- 类似于JavaScript的eslint,tslint用于TypeScript。
- 所有的tslint的配置文件都叫做tslint.json。
- 想要检查某一级目录下的所有文件(包括子目录),就在这一级目录下放一个想要的tslint.json,工具/插件会自动用该文件处理当前目录下的所有文件(包括子目录)。
- VS CODE一般只检查打开了的文件,并把warning放到PROBLEMS标签页下。
- extends字段
- The name of a built-in configuration preset, or a path or array of paths to other configuration files which are extended by this configuration. These values are handled using node module resolution semantics.
- 如果某一个目录下的tslint.json想要在某个配置文件的基础上增加一些配置(如根目录的tslint.json),可以通过"extends": "../tslint.json"说明扩展自上级配置文件或其他配置文件。
- rulesDirectory字段
- A path to a directory or an array of paths to directories of custom rules. These values are handled using node module resolution semantics, if an
is placed in your rules directory.
- A path to a directory or an array of paths to directories of custom rules. These values are handled using node module resolution semantics, if an
"rulesDirectory": [ "node_modules/codelyzer" ],
- rules字段
- A map of rules that will be used to lint TypeScript files. These rules apply to
files. - 最重要的部分,列出所有的各种规则。
- A map of rules that will be used to lint TypeScript files. These rules apply to
- exclude?
- 排除某些文件夹
- extends字段
{ "rulesDirectory": [ "node_modules/codelyzer" ], "rules": { "arrow-return-shorthand": true, "callable-types": true, "class-name": true, "no-implicit-dependencies": [ true, "src/app" ], "comment-format": [ true, "check-space" ], "curly": true, "deprecation": { "severity": "warn" }, "eofline": true, "forin": true, "import-blacklist": [ true, "rxjs/Rx" ], "import-spacing": true, "indent": [ true, "spaces" ], "interface-over-type-literal": true, "label-position": true, "max-line-length": [ true, 150 ], "member-access": false, "member-ordering": [ true, { "order": [ "static-field", "instance-field", "static-method", "instance-method" ] } ], "no-arg": true, "no-bitwise": true, "no-console": [ true, "debug", "info", "time", "timeEnd", "trace" ], "no-construct": true, "no-debugger": true, "no-duplicate-super": true, "no-empty": false, "no-empty-interface": true, "no-eval": true, "no-inferrable-types": [ false, "ignore-params" ], "no-misused-new": true, "no-non-null-assertion": true, "no-redundant-jsdoc": true, "no-shadowed-variable": true, "no-string-literal": false, "no-string-throw": true, "no-switch-case-fall-through": true, "no-trailing-whitespace": true, "no-unnecessary-initializer": true, "no-unused-expression": true, "no-use-before-declare": true, "no-var-keyword": true, "object-literal-sort-keys": false, "one-line": [ true, "check-open-brace", "check-catch", "check-else", "check-whitespace" ], "prefer-const": true, "quotemark": [ true, "single" ], "radix": true, "semicolon": [ true, "always" ], "triple-equals": [ true, "allow-null-check" ], "typedef-whitespace": [ true, { "call-signature": "nospace", "index-signature": "nospace", "parameter": "nospace", "property-declaration": "nospace", "variable-declaration": "nospace" } ], "unified-signatures": true, "variable-name": false, "whitespace": [ true, "check-branch", "check-decl", "check-operator", "check-separator", "check-type" ], "no-output-on-prefix": true, "no-inputs-metadata-property": true, "no-outputs-metadata-property": true, "no-host-metadata-property": true, "no-input-rename": true, "no-output-rename": true, "use-lifecycle-interface": true, "use-pipe-transform-interface": true, "component-class-suffix": [ true, "Component", "Page" ], "directive-class-suffix": true } }
- 可以src目录下的eslint配置(tslint.json)
- 通过"extends"说明扩展自上级配置文件
- "directive-selector"、"component-selector"指明了允许的指令或组件名的前缀。如果代码中不符合就会有warning。
{ "extends": "../tslint.json", "rules": { "directive-selector": [ true, "attribute", "xxx", "camelCase" ], "component-selector": [ true, "element", [ "xxx", "yyy" ], "kebab-case" ] } }
- 各种缩进、空格、空行
- 使用===而不是==
"triple-equals": [ true, "allow-null-check" ],
- 每行的最大长度
"max-line-length": [ true, 150 ],
- 指令、组件名前缀限制在某几个固定的值之内:"directive-selector"、"component-selector"
"directive-selector": [ true, "attribute", "xxx", "camelCase" ], "component-selector": [ true, "element", [ "xxx", "yyy" ], "kebab-case" ]
- 或者将指定目录加入ignore中
"no-implicit-dependencies": [ true, [ "app", "assets" ] ],