select dbdkcplx, (select to_char(wm_concat(name)) from dict_dbdkcplx cplx where a.dbdkcplx = cplx.code or a.dbdkcplx like '%, ' || cplx.code || ', %' or a.dbdkcplx like '%, ' || cplx.code or a.dbdkcplx like cplx.code || ', %' ) dbdkcplx1 from gsjk2018.v_proj_particulars_dflx a; 自己用本地表测试: select dbdkcplx, (select to_char(wm_concat(cplx.dictname)) from base_dict_entry cplx where (a.dbdkcplx = cplx.dictid or a.dbdkcplx like '%, ' || cplx.dictid || ', %' or a.dbdkcplx like '%, ' || cplx.dictid or a.dbdkcplx like cplx.dictid || ', %') and dicttypeid = 'FMS_GUARANTEED_LOANS_TYPES' ) dbdkcplx1 from (select '1, 2, 3' dbdkcplx from dual)a;
select ( select to_char(wm_concat(bde.dictname)) from base_dict_entry bde where ( jsonpkg.getval(pci.contractsummary,'guranteeMethod') = to_char(bde.dictid) or jsonpkg.getval(pci.contractsummary,'guranteeMethod') like '%, ' || bde.dictid || ', %' or jsonpkg.getval(pci.contractsummary,'guranteeMethod') like '%, ' || bde.dictid or jsonpkg.getval(pci.contractsummary,'guranteeMethod') like bde.dictid || ', %' ) and dicttypeid = 'GURANTEE_METHOD' )as guranteeMethod FROM ( select * from v_proj_baseAndParticipant p WHERE p.BUSSTYPE != '07' and p.PROJSTAGE > 3005 and p.REGUARANT!=1 and p.CHILDBUSSTYPE!='SY_QYZ' and p.BUSSTYPE != '06' )p LEFT OUTER JOIN legal_pactset_info lpi on p.PROJID = lpi.PROJID LEFT OUTER JOIN proj_contract_info pci on pci.contractid = lpi.contractid;