Following are the list of Important MM tables. Please check if its useful.
|Master Data:
| | Table | Description |TCODE |
|Common Data | T023 |Mat. groups | |
| | T156 |Movement type | |
| | T157H |Help Texts for Movement Types | |
| | T161T |Texts for Purchasing Document Types | |
| | | | |
|Organization Data | T001W |Plants/Branches | |
| | T001L |Storage Locations |OX09 |
| | T024 |Purchasing Groups | |
| | T024W |Valid Purchasing Organizations for Plant | |
| | | | |
|Vendor Master Data:
| | Table | Description |TCODE |
| |LFA1 |Vendor Master (General section) |MK01 |
| |LFB1 |Vendor Master (Company Code) | |
| | | | |
|Material Master Data:
| | Table | Description |TCODE |
| Materials | MARA | General Data, material type, group, |MM01 |
| | | configurable & batch ind. | |
| | MAKT | Short Texts, descriptions | |
| | MARM | Conversion Factors(unit) | |
| | MVKE | Sales Data for materials | |
| | MLAN | Sales data, tax indicator, tax | |
| Plant Level | | | |
| | MARC | Plant Data for Materia(classification) | |
| | MBEW | Plant Planning Data(Material Valuation) | |
| | MLGN | Valuation Data | |
| | MLGT | Warehouse Management Inventory Data | |
| | MVER | Material Consumption | |
| | MAPR | Material Index for Forecast | |
| | MCHA | Batches | |
| Storage Level | | | |
| | MARD | Storage Location Data for Material | |
| | MCHB | Storage location data with stock(Batch) | |
| | MVER | Material Consumption | |
| | | | |
|Link: |
| Plant ,Storage Locations, |
|Inventory Management:
| | Table | Description |TCODE |
| Purchase Information | EINA | Purchasing Info Record: General Data |ME1L,ME1M |
| Record | EINE | Purchasing Info Record- Purchasing Organization Data | |
| | KONH | Conditions(Header)(KNUMH) | |
| | KONP | Conditions(Items) | |
| | | | |
| Purchase Requisition(PR) | EBAN | Purchase Requisition |ME51N |
| | EBKN | Purchase Requisition Account Assignment | |
| | | | |
|ME59: PR--->PO
| Request for Quation(RFQ)| EKKO | Purchasing Document Header |ME21N |
| | EKPO | Purchasing Document Item | |
| | EKKN | Account Assignment in Purchasing Document | |
| | EKET | Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines | |
| | EKET | Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines | |
| | EINA | EKPO-INFNR--->EINA (Reference Purchase Info Record)| |
| | EKAB | Release Documentation | |
| | EKBE | History per Purchasing Document | |
| | | | |
| Purchase Document(PO) | EKKO | Purchasing Document Header |ME21N |
| | EKPO | Purchasing Document Item | |
| | EKKN | Account Assignment in Purchasing Document | |
| | EKET | Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines | |
| | EKET | Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines | |
| | EINA | EKPO-INFNR--->EINA (Reference Purchase Info Record)| |
| | EKAB | Release Documentation | |
| | EKBE | History per Purchasing Document | |
| | | | |
| Material Document/ | MSEG | Material document / transaction details |MIGO |
| Movements(Good Receipt)| MKPF | Material document header information | |
| | | | |
| Material Document/ | BKPF | Material document / transaction details |MIGO |
| Movements | BSEG | Material document header information | |
| (Invoice Verification) | | | |
| | MSEG | | |
| | MKPF | | |
| | | | |
| Vender Payment | BKPF | Material document / transaction details |FB60 |
| | BSEG | Material document header information | |
| | | | |
|Reservation |RKPF |Document Header- Reservation |MB21 |
| |RESB |Reservation/dependent requirements | |
| | | | |
| Physical Inventory | IKPF | Header: Physical Inventory Document |MI01 |
| Document | ISEG | Physical Inventory Document Items | |
| | | | |
| Material Stock Balances | MARD | Material stock | |
| | MBEW | Material stock with valuation | |
| | | | |
| Sales Order Stock | MSKA | Stock balance with associated sales order data | |
| | | | |
| Stock Transport | EKUB | Index for Stock Transport Orders for | |
| | MDUB | Material | |
| | | Reading View of Stock Transport Ord. for Release Ord| |
| | | | |
| Special Stocks | MKOL | Consignment, material provided to vendor, etc. | |
| | | | |
| MM:Logistics Information Warehouse
| | Table | Description |TCODE |
| | S011 | PURCHIS: Purchasing Group Statistics | |
| | S012 | Purchasing | |
| | S013 | PURCHIS: Statistics for Vendor Evaluation | |
| | S031 | Statistics: Movements for current stocks | |
| | S032 | Statistics: Current Stock and Grouping Terms | |
| | | | |
MAST Material to BOM Link
MOFF Lists what views have not been created
A501 Plant/Material
NRIV Number range intervals