给出一个有n个整数的数组S,在S中找到三个整数a, b, c,找到所有使得a + b + c = 0的三元组。
在三元组(a, b, c),要求a <= b <= c。
如S = {-1 0 1 2 -1 -4}, 你需要返回的三元组集合的是:
(-1, 0, 1)
(-1, -1, 2)
1 public class Solution { 2 /** 3 * @param numbers : Give an array numbers of n integer 4 * @return : Find all unique triplets in the array which gives the sum of zero. 5 */ 6 public ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> threeSum(int[] numbers) { 7 ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); 8 if(numbers == null || numbers.length<3) 9 return result; 10 Arrays.sort(numbers); 11 for(int i = 0;i<numbers.length; i++){ 12 int left = i+ 1; 13 int right = numbers.length - 1; 14 while(left < right){ 15 int sum = numbers[i] + numbers[left] + numbers[right]; 16 ArrayList<Integer> path = new ArrayList<Integer>(); 17 if(sum==0){ 18 path.add(numbers[i]); 19 path.add(numbers[left]); 20 path.add(numbers[right]); 21 if(result.contains(path)==false) 22 result.add(path); 23 left++; 24 right--; 25 }else if(sum>0){ 26 right--; 27 }else{ 28 left++; 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 33 return result; 34 } 35 }