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  • 微博回调接口


    1.1 oauth/urls.py中添加路由

    urlpatterns = [    
        path('weibo/callback/', views.OauthWeiboCallback.as_view()),  
        # /oauth/weibo/callback/ 

    1.2 oauth/views.py中添加试图函数

    from user.models import User
    from .models import OauthUser
    from rest_framework_jwt.serializers import jwt_payload_handler,jwt_encode_handler
    from user.utils import jwt_response_payload_handler
    class OauthWeiboCallback(APIView): 
        # 自定义权限类 permission_classes = (AllowAny,)
        def post(self, request): 
        # 接收vue端传过来的code(微博的用户code) 
        # 1.使用微博用户code+微博开发者账号信息换取微博的认证access_token 
            code = request.data.get('code') 
            data = { 
                'client_id': '3516473472', 
                'client_secret': '7862ee35a0dc6f0345d0464dc34f14fc', 
                'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 
                'code': code, 
                'redirect_uri': '',  } 
            url = 'https://api.weibo.com/oauth2/access_token' 
            data = requests.post(url=url, data=data).json()# 拿取请求的返回结果 
            access_token = data.get('uid')  # 获取到的微博token 
            weibo_uid = data.get('access_token')  # 获取到少码用户的id
            # 2. 根据uid 查询绑定情况 
                oauth_user =OauthUser.objects.get(uid=weibo_uid, oauth_type='1')
            except Exception as e: 
                oauth_user = None 
            # 返回动作,  登录成功/需要绑定用户 type 0 登录成功,  1, 授权成功, 需要绑定 
            if oauth_user: 
            # 4. 如果绑定了, 返回token, 登录成功 
                user = oauth_user.user
                payload = jwt_payload_handler(user) 
                token = jwt_encode_handler(payload) 
                # jwt_response_payload_handler为user模块定义的jwt返回的信息 
                data = jwt_response_payload_handler(token, user)
                data['type'] = '0'  # 指定为登录成功 
                return Response({'code': 0, 'msg': '登录成功', 'data': data}) 
                # 5. 如果没绑定, 返回标志, 让前端跳转到绑定页面
                return Response({'code': 0, 'msg': '授权成功', 'data': {'type': '1', 'uid': weibo_uid}})

    1.3 oauth/models.py中添加用户绑定模型

    # 把三方的用户信息,和本地的用户信息进行绑定
    class OauthUser(models.Model):
        OAUTHTYPE = (
                        ('1', 'weibo'),
                        ('2', 'weixin'),
        uid = models.CharField('三方用户id', max_length=64)
        # 三方用户id
        user = models.ForeignKey('user.User', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
        # 本地用户外键,关联User表
        oauth_type = models.CharField('认证类型', max_length=10, choices=OAUTHTYPE)
        # 1,2 ...

    1.4 迁移数据库

    python manager.py makemigrations

    python manager.py migrate

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaoxiamiaichiyu/p/13797662.html
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