1 继承结构图
2 构造函数
transient Object[] elementData; // 数组保存元素 private int size; // 记录长度
public ArrayList(int initialCapacity)
public ArrayList()
public ArrayList(Collection <?extendsE> c)
3 需要注意的方法
public E set(int index, E element) { rangeCheck(index); E oldValue = elementData(index); elementData[index] = element; return oldValue; }
常使用的是set(E element)这个方法 set方法如果使用set(int index, E element)这个方法,index对应的位置如果已经有值,该值会被新set的对象替换,并且返回旧值
public void add(int index, E element) { rangeCheckForAdd(index); ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1); // Increments modCount!! System.arraycopy(elementData, index, elementData, index + 1, size - index); elementData[index] = element; size++; }
平时使用都是使用add(E element),如果使用了add(int index, E element)这个方法,从上图的实现来看,它会先把记录元素的数组长度加1,然后把index之后的元素全部都后移一位,然后把新插入的元素放在索引为index的位置
public E remove(int index) { rangeCheck(index); modCount++; E oldValue = elementData(index); int numMoved = size - index - 1; if (numMoved > 0) System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index, numMoved); elementData[--size] = null; // clear to let GC do its work return oldValue; }
remove(int index)的删除方法是把index之后的元素都往前移动一个位置,所以如果你用for循环遍历ArrayList并且在循环中满足某个条件就remove掉一个元素,那么就会抛出IndexOutOfBoundsException
public boolean remove(Object o) { if (o == null) { for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) if (elementData[index] == null) { fastRemove(index); return true; } } else { for (int index = 0; index < size; index++) if (o.equals(elementData[index])) { fastRemove(index); return true; } } return false; }
Remove(Object o)会从前往后查找,找到第一个相等的对象进行删除,删除的原理也是后面的元素前移一位,所以遍历ArrayList最好用迭代器进行遍历。
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) { rangeCheckForAdd(index); Object[] a = c.toArray(); int numNew = a.length; ensureCapacityInternal(size + numNew); // Increments modCount int numMoved = size - index; if (numMoved > 0) System.arraycopy(elementData, index, elementData, index + numNew, numMoved); System.arraycopy(a, 0, elementData, index, numNew); size += numNew; return numNew != 0; }
addAll(int index, Collection c)如果当前ArrayList的长度小于index,直接从index开始,把c的元素按顺序摆放,如果当前ArrayList的长度大于Index,则把c插入到当前ArrayList的index 到index+c.length的位置,再把原ArrayList的剩余元素接到后面
4 不常用方法
private boolean batchRemove(Collection<?> c, boolean complement) { final Object[] elementData = this.elementData; int r = 0, w = 0; boolean modified = false; try { for (; r < size; r++) if (c.contains(elementData[r]) == complement) elementData[w++] = elementData[r]; } finally { // Preserve behavioral compatibility with AbstractCollection, // even if c.contains() throws. if (r != size) { System.arraycopy(elementData, r, elementData, w, size - r); w += size - r; } if (w != size) { // clear to let GC do its work for (int i = w; i < size; i++) elementData[i] = null; modCount += size - w; size = w; modified = true; } } return modified; }
batchRemove不常用方法,可以批量删除当前list中包含(complement == true)或不包含(complement == false)某个集合c中所有元素。并返回操作的结果。
private class Itr implements Iterator<E> { int cursor; // index of next element to return int lastRet = -1; // index of last element returned; -1 if no such int expectedModCount = modCount; Itr() {} public boolean hasNext() { return cursor != size; } public void remove() { if (lastRet < 0) throw new IllegalStateException(); checkForComodification(); try { ArrayList.this.remove(lastRet); cursor = lastRet; lastRet = -1; expectedModCount = modCount; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(); } } }