原文:Microsoft: We're pulling the plug on Windows builds of programming language PHP | ZDNet
Hello PHP Internals, My name is Dale Hirt and I am the project manager for PHP inside Microsoft. We currently support PHP with development and build efforts for PHP 7.3, and PHP 7.4. In addition, we help with building PHP 7.2 on Windows when security fixes are required.. However, as PHP 8.0 is now ramping up, we wanted to let the community know what our current plans are going forward. We know that the current cadence is 2 years from release for bug fixes, and 1 year after that for security fixes. This means that PHP 7.2 will be going out of support in November. PHP 7.3 will be going into security fix mode only in November. PHP 7.4 will continue to have another year of bug fix and then one year of security fixes. We are committed to maintaining development and building of PHP on Windows for 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4 as long as they are officially supported. We are not, however, going to be supporting PHP for Windows in any capacity for version 8.0 and beyond.