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class="news-content"> <div class="part1"> <a href="#" class="show-content" target="_blank"> @大脸撑在小胸:刚在以色列大使馆经历史上最严的安检。过完常规扫描还有二 次安检,包里所有东西都掏出来,唇膏拧开,粉盒打开,润喉糖打开,钱包里所有卡和钱摸 一遍,纸巾摸一遍,包包链子每一个扣都仔细摸过。对方一直说还有东西但找不到,我都慌 了以为被人偷放了,最后终于从小袋角落摸出一颗不知何时掉的维生素。 </a> <span class="content-source">-ww4.sinaimg.cn</span> <a href="#" class="n2"> <span class="content-kind">42区</span> </a> </div> <div class="part2"> <a href="#" class="recommend" title="推荐"> <span class="hand-icon icon-recommend"></span> <b>4</b> </a> <a href="javascript:;" class="discuss"> <span class="hand-icon icon-discuss"></span> <b>5</b> </a> <a href="javascript:;" class="collect" title="加入私藏"> <span class="hand-icon icon-collect"></span> <b>私藏</b> </a> <a href="#" class="user-a"> <span> <img src="images/13.png"> </span> <b>乱太郎</b> </a> <span class="left time-into"> <a class="time-a" href="#" target="_blank"> <b>4分钟前</b> </a> <i>入热榜</i> </span> <!-- 分享各微博的按钮 --> <span class="share-site-to"> <i>分享到</i> <span class="share-icon"> <a 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