<?php /** * 对比度处理 * @param bool $type 表示增加或减少对比度,逻辑型,true:增加; false:减少 * @param bool $apply 表示作用区域,逻辑型,true:局部作用; false:全局作用 * @param string $src 原图片位置 * @param string $dst 处理后的目标图片存储位置 * @param int $w 当$apply为true,来确定区域坐标 * @param int $h * @param int $x * @param int $y * @param bool $f */ function contrast ($type, $apply, $src, $dst, $w = 0, $h = 0, $x = 0, $y = 0, $f = true) { if ($type) $s = 9; else $s = 0; if ($f) $image = new Imagick($src); else $image = $src; if ($apply) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $region->contrastImage($s); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); $region->destroy(); } else $image->contrastImage($s); $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:将字母和数字生成png图片 函数参数: $text:需要生成图片的文字,string型 $color:文字颜色,string型 $szie:文字大小,int型 $font:字体,string型 $type:返回类型,逻辑型,true:返回图片地址; false:返回图片资源 $src:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function text ($text, $color, $size, $font, $type = false, $src = '') { $font = "include/font/" . $font . ".ttf"; $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $draw->setGravity(Imagick::GRAVITY_CENTER); $draw->setFont($font); $draw->setFontSize($size); $draw->setFillColor(new ImagickPixel($color)); $im = new imagick(); $properties = $im->queryFontMetrics($draw, $text); $im->newImage(intval($properties['textWidth'] + 5), intval($properties['textHeight'] + 5), new ImagickPixel('transparent')); $im->setImageFormat('png'); $im->annotateImage($draw, 0, 0, 0, $text); if ($type) { $im->writeImage($src); return $src; } else return $im; } /* 函数说明:加水印 函数参数: $text:水印文字,string型 $color:文字颜色,string型 $szie:文字大小,int型 $font:字体,string型 $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 $x,$y:水印位置,int型 */ function mark ($text, $color, $size, $font, $src, $dst, $x, $y) { $im = text($text, $color, $size, $font); $image = new Imagick($src); $image->compositeImage($im, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y); $image->writeImage($dst); $im->destroy(); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:模糊处理 函数参数: $radius:模糊程度,int型 $apply:表示作用区域,逻辑型,true:局部作用; false:全局作用 $w,$h,$x,$y:当$apply为true,来确定区域坐标,int型 $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function gaussianblur ($radius, $apply, $src, $dst, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0) { if ($apply && $x == 0 && $y == 0 && $w == 0 && $h == 0) $apply = false; $image = new Imagick($src); if ($apply) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $region->blurImage($radius, $radius); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); $region->destroy(); } else $image->blurImage($radius, $radius); $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:锐化处理 函数参数: $radius:锐化程度,int型 $apply:表示作用区域,逻辑型,true:局部作用; false:全局作用 $w,$h,$x,$y:当$apply为true,来确定区域坐标,int型 $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function sharpen ($radius, $apply, $src, $dst, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0) { if ($apply && $x == 0 && $y == 0 && $w == 0 && $h == 0) $apply = false; $image = new Imagick($src); if ($apply) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $region->sharpenImage($radius, $radius); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); $region->destroy(); } else $image->sharpenImage($radius, $radius); $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:突起效果 函数参数: $raise:突起度,int型 $apply:表示作用区域,逻辑型,true:局部作用; false:全局作用 $w,$h,$x,$y:当$apply为true,来确定区域坐标,int型 $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function raise ($raise, $apply, $src, $dst, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0) { if ($apply && $x == 0 && $y == 0 && $w == 0 && $h == 0) $apply = false; $image = new Imagick($src); if ($apply) { if ($w > (2 * $raise) && $h > (2 * $raise)) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $region->raiseImage($raise, $raise, 0, 0, true); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); $region->destroy(); } } else { $info = $image->getImageGeometry(); if ($info["width"] > (2 * $raise) && $info["height"] > (2 * $raise)) { $image->raiseImage($raise, $raise, 0, 0, true); } } $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:边框效果 函数参数: $frame_边框宽度,int型 $frame_height:边框宽度,int型 $bevel:边框角度,int型 $color:边框颜色,string型 $apply:表示作用区域,逻辑型,true:局部作用; false:全局作用 $w,$h,$x,$y:当$apply为true,来确定区域坐标,int型 $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function frame ($frame_width, $frame_height, $bevel, $color, $apply, $src, $dst, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0) { if ($apply && $x == 0 && $y == 0 && $w == 0 && $h == 0) $apply = false; $image = new Imagick($src); $framecolor = new ImagickPixel($color); if ($apply) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $region->frameImage($framecolor, $frame_width, $frame_height, $bevel, $bevel); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); $region->destroy(); } else $image->frameImage($framecolor, $frame_width, $frame_height, $bevel, $bevel); $image->writeImage($dst); $framecolor->destroy(); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:油画效果 函数参数: $radius:油画效果参数 $apply:表示作用区域,逻辑型,true:局部作用; false:全局作用 $w,$h,$x,$y:当$apply为true,来确定区域坐标,int型 $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function oilpaint ($radius, $apply, $src, $dst, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0) { if ($apply && $x == 0 && $y == 0 && $w == 0 && $h == 0) $apply = false; $image = new Imagick($src); if ($apply) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $region->oilPaintImage($radius); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); $region->destroy(); } else $image->oilPaintImage($radius); $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:发散效果 函数参数: $radius:发散效果参数 $apply:表示作用区域,逻辑型,true:局部作用; false:全局作用 $w,$h,$x,$y:当$apply为true,来确定区域坐标,int型 $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function spread ($radius, $apply, $src, $dst, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0) { if ($apply && $x == 0 && $y == 0 && $w == 0 && $h == 0) $apply = false; $image = new Imagick($src); if ($apply) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $region->spreadImage($radius); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); $region->destroy(); } else $image->spreadImage($radius); $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:倾斜效果 参数说明: $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 $color:背景颜色,string型 $angle:倾斜角度,int型 */ function polaroidEffect ($src, $dst, $color, $angle = 0) { if (abs($angle) != 15) { $srcs = array($src, $src, $src, $src); $bg = new ImagickDraw(); $images = new Imagick($srcs); $format = $images->getImageFormat(); $maxwidth = 0; $maxheight = 0; foreach ($images as $key => $im) { $im->setImageFormat("png"); $im->setImageBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel("black")); $angle = mt_rand(- 20, 20); if ($angle == 0) $angle = - 1; $im->polaroidImage($bg, $angle); $info = $im->getImageGeometry(); $maxwidth = max($maxwidth, $info["width"]); $maxheight = max($maxheight, $info["height"]); } $image = new Imagick(); $image->newImage($maxwidth, $maxheight, new ImagickPixel($color)); foreach ($images as $key => $im) { $image->compositeImage($im, $im->getImageCompose(), 0, 0); } $image->setImageFormat($format); $bg->destroy(); $images->destroy(); } else { $image = new Imagick($src); $format = $image->getImageFormat(); $image->frameImage(new ImagickPixel("white"), 6, 6, 0, 0); $image->frameImage(new ImagickPixel("gray"), 1, 1, 0, 0); $image->setImageFormat("png"); $shadow = $image->clone(); $shadow->setImageBackgroundColor(new ImagickPixel("black")); $shadow->shadowImage(50, 3, 0, 0); $shadow->compositeImage($image, $image->getImageCompose(), 0, 0); $shadow->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel($color), $angle); $info = $shadow->getImageGeometry(); $image->destroy(); $image = new Imagick(); $image->newImage($info["width"], $info["height"], new ImagickPixel($color)); $image->compositeImage($shadow, $shadow->getImageCompose(), 0, 0); $image->setImageFormat($format); $shadow->destroy(); } $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:生成手绘图片 参数说明: $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 $color:画笔背景颜色,string型 $size:画笔尺寸,int型 $brushpath:画笔轨迹,array型 */ function brushpng ($src, $dst, $color, $size, $brushpath) { $image = new Imagick($src); $info = $image->getImageGeometry(); $image->destroy(); if (file_exists($dst)) $image = new Imagick($dst); else { $image = new Imagick(); $image->newImage($info["width"], $info["height"], "transparent", "png"); //$image->setImageFormat("png"); } $draw = new ImagickDraw(); $pixel = new ImagickPixel(); $pixel->setColor("transparent"); $draw->setFillColor($pixel); $pixel->setColor($color); $draw->setStrokeColor($pixel); $draw->setStrokeWidth($size); $draw->setStrokeLineCap(imagick::LINECAP_ROUND); $draw->setStrokeLineJoin(imagick::LINEJOIN_ROUND); $draw->polyline($brushpath); $image->drawImage($draw); $image->writeImage($dst); $pixel->destroy(); $draw->destroy(); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:合并图片 参数说明: $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 $png:需要合并的png图片地址,string型 */ function dobrush ($src, $dst, $png) { $image = new Imagick($src); if (file_exists($png)) { $imagepng = new Imagick($png); $imagepng->setImageFormat("png"); $image->compositeImage($imagepng, $imagepng->getImageCompose(), 0, 0); $imagepng->destroy(); } $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:旋转图片 参数说明: $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 $angle:旋转角度,int型 */ function rotate ($src, $dst, $angle) { $image = new Imagick($src); $image->rotateImage(new ImagickPixel(), $angle); $image->writeImage($dst); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:图片亮度处理 参数说明: $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 $n:亮度比,float型 $s_x,$s_y,$e_x,$e_y:起始点和结束点,int型 $type:true表示存储图片,false表示返回处理后的Imagick对象 */ function brightness ($src, $dst, $n, $s_x = 0, $e_x = 0, $s_y = 0, $e_y = 0, $type = true) { $im = new Imagick($src); $info = $im->getImageGeometry(); $w = $info["width"]; $h = $info["height"]; $format = $im->getImageFormat(); if ($s_x == 0 && $s_y == 0 && $e_x == 0 && $e_y == 0) { $e_x = $w; $e_y = $h; } $image = new Imagick(); $image->newImage($w, $h, "transparent"); $draw = new ImagickDraw(); for ($x = 0; $x < $w; $x ++) { for ($y = 0; $y < $h; $y ++) { $p = $im->getImagePixelColor($x, $y); $rgb = $p->getColor(); if ($x >= $s_x && $x < $e_x && $y >= $s_y && $y < $e_y) { $rgb["r"] = $rgb["r"] + $rgb["r"] * $n; $rgb["g"] = $rgb["g"] + $rgb["g"] * $n; $rgb["b"] = $rgb["b"] + $rgb["b"] * $n; $rgb["r"] = min(255, $rgb["r"]); $rgb["r"] = max(0, $rgb["r"]); $rgb["g"] = min(255, $rgb["g"]); $rgb["g"] = max(0, $rgb["g"]); $rgb["b"] = min(255, $rgb["b"]); $rgb["b"] = max(0, $rgb["b"]); } $p->setColor("rgb({$rgb["r"]},{$rgb["g"]},{$rgb["b"]})"); $draw->setFillColor($p); $draw->point($x, $y); } } $image->drawImage($draw); $image->setImageFormat($format); if ($type) $image->writeImage($dst); else return $image; } /* 函数说明:图片灰度处理 参数说明: $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 */ function grayscale ($src, $dst, $apply, $x = 0, $y = 0, $w = 0, $h = 0) { if ($apply && $x == 0 && $y == 0 && $w == 0 && $h == 0) $apply = false; $image = new Imagick($src); if ($apply) { $region = $image->getImageRegion($w, $h, $x, $y); $clone = $region->clone(); $clone = $region->fximage('p{0,0}'); $region->compositeImage($clone, imagick::COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE, 0, 0); $region->modulateImage(100, 0, 0); $image->compositeImage($region, $region->getImageCompose(), $x, $y); } else { $clone = $image->clone(); $clone = $image->clone(); $clone = $image->fximage('p{0,0}'); $image->compositeImage($clone, imagick::COMPOSITE_DIFFERENCE, 0, 0); $image->modulateImage(100, 0, 0); } $image->writeImage($dst); $image->clear(); $image->destroy(); } /* 函数说明:jpg质量压缩 参数说明: $src:原图地址,string型 $dst:保存图片的地址,string型 $q:压缩比率 此函数在安全模式下不能运行 */ function prequality ($src, $dst, $q) { exec("convert -quality {$q} {$src} {$dst}"); } ?>
<?php $towidth = '500'; $toheight = '700'; //设置图片调整大小时允许的最大宽度和高度 $sourcefile = './b.jpg'; //定义一个图像文件路径 //$image->writeImage('./b.jpg.bak'); //可以备份这个图片 $myimage = new Imagick($sourcefile); //读入该图像文件 $exifobject = my_exif($myimage); //自写函数,读取exif信息(拍摄数据),按自己的要求排列exif信息,返回对象 //$myimage->setImageFormat('jpeg'); //把图片转为jpg格式 $myimage->setCompressionQuality(100); //设置jpg压缩质量,1 - 100 $myimage->enhanceImage(); //去噪点 $sourcewidth = $myimage->getImageWidth(); //获取读入图像原始大小 if ($sourcewidth > $towidth) { $myimage->scaleImage($towidth, $toheight, true); //调整图片大小 } $myimage->raiseImage(8, 8, 0, 0, 1); //加半透明边框 $resizewidth = $myimage->getImageWidth(); //读出调整之后的图片大小 $resizeheight = $myimage->getImageHeight(); $drawback = new ImagickDraw(); //实例化一个绘画对象,绘制半透明黑色背景给exif信息用 $drawback->setFillColor(new ImagickPixel('#000000')); //设置填充颜色为黑色 $drawback->setFillOpacity(0.6); //填充透明度为0.6,参数0.1-1,1为不透明 $drawback->rectangle($resizewidth / 2 - 190, $resizeheight - 50, $resizewidth / 2 + 190, $resizeheight - 12); //绘制矩形参数,分别为左上角x、y,右下角x、y $myimage->drawImage($drawback); //确认到image中绘制该矩形框 $draw = new ImagickDraw(); //实例化一个绘画对象,绘制exif文本信息嵌入图片中 $draw->setFont('./xianhei.ttf'); //设置文本字体,要求ttf或者ttc字体,可以绝对或者相对路径 $draw->setFontSize(11); //设置字号 $draw->setTextAlignment(2); //文字对齐方式,2为居中 $draw->setFillColor('#FFFFFF'); //文字填充颜色 $myimage->annotateImage($draw, $resizewidth / 2, $resizeheight - 39, 0, $exifobject->row1); //绘制第一行文本,居中 $myimage->annotateImage($draw, $resizewidth / 2, $resizeheight - 27, 0, $exifobject->row2); //绘制第二行文本,居中 $myimage->annotateImage($draw, $resizewidth / 2, $resizeheight - 15, 0, $exifobject->row3); //绘制第三行文本,居中 /* Output the image with headers */ header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); //php文件输出mime类型为jpeg图片 echo $myimage; //在当前php页面输出图片 //$image->writeImage('./'); //如果图片不需要在当前php程序中输出,使用写入图片到磁盘函数,上面的设置header也可以去除 $myimage->clear(); $myimage->destroy(); //释放资源 //自写函数,读取exif信息,返回对象 function my_exif ($myimage) { $exifArray = array('exif:Model' => '未知', 'exif:DateTimeOriginal' => '未知', 'exif:ExposureProgram' => '未知', 'exif:FNumber' => '0/10', 'exif:ExposureTime' => '0/10', 'exif:ISOSpeedRatings' => '未知', 'exif:MeteringMode' => '未知', 'exif:Flash' => '关闭闪光灯', 'exif:FocalLength' => '未知', 'exif:ExifImageWidth' => '未知', 'exif:ExifImageLength' => '未知'); //初始化部分信息,防止无法读取照片exif信息时运算发生错误 $exifArray = $myimage->getImageProperties("exif:*"); //读取图片的exif信息,存入$exifArray数组 //如果需要显示原数组可以使用print_r($exifArray); $r->row1 = '相机:' . $exifArray['exif:Model']; $r->row1 = $r->row1 . ' 拍摄时间:' . $exifArray['exif:DateTimeOriginal']; switch ($exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram']) { case 1: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "手动(M)"; break; //Manual Control case 2: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "程序自动(P)"; break; //Program Normal case 3: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "光圈优先(A,Av)"; break; //Aperture Priority case 4: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "快门优先(S,Tv)"; break; //Shutter Priority case 5: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "慢速快门"; break; //Program Creative (Slow Program) case 6: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "运动模式"; break; //Program Action(High-Speed Program) case 7: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "人像"; break; //Portrait case 8: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "风景"; break; //Landscape default: $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram'] = "其它"; } $r->row1 = $r->row1 . ' 模式:' . $exifArray['exif:ExposureProgram']; $exifArray['exif:FNumber'] = explode('/', $exifArray['exif:FNumber']); $exifArray['exif:FNumber'] = $exifArray['exif:FNumber'][0] / $exifArray['exif:FNumber'][1]; $r->row2 = '光圈:F/' . $exifArray['exif:FNumber']; $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'] = explode('/', $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime']); if (($exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'][0] / $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'][1]) >= 1) { $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'] = sprintf("%.1fs", (float) $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'][0] / $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'][1]); } else { $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'] = sprintf("1/%ds", $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'][1] / $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime'][0]); } $r->row2 = $r->row2 . ' 快门:' . $exifArray['exif:ExposureTime']; $r->row2 = $r->row2 . ' ISO:' . $exifArray['exif:ISOSpeedRatings']; $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue'] = explode("/", $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue']); $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue'] = sprintf("%1.1feV", ((float) $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue'][0] / $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue'][1] * 100) / 100); if ((float) $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue'] > 0) { $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue'] = "+" . $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue']; } $r->row2 = $r->row2 . ' 补偿:' . $exifArray['exif:ExposureBiasValue']; switch ($exifArray['exif:MeteringMode']) { case 0: $exifArray['exif:MeteringMode'] = "未知"; break; case 1: $exifArray['exif:MeteringMode'] = "矩阵"; break; case 2: $exifArray['exif:MeteringMode'] = "中央重点平均"; break; case 3: $exifArray['exif:MeteringMode'] = "点测光"; break; case 4: $exifArray['exif:MeteringMode'] = "多点测光"; break; default: $exifArray['exif:MeteringMode'] = "其它"; } $r->row2 = $r->row2 . ' 测光:' . $exifArray['exif:MeteringMode']; switch ($exifArray['exif:Flash']) { case 1: $exifArray['exif:Flash'] = "开启闪光灯"; break; } $r->row2 = $r->row2 . '' . $exifArray['exif:Flash']; if ($exifArray['exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm']) { $r->row3 = '等效焦距:' . $exifArray['exif:FocalLengthIn35mmFilm'] . "mm"; } else { $exifArray['exif:FocalLength'] = explode("/", $exifArray['exif:FocalLength']); $exifArray['exif:FocalLength'] = sprintf("%4.1fmm", (double) $exifArray['exif:FocalLength'][0] / $exifArray['exif:FocalLength'][1]); $r->row3 = '焦距:' . $exifArray['exif:FocalLength']; } $r->row3 = $r->row3 . ' 原始像素:' . $exifArray['exif:ExifImageWidth'] . 'x' . $exifArray['exif:ExifImageLength'] . 'px'; if ($exifArray['exif:Software']) { $r->row3 = $r->row3 . ' 后期:' . $exifArray['exif:Software']; } return $r; } ?>