home_brand( 品牌):
home_brand_manual_pdf (品牌pdf手册):
home_brand_manual_pdf |
brand_shuomingshu |
home_brand |
id |
pdfId |
brandId |
id(很重要) | |
name |
pdfName |
url |
url |
downloadUrl |
downloadUrl |
site |
site | |
appId |
appId |
path |
pdfPath |
siteMemo |
memo |
size |
pdfSize |
error |
pdfError | |
totals |
pdfTotals | |
check |
pdfCheck | |
text |
pdfText | |
status |
pdfStatus | |
createUser |
createUser |
createDate |
createDate |
updateDate |
updateDate |
updateUser |
updateUser |
brandId列的值: 通过brand_shuomingshu.brandName到home_brand表中,根据name查询,得到brand信息,将对应的id,作为home_brand_manual_pdf.brandId
(2)过滤条件brand_shuomingshu表:status > 0 and pdfStatus > 0(即只需要将该条件下的数据迁移到brand_shuomingshu中)
BEGIN -- 需要定义接收游标数据的变量 DECLARE idp VARCHAR(255); DECLARE brandIdp VARCHAR(255); DECLARE namep VARCHAR(1000); DECLARE urlp VARCHAR(1000); DECLARE downloadUrlp VARCHAR(1000); DECLARE sitep VARCHAR(255); DECLARE appIdp VARCHAR(255); DECLARE pathp VARCHAR(255); DECLARE siteMemop VARCHAR(255); DECLARE sizep BIGINT(255); DECLARE errorp VARCHAR(255); DECLARE totalsp int(10); DECLARE checkp int(11); DECLARE textp int(11); DECLARE statusp TINYINT(255); DECLARE createUserp VARCHAR(255); DECLARE createDatep TIMESTAMP; DECLARE updateDatep TIMESTAMP; DECLARE updateUserp VARCHAR(255); -- 遍历数据结束标志 DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE cur CURSOR FOR SELECT brand_shuomingshu.pdfId AS id, home_brand.id AS brandId, brand_shuomingshu.pdfName AS `name`, brand_shuomingshu.url AS url, brand_shuomingshu.downloadUrl AS downloadUrl, brand_shuomingshu.site AS site, brand_shuomingshu.appId AS appId, brand_shuomingshu.pdfPath As path, brand_shuomingshu.memo AS siteMemo, brand_shuomingshu.pdfSize AS size, brand_shuomingshu.pdfError AS error, brand_shuomingshu.pdfTotals AS totals, brand_shuomingshu.pdfCheck AS `check`, brand_shuomingshu.pdfText AS text, brand_shuomingshu.pdfStatus AS `status`, brand_shuomingshu.createUser AS createUser, brand_shuomingshu.createDate AS createDate, brand_shuomingshu.updateUser AS updateUser, brand_shuomingshu.updateDate AS updateDate from brand_shuomingshu,home_brand where brand_shuomingshu.brandName = home_brand.`name` AND brand_shuomingshu.`status` >0 AND brand_shuomingshu.pdfStatus>0; -- 将结束标志绑定到游标 DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE; -- 打开游标 OPEN cur; -- 开始循环 read_loop: LOOP -- 提取游标里的数据 FETCH cur INTO idp,brandIdp,namep,urlp,downloadUrlp,sitep,appIdp,pathp,siteMemop,sizep,errorp,totalsp,checkp,textp,statusp,createUserp,createDatep,updateUserp,updateDatep; -- 声明结束的时候 IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; -- 这里做你想做的循环的事件 INSERT INTO home_brand_manual_pdf VALUES (idp,brandIdp,namep,urlp,downloadUrlp,sitep,appIdp,pathp,siteMemop,sizep,errorp,totalsp,checkp,textp,statusp,createUserp,createDatep,updateUserp,updateDatep); END LOOP; -- 关闭游标 CLOSE cur; END
然后执行该存储过程call test即可