var handler = null; var page = 1; var isLoading = false; var apiURL = 'http://www.wookmark.com/api/json?type=group&groupId=9' // Prepare layout options. var options = { align: 'center', autoResize: true, // This will auto-update the layout when the browser window is resized. container: $('#tiles'), // Optional, used for some extra CSS styling offset: 2, // Optional, the distance between grid items itemWidth: 210 // Optional, the width of a grid item }; /** * When scrolled all the way to the bottom, add more tiles. */ function onScroll(event) { // Only check when we're not still waiting for data. if(!isLoading) { // Check if we're within 100 pixels of the bottom edge of the broser window. var closeToBottom = ($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() > $(document).height() - 100); if(closeToBottom) { loadData(); } } }; /** * Refreshes the layout. */ function applyLayout() { // Clear our previous layout handler. if(handler) handler.wookmarkClear(); // Create a new layout handler. handler = $('#tiles li'); handler.wookmark(options); }; /** * Loads data from the API. */ function loadData() { isLoading = true; $('#loaderCircle').show(); $.ajax({ url: apiURL, dataType: 'jsonp', data: {page: page}, // Page parameter to make sure we load new data success: onLoadData }); }; /** * Receives data from the API, creates HTML for images and updates the layout */ function onLoadData(data) { isLoading = false; $('#loaderCircle').hide(); // Increment page index for future calls. page++; // Create HTML for the images. var html = ''; var i=0, length=data.length, image; for(; i<length; i++) { image = data[i]; html += '<li>'; // Image tag (preview in Wookmark are 200px wide, so we calculate the height based on that). html += '<img src="'+image.preview+'" width="200" height="'+200+'">'; // Image title. html += '<p>'+image.title+'</p>'; html += '</li>'; } // Add image HTML to the page. $('#tiles').append(html); // Apply layout. applyLayout(); }; $(document).ready(new function() { // Capture scroll event. // 注:官方的示例这里使用 $(document) 来绑定 scroll 事件是不支持 IE6-8 的,如需支持 IE6-8 请使用 $(window).bind('scroll', onScroll); //$(document).bind('scroll', onScroll); $(window).bind('scroll', onScroll); // Load first data from the API. loadData(); });