一、Spark WordCount动手实践
我们通过Spark WordCount动手实践,编写单词计数代码;在wordcount.scala的基础上,从数据流动的视角深入分析Spark RDD的数据处理过程。
Hello Spark Hello Scala Hello Hadoop Hello Flink Spark is Awesome
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf import org.apache.spark.SparkContext object wordcount { def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { // 第1步:创建Spark的配置对象SparkConf,设置Spark程序运行时的配置信息, val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("My First Spark APP").setMaster("local") // 第2步:创建SparkContext对象 val sc = new SparkContext(conf) // 第3步:根据具体的数据来源来创建RDD val lines = sc.textFile("helloSpark.txt", 1) // 第4步:对初始的RDD进行Transformation级别的处理,如通过map、filter等 val words = lines.flatMap{line=>line.split(" ")} val pairs = words.map{word=>(word,1)} val wordCountsOdered = pairs.reduceByKey(_+_).map( pair=>(pair._2,pair._1) ).sortByKey(false).map(pair=>(pair._2,pair._1)) wordCountsOdered.collect.foreach(wordNumberPair=>println(wordNumberPair._1+" : "+wordNumberPair._2)) sc.stop() } }
/** * Read a text file from HDFS, a local file system (available on all nodes), or any * Hadoop-supported file system URI, and return it as an RDD of Strings. */ def textFile( path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[String] = withScope { assertNotStopped() hadoopFile(path, classOf[TextInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[Text], minPartitions).map(pair => pair._2.toString).setName(path) }
下面看一下hadoopFile的源码,HadoopRDD从Hdfs上读取分布式数据,并且以数据分片的方式存在于集群中。所谓的数据分片,就是把我们要处理的数据分成不同的部分,例如,在集群中有4个节点,粗略的划分可以认为将数据分成4个部分,4条语句就分成4个部分。例如,Hello Spark在第一台机器上,Hello Hadoop在第二台机器上,Hello Flink在第三台机器上,Spark is Awesome在第四台机器上。HadoopRDD帮助我们从磁盘上读取数据,计算的时候会分布式地放入内存中,Spark运行在Hadoop上,要借助Hadoop来读取数据。
def hadoopFile[K, V]( path: String, inputFormatClass: Class[_ <: InputFormat[K, V]], keyClass: Class[K], valueClass: Class[V], minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[(K, V)] = withScope { assertNotStopped() // This is a hack to enforce loading hdfs-site.xml. // See SPARK-11227 for details. FileSystem.getLocal(hadoopConfiguration) // A Hadoop configuration can be about 10 KB, which is pretty big, so broadcast it. val confBroadcast = broadcast(new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConfiguration)) val setInputPathsFunc = (jobConf: JobConf) => FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, path) new HadoopRDD( this, confBroadcast, Some(setInputPathsFunc), inputFormatClass, keyClass, valueClass, minPartitions).setName(path) }
SparkContext.scala的textFile源码中,调用hadoopFile方法后进行了map转换操作,map对读取的每一行数据进行转换,读入的数据是一个Tuple,Key值为索引,Value值为每行数据的内容,生成MapPartitionsRDD。这里,map(pair => pair._2.toString)是基于HadoopRDD产生的Partition去掉的行Key产生的Value,第二个元素是读取的每行数据内容。MapPartitionsRDD是Spark框架产生的,运行中可能产生一个RDD,也可能产生两个RDD。例如,textFile中Spark框架就产生了两个RDD,即HadoopRDD和MapPartitionsRDD。下面是map的源码。
/** * Return a new RDD by applying a function to all elements of this RDD. */ def map[U: ClassTag](f: T => U): RDD[U] = withScope { val cleanF = sc.clean(f) new MapPartitionsRDD[U, T](this, (context, pid, iter) => iter.map(cleanF)) }
我们再来看一下WordCount业务代码,对读取的每行数据进行flatMap转换。这里,flatMap对RDD中的每一个Partition的每一行数据内容进行单词切分,如有4个Partition分别进行单词切分,将“Hello Spark”切分成单词“Hello”和“Spark”,对每一个Partition中的每一行进行单词切分并合并成一个大的单词实例的集合。flatMap转换生成的仍然是MapPartitionsRDD:
/** * Return a new RDD by first applying a function to all elements of this * RDD, and then flattening the results. */ def flatMap[U: ClassTag](f: T => TraversableOnce[U]): RDD[U] = withScope { val cleanF = sc.clean(f) new MapPartitionsRDD[U, T](this, (context, pid, iter) => iter.flatMap(cleanF)) }
继续WordCount业务代码,计数之后进行一个关键的reduceByKey操作,对全局的数据进行计数统计。reduceByKey对相同的Key进行Value的累计(包括Local和Reducer级别,同时Reduce)。reduceByKey在MapPartitionsRDD之后,在Local reduce级别本地进行了统计,这里也是MapPartitionsRDD。例如,在本地将(Hello,1),(Spark,1),(Hello,1),(Scala,1)汇聚成(Hello,2),(Spark,1),(Scala,1)。
Shuffle之前的Local Reduce操作主要负责本地局部统计,并且把统计以后的结果按照分区策略放到不同的file。举一个简单的例子,如果下一个阶段Stage是3个并行度,每个Partition进行local reduce以后,将自己的数据分成3种类型,最简单的方式是根据HashCode按3取模。
/** * Merge the values for each key using an associative and commutative reduce function. This will * also perform the merging locally on each mapper before sending results to a reducer, similarly * to a "combiner" in MapReduce. Output will be hash-partitioned with the existing partitioner/ * parallelism level. */ def reduceByKey(func: (V, V) => V): RDD[(K, V)] = self.withScope { reduceByKey(defaultPartitioner(self), func) }
至此,前面所有的操作都是一个Stage,一个Stage意味着什么:完全基于内存操作。父Stage:Stage内部的操作是基于内存迭代的,也可以进行Cache,这样速度快很多。不同于Hadoop的Map Redcue,Hadoop Map Redcue每次都要经过磁盘。
reduceByKey在Local reduce本地汇聚以后生成的MapPartitionsRDD仍属于父Stage;然后reduceByKey展开真正的Shuffle操作,Shuffle是Spark甚至整个分布式系统的性能瓶颈,Shuffle产生ShuffleRDD,ShuffledRDD就变成另一个Stage,为什么是变成另外一个Stage?因为要网络传输,网络传输不能在内存中进行迭代。
/** * Merge the values for each key using an associative and commutative reduce function. This will * also perform the merging locally on each mapper before sending results to a reducer, similarly * to a "combiner" in MapReduce. */ def reduceByKey(partitioner: Partitioner, func: (V, V) => V): RDD[(K, V)] = self.withScope { combineByKeyWithClassTag[V]((v: V) => v, func, func, partitioner) }
reduceByKey内部调用了combineByKeyWithClassTag方法。下面看一下PairRDDFunctions. scala的combineByKeyWithClassTag的源码。
def combineByKeyWithClassTag[C]( createCombiner: V => C, mergeValue: (C, V) => C, mergeCombiners: (C, C) => C, partitioner: Partitioner, mapSideCombine: Boolean = true, serializer: Serializer = null)(implicit ct: ClassTag[C]): RDD[(K, C)] = self.withScope { require(mergeCombiners != null, "mergeCombiners must be defined") // required as of Spark 0.9.0 if (keyClass.isArray) { if (mapSideCombine) { throw new SparkException("Cannot use map-side combining with array keys.") } if (partitioner.isInstanceOf[HashPartitioner]) { throw new SparkException("Default partitioner cannot partition array keys.") } } val aggregator = new Aggregator[K, V, C]( self.context.clean(createCombiner), self.context.clean(mergeValue), self.context.clean(mergeCombiners)) if (self.partitioner == Some(partitioner)) { self.mapPartitions(iter => { val context = TaskContext.get() new InterruptibleIterator(context, aggregator.combineValuesByKey(iter, context)) }, preservesPartitioning = true) } else { new ShuffledRDD[K, V, C](self, partitioner) .setSerializer(serializer) .setAggregator(aggregator) .setMapSideCombine(mapSideCombine) } }
/** * Save this RDD as a text file, using string representations of elements. */ def saveAsTextFile(path: String): Unit = withScope { // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2075 // // NullWritable is a `Comparable` in Hadoop 1.+, so the compiler cannot find an implicit // Ordering for it and will use the default `null`. However, it's a `Comparable[NullWritable]` // in Hadoop 2.+, so the compiler will call the implicit `Ordering.ordered` method to create an // Ordering for `NullWritable`. That's why the compiler will generate different anonymous // classes for `saveAsTextFile` in Hadoop 1.+ and Hadoop 2.+. // // Therefore, here we provide an explicit Ordering `null` to make sure the compiler generate // same bytecodes for `saveAsTextFile`. val nullWritableClassTag = implicitly[ClassTag[NullWritable]] val textClassTag = implicitly[ClassTag[Text]] val r = this.mapPartitions { iter => val text = new Text() iter.map { x => text.set(x.toString) (NullWritable.get(), text) } } RDD.rddToPairRDDFunctions(r)(nullWritableClassTag, textClassTag, null) .saveAsHadoopFile[TextOutputFormat[NullWritable, Text]](path) }
RDD.scala的saveAsTextFile方法中的iter.map {x=>text.set(x.toString) (NullWritable.get(), text)},这里,key转换成Null,value就是内容本身(Hello,4)。saveAsHadoopFile中的TextOutputFormat要求输出的是key-value的格式,而我们处理的是内容。回顾一下,之前我们在textFile读入数据的时候,读入split分片将key去掉了,计算的是value。因此,输出时,须将丢失的key重新弄进来,这里key对我们没有意义,但key对Spark框架有意义,只有value对我们有意义。第一次计算的时候我们把key丢弃了,所以最后往HDFS写结果的时候需要生成key,这符合对称法则和能量守恒形式。