,77,88,9,0]
    # # print(alist)
    # blist=[1,2,3,4,5,66,77,88,9,0]
    # for i in range(len(alist)):
    # if i%2==0:
    # alist[i]=blist[i+1]
    # else:
    # alist[i]=blist[i-1]
    # print(alist)

    # my_list=[1,2,3,4,5]
    # my_alist=[1,2,3,4,5]
    # for i in range(len(my_list)-1):
    # if i%2==0:
    # my_list[i]=my_alist[i+1]
    # else:
    # my_list[i]=my_alist[i-1]
    # print(my_list)

    # alist=[1,2,3,4,5]
    # blist=[1,2,3,4,5]
    # for i in range(len(alist)-1):
    # if i%2==0:
    # alist[i]=blist[i+1]
    # else:
    # alist[i]=blist[i-1]
    # print(alist)

    # alist[0],alist[1]=alist[1],alist[0]
    # alist[2],alist[3]=alist[3],alist[2]
    # print(alist)

    # class Person(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.height=185
    # self.age=20
    # def fight(self):
    # print("会打架")
    # def run(self):
    # print(id(self))
    # print("打不过就跑")
    # banzhang=Person()
    # print(banzhang.height)
    # print(banzhang.age)
    # banzhang.fight()
    # banzhang.run()
    # print(id(banzhang))
    # print("*"*30)
    # zhangao=Person()
    # print(id(zhangao))
    # zhangao.run()

    # class Hero(object):
    # #定义了一个英雄类 可以移动和攻击
    # def move(self):
    # print("正在快速赶往战场")
    # def attack(self):
    # print("发出一招强有力的暴击")
    # #创建对象
    # taidamier=Hero()
    # #给对象赋值
    # taidamier.name="蛮王"
    # taidamier.hp=2400
    # taidamier.atk=500
    # taidamier.armor=150
    # #获取对象属性值
    # print("%s英雄的血量是%d"%(taidamier.name,taidamier.hp))
    # print("%s英雄的攻击力是%d"%(taidamier.name,taidamier.atk))
    # print("%s英雄的防御是%d"%(taidamier.name,taidamier.armor))
    # #获取实例方法
    # taidamier.move()
    # taidamier.attack()

    # class Hero(object):
    # #定义了一个英雄类 可以移动和攻击
    # def move(self):
    # print("正在快速赶往战场")
    # def attack(self):
    # print("发出一招强有力的暴击")
    # def info(self):
    # print("%s英雄的血量是%d" % (self.name, self.hp))
    # print("%s英雄的攻击力是%d" % (self.name, self.atk))
    # print("%s英雄的防御是%d" % (self.name, self.armor))
    # #创建对象
    # taidamier=Hero()
    # #给对象赋值
    # taidamier.name="蛮王"
    # taidamier.hp=2400
    # taidamier.atk=500
    # taidamier.armor=150
    # #获取对象属性值
    # # print("%s英雄的血量是%d"%(taidamier.name,taidamier.hp))
    # # print("%s英雄的攻击力是%d"%(taidamier.name,taidamier.atk))
    # # print("%s英雄的防御是%d"%(taidamier.name,taidamier.armor))
    # #获取实例方法
    # taidamier.move()
    # taidamier.attack()
    # taidamier.info()

    # class Hero(object):
    # #定义了一个英雄类 可以移动和攻击
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.name = "蛮王"
    # self.hp = 2400
    # self.atk = 500
    # self.armor = 150
    # def move(self):
    # print("正在快速赶往战场")
    # def attack(self):
    # print("发出一招强有力的暴击")
    # def info(self):
    # print("%s英雄的血量是%d" % (self.name, self.hp))
    # print("%s英雄的攻击力是%d" % (self.name, self.atk))
    # print("%s英雄的防御是%d" % (self.name, self.armor))
    # taidamier=Hero()
    # taidamier.move()
    # taidamier.attack()
    # taidamier.info()

    # class Hero(object):
    # #定义了一个英雄类 可以移动和攻击
    # def __init__(self,name,hp,atk,armor):
    # self.name = name
    # self.hp = hp
    # self.atk = atk
    # self.armor = armor
    # def move(self):
    # print("正在快速赶往战场")
    # def attack(self):
    # print("发出一招强有力的暴击")
    # def info(self):
    # print("%s英雄的血量是%d" % (self.name, self.hp))
    # print("%s英雄的攻击力是%d" % (self.name, self.atk))
    # print("%s英雄的防御是%d" % (self.name, self.armor))
    # taidamier=Hero("蛮王",2600,260,150)
    # gailun=Hero("盖伦",5000,100,800)
    # taidamier.move()
    # taidamier.attack()
    # taidamier.info()
    # gailun.info()

    # class Hero(object):
    # #定义了一个英雄类 可以移动和攻击
    # def __init__(self,name,hp,atk,armor):
    # self.name = name
    # self.hp = hp
    # self.atk = atk
    # self.armor = armor
    # def move(self):
    # print("正在快速赶往战场")
    # def attack(self):
    # print("发出一招强有力的暴击")
    # def __str__(self):
    # return "英雄%s血量%d 攻击力%d 防御值%d"%(self.name,self.hp,self.atk,self.armor)
    # taidamier=Hero("蛮王",2600,260,150)
    # gailun=Hero("盖伦",5000,100,800)
    # taidamier.move()
    # taidamier.attack()
    # print(taidamier.__str__())
    # print(gailun.__str__())
    # print(Hero.__doc__)

    # class SweetPotato(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.cookedTime=0
    # self.cookedString="生的"
    # self.condiments=[]
    # def cook(self,time):
    # self.cookedTime += time
    # if self.cookedTime>8:
    # self.cookedString="已经烤成木炭了"
    # elif self.cookedTime>5:
    # self.cookedString="已经烤好了"
    # elif self.cookedTime>3:
    # self.cookedString="半生不熟"
    # else:
    # self.cookedString="生的"
    # def addCondiments(self,condiment):
    # self.condiments.append(condiment)
    # def __str__(self):
    # msg=self.cookedString+"地瓜"
    # if self.condiments==[]:
    # msg=msg+"(原味)"
    # else:
    # msg=msg+"("
    # for i in self.condiments:
    # msg=msg+i+" "
    # msg=msg+")"
    # return msg
    # sp=SweetPotato()
    # print(sp.cookedTime)
    # print(sp.cookedString)
    # print(sp.condiments)
    # print("*"*30)
    # # sp.cook(1)
    # # print(sp.cookedString)
    # # sp.cook(1)
    # # print(sp.cookedString)
    # # sp.cook(1)
    # # print(sp.cookedString)
    # # sp.cook(1)
    # # print(sp.cookedString)
    # # sp.cook(1)
    # # print(sp.cookedString)
    # # sp.cook(1)
    # # print(sp.cookedString)
    # # sp.cook(1)
    # # print(sp.cookedString)
    # sp.cook(7)
    # print(sp.cookedString)
    # sp.addCondiments("孜然味")
    # print(sp)

    # class A(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.num=10
    # def print_num(self):
    # print(self.num+10)
    # class B(A):
    # pass
    # b=B()
    # print(b.num)
    # b.print_num()

    # class Master(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.kongfu="古法煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("古法按照%s制作了一份煎饼果子"%self.kongfu)
    # class School(object):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.kongfu="现代煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("现代按照%s制作了一份煎饼果子"%self.kongfu)
    # class Prentice(School,Master):
    # def __init__(self):
    # self.kongfu="猫氏煎饼果子配方"
    # def make_cake(self):
    # print("猫氏按照%s制作了一份煎饼果子"%self.kongfu)
    # damao=Prentice()
    # print(damao.kongfu)
    # damao.make_cake()
    # print(Prentice.__mro__)




    # def fozu():
    # print(" _ooOoo_ ")
    # print(" o8888888o ")
    # print(" 88 . 88 ")
    # print(" (| -_- |) ")
    # print(" O\ = /O ")
    # print(" ____/`---'\____ ")
    # print(" . ' \| |// `. ")
    # print(" / \||| : |||// \ ")
    # print(" / _||||| -:- |||||- \ ")
    # print(" | | \\\ - /// | | ")
    # print(" | \_| ''\---/'' | | ")
    # print(" \ .-\__ `-` ___/-. / ")
    # print(" ___`. .' /--.--\ `. . __ ")
    # print(" ."" '< `.___\_<|>_/___.' >'"". ")
    # print(" | | : `- \`.;`\ _ /`;.`/ - ` : | | ")
    # print(" \ \ `-. \_ __\ /__ _/ .-` / / ")
    # print(" ======`-.____`-.___\_____/___.-`____.-'====== ")
    # print(" `=---=' ")
    # print(" ")
    # print(" ............................................. ")
    # print(" 佛祖镇楼 BUG辟易 ")
    # print(" 佛曰: ")
    # print(" 写字楼里写字间,写字间里程序员; ")
    # print(" 程序人员写程序,又拿程序换酒钱。 ")
    # print(" 酒醒只在网上坐,酒醉还来网下眠; ")
    # print(" 酒醉酒醒日复日,网上网下年复年。 ")
    # print(" 但愿老死电脑间,不愿鞠躬老板前; ")
    # print(" 奔驰宝马贵者趣,公交自行程序员。 ")
    # print(" 别人笑我忒疯癫,我笑自己命太贱; ")
    # print(" 不见满街漂亮妹,哪个归得程序员?")
    # fozu()

    # def i():
    # name="王一妃"
    # age=18
    # print("姓名:%s 年龄:%d"%(name,age))
    # i()

    # def my_name(x,y):
    # print(x+y)
    # my_name(1,2)
    # print(help(my_name))

    # def add2num():
    # a=10
    # b=20
    # c=a+b
    # print(c)
    # add2num()

    # def add2num(a,b): #函数定义时,所传的参数--形参;
    # c=a+b
    # print(c)
    # add2num(10,20) #调用函数时,所传的参数--实参;

    # def add2num(a,b):
    # c=a+b
    # print(c)
    # add2num(10,20)

    # def add2num(a,b):
    # c=a+b
    # return(c)
    # print(add2num(10,20))

    # def add2num(a,b):
    # c=a+b
    # return(c)
    # ret=add2num(10,20)
    # print(ret)

    # 函数类型:
    # 无参数,无返回值;
    # def printMenu():
    # print('--------------------------')
    # print(' xx涮涮锅 点菜系统')
    # print('')
    # print(' 1. 羊肉涮涮锅')
    # print(' 2. 牛肉涮涮锅')
    # print(' 3. 猪肉涮涮锅')
    # print('--------------------------')
    # printMenu()

    # 无参有返
    # def add2num():
    # a=10
    # b=20
    # return(a+b)
    # ret=add2num()
    # print(ret)

    # 有参无返
    # def add2num(a,b):
    # print(a+b)
    # add2num(10,20)

    # 有参有返
    # 计算1--num的累积和;
    # def addnum(num):
    # i=1
    # sum=0
    # while i<=num:
    # sum+=i
    # i+=1
    # return sum
    # print(addnum(100))

    # def sum():
    # a=10
    # b=20
    # c=30
    # return(a+b+c)
    # ret=sum()
    # print(ret)

    # def number():
    # print("hello world hello python")
    # number()

    # def add2num(a,b):
    # print(a+b)
    # add2num(1,2)

    # def add2num(a,b):
    # c=a+b
    # return c
    # print(add2num(3,3))

    # 函数嵌套;
    # def name():
    # print("name---开始执行")
    # print("hello word")
    # print("name---结束执行")
    # def age():
    # print("age---开始执行")
    # name()
    # print("age---结束执行")
    # age()

    # def func1():
    # a=100
    # print("func1最初局部变量a的值为:%d" % a)
    # a=200
    # print("func1改变之后局部变量a的值为:%d" % a)
    # def func2():
    # a=300
    # print("func2最初局部变量a的值为:%d" % a)
    # func1()
    # func2()

    # a=100
    # def func1():
    # print(a)
    # def func2():
    # print(a)
    # func1()
    # print("*"*20)
    # print(a)
    # print("*"*20)
    # func2()

    # a=300
    # def func1():
    # a=100
    # print(a)
    # print(a)
    # func1()

    变量名 = 数据 此时理解为定义了一个局部变量,而不是修改全局变量的值


    # a=600
    # def func():
    # global a
    # a=666
    # print(a)
    # func()
    # print(a)

    # a=600
    # b=800
    # def func():
    # global a,b
    # a=666
    # b=888
    # print(a)
    # print(b)
    # func()
    # print(a)
    # print(b)

    # def func1():
    # return 50
    # def func2(num):
    # print(num)
    # ret=func1()
    # func2(ret)

    # def func1():
    # return 50
    # def func2():
    # ret=func1()
    # print(ret)
    # func2()

    # 一个函数中可以有多个return语句,但是只要有一个return语句被执行到,
    # 那么这个函数就会结束了,因此后面的return没有什么用处
    #return 返回值;结束函数;
    # def func1():
    # return 1
    # return 2
    # def func2():
    # ret=func1()
    # print(ret)
    # func2()

    # def func(num):
    # if num>100:
    # return num+1
    # else:
    # return num-1
    # ret=func(999)
    # print(ret)

    # def func(a,b):
    # shang=a//b
    # yushu=a%b
    # return shang,yushu
    # shang,yushu=func(10,20)
    # print(shang)
    # print(yushu)

    # def func():
    # return [1,2,3,4,5]
    # ret=func()
    # print(ret)
    # def func():
    # return (1,2,3,4,5)
    # ret=func()
    # print(ret)
    # def func():
    # return {"name":"laowang","age":18}
    # ret=func()
    # print(ret)
    # def func():
    # return {1,2,3,3,4,5}
    # ret=func()
    # print(ret)

    # def printinfo(name,age=20):
    # print("name:%s"%name)
    # print("age:%d"%age)
    # printinfo(name="banzhang")
    # print("*"*20)
    # printinfo(name="baobao",age=18)

    # def func(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
    # return
    # func(1,2,3,4,5)

    # def func(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
    # print("a=%d"%a)
    # print("b=%d"%b)
    # print("args:")
    # print(args)
    # print("kwargs:")
    # print(kwargs)
    # func(1,2,12,34,56,m=666,n=888,p=999)

    # def func(a,b,*args,**kwargs):
    # print("a=%d"%a)
    # print("b=%d"%b)
    # print("args:")
    # print(args)
    # print("kwargs:")
    # for key,value in kwargs.items():
    # print("key=%s"%value)
    # c=(3,4,5)
    # d={"m":6,"n":7,"p":8}
    # func(1,2,*c,**d)

    # def func():
    # high=160
    # weight=100
    # age=18
    # return high,weight,age
    # a,b,c=func()
    # print("a=%d"%a)
    # print("b=%d"%b)
    # print("c=%d"%c)

    # a,b=[1,2]
    # c,d=(3,4)
    # print("a=%d"%a)
    # print("b=%d"%b)
    # print("c=%d"%c)
    # print("d=%d"%d)


    # a=4
    # b=5
    # c=a
    # a=b
    # b=c
    # print("a=%d"%a)
    # print("b=%d"%b)

    # a=4
    # b=5
    # a=a+b #a=9
    # b=a-b #b=4
    # a=a-b #a=5
    # print("a=%d"%a)
    # print("b=%d"%b)

    # a,b=4,5
    # print(a,b)
    # a,b=b,a
    # print(a,b)

    # a=1
    # b=a
    # print(b)
    # a=11
    # print(b)
    # a=[1,2]
    # b=a
    # print(b)
    # a.append(3)
    # print(b)

    # a=1
    # b=a
    # print(b)
    # a=11
    # print(b)
    # print(id(a))
    # print(id(b))
    # a=[1,2]
    # b=a
    # print(b)
    # a.append(3)
    # print(b)
    # print(id(a))
    # print(id(b))

    # a=[1,2]
    # b=a
    # print(id(a))
    # print(id(b))
    # a.append(666)
    # print(id(a))
    # print(id(b))

    # def func1():
    # a=10
    # print(a)
    # def func2():
    # a=20
    # print(a)
    # func1()
    # func2()

    a=[i for i in range(1,6)]
    # a=[i for i in range(1,6)]
    # print(a)
    # print([i for i in range(1,101) if i%2==0])
    # print(sum([i for i in range(1,101) if i%2==0]))
    # print(len([i for i in range(1,101) if i%2==0]))

    # print([100*x+10*y+z*1 for x in range(1,10) for y in range(0,10) for z in range(0,10) if x**3+y**3+z**3==100*x+10*y+z*1])
    # sxh=[]
    # for x in range(1,10):
    # for y in range(0,10):
    # for z in range(0,10):
    # if x**3+y**3+z**3==100*x+10*y+z*1:
    # a=100*x+10*y+z*1
    # sxh.append(a)
    # print(sxh)

    # sxh=[]
    # for x in range(1,10):
    # for y in range(0,10):
    # for z in range(0,10):
    # if x**3+y**3+z**3==100*x+10*y+1*z:
    # a=100*x+10*y+1*z
    # sxh.append(a)
    # print(sxh)

    #print([100*x+10*y+1*z for x in range(1,10) for y in range(0,10) for z in range(0,10) if x**3+y**3+z**3==100*x+10*y+1*z])

    # a=[i for i in range(1,101) if i%2==0]
    # print(a)
    #b=[i for i in range(1,101) if i%2!=0]

    # c=[i for i in range(1,20,4)]
    # print(c)

    # a=[sum for i in range(1,101) if i%2==0 sum+=1 i+=1]
    # print(a)

    # print(" ".join([i*"*" for i in range(1,6)]))
    # print(" ".join([i*"*" for i in range(5,0,-1)]))

    #print([(x,y,z) for x in range(1,3) for y in range(4,6) for z in range(7,9)])

    # my_list=[1,1,2,3,4,3,3,3,66]
    # print(list(set(my_list)))

    # my_tuple=(1,2,2,3,3,4,5,6,11,11,22,22,33,33)
    # print(my_tuple)
    # set2=set(my_tuple)
    # print(set2)
    # my_tuple=tuple(set2)
    # print(my_tuple)

    #格式:lambda 形参:表达式(返回值或者输出内容)
    # f=lambda a,b:a+b
    # print(f(10,20))

    # def add2num(a,b):
    # print(a+b)
    # f=lambda a,b:print(a+b)
    # f(10,20)
    # print("*"*30)
    # add2num(10,20)

    # def add2num():
    # return 50
    # f=lambda:50
    # print(f())
    # print("*"*30)
    # print(add2num())

    # def digui(n):
    # if n==1:
    # return 1
    # else:
    # return n * digui(n-1)
    # print(digui(1))

    # def num(n):
    # if n==0:
    # return 0
    # if n==1:
    # return 1
    # else:
    # return num(n-1)+num(n-2)
    # for i in range(200):
    # print(num(i))

    # (1)
    # def run_year():
    # i=int(input("请输入年份:"))
    # if (i%4==0 and i%100!=0) or i%400==0:
    # print("%d是闰年"%i)
    # else:
    # print("不是闰年")
    # run_year()

    # (2)
    # def run_year():
    # for i in range(998,2204):
    # if (i%4==0 and i%100!=0) or i%400==0:
    # print("%d是闰年"%i)
    # else:
    # print("%d不是闰年"%i)
    # run_year()

    # def num():
    # for i in range(100,1000):
    # if str(i)==str(i)[::-1]:
    # print("%d是回文数"%i)
    # num()

    3.my_str="hello world hello python";
    # def num():
    # my_str="hello world hello python"
    # ret=my_str.split(" ")
    # print(ret)
    # print(len(ret[-1]))
    # num()

    # (2)
    # def ret():
    # my_str="hello world hello python"
    # ret=my_str.split(" ")
    # print(ret)
    # longest=""
    # for i in ret:
    # if len(i)>len(longest):
    # longest=i
    # print(longest)
    # ret()

    # def qi():
    # for i in range(1,101):
    # if i%7==0 or "7" in str(i):
    # print("%d逢七必过"%i)
    # qi()

    # def dao():
    # i=5
    # for a in range(5):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print("*",end=" ")
    # print()
    # i-=1
    # dao()

    # def num():
    # i=9
    # for a in range(9):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d*%d=%-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # i-=1
    # num()

    # def nine(a,b):
    # for i in range(a,b):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d*%d=%-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # i+=1
    # return a,b
    # nine(1,10)

    # def nine(a,b):
    # for i in range(a,b):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d*%d=%-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # i+=1
    # nine(1,10)

    # def nine():
    # for i in range(1,10):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # print(" %d*%d=%-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # i+=1
    # return
    # nine()

    def nine():
    for i in range(9,0,-1):
    for j in range(1,1+i):
    print(" %d*%d=%-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")

    # def func():
    # a=10
    # b=20
    # c=a+b
    # return c
    # # func()
    # def func1():
    # ret=func()/2
    # return ret
    # set=func1()
    # print(set)

    # def nine(a,b):
    # for i in range(a,b):
    # for j in range(1,1+i):
    # a = print(" %d*%d=%-2d "%(j,i,j*i),end=" ")
    # print()
    # i-=1
    # return a
    # nine(1,10)

    # class timu1(object):
    # def year1(self):
    # i = int(input("请输入年份:"))
    # if i % 4 == 0 and i % 100 != 0 or i % 400 == 0:
    # print("%d是闰年" % i)
    # else:
    # print("%d不是闰年" % i)
    # def year2(self):
    # alist = list()
    # for i in range(2009,2012):
    # if i % 4 == 0 and i % 100 != 0 or i % 400 == 0:
    # alist.append(i)
    # print("%d是闰年" % i)
    # if len(alist) == 0:
    # print("没有闰年")
    # def num(self):
    # for i in range(100,1000):
    # if i == int(str(i)[::-1]):
    # print("%d是回文数" % i)
    # else:
    # pass
    # def num1(self):
    # i = int(input("输入数字:"))
    # if i % 7 == 0 or "7" in str(i):
    # print("找到了,过")
    # else:
    # print(i)
    # def str1(self):
    # my_str = "hello world hello python"
    # my_str1 = my_str.split(" ")
    # a = len(my_str1[-1])
    # print(a)
    # def str2(self):
    # my_str = "hello world hello python"
    # my_str1 = my_str.split(" ")
    # longest = ""
    # for i in my_str1:
    # if len(i) > len(longest):
    # longest = i
    # print(longest)
    # def num_sanjiao(self):
    # for i in range(5,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,i+1):
    # print("* ",end='')
    # print()
    # def num_99(self):
    # for i in range(9,0,-1):
    # for j in range(1,i+1):
    # print("%d * %d = %-4d" %(j,i,j*i),end='')
    # print()
    # timu=timu1()
    # timu.year1()
    # timu.year2()
    # # timu.num()
    # # timu.num1()
    # # timu.str1()
    # # timu.str2()
    # # timu.num_sanjiao()
    # # timu.num_99()

    # f=open("text.txt","w",encoding="utf-8")
    # f.write("我额")
    # content=f.readline()
    # print(type(content))
    # i=1
    # for temp in content:
    # print("王一妃")
    # i+=1
    # f.close()

    # f=open("text.txt","w")
    # for i in range(6):
    # f.write("hello world,i am here ")
    # f.close()

    # f=open("text,txt","r")
    # data=f.read(10)
    # print(data)
    # data2=f.read()
    # print(data2)

    # readlines读取全部数据;
    # f=open("text.txt")
    # data=f.readlines()
    # print(data)
    # for x,y in enumerate(data):
    # print(x,y)
    # f.close()

    # readline读取一行;
    # f=open("text.txt")
    # data=f.readline()
    # print(data)
    # data=f.readline()
    # print(data)

    # f=open("吉利大学.txt","w")
    # f.close()
    import os
    # os.rename("吉利大学.txt","清华大学.txt")

    # os.remove("清华大学.txt")

    # import os
    # os.mkdir("张三")


    # os.mkdir("许愿")
    # os.rmdir("许愿")

    # print(os.getcwd())

    # os.chdir("../")
    # print(os.getcwd)

    # print(os.listdir("./"))
    # print(os.listdir("../"))

    # old_file_name=input("请输入老文件名:")
    # a=open(old_file_name,"w")
    # for i in range(10):
    # a.write("123456 ")
    # a.close()
    # num=old_file_name.rfind(".")
    # if num>0:
    # houzhui=old_file_name[num::]
    # file_name=old_file_name[:num:]
    # new_file_name=file_name+"[复件]"+houzhui
    # f=open(old_file_name,"rb")
    # n=open(new_file_name,"wb")
    # for i in f.readlines():
    # n.write(i)
    # f.close()
    # n.close()

    # str=input("请输入:")
    # f=open("文件名.txt","w")
    # f.write("yf")
    # f.close()

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    remot debug
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