create table #temp20110610
id int identity(1,1),
date varchar(8),
qty float
insert into #temp20110610
select '20110401',40 union all
select '20110402',64 union all
select '20110403',56 union all
select '20110404',346 union all
select '20110405',56 union all
select '20110406',678 union all
select '20110407',1234 union all
select '20110408',560 union all
select '20110409',460 union all
select '20110410',566 union all
select '20110411',344 union all
select '20110412',77 union all
select '20110413',90
declare @SDate varchar(8),@EDate varchar(8),@conditionQty float
set @SDate='20110405'
set @EDate='20110411'
set @conditionQty=3000
select id,date,qty,
(select SUM(qty) from #temp20110610 where date< and date between @SDate and @EDate) Qty累计量
from #temp20110610 A
where (select SUM(qty) from #temp20110610 where date< and date between @SDate and @EDate)<=@conditionQty
and date between @SDate and @EDate
order by