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  • Google MediaPipe 演示Demo(脸部、手指、肢体动作识别,及即时运动跟踪)


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    1.AutoFlip Saliency-aware Video Cropping
    2.Box Tracking
    3.Dataset Preparation with MediaSequence
    4.Face Detection 人脸检测
    5.Face Mesh 人脸网格
    6.Hair Segmentation 头发分割
    7.Hands 手部检测和跟踪
    8.Holistic 全面跟踪
    9.Instant Motion Tracking 即时运动跟踪
    10.Iris 虹膜
    11.KNIFT (Template-based Feature Matching)
    12.Object Detection
    13.Objectron (3D Object Detection) 三维目标检测
    14.Pose 姿势跟踪
    1.AutoFlip Saliency-aware Video Cropping

    AutoFlip is an automatic video cropping pipeline built on top of MediaPipe. This example focuses on demonstrating how to use AutoFlip to convert an input video to arbitrary aspect ratios.


    2.Box Tracking
    下载 objecttrackinggpu.apk

    3.Dataset Preparation with MediaSequence

    MediaPipe is a useful and general framework for media processing that can assist with research, development, and deployment of ML models. This example focuses on development by demonstrating how to prepare video data for training a TensorFlow model.

    The MediaSequence library provides an extensive set of tools for storing data in TensorFlow.SequenceExamples. SequenceExamples provide matched semantics to most video tasks and are efficient to use with TensorFlow. The sequence semantics allow for a variable number of annotations per frame, which is necessary for tasks like video object detection, but very difficult to encode in TensorFlow.Examples. The goal of MediaSequence is to simplify working with SequenceExamples and to automate common preparation tasks. Much more information is available about the MediaSequence pipeline, including how to use it to process new data sets, in the documentation of MediaSequence.


    MediaSequence库提供了一套广泛的工具,用于将数据存储在TensorFlow.Sequence示例. SequenceExamples为大多数视频任务提供匹配的语义,并且可以有效地与TensorFlow一起使用。序列语义允许每帧具有可变数量的注释,这对于视频对象检测之类的任务是必需的,但是很难在其中进行编码TensorFlow.示例. MediaSequence的目标是简化使用SequenceExamples的工作,并自动化常见的准备任务。MediaSequence文档中提供了有关MediaSequence管道的更多信息,包括如何使用它处理新的数据集。

    4.Face Detection 人脸检测
    下载 facedetectiongpu.apk

    5.Face Mesh 人脸网格
    下载 faceeffect.apk

    6.Hair Segmentation 头发分割
    下载 hairsegmentationgpu.apk

    7.Hands 手部检测和跟踪
    下载 handdetectiongpu.apk

    8.Holistic 全面跟踪
    下载 holistictrackinggpu.apk

    9.Instant Motion Tracking 即时运动跟踪
    下载 instantmotiontracking.apk

    10.Iris 虹膜
    下载 iristrackinggpu.apk

    11.KNIFT (Template-based Feature Matching)
    下载 templatematchingcpu.apk
    MediaPipe KNIFT is a template-based feature matching solution using KNIFT (Keypoint Neural Invariant Feature Transform).

    MediaPipe KNIFT是一种基于模板的特征匹配解决方案,使用KNIFT(Keypoint Neural Invariant feature Transform)。

    12.Object Detection
    下载 objectdetectiongpu.apk

    13.Objectron (3D Object Detection) 三维目标检测
    下载 Objectron (3D Object Detection) 三维目标检测.zip

    14.Pose 姿势跟踪
    下载 posetrackinggpu.apk

    版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「煞比猫」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaohi/p/15518999.html
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