-- Create table create table USER_INFO ( id NUMBER(26) not null,--序列号 user_id VARCHAR2(50) not null,--登录账号 password VARCHAR2(50) not null,--密码 msisdn VARCHAR2(100),--移动电话 chs_name VARCHAR2(50),--姓名 email VARCHAR2(50),--电子邮箱 addr VARCHAR2(200),--地址 phone VARCHAR2(100),--联系电话 is_usable NUMBER(8) not null,--是否可用 1-是 0-否 memo VARCHAR2(500),--备注 version NUMBER(10),--版本 city VARCHAR2(50),--城市 province VARCHAR2(100),--省 country VARCHAR2(100),--国家 postal_code VARCHAR2(15),--邮政编码 password_hint VARCHAR2(100),--密码提示 account_enabled CHAR(1),--账号是否可用 1-是 0-否 account_expired CHAR(1),--账号是否过期 1-是 0-否 account_locked CHAR(1),--账号是否锁定 1-是 0-否
credentials_expired CHAR(1),--账号是否锁定 1-是 0-否 create_man NUMBER(26),--创建人 site VARCHAR2(100),--所在位置 dep_id VARCHAR2(12),--所在部门编号 DEPT_INFO.CODE password_error_times VARCHAR2(2) default '0', last_login_time DATE, password_error_lock VARCHAR2(2) default '0', rtx_num VARCHAR2(50) ); -- Add comments to the columns comment on column USER_INFO.password_error_times is '记录密码输错次数'; comment on column USER_INFO.last_login_time is '记录上一次该账号进行登录的时间'; comment on column USER_INFO.password_error_lock is '密码输入错误锁,0为正常。1为锁定'; comment on column USER_INFO.rtx_num is 'RTX号码'; -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table USER_INFO add constraint PK_USER_INFO primary key (ID) using index; alter table USER_INFO add constraint UQ_USER_INFO unique (USER_ID) using index;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_USER_INFO minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 90000 increment by 1 cache 20;二、存放对用户的子权限的分配USER_PERMREG
-- Create table create table USER_PERMREG ( id NUMBER(26) not null, perm_id NUMBER(26) not null,--子权限ID,PERM_REG.ID user_ref_id NUMBER(26) not null,--用户ID。USER_INFO.ID perm_allow NUMBER--是否同意 ); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table USER_PERMREG add constraint PK_USER_PERMREG primary key (ID) using index;
create sequence SEQ_USER_FUNC minvalue 1 maxvalue 99999999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20;三、存放对特定用户所分配的权限USER_RIGHT_LIST
-- Create table create table USER_RIGHT_LIST ( id NUMBER(26) not null, func_id NUMBER(26) not null,--功能号,FUNC_LIST.ID user_ref_id NUMBER(26) not null,--用户ID。USER_INFO.ID perm_allow NUMBER ); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table USER_RIGHT_LIST add constraint PK_USER_RIGHT_LIST primary key (ID) using index ;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_USER_RIGHT_LIST minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 20000 increment by 1 cache 20;四、存放对登录用户赋予的角色USER_ROLE_REF
-- Create table create table USER_ROLE_REF ( role_id NUMBER(26) not null,--角色ID user_id NUMBER(26) not null--用户ID );五、存放系统对用户角色的定义USER_ROL
-- Create table create table USER_ROL ( id NUMBER(26) not null, name VARCHAR2(100) not null,--角色名称 description VARCHAR2(50)--角色描写叙述
); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table USER_ROL add constraint PK_USER_ROL primary key (ID) using index ; alter table USER_ROL add constraint UQ_USER_ROL unique (NAME) using index;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_USER_ROL minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 20000 increment by 1 cache 20;六、存放对角色的子权限的分配ROLE_PERMREG
-- Create table create table ROLE_PERMREG ( id NUMBER(26) not null, use_id NUMBER(26),--角色ID,USER_ROL.ID perm_id NUMBER(26),--子权限ID,PERM_REG.ID perm_allow INTEGER--是否同意 ); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table ROLE_PERMREG add constraint PK_ROLE_PERMREG primary key (ID) using index;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_ROLE_FUNC minvalue 1 maxvalue 99999999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20;
-- Create table create table ROLE_RIGHT_LIST ( id NUMBER(26) not null, func_id NUMBER(26) not null,--功能ID,FUNC_LIST.ID rol_ref_id NUMBER(26) not null,--角色ID,USER_ROL.ID perm_allow NUMBER--是否有效 1-是 0-否 ); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table ROLE_RIGHT_LIST add constraint PK_ROLE_RIGHT_LIST primary key (ID) using index ;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_ROLE_RIGHT_LIST minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20;八、存放菜单项与子权限的关联,形成按功能划分的子权限,以便为用户分配更细的权限PERM_REG
-- Create table create table PERM_REG ( id NUMBER(26) not null, func_id NUMBER(26),--功能ID。FUNC_LIST.ID def_id NUMBER(26)--子权限ID。PERM_DEF.ID ); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table PERM_REG add constraint PK_PERM_REG primary key (ID) using index;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_PERM_REG minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 30000 increment by 1 cache 20;九、系统菜单模块定义FUNC_LIST
-- Create table create table FUNC_LIST ( id NUMBER(26) not null, level NUMBER,--级别 parent_id NUMBER(26),--上级菜单ID name VARCHAR2(50) not null,--显示名 url VARCHAR2(100) not null,--相应页面的地址 action VARCHAR2(30) not null,--类型platform/menu/function is_usable NUMBER(1) not null,--是否启用 sort_order NUMBER(3),--排序 memo VARCHAR2(500),--备注 icon VARCHAR2(128)--显示图片所在路径 ); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table FUNC_LIST add constraint PK_FUNC_LIST primary key (ID) using index;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_FUNC_LIST minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 1 increment by 1 cache 20;十、部门信息表DEPT_INFO
-- Create table create table DEPT_INFO ( id NUMBER(26) not null, name VARCHAR2(100) not null,--部门名称 parent_id NUMBER(26) not null,--上级部门ID,DEPT_INFO.ID manager NUMBER(26) not null,--部门经理 is_dept NUMBER(1) default 0 not null,--是否子公司 1-是 0-否 code VARCHAR2(6)--部门代号 ); -- Create/Recreate primary, unique and foreign key constraints alter table DEPT_INFO add constraint PK_DEPT_INFO primary key (ID) using index; alter table DEPT_INFO add constraint UQ_DEPT_INFO unique (CODE) using index;
--序列 create sequence SEQ_DEPT_INFO minvalue 1 maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999 start with 10000 increment by 1 cache 20;