1: Get Token
1) Basic Auth
Username: devglan-client
passoword: devglan-secret
2) grant info
row1: username, Alex123
row2: password, password
row3: grant_type, password
3) run
url: http://localhost:8080/oauth/token
method: post
2: Access Token
Use the information obtained from the above.
1) run
url: http://localhost:8080/users/user?access_token=XXX
method: get
XXX: access_token value; For example: f9810f62-b775-4c2e-b4e2-a0b033699f2b.
3: Refresh Token
Same as 1.Just change the grant information.
1) Basic Auth
2) grant info
row1: username, Alex123
row2: password, password
row3: grant_type, refresh_token
row4: refresh_token, XXX
XXX: refresh_token value; For example: 7ebc4c7e-58b1-4322-baa6-f6e468cef034.
3) run