1 const maxn=100000+10; 2 var n,m,maxx,sum,i,j,tmp:longint; 3 op:array[0..maxn] of string; 4 t:array[0..maxn] of longint; 5 s:string; 6 7 function max(x,y:longint):longint; 8 begin 9 if x>y then max:=x else max:=y; 10 end; 11 12 begin 13 readln(n,m); 14 for i:=1 to n do 15 begin 16 readln(s); 17 tmp:=pos(' ',s); 18 op[i]:=copy(s,1,tmp-1); 19 delete(s,1,tmp); 20 val(s,t[i]); 21 end; 22 maxx:=0; 23 for i:=0 to m do 24 begin 25 sum:=i; 26 for j:=1 to n do 27 if op[j]='OR' then sum:=sum or t[j] 28 else if op[j]='XOR' then sum:=sum xor t[j] 29 else sum:=sum and t[j]; 30 maxx:=max(maxx,sum); 31 end; 32 writeln(maxx); 33 end.
const maxn=100000+10; var n,m,ans,i,j,tmp:longint; op:array[0..maxn] of string; t:array[0..maxn] of longint; a:array[1..30] of longint; s,sm:string; st:array[0..maxn] of string; bool:boolean; function max(x,y:longint):longint; begin if x>y then max:=x else max:=y; end; procedure work1(k,c:longint); var i,tmp:longint; begin for i:=1 to n do begin if st[i,k]='1' then tmp:=1 else tmp:=0; if op[i]='OR' then c:=c or tmp else if op[i]='XOR' then c:=c xor tmp else c:=c and tmp; end; if c=1 then ans:=ans+a[k] else if sm[k]='1' then bool:=true; end; function work(k,c:longint):boolean; var i,tmp:longint; begin for i:=1 to n do begin if st[i,k]='1' then tmp:=1 else tmp:=0; if op[i]='OR' then c:=c or tmp else if op[i]='XOR' then c:=c xor tmp else c:=c and tmp; end; if c=1 then begin ans:=ans+a[k]; if (sm[k]='1') then bool:=true; work:=true; end else work:=false; end; begin a[30]:=1; for i:=29 downto 1 do a[i]:=a[i+1]*2; readln(n,m); for i:=30 downto 1 do if (m and (1<<(i-1))>0) then sm:=sm+'1' else sm:=sm+'0'; for i:=1 to n do begin readln(s); tmp:=pos(' ',s); op[i]:=copy(s,1,tmp-1); delete(s,1,tmp); val(s,t[i]); for j:=30 downto 1 do if (t[i] and (1<<(j-1))>0) then st[i]:=st[i]+'1' else st[i]:=st[i]+'0'; end; ans:=0; bool:=false; for i:=1 to 30 do begin if work(i,0) then continue; if (bool)or(sm[i]='1') then work1(i,1); end; writeln(ans); end.