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  • 多表连接

    # 多表连接

    内连接(inner join):比较运算符根据每个表的通用列的值匹配两个表中的行

    a. select * from emp e,dept d
    where e.deptno=d.deptno;

    # 等值连接

    b. select * from emp e
    inner join dept d
    on e.deptno=d.deptno;

    # 非等值连接(一般不用)

    select * from emp e
    inner join dept d
    on e.deptno!=d.deptno;

    # 外连接

    (1)左外连接(left join):以左表为基准(左表数据全部显示),去匹配右表数据,若匹配成功则显示全部显示;

    select * from emp e
    left outer join dept d
    on e.deptno = d.deptno;
    select * from emp e,dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno(+);

    (2)右外连接(right join)

    select * from emp e
    right outer join dept d
    on e.deptno = d.deptno;
    select * from emp e,dept d
    where e.deptno(+) = d.deptno;


    # 内连接

    select e.id 员工编号,first_name 姓名,name 部门名称 from s_emp e,s_dept d
    where e.dept_id = d.id


    select d.id,d.name dname,r.name rname from s_dept d,s_region r
    where d.region_id = r.id;

    # 三表连接


    select studentname,subjectname,studentresult from student s,subject su,result r
    where r.studentno = s.studentno
    and r.subjectid = su.subjectid;


    select gradename,subjectname,classhour from grade g,subject s
    where g.gradeid = s.gradeid
    and s.gradeid = 1;

    --查询学生学号、姓名、考试科目名称及成绩 重点:多表关联的条件,其中的一列必须是唯一的。必须有一张表的列唯一,才能关联。

    select s.studentno,studentname,subjectname,studentresult from student s,subject su,result r
    where s.studentno = r.studentno
    and su.subjectid = r.subjectid;


    select studentname,studentresult,examdate from student s,result r,subject su
    where s.studentno = r.studentno
    and r.subjectid = su.subjectid
    and subjectname = 'JavaSE';



    select first_name,salary,grade from s_emp e,salgrade g
    where e.salary between losal and hisal;
    select first_name,salary,grade from s_emp e,salgrade g
    where e.salary >= losal and e.salary <= hisal;

    --自连接:一张表中,有多层的业务含义 ――> 将一张表,通过别名 "视为" 不同的表

    select distinct m.id,m.firstname,m.salary from s_emp e,s_emp m
    where e.mangager_id = m.id;

    --自连接比较费性能 emp ――> e,m 如何优化?


    select level,empno,ename,mgr from emp
    connect by prior empno=mgr
    start with mgr is null
    order by level;


    SQL> select empno 第一列,ename 第二列 ,(select job from emp where empno=7369) 第三列 from emp;

    --查询工资比30号部门 任意其中一个员工高的员工信息


    select * from emp where sal> any(select sal from emp);
    select * from emp where sal>(select min(sal) from emp);


    select * from emp where sal>all(select sal from emp);
    select * from emp where sal>(select max(sal) from emp);

    --注意:子查询中不能存在 not in...范围有NULL值;否则查不出数据(不要有NULL)


    select * from s_emp where id in (
    select distinct m.firstname,m.salary from s_emp e,s_emp m


    select * from testa,testb where testa.id = testb.id; --深入人心
    select * from testa inner join testb on testa.id = testb.id; --想要推广


    select * from testa left join testb on testa.id = test.id;


    select * from testa right join testb on testa.id = test.id;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wzhqzm/p/13358094.html
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